模块4 Unit 1 语言点教学案(译林牛津版高一英语必修四教案教学设计)


Notes to Welcome to the unit:

1. advertise

vt. 为……做广告,宣传;(在报刊、电视、广播等中)公告(布)

to advertise one’s goods 为某货品做广告

vi. 登(做)广告,登公告

advertise for 为征求……做广告

He advertised _____ a ______ ______. 他登广告求购一辆旧车。

advertisement n.[C]广告,公告,启事 [U]广告活动,宣传

put an advertisement in a newspaper 在报纸上登广告

He always ______ the ______ in the paper as he wants to find a job. 他想找份工作,因此总是研究报纸上的广告。


advertise 指(在报刊、电视、广播等中)公告,为……做广告;publish 指发表(文章);announce 指宣布,宣告;declare 指在庄重正式的场合宣布官方或自己的立场,态度。

The news was ______ by Radio Peking.

Bulgaria ______ her independence in 1908.

She’s just ______ her fourth novel.

Are lawyers allowed to ______ their services?

2. aware

adj. (作表语)知道的;意识到的

be aware of (sth.) 意识到(某事)

be aware that-clause 知道……;意识到……

be aware wh-clause知道……;体会到……

make sb. aware of/that-clause 让某人注意到……/提醒某人注意……

He ______ ______ ______ the danger. 他没有意识到危险。

______ she ______ that I’m coming? 她知道我要来吗?

The principal didn’t seem ______ ______ ______ that there should have been so much dispute about the decision. 校长好像没有意识到这个决定竟会有这么多分歧。

Also when you write your goals in a particular way, you are able to make yourself continuously ______ situations that will bring you nearer to your goal.

A. aware of B. worried about C. familiar with D. accustomed to

awareness n. unaware adj.(ant.反义词)

3. similar

adj. 相像的;类似的


We have similar opinions. 我们持类似的观点。

This specimen is similar ______ that one. 这个样本和那个样本差不多。

Your views on education are similar ______ ______. 你的教育观和我的一样。

Our cars are similar ______ ______ ______.我们的车子只是颜色一样。

In one way or another, riding a bicycle is similar ______ ______ ______ ______.



similar 指相似但不完全一致;same 指同一个人或物,也指在性质等方面完全相同的不同事物;alike 指人或物相似到难以区分的地步。

He and his brother are very ______. 他和他的兄弟很像。

They are of ______ ______ mind on this matter. 在这件事上他们的看法相同。

He graduated in1990 and went abroad ______ ______ ______ ______.他1990年毕业,同年晚些时候出国。

Those children all look ______ ______ to me.那些小孩我看起来一模一样。

They are ______ opinions.它们是相似的观点。

similarity n.

1) [U] 相似性;类似性,后常接介词between, in, to, with。

There were points of similarity ______ them. 他们之间有相似之处。

What strikes me about his poetry is its similarity ______ Words Worth’s.


2) [C] 类似处;相似事例

There are some ______ ______ ______ between British English and American English. 英国英语和美国英语之间有一些相似之处和不同之处。

Notes to Reading

4. be used to sth.(doing sth.) :对……习以为常,习惯于,适应


be/get/become used to sth./doing sth. :对……习以为常,习惯于,适应

sth. be used to do sth.:用……做……

used to do sth.:过去常常做……

I am getting on well with him nowadays. Better than I ______ ______.


I ______ ______ write poems myself when I was his age.


I am not quite used to ______ ______ ______ ______.


I used to ______ in Nanjing. 我以前住在南京。

The new machine ______ production. However, I______ it.

A. is used to increase; am not used to controlling

B. is used to increasing; don’t used to control

C. used to increase; don’t used to control

D. used to increasing; am not used to control

5. do research on…:做……的研究


1) n. do/conduct research on

I’m conducting research on advertisements. 我正在做关于广告的研究。

2) v. to study:研究

It’s important for a businessman to research the market. 商人研究市场很重要。

6. share with:use sth. together with

share (in) sth with sb.:与……共用/享(担)

I’d like to share my book ______ you.

She _____ my troubles as well as my joys.

A. shares with B. shares (in)

7. persuasive

adj. 劝导性的,劝诱的;有说服力的,令人信服的

He can be very persuasive. 他很会说服人。

Their ______ are very ______. 他们的论点很具有说服力。


persuade sb. to do sth./persuade sb. into doing sth.:说服某人做某事

persuade sb. not to do sth./persuade sb. out of doing sth.:说服某人不做某事

8. promote

1) vt. 宣传,推广;促销,推销

  Do you have any idea on how to ______ ______ ______of this product?


  This area ______ ______ ______ as a tourist spot.


2) vt. 使某人晋升,促进

He ______ ______ Captain. 他晋升为上尉。

Policies ______ ______ ______ have been made. 已经制定出促进经济增长的政策。

9. for free: free of charge/without payment

Every child will get a book for free. 每个孩子都会得到一本免费的书。

10. intend to do sth:mean to do sth.

I intended to do it, but I’m afraid I forgot.

be intended to: be meant to

What he said at the meeting ____ make us support his idea.

A. intended to B. intends to

C. was intended to D. is intended to

be intended/ meant for sb.: 打算给(谁);打算(作什么用)

The street was not intended/meant for heavy trucks; it’s so narrow.


This book is intended/meant for children. 这本书是为儿童写的。

intention n. 意图,打算,目的

intentional adj. 故意的,存心的

intended adj. 意欲达到的,打算的

the intended meaning

an intended trip abroad next month

water (not) intended for drinking

mean to do 打算做… /mean doing 意味着… (mean- meant- meant)

I meant ______(to go/going), but my father would no allow me to. 我想去,但我父亲不肯让我去。

This new order will mean (to work/working) overtime. 这一新订单意味着得加班加点。

11. issue

1) n.议题;问题

She usually writes about environmental issues.

I don’t think my private life is the issue here.

2) n. (报刊)一期;期号

The article appeared in issue 25.

issue, problem, question


issue 表示“重大的议题”, “争论的问题”,是需要大家讨论的话题,争端。



The union plans to raise the ______ of overtime. 工会打算提出加班问题。

Unemployment is a real ______ for graduates now. 现在失业对大学毕业生是个大问题。

He likes to work out maths ______. 他喜欢解答数学难题。

I hope the police don’t ask any awkward ______. 我希望警方不要提出难应付的问题。

12. fall for sth.:to be deceived by sth.:信以为真,上当

You should be clever ______ not ______ ______ ______ his tricks.


I’m surprised that you fell for such a simple trick. 我感到吃惊,你竟然相信这种小把戏。

fall guy: person who is tricked

How could you be easily cheated by his words? You are really a fall guy.

fall for sb: be attracted to sb. 爱上,喜欢上

They met, fell for each other and got married six weeks later.

13. play tricks on:play a joke on

Children, as well as adults, usually play tricks on each other on Halloween.


--Do you want a ______ or______? 要恶作剧还是招待?

--______. 招待。

The teacher asked us______ ______ ______ ______ ______ each other any more.


trick: vt. 欺骗,哄骗

trick sb. out of sth.:从某人处骗走某物

He was treated ______ ______ ______. 他被骗离职。

trick sb. into doing sth.:诱使某人做某事

She tricked him ______ ______ her all his money. 她骗走了他所有的钱。

14. commit

vt. 犯(错误),干(坏事)

If you ______ ______ ______, you should be punished. 如果你犯了罪,你就应受处罚。

Many crimes ______ ______ by young men. 许多罪行都是年轻人犯下的。

commit a crime/a mistake/suicide:犯罪/犯错/自杀

commit oneself to do/doing sth:承诺(保证)某人做某事

commit oneself to sth.:(对某事)(公开地)表示意见

commit time/money to (doing)sth.:在……上花时间或钱

commit to sb./sth.:忠心于某人;全心全意投入…

Notes to Grammar and usage:

15. (P9) recommend vt.

1)推荐,后跟介词as, for, to。例如:

They recommend him as a good manager.他们把他作为好经理来推荐。

You can recommend some books to the students.你可以向学生们推荐一些好书。

The teacher recommended the book for spare time reading. 老师推荐这本书作为业余时间的读物。


He recommended Australia for our next holiday.他建议我们下次度假去澳大利亚。

I recommend you to think very carefully before you do anything foolish.我劝你在做出任何蠢事之前先仔细地思考一下。

The doctor recommended that I (should) stay a few more days in hospital.医生建议我在医院再呆几天。


The medicine is highly recommended for liver trouble. 人们都说这药治肝炎很好。

Can you ______ ______ ______ _______ _______ by Shakespeare? 你能给我推荐一首莎士比亚写的诗歌吗?

--- Are you putting on weight these days?

--- Yes. The doctor ____ the amount of fat in my diet.

A. recommended for limiting B. recommended me to limit

C. advised I limited D. suggested me to limit

16. choice: n.选择

This shop has a large choice of clothes.此店有甚多种类的衣服可供挑选。


1) adj.+ choice:

careful/good/right/wise choice 认真的/好的/正确的/明智的选择

bad/wrong/hard choice 糟糕的/错误的/艰难的选择

2)v.+ choice:

make a choice做出选择 be faced with/face a choice面临选择

3) have no choice but to do sth不得不做某事;除......之外别无选择只能做某事

The child had no choice but to go to bed这孩子别无选择只能上床睡觉。

We had ______ ______ _____ _______ ______ ______we were asked.我们别无选择只能做我们被要求做的事。

choose v.


Let me see what you have chosen.让我看看你选了什么。

2)choose from 引出选择范围

3)cannot choose but不得不;必须 后接不带to的不定式

如:He cannot choose but attend the party. 他不得不参加晚会。



We chose Mr Black as our leader.

We chose Mr Black to be our leader.

We chose Mr Black our leader.


She did not choose to accept my present.她不愿接受我的礼物。

There are five pairs ______, but I’m at a loss which to buy.

A. to be chosen B. to choose from C. to choose D. for choosing

The enemy had no choice but _____ their arms and ______.

A. lie down; give in B. lay down ;give in

C. to lay down; give in D. to lie down ; to give in

17. (p10) My daughter reminded me not to forget to take my medicine.


remind v 提醒,常用于以下结构:

1)remind sb to do sth提醒某人去做某事 如:

Remind me to take medicine tomorrow.提醒我明天吃药。

2) remind sb that +从句

She reminded me that I hadn’t written to my mother.她提醒我,我还没有给妈妈写信呢。

3) remind sb of sth提醒某人某事;使某人想起某事

This hotel reminds me of the one we stayed in last year.这家旅馆使我想起了我们去年住的那家旅馆。

What he said just now _____ ______ ______that American professor.他刚才所说的话使我想起了那个美国教授。

The picture of the park ______ memories of our class trip last year.

A. turned up B. called up C. reminded D. came up

Notes to Task:

18. (P13) We must update our packaging in order to attract more young customers.


in order to 为了,用作目的状语,后接动词原形。如:

In order to be heard by all, he raised his voice.为了让大家听到他的话,他提高了嗓音。

He studies hard now in order to be the first in the exam.为了考第一名,他现在学习很努力。

比较so as to与in order to, so that与in order that

so as to表示“为了”、“以便”,后面接动词原形,作目的状语。

I got up early so as to be in time for the morning exercises.


In order to survive, Chuck develops a friendship with an unusual friend-a volleyball he calls Wilson.


这两句中,in order to +动词原形,引导目的状语。so as to +动词原形,to+动词原形都可以引导目的状语。有时为了表示强调,也可以将in order to do, to do等放在句首,而so as to do一般不放在句首,也比较口语化。in order to是in order that引导的目的状语从句的简单句形式;so as to do sth. 是so that引导的目的状语从句的简单句形式。表达否定的目的时,可以用in order not to do和so as not to do这两种结构。

In order to (=To) hear more clearly, we moved to the front row.


He ran quickly in order not to (= so as not to) be late for the meeting.


so that和in order that可以引导目的状语从句,so that也可引导结果状语从句,引导目的状语从句时说明主语的行为目的,引导结果状语从句时多说明主句行为的结果。从结构上看前者多带有情态动词。请对比下列从句:

I’ll keep the box in the shade so that the sun doesn’t burn the little plants.


They stayed in Hangzhou so that they could visit the West Lake.


so + adj./adv. that可以引导结果状语从句,意思是“如此......以至于......”,也可用于so +adj. +n. +that结构。例:

He ran ______ _______ _______nobody could catch up with him.他跑得太快,没人能追得上他。

He drank_____ ______ Coke _______he felt terrible.他喝了那么多可乐,感觉很难受。

All these gifts must be mailed immediately _____ in time for Christmas.

A. in order to have received B. in order to receive

C. so as to be received D. so as to be receiving


19. convenient adj.方便的,便利的  不用来修饰人,常用来指事。其反义词为inconvenient。

be convenient to sb 对某人方便

It is also convenient to live close to your office.靠近你的工作单位居住也方便。

If it is convenient to you.如果你方便的话。

Come and see me whenever _________.

A. you are convenient B. you will be convenient

C. it is convenient to you D. it will be convenient to you

20 up to 1) 数量,程度)达到  2)从事于;忙于 

3)该由......;轮到 4)直到

1) He is up to his old games again. 他又在耍弄老花招了。

2) It is up to us to give them all the help we can.由我们定给他们我们所能帮的忙。

3) I haven’t heard from her up to now.到现在为止我没有收到她的来信。

4) The lift will hold up to fifteen people.这电梯将容纳承载达到15人。

--- Whose advice do you think I should take?

--- _____.

A. You get it B. Up to you C. Anyone you like D. You speak

21. highly adv.很,高度地

It is a highly amusing film.这是一部非常有趣的影片。

think highly of sb高度评价/器重某人 speak highly of sb 称赞某人

比较:high 与highly,它们都作副词时,high强调具体的高常修饰动词,highly强调抽象概念的高,等于very (much),修饰作形容词的分词和用在一些常见搭配中。如:

The birds are flying high.鸟儿正飞得很高。

Li Lei was thought highly of by his headteacher for what he had done.李雷因他所做的一切受到他班主任的高度评价。

同样地, close 与closely


The engineer went close to the machine to examine it closely.



形容词 副词 副词

wide wide(宽阔) widely(广泛地)

deep deep(深地-具体) deeply(深深地)

hard hard(努力地) hardly(几乎不)

most most(非常、及) mostly(主要地,大部分地)

late late(迟) lately(最近)

near near(靠近) nearly(几乎)

free free(免费) freely(无拘束地)

loud loud(大声) loudly(喧闹地)

I’m ______ _______ to meet you 我见到你很高兴。

Prices have ______ too.价格抬得太高。

As is known to all, the Chinese Space Agency has developed the ______ successful Long March rocked series.

A. highly B. heavily C. even D. much


22. bore vt. 烦扰,使厌烦    bored adj.感到厌倦的     tiring adj.令人厌烦的

I’m bored with this job. 我对这工作厌倦了。

The long speech bored us all.那冗长的演讲使我们都感到厌烦。

Those relatives were _______ people. After a few days, I was getting ______ and homesick.

A. boring; boring B. bored; bored C. bored; boring D. boring; bored

23. available adj. (指东西)可利用的,有用的,可获得的,可购得的,可找到的;(指人)有空的

1) Attention please. These tickets are available on the day of issue only.请注意,这些车票仅在发售当天有效。

2) This was the only room available. 这是唯一可用的房间。

3) We’ll send you a copy as soon as it becomes available. 一有货我们就给你寄一本去。

4) Will she be available this afternoon? 她今天下午有空吗?

5) Tickets are available free of charge from the school. 学校有免费票

I’m sorry, those overcoats are not _______ ________ your colour and size.


The man is_____ ________ ______ the job; he has other work..


All the fruits of the revolution will be _____ _______made the poor.


There were no tickets ______ for tomorrow’s performance.

A. preferable B. considerable C. possible D.available

Notes to Project:(P18)

24. have sth in mind心理想着某事

I always have my teaching plans in mind. 我心里总想着我的教学计划。

have sb in mind 心理想着某人

When we are out, we should have our parents in mind. 我们出门在外时,我们应当始终想着我们的父母亲。

keep sth/sb in mind 把某事/某人铭记在心

You have to be home by 11 o’clock. Keep that in mind.你得十一点前回家,请记住。

25. get sb to do sth让某人做某事

get sth done 让某事被做,相当于have sth done

We’ve to get a photograph taken.我们得请人拍一张照片。

get sb/sth doing 让......起来

The lecturer soon got us thinking.演讲者不久让我们思考起来。

You should get your friends to help you.你应当让你朋友来帮你。

1) It’s not hard to ______ the children _______;the problem is to stop them.让孩子们谈起话来不难,停止他们谈话却有问题。

2) He _____ his leg _______ while playing football.他在踢足球时弄断了腿。

26. determine vt. 下决心;作出决定;确定


Can we now determine the date for our party? 我们能确定我们晚会的日期吗?

determine to do sth 决定做某事

She determined to get there first.=She was determined to get there first.

determine + that作出决定,后跟从句

Have they determined where the new hospital will be built?他们有无定了新医院在哪里建造?

He has been determined that no one should know.他已决意不让任何人知道。

过去分词determined 作定语或表语,意为“果断的;坚定的;坚决的”,


She was a very determined woman who always gets what she wants.她是个意志坚定的人,她总能得到她想得到的东西。

n. determination 决心(不可数);决定(不可数或加不定冠词)。例如:

He came with the determination of staying a week.他决心呆一周。

The boy came to a determination to run away from school.男孩决定逃学。

His voice _____ ________, and his eyes were flashing.他的声音很坚定,他的眼睛闪闪发亮。

27. appeal vi.迎合;引起兴趣,有吸引力;要求,呼吁;求助;诉诸

appeal to(1)诉诸,求助于,启发,打动 (2)表示“投合(兴趣、心意)”

appeal to sb对某人有吸引力

appeal to sb to do sth呼吁某人做某事

appeal to sb for sth为某事向某人呼吁

1) If you don’t stop this bad action, I shall appeal to law. 如果你再不停止这种恶劣的行为,我就诉诸于法律。

2) The government is appealing to everyone to save water.政府正呼吁每个人节省水。

3) We appealed to him for help.我们向他求助。

4) Bright colours appeal to small children. 鲜艳的颜色引起小孩的兴趣。

n. 作可数名词,意为“诉诸 ;呼吁;恳求”,常与for连用; 作不可数名词,意为“引起兴趣,有吸引力;哀求”

1) He made an appeal for help.他恳求援助。

2) That sort of music hasn’t much appeal for me.那种音乐引不起我多少兴趣。

3) She asked for help with a look of appeal on her face. 她脸上带着恳求的表情要求帮助。

adj. appealing =attractive ;interesting 吸引的

Does the idea of working for a joint company _____ _______you? 你有没有兴趣到合资企业工作?

This book doesn’t ______ _______students.这本书不能投合学生口味。appeal to

She_______ one last ______ ______her father ______forgive her.她向她父亲做出最后的恳求来原谅她。

Teachers as a career _____ to many people because of the long holidays.

A. attracts B. calls C. appeal D. pull

28. gather vt. 收集;搜集;聚集

Gather your toys up.把你的玩具收起来。

gather round, and I’ll tell you a story. 大家坐过来,我给你们讲个故事。


gather表示把分散的东西集中到一起,不仅可用于人和物,还可以用于抽象的东西,如力量、印象,如力量、印象等聚集起来,也指采花、摘果实、采蜜等。例如:It was with greatest difficulty that the boy gathered his strength to speak.那男孩费了很大劲儿用尽全部力气才说出话来。

collect则指精心地、有选择地进行收集。例如:I’m collecting data for my research.我正在为我的研究收集数据。

两者还可用作不及物动词,通常可以互换。例如:A crowd soon gathered/collected round him.不久人群聚集在他周围。

The darkness was _______, so we must ______ speed. 天快黑了,因此我们得加快速度。

The captain ______ all the soldiers before him, telling them to get ready for the fight.

A. collected B. gathered C. selected D. elected

29. concern vt.与......有关,关系到;使担心;使操心

This matter concerns all of us. 这件事跟我们大家都有关。

She is always concerning herself about other people’s business.她老是关注别人的事。

be concerned with对......关心;和......有关

We are deeply concerned with the situation in the East China Sea. 对于中国东海的局势,我们表示深切关注。

I’m not concerned with the matter any longer.我不再与那件事有牵连。

This book is concerned with space flight.这本书是有关太空飞行的。

concerned adj. 意为“有关的”“关心的”“关切的”等,在句中可作表语、定语或状语。

The man concerned was her husband.有关的那个男人是她的丈夫。

形容词concerned后也可以接介词about ,over或for。例如:

We are all concerned about her safety.我们都很关心她的安全。

She was much concerned over the living conditions of the refugees.她为难民的生活条件担忧。


I’m concerned to know your decision.我很想知道你的决定。

He is most concerned that this problem should be solved.他很关心这个问题的解决。

as far as sb be concerned据某人而言

As far as I am concerned, it’s important to learn English well.

concerned是形容词,但concerning是介词,通常用于较正式的场合,意思是“关于......”。例如:I wrote to the head of the company concerning a business arrangement.我就一项业务安排问题写信给该公司的经理。

1) He asked _______ _________to take an active part in the movement. 他要求所有有关人员参加这个运动。

2) Rescuers are ________ ________the two men trapped in the mine. 营救人员对困在矿里的两名男子很关心。

3) This story is __________ ________ a Russian family in the 19th century. 这个故事是关于19世纪的一个俄罗斯家庭的。

30. get sth across 被传达;被理解;使通过;把......讲清楚

1) It took me an hour to get my intention across to her. 花了我一小时才把我的意图向她讲清楚。

2) He isn’t very good at getting his ideas across.他不擅长于表达思想。

3) Your meaning didn’t really get across.你的意思别人并未真正理解。

The teacher tried to explain the problem, but the explanation did not _____ ______ ______ the students. 老师设法去解释这个问题,但他的解释没能使班上的学生领会。

31. put sth together组织;汇集;组装

1) It’s easier to take a machine to piece than to put it together again.把一部机器弄碎比再组装在一起更容易。

2) We must try to put the radio together again.我们得设法把收音机再组装起来。

put a team together 组成一个队 put my thoughts together 整理我的思绪

32. approach n. 靠近;走近;方法;途径

vi. &vt.走近;靠近;着手(考虑)处理;(因事)找或接近某人

1) The approach of winter brings cold weather.冬天的临近使天气转冷了。

2) All approaches to the town are blocked到镇上的所有道路都堵塞了。

3) He approached the problem with caution.他开始认真考虑这个问题。

4)There is no very easy approach to maths.学习数学没有很容易的途径。

5) That, I’m afraid, was not the proper way to approach her. 恐怕那不是接近她的恰当方式。

The club has ______ _____ ________ _______ a local business firm help.俱乐部已试图向本地一家公司寻求帮助。

When is the best time to ______ my employer about increase in salary?

A. arrive at B. get to C. reach D. approach

33. depend on/upon

1) 依靠、依赖,后接名词或带有不定式的复合宾语。

All living things depend on the sun for their growth.万物生长靠太阳。

You can’t depend on others to help you.你不能依赖别人来帮助你。

2) 相信,信赖,后接名词或动名词的复合结构。

I depended on the map, but it was wrong.我相信了地图,可它是错的。

We can depend on their arriving here safely.我们可以相信他们会安全地到达这儿。

3) 没问题,请放心,后与it连用,(多用于句首或句末)。

Can I depend on it that this won’t happen again? 我能相信那样的事不会再发生吗?

4) 视......而定,看......(情况),后接名词或宾语从句

The price depends on the quality.价格得看质量而定。

It just depends on how the manager deals with the problem.这要看经理怎样处理这个问题。

5) 取决于,由......决定,后接名词或宾语从句。

Our success depends on whether everyone works hard. 我们的成功取决于每个人是否努力。

6) 指望,后接带有不定式的复合宾语。

You can’t depend on him to help you.你不要指望他来帮你。

It all depends(that depends) 得看情况;这都难说

______ he can go or not ______ on his parents’ wishes.

A. Whether; depends B. If; depends C. Whether; wishes D. That; decides


1. for, used car; studies, advertisements; announced, declared, published, advertise

2. isn’t aware of; Is, aware; to be aware; A

3. to; to mine; only in colour; to driving a car; alike; the same; later the same year; the same/much alike; similar; between; to; similarities and differences

4. used to; used to; living in the city/ life in the city; live; A

6. with; B

7. arguments, persuasive

8. promote the sales; is being promoted; is promoted; to promote economy

10. C; to go

11. issue; problem; problems; questions

12. enough, to fall for

13. trick, treat, treat; not to play tricks on; out of office; into giving

14. commit a crime; are committed

15. recommend me a poem written B

16. no choice but to do what B C

17. reminded me of B

18. so fast that so much that C

19. C

20. B

21. highly pleased risen high A

22. D

23. available in not available for available to D

25. get talking got broken

26. was determined

27. appeal to appeal to made appeal to to C

28. gathering gather B

29. all concerned concerned for concerned with

30. get across to

32. made an approach to D
