新高一英语教案Unit 20


Unit 20 humour

Period 1


1. Practice saying some tongue twisters.

2. Listen and number the pictures. Then answer the questions according to what the students hear.


Step 1 Presentation

Everyone wants and needs, to learn how to speak well if we can talk fluently and humorously, we feel we have friendly conversation. Today we will learn to say some tongue twisters and talk about the pictures on the book.


Step 2

Go through the twisters on the book and ask students to follow.


Deal with the points and talk about the skills of speaking.

Step 4

Practice the tongue twisters in pairs and then act them out.

Ask the students to listen and member, and then talk about the pictures on the book.


Step 5

Do the exercises after the pictures and then practice them. Make up short dialogues according to the questions.


1. 你在车上吸烟,售票员对你说:“Smoking isn' t allowed here”。你应该说_______.

A. Don’t worry. B. I didn’t know that.

C. Excuse me. D. Oh, sorry.

2. 在车站上,一位老人对你说 may I ask you to buy a ticket for me” 你应该说_______.

A. can I have a book at the watch B. You are welcome.

C. I'll be glad to do it. D.I don't think I can.

3. 你站在柜台前,售货员对你说:“may I help you?” 你说:_______:

A. Can I have a look at the watch? B. Yes, you may.

C. The watch, please. D. It’s kind of you to help me.

4. 你那者报纸,有人问你 "Anything interesting in the papers? 你应该说:_____

A. Nothing special. B. Very interesting.

C. I have no newspapers D: I' am interested

5. 今天是元旦,以为朋友对你说"happy new year"你应该怎么说:_______ .

A. The New- Year’s in. B. The same to you.

C. I wish you health. D. Many happy returns!

1. D 2.C 3.A 4.A 5.B

Period 2


1. Lean) to interview a person.

2. To train the abilities of talking in English.

3. To learn some useful expressions in the interviewing.


Step I Presentation

Today we are going to learn how to interview somebody. Give an example to the students by asking an excellent student to help.

(三) 教学过程

Get the students to read and practice the dialogue in the text.

Step 2 Work in pairs

Ask one student play the part of a journalist the other a circus down. Make up a dialogue referring to the questions and pictures.

Step 3 practice

Practice the useful expressions in pairs first, and then act out at class using dialogues or making sentences.

Step 4

Play the tape for the students to listen and follow.

Step 5

Do a little quiz by speaking.

1. ----John sends his best wishes.


A. That’s nice of him B. Oh, he is too police

C. It’s kind of him to say so D. You are really kind to me

2. ---- What do you think sally is like?


A. isn't in good health B. doesn’t’ like eating too much

C. likes to eat fish D. is very pretty

3. ---- Do you mind my taking this seat?

---- _______

A. Yes, sit down please B. No, of course not

C. Yes, take it please D. No, you can't take it

4. -----Leaving for Chicago?


A. Soon B. Lately

C. Late D. Sooner

5. -------Excuse me, have you got a light?

______. I don’t smoke.

A. Don’t mention B. Never mind

C. I'm afraid not D. Thanks a lot

1. A 2.D 3.B 4.A 5.C

Period 3


1. Get the students to know about comedies and humor.

2. Get the students to know more about the funny plays.


Step 1 Presentation

Questions: Do you know some comedians?

Do you know some comedy plays?

Today we are going to read a text about language matter.

Step 2

Look at the photos and talk about them, then answer the questions on the book.


Step 3

Read the text more carefully and then do the post-reading exercises on the book.


Deal with the language points.

(The teacher lists them on the blackboard or on the screen. Ask the students to say the Chinese meanings and give some examples. )

Step 5

Play the tape for the students to listen and follow, and then ask the students to find out the main idea of each part of the text.


Step 6

Do exercises 3 choose the best verb to complete each sentence using the correct form. Referring to page 55.


1. We send out the invitation cards quite early, but quite few people didn’t turn up at the party.


2. Though he has been dead for many years, we still think that death is heavier than Mount Tai.


3. The price of the fruit and vegetables were a little lower then we had expected.


4. The harder you' 11 practice, the greater progress you will make.


5. These shoes are the less expensive of all.



1. B 2.D 3.A 4.B 5.C

Period 4


1. Get the students to read some extra materials and discuss some questions.

2. Get the students to write a short story on a joke in English.

3. Revise the language points and grammar knowledge in this unit.


Step 1 Presentation

Can you know how to be polite? Can you know how to obey the traffic roles? Today we are going to read a text "We've already met, haven’t we?"

Step 2

Read the text and finish the exercise after it.


Step 3

After finishing all the examines after the text, then ask the students write a short funny story or a joke in English at class.

Step 4

Revise the contents of the unit.

I .语言要点

l. look on...as 把…..看作

Do you look on him as an authority on the subject'? 你认为他是这问题的权威吗?

2.mosfiy 主要地,大部分,相当于 for most part, in most cases, almost all, chiefly 等意。

People who go to Antarctica are mostly scientists. 去南极的人多为科学工作者。

3.act the role 扮演角色;起某种作用

类似有:Play the role/part, take the role

He is fit to act tragic roles. 他适合扮演悲剧性人物。

4. make sb. do 使某人做

The teacher made us all laughs by saying the jokes. 老师说笑话逗我们笑。

5. date back to 起源于,相当于: date from,

The prosperity of the family dates from the war. 这家人的发迹始于大战时期。

6. The way of doing sth./the way to do sth.

The way that/in which/-clause. 做某事的方式

I like the way you speak and act. 我喜欢你的说话和行为方式。


1. It’s a song with a laugh in a tear.

2. I would like to reach a wide audience, though I mostly have adults in mind.

3. I was still so angry that I went up to tell him what I thought of him.

4. It is you that have told me the news.

Ⅲ 交际用语

1. What should I do now?

2. We’ve already met, haven’t we?

3. What do you think is the funniest part of the story?

Ⅳ 语法项目


Dustin Hoffman is famous for his role acting as a woman. At one moment in a show, you can see the audience laughing loudly.