模块8 Unit 4 词组和句型(译林牛津版高二英语选修八教案教学设计)


Useful Expressions:

1.showcase new films 展示新电影

2.award sb. sth./award sth. to sb. 把某物授予/给予/判给某人

3.celebrate different film genres 颂扬不同的电影流派

4.six of the major international film festivals 六个主要的国际电影节

5.be appropriate for sb. to do sth 对…而言适合做…

6.part of sth. ……的一部分

7.contemporary art 当代艺术


9.that is 也就是说

10.be financed by 由某人资助

11.amateur actors 业余演员

12.hate to do sth. 讨厌做某事

13. in defence of 防御、保卫、为….辩护

14.point out 指出

15.feature Hollywood films 以好莱坞电影为特色

16.high-quality films 高清电影

17.regardless of 不理,不顾

18.distinguish between…and…(~ from..) 区别、判别、分清

19.as long as/so long as 只要

20. meet one’s standards 达到某人的标准

21.was hatched back in 1978 早在1978年就筹划了

22. take over接管、接受

23.change the focus to doing sth. 把重心转移到做某事

24.salute sb. 向某人致敬

25.act/perform in a film 在一部电影中担任演员

26.win an award at a film festival 在一个电影节上获奖

27.give awards/an award to sb. 给某人颁奖,给某人奖励

28.take a step backwards后退 take a step散步、溜达 take steps to do采取措施

29. from all around the globe 来自全球、来自全世界

30.make films with large budgets 以很大的预算资金投入制作电影

31.resemble…too much 与……过于相似

32. have a chance of doing sth./to do sth.有可能做某事

33.lose our international angle 失去我们的国际视野

34.don’t favour films from any one country 不偏爱来自任何一国的电影

35.in the minority 占少数

36.bonus award 额外奖

37.have a good reputation worldwide 在世界范围内有良好的声誉

38.put forward a personal opinion 提出一个个人意见

39.tend to do sth. 趋向于做某事

40.pay attention to注意

41.disagree with不一致,不同意

42.avoid doing避免做某事

43.come to be well known 渐渐地出名

44.interfere in someone else’s activity 打断某人,干涉某人的行动

45.of the top rank 一流的,顶级的

46.regardless of 不理,不顾

47.be awarded for doing sth. 因为做某事而获奖

48.keep sth. in the shadows 保持某事在幕后/在阴影中/在后台运作

49.have no difficulty in doing sth. 做某时毫无困难

50.sell admission tickets 卖入场券

51.shoot a film 拍摄一部电影

52.express oneself in English 用英语表达自己

53. refer to提到,参考,涉及,提交

54. be hired to do sth.被雇佣做某事

55. help sb. with sth.帮助某人做某事

56. fall asleep睡着,入睡,长眠

57. have an appointment to meet sb.约见某人

58.in time for 赶得上,及时

59. feel sorry for sth.为…感到遗憾

60. think twice about sth. / doing sth. 三思而行,慎重考虑后再作决定

61. waste time/money on sth.浪费时间/钱在某事上

62. make an agreement制定协议

63.give sb. one’s sincere congratulations 给某人最衷心的祝愿

64.realize one’s dream实现某人的梦想

65. attain success获得成功

66.a second time 再次

67.leave out 省略

68.enter a speech competition 参加一个演讲比赛

69.be still unanswered 还没有回答

70.make money 赚钱

71.have no commercial future 没有商业前途

72.be available for 对……来说是可用的

73. a tense thriller 一部紧张的恐怖片

74.make it clear that 表明

75.include sth. in 把某物包括在里面

76.switch roles 交换角色

77.dream of doing sth.想像,梦想做某事

78. live with sb.在一起生活

79. (be) contrary to sth与…相反

80. rescue sb. from营救,拯救

81.be sensitive to对某事敏感

82.be introduced to 被引入到;被介绍给

83.have contradictory feelings about 对……有矛盾的情感

84.have a battle with 与……作斗争

85.feel dizzy 觉得头晕

86. be dedicated to专心致志于…

87. delete…from…从…删除

88. have a tendency to do sth. 有做某事的趋势

89.give enough thought to 充分考虑到

90.yawn with boredom 厌倦地打哈欠

91.on the contrary 相反的是

Useful Expressions:

1.Joining us in the studio are Isabel from the Cannes Film Festival, …


Gone are the days when we used foreign oil.


Present at the meeting are some famous artists.


2.Maria, do tell us a little about the Venice Film Festival.


3.I hate to interrupt you, but in defence of the Venice Film Festival, I have to point out that… 我很抱歉打断你,但我得为威尼斯电影节说句话,我必须指出……

4. It was then that Robert Redford took over …


5. …there is a good chance it will become famous.


6.People tend to present their personal opinion as if it were a collective group’s opinion.


7.While there is no restriction on foreign entries, those that win are in the minority.


8.Whether you think the Academy Awards are a film festival or not, everyone agrees that the Oscar is the best-known award a contemporary film can receive.


9.It felt like the camera was in the sky.


10.I think this is more to highlight the advanced special effects than to help the film’s plot.


11.As long as the film’s quality meets our standards, we include it.


12.Considering the history of our festival, we feel it is important to favour films from any one country.


13.It was the festival that he took over in 1981.


14.It was not until nine that I got up.


15.Who was it that told him what had happened?
