高考一轮复习学案:模块1 Unit 2 Growing pains学生背诵的.doc(译林牛津版高考复习英语必修一教案教学设计)




explain---explanation behave---behavior punish--- punishment

bore--- bored--- boring mix---mixture insist--- insistence

value-valuable-valueless argue--- argument free---freely---freedom


1. 打开/拉上窗帘 open/draw the curtain

2. 迫不及待干某事can’t wait to do sth.

3.(音量)调高 ;出现,露面turn up

4.比预期的早一天a day earlier than expected

5.应当,应该做某事be supposed to do sth.

6. 处理 deal with

7. 混乱/一团糟be (in) a mess

8.某人负责、掌管某事in charge (of)

9.双臂交叉 have the arms crossed

10.免受惩罚go unpunished

11.(灯)熄灭go ou

12.相信某人trust sb. /have trust in//believe in sb.

13.对……苛刻、严厉be hard on sb/ be strict with

14.以对话的形式in the form of a dialogue

15.对……粗鲁be rude to sb.

16.与某人争论某事argue about sth. with sb.

17.浪费时间a waste of time/ waste time doing sth.

18.强迫某人做某事force sb. to do sth.( into doing sth. )

19.因为某事而大笑have a good laugh over

20.对……感到紧张be nervous about

21.为……自豪 be proud of/ take pride in

22.熬夜stay up

23.毕竟、终究after all

24.向…抱怨某事complain to sb. about sth.

25.采纳某人的意见 take one’s advice

26.把房间弄整洁 get the room tidied up

27.产生一点差别make a bit of difference

28.在网吧 in the Internet cafe

29.整理,收拾 clear up

30.牢记keep sth in mind

31.坚持做insist on doing sth.

32.禁止某人做某事forbid sb. to do sth./ from doing sth.

33.架起沟通代沟的桥梁使得相处更融洽bridge the generation gap and get along better

34.解决问题 fix the problem

35在休假on vacation

36.在某人的业余时间里in one’s spare time


an unpleasant experience with sb.

38.be angry with /at sb (at/ about sth.)

39deserve to know the truth

40.run out of/ run out

41.differ in many small ways

42.get the gist of

43.mix up

44.be upset with sb. over sth.

45.deal with sth. early on

46.ask for some help/advice

46.at the moment

48.refuse to do sth.

49.at present

50.fight like crazy.


1.Eric runs in after the soccer ball, followed by a big dog, walking very slowly.

2.You weren’t supposed to come home until tomorrow.

3.The money with which you were to buy dog food is gone

4.The room is a mess, with pizza boxes on the floor and dirty dishes in the sink.

5.There are pieces of garbage and waste paper around the trash can.

6.Eric sits on his bed looking at Daniel, who has his arms crossed and looks angry.

7.Dialogues are meant to be read aloud and often use less formal language than other types of writing.

8.Also, every time I watch a DVD he sends me to bed or tells me to spend more time studying.



turn up the radio/gas 把(收音机、电视机、煤气 )开大

turn up the trouser legs/ the coat collar (卷起)

turn up (出现,露面)

2. suppose

suppose/supposing/given/provided 假定conj.

suppose sb.( to be)+ n. /adj.

I suppose so.

I don’t suppose so.= I suppose not.

be(not)supposed to do / be doing sth.

was/ were supposed to do

was were supposed to have done

--- I can’t remember the book.

--- Well, you were supposed ______ it yesterday.

A. to read B. to have read C. reading D. having read


With so many people______________ (communicate) in English every day, it will become more and more important to have a good knowledge.

With everything he needed __________________(buy ),he went into the store.

With everything he needed ________________(buy ), he left the store.

With my key _____________ (lose), I couldn’t enter my room.

I went out with the window _____________ (open).

She said good-bye with tears in her eyes.

He left the room with the light still on.


4. have


have sb do sth.

get sb to do sth

have/ get sb./sth doing

have /get sb./ sth. done

have sth. to do

get hurt/ married/drunk/paid…

5. expect的用法

expect sth.

expect sth. from sb.

expect to do

expect too much of sb.

expect there to be

expect that+从句

…than expected

6. charge

be in charge of

in the charge of +in one’s charge

take charge of

charge money for sth.

be charged with

7. leave

leave sb./ sth. + n. /adj./ adv./ doing/to do/ done/ 介词短语

The parents died , leaving him an orphan.

Don’t leave all the windows open.

He left all the lights on.

He left me waiting in the rain.

Don’t leave me to explain to them.

He will never leave the work half done.

Don’t leave the child alone at home.

leave for

ask for leave

on leave

a six-week leave

sth. left= the remaining sth


It is my fault that we are late.

I like him despite his faults.

find fault with sb./sth 找……的茬,挑……的毛病

find fault in 看出……的缺点

It is my _______ that I didn’t point out the _____________ you made


deserve +n./ pron./ inf./ doing/ clause: be worthy of 值得,应当受到

This question deserves a further discussion.

= This question deserves to be discussed further.

= This question deserves discussing further.