牛津高三Module10 Unit1 教学资源 Word power(译林牛津版高三英语选修十教案教学设计)


1. The word industry refers to all the business involved in supplying a certain product or service.(P6) 行业这个词是指供应某一产品或服务的所有职业。

refer to

to talk or write about someone or something, especially briefly: 提及

In her autobiography she occasionally refers to her unhappy schooldays.

He always refers to the house as his "refuge".

If writing or information refers to someone or something, it relates to that person or thing: 涉及.指

The new salary scale only refers to company managers and directors.

Keats is referring to epic poetry when he mentions Homer's 'proud demesne'.



The new law does not refer to farm land.



1. (07天津)

Most of us know we should cut down on fat, but knowing such things isn’t much help when it __________shopping and eating.

A. refers to B. speaks of C. focuses on D. comes to


The president spoke at the business meeting for nearly an hour without _________ his notes.

A.bringing up B.referring to C.looking for D.trying on

答案及解析:1.D. When it comes to …是固定句型, 意思是“说到。。。时”。

2.B. refer to his note :参考他的笔记。

2. They have worked hard and hope that the company will grow over the next few years.(P7) 他们工作得很努力,希望公司在接下来的几年能有所发展。


prep. during something, or while doing something: 在……的过程当中.

I was in Seattle over the summer.

Shall we discuss it over lunch/over a drink?

They took/spent an hour over lunch (= Their meal lasted an hour).

It's fascinating to watch how a baby changes and develops over time (= as time passes).


(03 北京春季)

They had a pleasant chat _______ a cup of coffee.

A.for B.with C.during D.over

答案及解析:D. 他们边喝咖啡边进行了愉快的聊天.