Unit 2 lesson 3 reading & writing 自主学案(北师大版高一英语必修一学案设计)


Lesson 3 Sports Stars

Ⅰ. Read the text quickly and match the topic of each paragraph.





Ⅱ. Pair work: fill in the blanks with proper words or phrases from the text with the help of clues(提示).

1. Liu Xiang broke the world record and became the world in the 110 meters hurdle race competition(比赛).(Para.1)

2. Wang Hao always Wang Li-qin in many table tennis

Competitions(比赛). (Para.3)

3. Besides playing tennis, William sisters have working in design. (Para.3)

4. The meeting lasted for 3 hours and when it everyone felt tired. (Para.3)

5. John is in his lessons and he has got a better grade. (Para.4)

Ⅲ.Read the text and do the true or false exercises.

1.The two sisters plan to take up(从事)tennis career all their lives.

2. In big games the two sisters seldom played each other.

3. The two sisters have no common hobby except tennis.

4. Williams’ parents played an important part in their success.

5. The sisters’ father is good at tennis.

6. If one of them loses the game in their match, the other does the dishes.

Ⅳ. Discuss in group of four and introduce your favorite sports stars from 4 aspects and try to use as many words in this lesson as possible.

Introduction: (name, date of birth, sports) …

Childhood/Training/Study: …be born

Achievements: the national/… team,

Your comments(评论): I think…/ in my opinion…/

…brilliant, excellent, fast, skillful, strong, successful, hard-working,

His/her success/talents(才能)/

hard work wins my honor,

Learning something from him /her.