Module 10 Unit 2 People on the movePeriod 1-2 Word study(导学案)教师版 (译林牛津版高三英语选修十导学案)


Learning aims(学习目标):

1. Let students read the new words correctly and fluently.

2. Get students to master some important words.

Important points(学习重点): To master the usages of some important words.

Learning procedures(学习过程):

Step 1.Try to remember the new words as quickly as possible

1.Read and recite new words and phrases in unit1. (方法引导:按音标正确读、背单词和短语)

2.Word formation

1. mobile (adj.)→ (n.) mobility

2. edition (n.)→ (v.) edit → (n.) 编辑 editor

3. age (n.& vi.) → (adj.) aged

4. season (n.)→ (adj.) seasonal

5. change (n.& v.)→ (adj.) changeable

6. retirement (n.)→ (vi.) retire → (adj.) 已退职的,已退休的 retired→ (n.)退休者 retiree

7. breakfast + lunch→ (n.) 早午餐 brunch

8. host (v.)→ (n.) 主人 host →(n.)女主人 hostess

9. physics (n.)→ (adj.) physical →(adv.) physically

→ (n.) 物理学家 physicist

内科医生 physician 外科医生 surgeon

10. biology (n.)→ (n.) 生物学家 biologist → (adj.) biological

11. analyse/ analyze(v.)→ (n.) analysis → (adj.) analytical

12. adjust(vt.)→ (n.) adjustment → (adj.) 可调整的adjustable

13. botany (n.)→ (adj.) botanical

14. suspect(n.)→ (v.) suspect →(adj.) 不可信的suspect

15. terror (n.)→(n.)恐怖分子 terrorist→(adj.)恐怖主义的 terrorism

→ (v.) 恫吓,威胁 terrorize

16. astronomy (n.) →(adj.) 天文的 astronomical→ (n.) 天文学家 astronomer

1. bio- (构成名词、形容词或副词) 生物的;人生的

→ 生物化学 biochemistry →生物技术 biotechnology

2. astro- 星的;天体的;宇宙空间的→ 天体物理学 astrophysics

3. tele- 远距离的;电视的;通过电话的

→ 望远镜 telescope 图文电视 teletext 电话销售 telesales

4. non- 不;非;无

→ 不抽烟的人 non-smoker 非暴力 non-violence 无政府的non-governmental

5. –ee 在及物动词后表示“动作承受者”,在不及物动词后表示“动作执行者”

→returnee _回国人员 employee 受雇者、雇员 interviewee 被采访者 retiree 退休者

6. –ship ⑴ 表状态、性质、品质 → ownership 所有制

⑵ 表地位、资格、职位→ 公民资格 citizenship 教授职位 professorship

⑶ 表技艺、技能 → musicianship音乐技艺

⑷ 表集体(the group of)→ membership 全体成员

Are you satisfied with what you’ve done?

Step2.Language Focus.(查字典探究下列单词和词组的用法)

1. head 2. exchange 3. submit 4. suspect 5. account 6. take to 7. wander 8.take advantage of

1. head (n.&v.)

head for ; be headed/heading for


⑴ She has been appointed to head the research team. vt. 领导;主管

⑵ He headed the class in the examination again. vt. 居……之首

⑶ Come on. Let’s head the newspaper article with a title. vt. 给……加标题

⑷ Since he was the head of the family, his wish was a command. n. 首领

⑸ He arranged his speech under four heads. n. 标题 (vt.&n.)


⑴ Let’s have an exchange of views on the matter. n. 交换

⑵ Cultural exchanges between the two countries are on the increase. n. 交流

⑶ Would you like my golden watch in exchange for your camera? 和……交换

⑷ Where can I exchange dollars for RMB? vt. 兑换

⑸ I don’t want to sit here. May I exchange seats with you? vt. 交换

⑹ We exchange ideas with our colleagues almost every day. vt . 交流

Cf. exchange / change / replace

⑴ 动词exchange和change均可表示“交换”,有时可替用;但change还可以表示“改变”,强调一个人或一件东西从根本上或完全改变。

⑵ exchange和replace均可表示“更换”,但exchange指“物物交换”;replace指“更换(已失去或损坏的东西)”


① We hardly exchanged a word during breakfast this morning.

② I will replace the dish I broke this morning.

③ In autumn the leaves change from green to yellow.

3. submit


⑴ I hope you can submit your term papers before the deadline. vt.提交;呈递

⑵ I submit that the requirement is not fit for you. vt. 建议;主张;认为(后接that从句)

⑶ To such threats as these we have no intention of submitting. vt. 向……屈服

⑷ Keep on resisting - you will gain nothing by submission. n. 屈服

4. suspect


⑴ What made you suspect her of having taken the money? vt. ~sb. to be /~sb. of /~ that

⑵ Some of the evidence they produced was highly suspect. adj. 不可信的

5. account (n.) →on account of 因为→ on any account 无论如何→ on no account 决不

account (v.)→ account for (在数量或者比例上)占,占据


⑴ The poor weather may have accounted for the small crowd. 是……的原因

⑵ He has behaved in the most extraordinary way; I can’t account for his actions at all. 解释

⑶ The fighter screen accounted for three of the enemy aircraft. 击落;消灭

⑷ You can open an account at/with any bank in China. 帐户

⑸ I will give you a brief account of my job. 叙述;描述

⑹ His girlfriend is angry only on that simple account. 由于那个缘故

⑺ We would like you to stay at home, taking your health into account. 考虑到;顾及

⑻ We are late on account of the bad traffic. 由于;因为

6. take to

猜测下列各句take to的含义

⑴ David took to Jane the first time he met her at Lucy’s birthday party. 喜欢

⑵ During the flood the people took to the hills. 跑到……去;赶赴

⑶ Mary takes to tennis like a duck takes to water. 轻易地学会


take care_当心 _; take down; 拆卸、记下 take it easy不着急,不紧张,从容不迫,轻松

take over_接收、接管; take up占据、开始从事; take apart_拆开、拆散;

take in接纳、领会、欺骗; take off脱下、起飞、迅速走红; take one’s time_慢慢来,不着急,从容不迫

7. wander


He was wandering in the street when a car knocked him down。 漫游

I’m afraid my father’s mind is wandering; he is 94,you know. 神志恍惚、(思想)开小差、走神

wander about__四处闲逛____

8. take advantage of = make use of

make the best of = make the most of =make full/good /great use of



Finish the exerciseA1 and A2 in workbook on page 106.



1. Most people who travel in the course of their work are given travelling allowance_.

2. It is a reality that human caused climate to be changeable.

3. Seasonal fruits and vegetables are always easily got in this small island.

4. They have made a most satisfactory adjustment to their environment.

5. He didn’t know how to borrow money from his parents again. At last he said that in a roundabout way.

6. The reform and opening policy offers more opportunities for social mobility(流动)

7. The project needs to raise more than 8 million yuan in sponsorship(赞助)

8. I am majored in botany. I hope I can devote my life to working in the local botanical(植物的) garden.

9. In China, we have preferential (优惠的)policies for returnees.

10. In a court of law, both sides get a fair hearing (申辩的机会).


1. 老化的设备__aging equipment 2.一位年迈的老人an aged man

3. 你到哪里去? 曼彻斯特。

----Where are you _heading/headed___ ____for____?----Manchester.

4. 你如何解释一连输了五场?

How do you _account for _______losing five games in a row?

5. 北海石油占我国出口收入的很大一部分。

North Sea oil _accounts_ for a high proportion of our export earnings.


220 students have been admitted into universities this year, account for 60 percent of all the Ss in Senior 3.


The tradition was passed down _by word of mouth..

8. 为了学好英语必须充分利用时间。

Great use should be made of _time to learn English well.

Time should be made _ use of to learn English well.


What they have in common is that …….


We tried _in vain___ to make him change his mind.= We tried to make him change his mind, but in vain___.

11. 汽车是大批量生产的。 Cars are produced in large numbers/quantities.

12. 一个衣衫褴褛的老人 an old man in rags

13.以前每天上午我都感觉很困, 然后我就养成了早睡的习惯。 现在我每天精神都很好。

I _used_ _to_ be very sleepy in the morning, but then I _took____ __to_ going to bed earlier. Now I feel energetic every day.


1. I will never submit ________ being parted from you.

A. to B. / C. of D. into

2. All boys who were in the room when the when the watch was stolen must submit to ________.

A. searched B. being searched C. searching D. be searched

3. Her lawyer say she should be _____ both for her injuries and for the suffering she had bleed caused.

A. paid B. compensated C. suspected D. submitted

4. I’m sure Mary will soon get used to the new job. As her intelligence more than ______ for her lack of experience.

A. makes B. accounts C. compensates D. pushes

5. I’d ______ his reputation with other farmers and business people in the community, and ten make a decision about whether or not to approve a loan.

A. take into account B. account for C. make up for D. make out

6. I’d like to make it up with Richard after the quarrel, but he doesn’t ______it that way.

A. look at B. look after C. look for D. look into

7. His father gave him an ________ of 1000 pounds a year to help him finish his college education.

A. permission B. permit C. allowance D. admission



Period 3 Reading I (导学案)

Learning aims(学习目标):

1.To gain some information about what two different age groups are on the move and why they are moving

2. To reinforce the skills of reading comprehension and be able to master some key sentence structures.

Important points(学习重点):understand the main idea of the passage.

Learning procedures(学习过程):

Step 1: lead in

1.Discuss the reasons for moving to a new place.

Why are some people on the move?( You can refer to “ welcome to the unit”)

___Some people are on the move because they want to experience a new culture.

to study in a university

to get a better job

to be with their family

to live in a nicer environment

to move somewhere for a better quality of life

In the past , people moved because of wars , some terrible diseases_and nature disasters

With the development of the global and local economy, population mobility has become a new trend in the world.

2. Discuss the title and two subtitles in the article.

From the title of the article, what do you think the article is about?

I think the article is about people in the USA who have recently left home town and moved to another place

According to the subtitles, what do you think they are about?

Aging in the sun

Becoming old in a warm place where the sun is shining.

Bright lights, big city

A bright and colourful life in big cities for young adults.

Step 2 :Fast reading

Go through the passage as quickly as possible and try to find answers to the three questions in part A.

1. What is the topic of the article? The movement of people in the USA

2. What is the name of the magazine in which this article appears? American living

3. What two groups are discussed in the article? People over 60 years old and young adults

Step 3 :Careful reading

Let’s read the passage a second time and complete Parts C1 and C2 on page20.


1. Where in the USA are the older people who are moving south from?

From the Midwest and the Northeast.

2. What state in the USA is most popular with older people?


3. Why is Charlotte County in central Florida called the oldest place in the USA?

It is home to the largest population of people aged 65 and older. This group accounts for nearly 18 percent of the state’s population..

4. What has been done in Florida for older people?

Ambulance response time has been decreased and many houses have bathrooms designed for elderly homeowners with things like walk-in bathtubs that reduce the risk of slips and falls.

5. What is the percentage of people in the USA who move house every year?


6. Why are young people moving to city?

Cities are more exciting and have more job opportunities.

7. Why does Daniel want to move to a big city?

He thinks that cities are more exciting and he can meet young people like himself and go to theatres, museums and big sporting events for the entertainment.

8. How many people are quoted in the article?

Five people.

C2 What are the reasons each person below has for moving? Fill in the table below:

Name Age Sex Move to Reason

David 68 Male Florida 1. The community understands the needs of older people;

2. to play bingo;

3. to plant his herb garden;

4. to watch seagulls at the beach;

5. to meet friends of his own age;

6. to get good medical care

Angela 21 Female Los Angeles To advance her career in a big company to become a top accountant.

Daniel 27 Male A big city 1. To meet people;

2. to find entertainment;

3. to go to the theatre; museums and big sporting events;

4. to have an exciting life

Edna 78 Female Florida Afraid of falling on ice and getting hurt

3. Listen to the tape and choose the best answers according to the text:

(1) What is the topic of the article?

A. The population of people in the USA. B. The life people in the USA.

C. The beautiful scenery of USA. D. The movement of people in the USA.

(2) Why are young people in the USA moving to cities?

A. Cities are more exciting and have more job opportunities. B. Cities are more beautiful than country.

C. Young people don’t like country life. D. There are no job opportunities in country.

(3). Which of the following is NOT the reason for many people spending their later years in Florida?

A. wanting better health care. B. looking for communities of older people.

C. they like the climate there. D. they can get lot of money from the government.

(4). With the number of older Americans moving to Florida, many changes are made to cater to them. Which of the following is not the change?

A. ambulance response time has decreased

B. many houses have bathrooms designed for elderly homeowners

C. the communities that understands the needs of people.

D. big houses with lower price.

Step4 :Discussion:

What do you think about people moving to live in another place, especially moving from the countryside to a big city, or from a big city to a small town?

● Moving to live big cities

Reasons: for work, family moves……

Advantages: lots of entertainment, better quality of life……

Disadvantages: pollution, too crowed, traffic problems, crime……

● Moving to live in a small town

Reasons: old age, have children and start a family……

Advantages: a slower pace of living, safer than a big city, closer community……

Disadvantages: lack of job opportunities, lack of entertainment……

● Moving to live in the countryside

Reasons: tired of city life, health reasons……

Advantages: quieter, peaceful, beautiful scenery, less pollution……

Disadvantages: lack of shopping and entertainment facilities, lack of career opportunities……

Step 5 :Consolidation

Go through the text quickly and pay attention to the meaning and usage of some words. Then finish the following vocabulary exercise. Part D and Part E.


Fill in the blanks according to the text:

____ at the south-eastern tip of the USA, Florida is a state known as the oldest place in America. According to the national population survey conducted in 2000,the elderly _______ for nearly 18 percent of the state’s population. Many people ____ 60 and over are attracted there because of its less changeable climate. Another________ is that the community in this state understands the need of them, for instance , many houses are _______ with special bathroom with walk-in bathtubs, which prevent the older people ________.

However, with a _______ in population mobility, ambition ______ many young people to the city to seek excitement and career opportunities.

Keys: Located accounted aged reason equipped slipping boom drives

Step 7: Homework

Read the passage again and , be familiar with the structure of it and underline the difficult points.



Period 4 Reading II Language study

Learning aims:

1. To raise reading ability by focusing on language points.

2. To grasp the new language usage in the text by learning them.

Difficult points: To grasp the new language usage in the text .

Learning procedures:

Step 1 phrases(课前诊断)

1 思考、考虑、研究 look at

2 迎合、投合 cater to

3 占比 account for

4 在阳光下变老 age in the sun

5.在迁徙中 on the move

6.向南行进 head south

7.几十年来 for decades

8.各种理由 a variety of reasons

9.卫生保健 health care

10.比…变化少 be less changeable than

11.我这种年纪的人___people my age_

12..有道理,有意义___make sense

13.对老人更有吸引more attractive to old people

14.在海滩上__at the beach

15.年纪相仿的朋友_friends our age

16.根据全国人口普查according to the national population survey__

17.整个美国__across the USA

18.寻找刺激 _seek excitement_

19.异口同声说_speak with one voice__

20.一位顶尖的会计师_ a top accountant

21. 骨肉、亲人 ones own flesh and blood

Step 2 Sentences


(line 8-10)


______________________(line 13-14)_________________________________________________


______________________(line 18-19)_________________________________________________


_______________________(line 19)___________________________________________________

5. 然而,随着搬迁到那里的老年美国人增多,更多的变化发生了,以照顾到他们的需要。

_______________________(line 24-25)_________________________________________________

6. 年轻的成年人对搬迁到城市给出了许多不同的理由。

________________________(line 44)________________________________________________

7. 那就是为什么当我大学毕业的时候我要搬到洛杉矶。

_________________________(line 53-54)_______________________________________________

Step 3 Language points

1. on the move 在旅途中,在迁徙中

on the increase 在增加

on earth究竟,到底

on foot 步行

on one hand在一方面

on the other hand另一方面

on the contrary正相反

move on继续移动,接着


1). It doesn’t seem ugly to me ; _____, I think it’s rather beautiful.

A. on the move B. on the other hand C. On the contrary D. on one hand

2. head vi 朝(特定方向)前进

head to 朝……前进

head towards朝……前进

head for去某地


2)我们正向学校的方向走去。_We are heading towards school

3. account for 在(数量和比例上)占据,是……的原因,对……做出解释或说明

take …into account/consideration vt 考虑(注意,顾及。体谅)

on account of 因为,由于

on no account / not on any account决不可以

on all accounts/ on every account 无论如何,总之,从各方面考虑

on any account 无论如何


3) 他无法说明他旷课的原因。____ He could not account for his absence from school.___

4) 他被要求解释他的行为。 He has been asked to account for his conduct. vt .n 交换,交流,兑换

exchange sth for sth把……交换成

in exchange of 交换,交流

have an exchange of交换,交流

5. take advantage of

have an advantage over 比……有优势

take charge of 负责,掌管

take control of控制

take notice of 注意



Her rich experience gave her an advantage over other applicants for the job.

6.make use of

make the best use of 充分利用

make the most use of 充分利用

make fun of 嘲笑

It is no use doing sth. 做某事没有用


6) 你应该好好利用这次机会。__You should make use of this chance.

7) 现在几乎每个学生都可以利用计算机。Almost every student today can make use of computer.



1.It is the prevention of disease______ its successful treatment that has led to the rapid increase of the world’s population.

A. rather than B. including C. but also D. less than

2. -----Does Bill do his job well?

------- ______ his old job. I’m afraid there is no hope for him.

A. Not better than B. No better than C. Not so well as D. More than

3.He decided to find a good job and make more money because his whole family_______ him.

A. rely on B. put on C. take on D. come on

4. The gym instructor created all kind of exercise which ______ various special interests of groups of people .

A. referred to B. catered to C. got to D. took to

5. ---I wonder why he is acting so strangely these days.

------Recent pressure at work may_____ his behavior.

A. account for B .explain for C. make for D. stand for

6. She was always ______ the move, never staying in one town over a few days.

A. of B. at C. on D in

7. The students are from different families, but they have much in ______.

A. common B. total C. general D. particular

8.The hostess ____a kiss with her guests, which made the conservative Chinese a little nervous.

A. presented B. display C. exchanged D. treated

9. The lawyer ______ every opportunity to get evidence for the woman’s evil deeds.

A. had advantages over B. take advantage of C. come into use D. put into practice

10. The trend of the clothes market needs to be _____ before you invent.

A. started with B. taken up C. put up D. looked at

11.After retirement, they planned to live in Florida temporarily so they were concerned about how much the ______ was for a double-room flat there.

A. rent B. prize C. value D. expensive

12.______houses came into being in some cities where land is precious .

A. Seasonal B. Local C. Comfortable D. Mobile


1. Remember the language points learnt today.

2. Read the text more after class.


Period 5 Project Making a classroom display

Learning Aims:

To get some information about different people and the history of their distinct culture

Important and difficult points: Understanding and writing

Methods: Reading, discussion and cooperation


Step1 Lead in

Answer the following questions:

1) Do you know that there is a group of people in the world who keep traveling from place to place?

The Roma

2) Have you ever read some books or watched some films or TV programmes about these people?

3) Do you know who they are and why they are always traveling?

Step2 Reading

1. Read the guidelines and website article. Answer the following questions.

1). what does the word’ wander ’mean and what does the title’ the wondering Roma’ mean?

The word ‘wander’ means ‘to move abour or from place to place without any purpose’.

The title means the group of people, the Rome who keep moving from place to place.

2). What do you think the article is going to tell us after reading the first paragraphs?

From the first paragraph, we can know that the article is about the history of the Roma including their society and language , and the historical and political reasons for their movement.

2. Read the article and find out the information about the history pf the Roma.

During World War Ⅱ

1001-1200 1500-1800 1930 until 1973 in the 1970s

3. Read the article once more to point out the two aspects of reasons for the Roma’s movement.

the historical reasons for their movement

They were nomadic, meaning that they traveled between several locations during the year.

The Roma have traditionally resisted making permanent homes.

the political reasons for their movement

They objected to becoming citizens of one country and being forced to vote and pay taxes.

They refused to submit to any government regulations, preferring to engage in trade and live peacefully.

They had a bad reputation in Europe as liars and witches, and some of the Roma pretended to be religious pilgrims.

They have been sent away to other parts of the world because of the collision between European culture and that of Roma.

They German Nazi Party plotted to wipe the Roma out because they identified the Roma as a dangerous group.

Step3 Discussion

1. Read the passage again and ask each group to discuss the following questions:

1). What differences are identified in the article that shows the Roma are a distinct cultural group?

2). What examples are given that show European’s prejudice Against the Roma throughout history?

2. Group work. Discuss the other six questions of Part B.

Step4 language points

1.have sth. in common 在……方面有共同点

have nothing/little in common在……没有共同点

have a lot in common 在……方面有很多共同点

in common with 与……一样


1) 在习惯上我们有许多相同之处。


2) 汤姆父母的举止极少有相似之处。


2. submit vi. 服从;顺从;听任 vt. 递交

submit to/submit oneself to服从;顺从;听任






3. take to 开始从事;喜欢;沉溺于

 take in 接纳;领会;欺骗

 take up 占去;占据;开始;从事

take off 脱下;起飞;匆匆离开

 take on 雇佣;呈现


5)He’s always ready to_____ heavy responsibilities。

A.take in B. take off C. take up D. take on

6) Don't be _____ by products promising to make you lose weight quickly. (2007 辽宁)

A. taken off B. taken out C. taken away D. taken in

7)-Robert is indeed a wise man.

-Oh, yes. How often I have regretted ______ his advice! (2007 安徽)

A. to take B. taking C. not to take D. not taking

8) Don't be discouraged. ______ things as they are and you will enjoy every day of your life. (2003上海春)

A. Taking B. To take C. Take    D. Taken

4. in terror 处于恐惧状态

in trouble 处于困境当中

in danger 处于危险当中

in surprise 处于惊讶当中

in condition/ in good spirits精神抖擞




5. compensate for

10)________________________________________________________. 什么都不能补偿健康受损。

They were likely to be compensated for the damage done to the house. 11)


1) We have a lot in common in habits.

2) Tom’s parents have little in common in their manners.

3) The students must submit themselves to school discipline.

4) Workers in the company refused to submit to drug tests.

5) D 6) D 7) D 8) C

9) The horse bolted in terror at the sound of the gun..

10) Nothing can compensate for the loss of one's health.

11) 他们可能得到房子的损坏补偿。


一、 词组读背





















The Roma have been ____1____ Europe and Asia since the 11th century, They were ____2____ lived in northern India and they were _____3____ even then. Because of this tradition, they couldn’t find a permanent job.

Although the Roma have developed differently in various places, they have something in ___4____. They resisted making permanent homes, choosing to move. And they refuse to ____5____ to any government, so they have no right to ___6___.

The Roma tried ___7__ ___8___ to find a country to live in. Throughout their travels, they experienced problems, Some Europeans treated them badly. Fortune telling, one of their traditions, earned them a ____9______ as liars and witches. Many Europeans even did not want the Roma as their neighbors.

At the beginning of the 19th century, many countries changed their laws ___10______the Roma. They wanted to make the Roma ___11_____ their nomadic lifestyle. Unable to practise their traditions, many young Roma ___12___ ___13 illegal behaviour, they were often considered as the main ___14______ when anything went missing.

But now ,everything has changed a lot. Modern nations begin to recognize the Roma as a unique group, they want to ___15________for past prejudice,they are trying to help the Roma ____16____ their history, language and culture. The Roma and Europeans are on the way to becoming friends!


1.wandering 2.originally 3.nomadic 4.common 5.submit 8.vain 9.reputation 10.Concerning 11.abandon 12.took

14.suspects 15.compensate 16.preserve


1.No group is associated with moving and traveling more than the Roma.

2. The Roma continued to move, trying in vain to find a country where they could live and trade peacefully.

3. Some Europeans were alarmed by these travelers in rags because of their traditions.

4.Unable to practice their traditions, many young Roma took to illegal behavior.

5. Roma lived in terror as they were killed in large numbers.

6.By refusing to submit to any government, the Roma cannot vote.

7.Partly to compensate for past prejudice , these countries are trying to help the Roma preserve their history…




Guided writing:


部分同学的观点 其他同学的观点 你的观点

找工作容易 生活消费高 …….

交通便利 人口多,拥挤

有公园、饭店等休闲场所 空气污染、居住环境差




With the development of economy, population mobility has become a new trend in the world. More and more people are moving to the big cities. Recently, our class have had a heated discussion about whether we should live in big city. The opinions are divided.

One possible version:

With the development of economy, population mobility has become a new trend in the world. More and more people are moving to the big cities. Recently, our class have had a heated discussion about whether we should live in big city. The opinions are divided.

Some of my classmates are in favour of living in the city. Firstly, there are more career opportunities in big cities which they think are very important to their future development. Because big companies have their headquarters located in big cities. Secondly, they think living in a big city is very comfortable. For one thing, it is convenient to take a bus or a taxi. On top of these, cities have parks, restaurants and other entertainment places where they can seek excitement. But small towns have none of these.

However, some other students hold a different opinion. They think the expenses of living are high in big cities. Furthermore, big cities are very crowded with too many people. The air is polluted which contributes to the poor living environment.

As far as I’m concerned, every coin has two sides. But no matter where we live, we should work hard, protect our natural environment and save energy. Let’s fill the world with love.