

Module 2 Unit 1

I. 翻译词组:

1. 加紧搜索

2. 在吃午饭时露面

3. 感到害怕

4. 编造如此令人惊异的故事

5. 负责这起案件

6. 播放他最喜欢的CD

7. 做有关……的研究

8. 听到一架飞机飞过

9. 在外面呆的很晚

10. 对……表现出极大的兴趣

11. 先进的科学技术

12. 建造金字塔的理由

13. 相信无法解释的事情

14. 因为头疼

15. 拉开窗帘

16. 径直走到他的房间

17. 据kelly所说

18. 失踪

19. 梦想做某事

20. 进行宇宙探索

II. 考点聚焦

21. 从……分离

22. 打捞

23. 保护……免受 .

24. 进行一次调查

25. 采访某人

26. 一次;每次

27. 避免做某事

28. 一条信息

29. 得出结论

30. 轮流做某事

31. 被分成

32. 愿意做某事

33. 与…联系起来

34. 详细的信息

35. 挑选信息

36. 呈现、阐述你的想法

37. 设计一份调查问卷

38. 分配不同的任务

39. 对……自信

40. 改进,提高

search for The young lady has been searching for her lost necklace.

1. search search … for … 警察搜查树林寻找逃跑的囚犯______________________________

in search of… 他到厨房去找点喝的。______________________________

in the /one’s search for…

①到期(应偿付、付给或举行等)My salary is due tomorrow.

2.due ②定于(某时)到达/做(某事)Mary is due to leave at two o’clock.

③due to (1)(作表语/定语)应属于、应给予Any money that is due to you will be paid before the end of the month.

(2)(作表语/状语)由于、归功于He arrived late due to the storm.

比较: due to / because of / owing to / thanks to

Eg: Their failure is largely ______________________a lack of care and attention.

Our flight was delayed ,_____________________ the bad weather.

3. run into




①make up a story _________________________

②Seven members make up a group.________________________

4. make up ③make up (for) lost time ________________________

④make up one’s face ________________________

⑤Why don’t you make (it) up with her?_____________________

⑥make up a bottle of cough medicine _______________________

make out ①勉强分辨出……②理解……③ (事物)顺利进行(with…)


I just make out the writing.___________________________________

5.in return (for…)



Bill gave Jane a book for Christmas and ______________________________________________.

6. rule out


7. put on

① (→take off) put on your coat ② put on his favourite CD

③ put on performances ④ put on weight

⑤put on a look of not caring

8. show up


笔迹在黄纸上不太显眼。The writing didn’t very well on yellow paper.

You are always showing me up in front of my friends.

I decide to show up this deception.(骗局)___________________________________

9.become convinced convince sb/oneself of sth. convince sb that… convinced sb to do

be convinced of /that….




Possibly we’ll meet again soon.

1. There is some possibility that we’ll meet again soon.

It is possible that we’ll meet again soon.

2. It could have made its way to other parts of the world and lived on until today.





3. Yetis are said to be heavily built and hairy.=It is said that Yetis are heavily built and hairy.


IV. 基础训练


1. The old man said the accident _______ careless driving, so a lot of money________ be paid by the driver.

A. was due to; was due to B. due to; was due to C. is due to; was due to D. is due to; was dued to

2. He had no choice but to _________ an excuse to explain his being late.

A. make out B. make up C. make up for D. make over

3. The _______ are ten to one that we’ll win the match.

A. opportunities B. possibility C. chances D. ability

4. ―Have you worked out when the final payment is _______? ―Early next month.

A. found B. come C. due D. practical

5. Mr. Wang, who _____ in this city ever since thirty years ago, _____ a report for the last two years.

A. has lived; had prepared B. has been living; has been preparing

C. lived; has been preparing D. has been living; has prepared

6. He _______ me five dollars for it, but at first he said to me the work would be done ______.

A. charged ; free of charge B. charged for ; charged for nothing

C. charged ; out of the charge D. charged to ; free of the charge

7. When _____, the man said he went home at 2:00 a.m., _____ and only _____ his house broken into.

A. asked; tired; to find B. asking; tired; finding C. asked; tiredly; to find D. asking; tired; finding

8. Many policemen and soldiers are ______ the forest _____ the prisoner escaping from prison.

A. searching for; searching B. searching; searching C. searching; in search of D. in search for; searching for

9. You can go to the newspaper library and _____ any information you need for your new story.

A. look for B. look up C. look at D. look into

10. Don’t turn round. Go ______ this street till you see the school.

A. down B. to C. straightly D. straight

11. Give them a hand this time and I am sure they will offer theirs ______ in the future.

A. by turns B. in turn C. at turn D. in return

12. -Could I borrow that newspaper for a few moments? - _________.

A. No way B. Yes. You could C. No chance D. By all means

13. Xi’an is ______ most beautiful tourist city and I believe I’ll come for _______ second time.

A. the; a B. a; a C. the; the D. a; the

14. Shall we _______ our discussion and have some tea or coffee?

A. break down B. break off C. break into D. break out

15. The happy children were making _______ the coast, where they would see the sea for the first time in their lives.

A. their way in B. their ways to C. their way in D. their way to

16. As time went on, the police _______ their search for the _______ student.

A. stepped up; missed B. stayed up; losing

C. stepped up; missing D. stayed up; lost

17. What she _______ is really _______. Now her teacher is _______ her.

A. does; disappointing; disappointed at B. has done; disappointing; disappointed about

C. does; disappointed; disappointed about D. has done; disappointing; disappointed with

18. All the books that have been contributed by the neighborhood are said ________ to the

city public library the other day.

A. being sent B. to be sent

C. having been sent D. to have been sent

19. After _______ the area for three hours, the police found the truck near a river.

A. searching B. searching for C. in search for D. looking for

20 I didn’t see her in the meeting room. She _________ at the meeting.

A. mustn’t have spoke B. shouldn’t have spoken

C. needn’t have spoken D. couldn’t have spoke



rule out ; on average ; make progress;make one’s way; show up;

take charge of ; run into; step up; be full of;take away

1. When she looked at him her eyes _______________tears.

2. Graham was very happy as he _____________someone he used to know at school the other day.

3. Following the bomb explosion, security has been ____________at the air port.

4. We were expecting thirty people to come, but half of them never________________.

5. This recent wave of terrorism has __________ any chance of peace talks.

6. His boss asked him to ____________the office for a few days while she was away.

7. Supermarkets are ________business _________- from small local shops.

8. I’m not ___________with my Spanish so I’m afraid that I can’t catch up with others.

9. _______________there are 60 students in a class in our school.

10. It’s getting late – we should __________________home soon.


Lose-Win is weak. It’s easy to get stepped on. It’s easy to be the nice guy. It’s easy to give in, all in the name of being a peacemaker.

A girl named Jenny once told me about her 16 in the world of Lose-Win during her eighth-grade year before she finally broke 17 :

My 18 with my mom all started one day 19 she said to me sarcastically (讽刺地) “Wow, you’re surely lively today.” I 20 it so literally (字面地) that then and there I decided to close off from her and never 21 back to her. So every time she would say something 22 I disagreed with her I would just say. “Okay, 23 you want, Mom.” But I really got cold quickly. And my 24 began to build. One night I talked to my mom about the school homework and she said, “Oh, that’s 25 ” and then went back to mop the floor.

“Don’t you ever 26 ?” I thought. But I didn’t say anything and stormed off. She had no idea I was 27 upset. She would have been willing to talk to me had I 28 her bow important it was to me.

At last I just blew up. “Mom, this has got to 29 . You tell me everything you want me to do and I just do it because it’s 30 than if fighting. Well, I’m sick of it.” This all came as a 31 to her.

After my blow up, we felt like we were 32 all over in our relationship. But it’s getting better all the lime. We discuss things now and I always 33 my feelings with her.

If you adopt Lose-Win as your basic 34 toward life, then people will wipe their dirty feet on you. You’ll also be 35 your true feelings deep inside. And that’s not healthy.

16. A. wanderings B. disappointment C. lessons D. helplessness

17. A. out B. down C. up D. free

18. A. relationship B. problems C. quarrels D. improvement

19. A. as B. since C. when D. before

20. A. regarded B. treated C. received D. took

21. A. fight B. struggle C. talk D. turn

22. A. even if B. only if C. which D. as though

23. A. however B. whatever C. so much D. too much

24. A. coldness B. anger C. disagreement D. hope

25. A. true B. impossible C. nice D. important

26. A. care B. see C. say D. listen

27. A. also B. still C. even D. already

28. A. warned B. shown C. asked D. told

29. A. end B. change C. last D. stop

30. A. worse B. easier C. more D. less

31. A. surprise B. pleasure C. gift D. harm

32. A. going B. starting C. thinking D. reviewing

33. A. share B. have C. discuss D. improve

34. A. way B. method C. attitude D. theory

35. A. hurting B. waking C. storing D. hiding