2010届高三英语模块10 Unit 2 单词学案(译林牛津版高三英语选修十学案设计)


1.on the move

「解析」 在旅途中,在迁徙中; 在运动中, 在发展中; 在忙碌中 如:

We’ll be on the move next week, so you won’t be able to reach us.


It’s an industry on the move. 这是个发展迅猛的产业。

He’s always on the move and never has time to talk.


2.look at 有以下三层意思:如:


The committee wouldn't even look at my proposal.



I haven't had time to look at your essay yet.


3) 观察或看待某事

_____ from that point of view, the job becomes easy.

从那个观点看, 这工作就容易了.

3.age v.变老,上年纪,成熟 n. 年龄,同时代的人 时代

eg.what’s the age of the old building.

I used to play tennis there when I was your age.

I haven't seen him for .我已好长时间没有见到他了。

We live in the Space .我们生活在太空时代。

Since her husband's death, she has considerably.


She helped take care of her grandmother.她帮助照料年迈的祖母。

aged adj. ......岁(常作后置定语) 年老的 年迈的(常作前置定语)

ageing adj. 变老的 老化的 变旧的

The ______ equipment in that factory must be renewed.

A.aged B.age C. ageing D.aging

4.head vt vi通常有以下几种意思:

(1)为首;率领; 主持;领导

Who the department? 谁主管着这个部门?

(2)(常与for连用)往…去 朝…方向走去

The thirsty animals the water. 干渴的动物向水走去。


You're heading for an accident if you drink and drive.


5.account for 占…比例;说明,解释

The number of girl students in our class accounts for 26%.

The poor weather may have accounted for the small crowd.(人流量少/人气不旺)

take…into account(consideration)/take account of sth. 考虑/顾及某事

We have to every possibility when drawing up the plan.

on account of(=because of) 由于,因为 She retired early poor health.

on no account 决不,绝对不

On no account be able to work out the problem. 他决不可能解决这道题。

6. slip n. 滑倒 vi. 滑动, 滑倒 vt. 使滑动, 滑过

The soap my hand. 肥皂从我手上滑落了。

The ship the harbor at night. 那艘船夜里悄悄开进了港口。

slipper n.拖鞋 slippery adj. 滑的 the road is slippery after rain.

7.bath n.① 洗澡 take (have) a bath ② 浴室 浴缸 a room with a bath

③(常复数)浴场 澡堂 温泉浴场 public baths /sea-water baths

v. 洗澡,给…洗澡 I usually my child at night.

bathe v. ①用水洗(某物) 用水浸泡

The doctor told him to his eyes twice a day.

②洗澡 游泳(江 河 湖 海)

On hot days we often bathe /go bathing/ go for a bathe in the river.

③被(泪 汗等)浸湿 沐浴(阳光等)be bathed with/in

After the match, I sweat.

bathroom 浴室 bathrobe 浴衣 bathtub 浴缸

8.local n. 当地居民 adj. 地方的, 当地的

使...坐落于, 位于vt. 位置, 场所, [电影]外景拍摄场地

词组: 位于

I asked one of the which way to go.

The company wished to its new factory beside the river.

He indicated the of the Persian Gulf with a pen on the map.

The new hospital is to near your college.

9. adjust v. ①调整 调节 校正 I must adjust the watch; it is slow.

②调整 (使)适应He soon adjusted (himself) to her way of life.

adjustment n. 调节 调整 适应 I’ve made a few adjustment to the design.

She made a quick adjustment to her new job.

adjustable adj. 可调整的,调节的

10. exchange v交换; 互换; 调换; 更换

exchange(substitute) A for B 用A更换B

He exchanged the blue sweater a red one. 他把蓝毛衣换成了红的。

exchange sth. with sb. 与某人交换某物

Ali exchanged seats with Ben. 阿里与本调换了座位。

The two men exchanged greetings. 那两个男人互相问候.。

n. in exchange for 交换 调换 in exchange 作为交换 exchange rate 汇率

exchangeable adj. “可交换的; 可更换的; 可兑换的”

Sale goods in this shop are not exchangeable. 本店货物售出概不退换.

1) I don’t like this coat, can you _____ it _____ another one?

A. exchange for B. exchange in C. exchange of D. exchange into

2) Would you like my old TV _______ this camera?

A. of exchange for B. in exchange into C. in exchange for D. exchange for

3) I’ll type your report if you’ll babysit______.

A. for exchange B. in exchange for C. in exchange of D. in exchange

11.take advantage of 意为 “利用;欺骗; 占...的便宜 ” 如:

He took advantage of the good weather to go for a walk. 他趁着天气好,出去散散步。

He has always been taking advantage of me. 他老是占我的便宜。

[拓展]take full advantage of =make good(full) use of=make the most(best) of

have/gain/win an advantage over… 占/获得优势 be of no advantage 对…无益

be to sb’s advantage 对某人有利 be at a disadvantage 处于不利地位

12.(by) word of mouth口口相传

She gets a lot of information from the newspaper and some by word of mouth



a man of few words beyond words

break/keep one’s word get in a word

和…争吵 和…说话 .

总之 换句话说

有消息传来 逐词逐句

13.hook v. 钩住, 沉迷, 上瘾 同义词 addict (常用于被动语态)

Will you hook my dress for me?= Will you hang my coat on the hook?

I have hooked the Internet. = I have been addicted to the Internet.

by hook or (by) crook 千方百计, 不择手段

14.wander vi ① 漫游 闲逛 A man was found ________ in the hills.

② 离开正道; 离题; 迷路[(+from)]

During the storm the ship wandered from its course.船在风暴中偏离了航道。

③ (精神)错乱;(思想)混乱;出神,开小差

My attention wandered. 我走了神。

④ (河流等)蜿蜒;曲折地流

The stream wanders through the forest. 小溪蜿蜒流过森林。

wandering adj. 漫游的 闲逛的 (河流等)蜿蜒的 (精神等)错乱的

15. have something in common 有共同之处

The twins have something in common.

Tom, I feel, has in common with George. 有许多共同之处

I have in common with my father. 没有共同之处

in common with和……一样

In common with many people, he prefers classical music to pop.

out of the common不平常 He notice nothing out of the common.

16.submit to「解析」submit to 有以下三种用法:

(1)submit + oneself +to + 名词 “屈服于(vt ./ vi.)”

They refused to the unjust decision.


(2)submit + 名词 + to + 名词 “提出,提交(vt.) ”

He submitted the report on the matter to the committee.


(3)submit + (that)… “提议,主张,认为(vt.)”

I submit that this judgment is wrong. 我认为这个判决错误

17. vote n.(1) 选举,投票,表决[C][(+on/about)]

The matter will be decided by vote. 此事将投票表决。

(2) 票,选票[C][(+for/against)]

There were 6 votes in favor of my suggestion, and 5 against.

六票赞成我的建议, 五票反对。

(3) 选举权,投票权

In that country, people get the vote at the age of 18.


vi. (1) 投票;表决;选举[(+for/against/on)

As we are not unanimous for this matter, let's it.


vt.(1) 投票决定;投票同意;选举(后面加复合宾语)

They voted her their headmistress. 他们选她做校长。

(2) 【口】提议,建议[+(that)]

I vote that we(should)avoid him in the future. 我建议我们以后避开他


原形 过去式 过去分词 现在分词 词义 词性

lie lied lied Lying 说谎 vi

lie lay lain Lying 躺,位于 vi

lay laid laid laying 放置,下蛋 vt

The boy in bed his mother that he an egg.

liar (惯于)说谎者 lier 躺卧者

躺在床上 跟某人撒谎 说谎

19. take to「解析」take to (to 是介词)(1)开始从事 (2)喜欢

He took to English 5 years ago. 他五年前开始学英语。

Mary took to her new teacher the first time they met.


20. suspect v. 疑有;怀疑;察觉(常指坏事可能属实或发生);不信任

If you suspect the food has gone bad, don’t eat it.

I suspect her motives (动机)in offering to help me.

I began to suspect that they were trying to get rid of me.

n. 嫌疑犯,可疑对象

The police suspected that he was the prime suspect in the murder case.

suspect sb. of sth./doing sth. 怀疑(某人有某罪行)

He was dismissed from the factory after theft.(被怀疑)

[拓展]remind (rob/ inform/cure/ convince/accuse) sb.of sth./doing sth.

suspect sb. to be 猜想/猜疑某人是 I suspect him to be the pickpocket.

21.terror n. 恐怖, 可怕的人

My elder sister has a terror of fire. 我姐姐怕火

The detective is a terror to criminals.那个侦探令罪犯闻之丧胆。

in terror = with terror 意为“处于恐怖状态中”

She screamed in / with terror when she saw the thief. 她看到小偷时吓得尖叫起来。

恐怖主义 n. 恐怖分子

很糟的, 极坏的, 可怕的 adj. 可怕地, 十分, 极 adv.

使恐怖, 恐吓 vt. 由于……害怕

The girl was terrified out of her wits. 那女孩吓得魂不附体。

22.in part “在某种程度上;部分地” =partly

This is, in part, my own mistake.


in brief =briefly 简要地 in secret = secretly 秘密地

in general = generally 一般地 大体上 in total = totally 总共