新课标高一英语模块1 Unit 2 全单元学案(新课标版高一英语必修一学案设计)


Unit 2 English around the world




American English British English standard English


elevator petrol gas official voyage native apartment actually

AD base gradual vocabulary spelling latter identity fluent fluently Singapore Malaysia frequent frequently usage command request expression midwestern African Spanish eastern southeastern northwestern recognize lorry Houston Texas accent catfish lightning Straight block cab Because of come up at present make use of such as play a part in


1. 命令和请求( command and request)

Correct your spelling mistakes.

Would you please speak more slowly?

2.语言交际困难(Difficulties in language communication)

Pardon? I beg your pardon ? I don’t understand

Could you say that again, please? Sorry I can’t follow you.

Could you repeat that, please?

How do you spell it, please?

3. 感谢(thanks)

Thanks so much


直接引语和间接引语(2): 祈使句和感叹句

1. 祈使句

“Please sit down and have a rest ."--She asked us to sit down and have a rest.


He said ,“What a lovely day it is !” --He said what a lovely day it was.(或He said that it was a lovely day.)


I. 重点单词 (能花十分钟把I和 II两部分的单词和词组在课本中查出来并写上吗?相信自己能够做到!查完了别忘了读一读记一记哦~~)

1. (n)电梯;升降机(同义词)

2. (n)(英)汽油 (同义词)

3.________(adj.)官方的;正式的;公务的; (n)办公室 (n.)政府官员

4. ________ (n) 航行;航海

5. ________( adj.)本国的;本地的 (n.)本地人;本国人 _______

6. _________ (n)(美)公寓; (同义词) _______

7. _________ (adj.)逐渐的; ________ (adv.)

8. __________(adj.)实际上;事实上__________(adv)

9. __________(adj.)流利的;流畅的(adv)__________

10.________( adj.)频繁的;常见的(adv)__________

II. 重点短语

1. more __________one kind 不止一种

2. _____the world 全世界

3. _______ some important ways 在一些重要方面

4. a large number_______ 大量的,许多的

5. _______ fact 事实上,实际上

6. because _______ 因为;由于

7. come_______ 走近;上来;提出

8. ________ present 现在

9. Make use________ 利用;目前

10.such ________ 例如;像这种的

III. 语篇导读

1) 阅读The Road to Modern English, 然后完成下面的表格。(这是细节题,人人可以做到,不信试试看啊,试着在5分钟之内完成,你就很棒了!)

Time Facts

between AD 450 and 1150 English was _ 1__ English spoken today.

between about AD 800 and 1150. English became less like _ 2 _.

In the 1600's Shakespeare made use of _3_ than before.

In the 18th century __4 _ people brought English to __5 _.

From 1765 to 1947 English became the language for __6 _ in India.

today More people speak English than ever before. The number of people __7 _ in China __8 _rapidly.

2) 挑战自我 根据课文内容将下面短文补充完整。(这题是拔高题,考你的记忆能力、理解能力,试着在10分钟之内读完课文然后关书填空,挑战一下自我啊!)

English is a ___1____spoken all around the world. For more than 375 million people in countries __2___ ____3__the United Kingdom and the United States. English is their ___4____language .Another 375 million people learn English as a second language.___5_____,most people learn English at school as a foreign language.

The English language is also ____6___by most international organizations as their working language,as well as in international trade and tourism. Most foreigners visiting __7___are either businessmen or tourists.If their __8__ speak Chinese ,they use English to communicate with Chinese people.In global(全世界的) culture, for____9____,the Internet or popular music,English is widely used. In the homes,we will be speaking Chinese with our family,but we will be _10____ English with people around the world for our work.



I. 词汇知识

1、voyage n [C]航行,航海

①Later in the next century, people from England made voyages to conquer other parts of the world and because of that , English began to be spoken in many other countries. 在17世纪英国人开始往世界其他地区迁移。于是,许多的别国家开始说英语。



②He decided to make _______________________. 他决定乘飞机去纽约旅行。

③He got seasick _________________________. 在航行中他晕船了。

④He is going to make a round-the-world tour.他要周游世界。

⑤The travels of Marco polo is one of the most interesting books that I have ever read.


⑥This trip was cancelled because of the snowstorm.由于暴风雪,行程取消了。

2、because of 因为;由于

①I was wet because of the rain. 因为下雨,我的衣服都湿了。

②We won the game because of his participation. 由于他的参与,我们赢了比赛。

潜心辨析:because of/because

③All of this is___ you. 这所有的一切都是因为你。

④They hurried on ___ it was getting dark.因为天色已晚,他们匆匆赶路。


⑤My success is due to your help.我的成功是由于你的帮助。

○6___his effort ,it is more successful than we have expected.


3、come up 靠近,接近,上来,发生,升起,长出地面,发芽

①I'd like to come up to your apartment. 我想到你得公寓坐坐。

②The snowdrops are just beginning to come up. 雪莲花刚长出地面。

③I'm afraid something urgent ___;I won't be able to see you tonight.


潜心辨析:come up/come up with


④Come on. Let's get some sleep.走,咱们睡觉去

⑤She ___some old photographs in a drawer.她在抽屉里偶然发现一些旧照片。

4、actually adv. 实际上,事实上(=in fact)

①Actually all languages change and develop when cultures meet and communicate with each other . 事实上不同的文化交流渗透时,所有语言都会变化发展。

②Believe it or not,he actually won. 信不信由你,他真赢了。

③The tree looks high and strong but ___ its trunk is hollow .


5、be based on/upon 以 … 为根据。

其主动形式为 based on/upon 以某事物作为另一事物的根据。

①It was based more on German than the English we speak at present.


②This news report ___.这篇报道完全是以事实为根据的。

③The film ___a novel by Lu Xun. 这部电影以鲁迅的小说为蓝本。

④There is a hole in the base of container.容器底部有个洞。

⑤That company has offices all over the world,but their base is in Paris.


6、at present 目前,现在

①At present,he is on holiday. 目前,他正在度假。

②He is free at present,and you can go to him for advice.他现在有空,你可以向他咨询。


③Thirty guests ___ at the ceremony. 30位客人出席了这次典礼。

④There are twenty children present.在坐的有20个孩子。

○5The children ___ flowers ___ their teacher.孩子们献花给老师。

7、make use of 利用;使用

①So by the 1600's Shakespeare was able to make use of a wider vocabulary than ever before. 到十七世纪,莎士比亚所用的词汇量比任何时候都大。

②We must ___________ to study. 我们必须利用每一分钟去学习。

○3You can make any use of it as you like. 这个你随便用。

思维拓展:看看还有哪些跟make use of相关的词组


④We should encourage him to ___________ his talent.


8、latter adj.后半的,(两者中)后者的

①The latter gave a separate identity to American English spelling.


②Jane and Mary are good friends;the former is a teacher,and the latter is a nurse.


③Of the two ,______is better than __________ .两者中,后者比前者更佳。

9、such as 例如;像这样的

①English is also spoken in Singapore and Malaysia and countries in Africa such as South Africa.在新加坡、马来西亚及一些非洲国家,如南非,人们也说英语。

②Children like sweet foods such as chocolate.孩子们喜欢巧克力之类的甜食。

③No one trusts ___a man ___ him.没人相信他那样的人。

潜心辨析:such as/for example/that is


④He has been to many countries _____________Singapore,Canada and Australia.


⑤There are similar words in many language,______,in French and Italian.


○6My daughter chose two subjects on Sunday,that is,Chinese dancing and piano.



1. Do you know that there is more than one kind of English? 你知道世界上不只有一种英语吗?

More than 在本句中意为“超过,多于”后常接表示数目的名词,相当于over。

①I’ve known David for more than 20 years 我认识戴维二十多年了。


②China Daily is___________________a paper,It helps us to improve our English 中国日报不仅仅是一份报纸,它还帮助我们提高英语。

③All his income adds up to _________________(仅仅)500 yuan a month。

2. In some important ways they are very different from one another。在一些重要方面,他们彼此差别很大。

way n路线;方法;途径

way 是可数名词,单数形式可加a 或其它跟定词,亦可以用复数形式,表示“在…方面;以…方式”,常用介词in。

① only in this way can you work out the problem。 只有使用这种方法你才能解决问题。



②__________________(顺便问一下),where has he gone?

③I will buy some bread___________________(在回家的路上)。

3.Why not go by underground? 为什么不坐地铁去呢?

Why not do ?是个常用句型,用来提建议,意为 “为什么不?”

思考:what about?和how about?也用于提建议,它之后的动词是什么形式?

小试牛刀:How about ____________?我们去游泳怎样?

4.Native English speakers can understand each other even if they don’t speak the same kind of English 以英语作为母语的人,即使他们所讲的语言不尽相同,也可以相互理解。

句中even if是个连词短语,引导让步状语从句,含义是“即使,尽管”。让步状语从句的动词用一般现在时表示将来假设。Even if 相当于even though,两者意思一样,用法相同。

潜心辨析:even if/though与as if/though


○1I can still remember,_______________it was so long ago

○2It seems______________our team is going to win

5. ○1For example,India has a very large number of fluent English speakers

○2China may have the largest number of English learners

潜心辨析:a number of/the number of

1、a number of 意为“一些,若干”,后接复数名词或代词,作主语时谓语动词须用复数形式。Number前可用large,great等词修饰。

2、the number of 意为“~的数量”中心词是number,作主语时谓语动词须用单数形式。


○1____________students in our school _____________from the countryside


○2__________cars ____________increasing in our country


6. Only time will tell 只好由时间作答了。

该句是一个省略句,完整句是:Only time will tell whether Chinese English develops its own identity,为避免与上句重复而省略tell后的宾语从句。

Will Jack be able to return home ?Only time will tell 杰克能否回到家乡,只能由时间回答了。



同学们,经过了课前自主预习和课堂自主学习之后,相信你一定有了一些收获吧,是掌握了必须学习的知识点? 或是掌握了一些学习上的技巧与方法? 或者还有什么有待改进的地方?在下面动笔写写吧,善于总结的学生才是会学习的学生!



_______________________________________________________________________ _ _

语法点: ____________________________________________________________ _

________________________ ___

______________________________________________________________________ _ _


_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _ _ ⑶这一阶段我觉得还需要提高的是:

________________________ ___

______________________________________________________________________ _ _



I. 单词拼写

1. The ship sank on its long _______(航行).

2. He had lost his ____(身份) card and was being questioned by the police.

3. The President was leaving for a four-day _____ (正式的) visit to Mexico

4. _______(事实上), on second thoughts, I don’t think I will go out with him.

5. Do you want to take the _____(电梯) or use the stairs?

6. In America a flat is called an ________(公寓)

7. You can use your _______(橡皮) to remove pencil marks.

8. She speaks _______ (流利的) though not very correct French.

9.There has been a _______(逐渐的) change in climate.

10. Celebrations are planned for the _____(较后面的) part of November.


be based on; at present; because of; because; in some ways;

such as; make use of; more than; come up; fluently

1. She can speak Italian_____.

2. This film ___ a novel by D.H.Lawrence

3. I decided to go with them, mainly ____ I had nothing better to do.

4. It is partly ___ her sick mother that she hasn’t taken the job abroad.

5. I’m sorry he’s out______.

6. You can ____ your talents to become rich as well.

7. I know many of them, _____John, Peter, and Tom.

8. He rang to say he would be late home--something ____ at the office .

9._____a quarter of the students never finished their courses’

10. As you see, we look the same_________.




1. I will never speak to anyone like that _______ they say something unpleasant to me.

A.because B.as if C.even if D. since

2.A lot of countries have gained excellent achievements in space technology, China______.

A.such as B.for example C.namely D.and so on

3.He looks honest, but _______ he often tells lies.

A.in a fact B. in an actual fact C.as matter of fact D.actually

4.You type mostly anything into the space provided on Google and in a second it ______ with thousands of references.

A.catches up B.comes up C.ends up D.puts up

5.Time made a ______ to the Great Wall during the summer holiday.

A.voyage B.trip C.journey D.tour

6.The world market price of coal is _______ relatively low ,but it is certain to change in the future.

A..at present B..at the present C.in present D.in the present

7.We should consider what use can be made _________ such a material ..

A.of B.from C.up D.in

8.Many questions ______ at the meeting, but he answered none.

A.raised B.were risen C.came up D.asked

9.More than one _______ the people heart and soul.

A.official has served B.officials have served

C.official has served for D.officials have served for

10.China Daily is _______ a paper. It helps to improve our English.

A.more than B.no more than C.not more than D.no more

11.Almost everybody present felt unhappy______What he had said.

A.as B.because C.because of D.since

12.Ever minute_______ spoken English.

A.was made use of to practise B.was made use of practising

C..was made use of to practise D. was made use to practise

13.They keep horses and cattle, the former for riding, _______ for food.

A.latter B.the latter C.later D.the later

14.I used to earn ____ than a pound a week when I first started work

A.a little B.a few C.fewer D.less

15.When the thief found the police had already ______him. He ran away quickly.

A.realized B.known C.recognized D.stared


How to say hello in Japanese depends on when you say it. This is very much like different greetings used in English at different times of the day or night. In Japanese culture, it also depends on whether you are on the phone or meeting somebody or whether you are close to the person you are greeting. We don’t get formal with our close friends. We seldom greet them with “Good morning “ or “Good evening”. A “Hi” is enough.

Although the most popular and most well-known translation for “Hello” is still “Konnichiwa”, it is not exactly how to say hello in Japanese. Perhaps it is not the most suitable word for it. Actually, the correct greeting in English for “Konnichiwa” is “Good day” or “Good noon,” and I am sure you wouldn’t like greeting people with a “Good day” at any time, and neither do Japanese like saying “Konnichiwa” when they want to say “Hello”.

So what to do? Let’s do it the way the Japanese do. Use “Ohaiyo Gozaimasu” for “Good morning”, “Konnichiwa” when it’s noon and “Konbanwa” to greet somebody in the afternoon. Things differ when you are on the phone. Just say “Moshi, Moshi”, which is actually similar to saying “Hello” over the phone, because one hardly ever uses “Good morning” or “Good evening” right after picking up the phone. It is invariably the sweet old “Hello”.

Next time, I’ll tell something about my life in a Japan.

1. What is the best title for this passage?

A. How to say hello in Japanese. B. How to greet close friends in Japanese.

C.How to greet people in Japanese. D.Some difference between English and Japanese.

2. Japanese people greet each other by saying“______”in the afternoon.

A.Moshi,Moshi B.Konnichiwa C.Ohaiyo Gozaimasu D.Konbanwa

3. In the writer’s opinion,______.

A.Japanese culture is similar to American culture

B.Japanese people don’t like using “Konnichiwa” as a greeting for the whole day.

C. people don’t need to be police to their close friends

D.Japanese people are very friendly to each other

4. What does the Underlined word “invariably” in the last paragraph mean?

A.Probably B.Always C.Sometimes D.Likely

5. We can learn from the passage that the writer_______.

A.is from Britain B.lived in Japan for some time

C.is working in a radio station now D.knows both Japanese and Chinese




1.--Have you __________________(想出了一些好的主意)?(come)

2.The English spoken in the the United States is slightly _________________.( 以英国讲的英语不一样 ) ( different ).

3.-Sorry ,I made a mistake again.

-_________(没关系)Practice more and _____________________( 就会成功 )(mind; succeed)

4.The open-air celebration has been put off_____________( 由于坏天气 )(because of)

5.The____________________(他脸上的表情)told me that he was angry.(expression)






2.___________(v&.n)命令,掌握 ___________指挥员,司令员(n.)


4.___________(v.)辨认出 ____________(过去式)_____________(过去分词)

5.___________(n& vt.)请求;要求


1. instead__________ 代替……;而不是

2. _________ the playground 在操上场

3. _________ the phone 在电话里;通过电话

4. find__________ 找出;查明

5. _________the team 在队里



1. The teacher said to Li Ping,“Turn off your recorder.”


2. He said to me, “Don’t call me Mr. Smith again.”


3. The commander ordered his solider, “Put up your hands”.


4. John asked Rose, “Will you hand me the dictionary, Rose?”

________________________________ ___


I. 要点探究

1. Can you find the following command and request from Reading?你能从“阅读”中找到下列命令和要求吗?

(1) command n&vt 命令;指令;手掌

Fire when I give the command.我一下命令就开火。

The troop was under his command.那只部队由他指挥。

He has a good command of English.他精通英语。

The teacher commanded him to go out the the classroom.=(The teacher commanded that he should go out of the classroom.)老师命令他离开教室。


under one’s command 由某人指挥

give a command 下命令

carry out a command 执行命令

have a good command …精通

command sb. to do命令某人做

注意:command 后面的表语从句或同位语从句中谓语动词用“(should )、动词原形”

(2)request n&vt 请求;要求

Finally they had to make a request for help.最后 他们只好请求帮助。

He went there by request /at their request.他应邀前卫往。

Visitors are requested not to smoke here.参观者请勿在此吸烟。

They requested that help(should ) be sent at once.他们请求立即施以援助。


make a request for sth请求得到某物

at one’s request 应某人的请求

be request应请求;应邀

request sth.(of /from sb.)(向某人)请求得到某物

request sb to do sth.请求某人做某事

注意:request 后面跟从句时,从句中的谓语用“should+动词原形”结构,should 可以省略。

II. 语法突破


1. 当祈使句作直接引语表示要求和命令时,变间接引语时常采用 tell/order/command sb.to sth.的形式。

“Hurry up,”he said. He told me to hurry up.

He said to them,“Don’t go out.” He ordered them not to go out.

注意:若直接引语中祈使句是否定形式, 变间接引语时,不定式符号to 前要加 not或never。

2.当祈使句作直接变间接引语表示请求时,变间接引语时常采用request/beg/ ask sb. to do sth.的形式。祈使句中的please 在间接引语中必须省去。

“Please don’t be late,”he said.

He asked me not to be late.

He said,“Sit down,please.”

He asked me to sit down.

3.有些疑问句并非提出询问,而是表示请求或祈求,这种问句变间接引语时常采用ask/beg/request sb.to do sth.结构。

He asked.“Can you give me a lift?”

He asked me to give him a lift.

“Would you (please) help me with my English ?”he asked.

He asked me to help him with his English.

4. 有些表建议、要求或劝告的祈使句变间接引语时,可以用suggest, insist, offer等动词加以转述,此时要注意这些词的固定搭配。例如:

He said, “Let’s go to the museum.”

He suggested that we (should) go to the museum.

He advised me to take a rest first.

“What about having a drink ?” he said.

He suggested having a drink.

5.直接变间接引语是感叹句时,间接引语可以用what 或how引导,也可以用that引导。例如:She said,”What a lovely day it is!”

She said what a lovely day it was.( 或 She said that it was a lovely day.)


将一个祈使句由直接引语变成间接引语时,要将祈使句的动词原形变为带to 的不定式,并在不定式的前面根据句子的意思加上 tell, ask,order等动词,如果祈使句为否定式,在不定的前面加 not或 never。




同学们,这一课时主要内容是语法知识,经过了课前自主预习和课堂自主学习之后,相信你一定有了一些收获吧, 或者还有什么有待改进的地方?在下面动笔写写吧,善于总结的学生才是会学习的学生!



_______________________________________________________________________ _ _

语法点: ____________________________________________________________ _

________________________ ___

______________________________________________________________________ _ _


_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _ _ ⑶这一阶段我觉得还需要提高的是:

________________________ ___

______________________________________________________________________ _ _




I. 单词拼写

1. The fifteen persons on the Great Wall were struck by ________________(闪电) .

2. The instrument was damaged by rough _____________(使用).

3. She speaks English with an American _____________(口音 ).

4. She is always ____________(有礼貌) to everyone..

5. The old man’s___________ language (母语) is Chinese .

II 句型转换

1. The police demanded him to stand there.

he police demanded________________________there.

2. We required all the visitor not to throw waste about in the park.

All the visitors______________________waste about in the park.

3. He suggested we have supper in the restaurant.

He suggested us ___________________________________in the restaurant.

4. Animals like cats and dogs don’t go to the south in winter.

Animals _____________________cats and dogs don’t go to the south in the winter.

5. He is less like his father, but more like his mother .

As he is ________ like his mother _________his father.



I. 单项选择

1. –What did he say just now? –He _______you not to forget to bring your ticket.

A.said B.told C.suggest D.ordered

2. Mary, ________ here, ---everybody else, stay where you are.

A.come B.comes C.to come D.coming

3. He regretted ________ silly mistakes he had made.

A.what B.how C.that D.which

4.-What did the teacher say ? -He told me _______ again.

A.not to late B.not to be late C.to be not late D.not being late

5.The teacher ______ me to have another try.

A.warned B.suggested C.hoped D.asked

6.The teacher asked us ______ so much noise.

A.don’t make B.not make C.not making D.not to make

7.Yesterday he told me that he had met his uncle _________.

A.two years ago B.two years before C.before two years D. for two years

8.John suggested ______ swimming tomorrow.

A.going B.to go C.we will go D. we going

9.“ ________ police to the guests,”said my father.

A.Please B.Do be C.Are D.Should

10.I’ve worked with children before, so I know what _______in my new job.

A.expected B.to expect C.to be expecting D. expects



1.“Do some shopping for me ,please,” he said to her


2.Mar said to me “Don’t forget to answer that letter”


3.“Don’t touch anything in the lab.”The teacher said to us.


4.He said, “If the boy refuses to help, tell his father.”


5.“Make sure the door is shut, ” said he.





2. 他问我是否可以借给10 元钱。


3. 他让贝蒂去关窗户。


4. 她建议今晚召开一次会议。


5. 她嘱咐山姆站在原地别动。






2.__________(adj.)非洲的 _____________ (n)非洲

3._______________(n)东方 _____________(adj.)




1.believe it _______________信不信由你

2.____________ TV在电视上


4.play a part ____________在……中起作用,扮演一个角色

5._______________your right-hand side在你的右手边


I. 要点探究

1.Believe it or not, there is no such thing as standard English. 信不信由你,(世界上)没有什么标准英语。

(1) believe it or not信不信由你(我说的是真话,)用作插入语。

Believe it or not, he walked 12 miles to to get help for you. 信不信由你,为给你们求援,他步行了12 英里。

Believe it or not, we were left waiting in the rain for two hours. 信不信由你,我们在雨中一直等了两个小时。


to tell (you ) the truth (跟你)说实话 to be honest老实说

to begin/start with 首先 judging by/from 从 … 来判断

generally speaking一般说来 to make things worse 更糟的是

in other words换句话说 in a word总之,一句话

what’s more 而且 what’s worse 更糟的是

(2)such adj如此的,这样的

no such thing 没有这样的事情

There are many such people in the world nowadays.当今世界上有很多这样的人。

such与all, no, some ,any few, little, many , much, several, one等词连用时,应位于它们的后面。

many such books 许多这样的书

several such students几个这样的学生

no such person 没有这样的人

注意:不可以说no such a thing , no such a man





such a nice city=so nice a city(排列顺序不同)如此美丽的城市

(2)”many/ few + 复数名词”及”much /little +不可数名词之前要用so。


○1They aren't_____ ______stories in this book.

○2The weather was _______ cold that I din’t like to leave my room. ○3They make ______ much noise that our teacher got angry.

○4They are ______ little children that they can’t do anything.

○5She is ____ ____ ____ ____ as to be liked by all her classmates.=She is ____ ____ ___ 

2.Geography also play a part in making dialect.地理位置在产生方言方面也起着一定的作用。

(1)play a part in sth 在…… 起作用;在…… 中扮演角色

Electricity plays an important part in our daily life.电在我们的日常生活中起着最重要的作用。

Don’t you think the wife plays the most important part in a family? 难道你不认为妻子在家庭中起最重要的作用吗?


play a role in sth 在…… 中起作用;在…… 中扮演角色

take part in 参加

take an active part in 积极参加

3. Although many American move a lot, they still recognize and understand each other’s dialects.


recognize vt.辨认出,承认, 公认

I recognized him as soon as he came in the room. 他一进屋我就认出了他。

We recognized that task was not straight for ward.我们意识到这项任务并非轻而易举。

We recognized him to be a great leader.我们承认他是一位伟大的领袖。


recognize…by/ from …通过…… 认出/ 辨别出

recognize …as 把…… 当做;承认…… 为

recognize that … 承认/意识到……

It is recognized that ..人们意识到……


know 意为“认识,熟悉,知道“,表示认识熟悉某人或某事,是个持续性动词。

recognize 意为“辨认出”,指原来熟悉,经过一段时间后重新认出,是一个表示瞬间动作的动词。



请选择recognize, know, realize 的适当的形式填空。

○1I ______ him ten years ago, but he had change so much that I can hardly ______ him at present.

○2I have ________ him for five years.

○3None of us ________ the danger we were in.

4. Well, go round the corner on your left-hand side, straight on cross two streets.

Straight adv 直接;挺直 adj 直的;笔直的,正直的

Straight away 立刻

The car went straight down the road.汽车一直开过这条路。

The smoke rose straight up.烟直直地上升。

This road is straight.这条路很直接。

I don’t like my hair straight so I’m having it curled.


注意:straight本身就可以作副词 straightly不是它的副词形式



同学们,这一课时主要内容是语言的运用,你有了什么样的收获, 或者还有什么有待改进的地方?在下面动笔写写吧,善于总结的学生才是会学习的学生!


单词和词组:___________________________________________________ ________ __

___________________________________________________________________ __ ____

___________________________________________________________________ __



___________________________________________________________________ __ ____

___________________________________________________________________ __



___________________________________________________________________ __ ____

___________________________________________________________________ __ ____




I. 单词拼写

1. The e________ on her face told me that she din’t want to discuss it.

2. I knew from his a_________ that he was from the South.

3. He’s from Spain. He’s s_______

4. If you look s______ ahead, you’ll see the church in the distance.

5. He walked along in the shadows, hoping no one would r____ him.

6. One of my classmates is from an _____(非洲的) country.

7. What should I do when __________( 闪电) strikes me?

8. The heating system in this _________(街区)don’t work well.



I. 单项选择

1.The army officer ______ his men to fire as soon as the enemies came up.

A. request B.commanded C.begged D.Suggested

2.I’ve got to go now.Something has just ____at home and I am needed there.

A.come to B.come up C.come in D.come over

3.Oh,it’s you! Ididn’t _______ you.___I’ve just had my hair cut, and I’m wearing dark glasses.

A.recognize B.realize C.notice D.see

4.One should speak clearly and it is the same _____ writing.

A.to B.with C.as D.that

5.Mary is sure to find us easily, for she has a very good sense of ______.

A.direction B.humour C.feeling D.memory

6.I like all the seasons of the year, ______ the spring.

A.specially B.especially C.fortunately D.mainly

7.It has something to do with the part electricity _____ in our life.

A.plays B.gives C.takes D.makes

8.Yao Ming and Liu Xiang,______ many of us know, come from Shanghai.

A.what B.that C.how D.as

9.It is believed that _____ you work, _____ result you’ll get .

A.the harder; the better B.the more hard; the more better

C.the harder; a better D.more hard; more better

10.It is so nice to hear from her,________ we last met more than ten years ago.

A.In other words B.What’s more

C.Believe it or not D. All the same



Tom was a clever boy, but his parents were poor, so he had to work in his spare time and during his holidays to pay for his education. In spite of this, he managed to get to the university, but it was so expensive to study there that during the holidays he found it necessary to get two jobs at the same time so as to make enough money to pay for his studies.

One summer he managed to get a job in a butcher’s shop ( 肉店 ) during the daytime, and another in a hospital at night. In the shop, he learnt to cut mean up quite nicely, so the butcher often left him to do all the serving while he went to the back room to do the accounts( 账目 ).In the hospital, on the other hand, he was , of course, allowed to do the simplest jobs, like helping to lift people and to carry them from one part of the hospital to another. Both at the butcher’s shops and at the hospital, Tom had to wear white clothes.

One evening at the hospital, Tom had to help to carry a woman from her bed to the operating room. The woman happened to be one of his customers. She had been already felt frightened at the thought of the operating before he came to get her, but when she saw Tom, that finished her. “No! No!” she cried. “Not the butcher!” I won’t be operated on the butcher!” Then she fainted away( 昏厥).

1.Tom made enough money by ________.

A.studying in the university B.working in a butcher’s shop

C.doing two jobs D.cutting meat up well

2.Tom was a student, but at the same time he was ____.

A.a doctor B.a manager and a doctor C.an assistant D.a manager

3.The woman patient recognized Tom because he _____ .

A.was wearing white clothes B.had sold meant to her

C.was now working in the hospital D.was going to operate on her

4.“..when she saw Tom, that finished her ”, which meant the sight of Tom_____.

A.plunged her into deep sorrow B.made her decide not to have the operation

C.broke her heart D.took all her strength and courage away



Sam 是英国某高中戏剧社(Drama Society) 的成员,戏剧社在每个周末都会公开演出自导自演的舞台戏剧,因此,戏剧社每周都会出一份海报,介绍本周演出的剧目吸引更多的观众前来观看。以下是本周演出的信息,Sam 据此写了一份宣传海报。





演员:即将毕业的高三年级戏剧社的成员(戏剧社主席Thomas 扮演Hamlet )

演出时间:2007 年7月8日星期六晚上7:30





(1) Are you a fan of …?

(2) Are you tired of …?

(3) The Drama Society is preparing…..

(4) Why not come and say goodbye to …?


1. Have you started an interest in….

2. Are you thinking about ….

3. Come and join us ….

4. Do you know…


July 4,2007

Graduation Drama Night

Have you just started an interest in English literature?

Are you a fan of Shakespeare?

Are you thinking about what to do this weekend?

Are you tired of all those similar plots of Hollywood movies?

If yes, come and join us this weekend. The Drama Society is preparing a wonderful drama night for you this weekend. It’s a special night because it is also a farewell party for the members in Grade Three. This is their last performance in senior highschool. So why not come and say goodbye to our best actors and actresses?

Play: Hamlet

Type: Tragedy

Time: 7:30 pm, July 8,2007, Saturday

Place: No.2 Theatre near the west school gate

Actors: Members from Grade Three, with the chairman Hamlet

Ticket: Free

The Drama Society


1. 审题定框:海报----宣传戏据演出。

2. 列出要点:(1)以排比`反问 `设问等修辞开头以引人注意。

(2)本周要演出据目 Hamlet 欢送即将毕业的高三年级戏剧社的成员。


(4)演出时间 地点及 价的介绍。

3. 注意写作要符合海报的特点,围 海报的目的的选择句式和措词。


海报的正文部分先用几句话描述本次 活动最特殊也是最吸引人的地方,即:这是毕业生成员的告别演出,所有演员均为毕业班学生,以活动的特殊性来吸引读者的注意,使得海报主次分明结构灵活生动,而且信息转达清晰避免了冗长的叙述。


昨天你们班就“Why should we learn English?”这一话题进行了一场激烈的讨论,结果如下表。请根据表格里的内容写一篇海报。

Title Why should we learn English?

Reasons 1. 英语是世界上使用最广泛的语言,大多数商业信件,书籍,杂志都用英语书写。

2. 学好英语可使我们更好的向国外学习先进经验:可以更快更好地学习 现代科学技术。

3. 学好英语能更好地为祖国服务。

4. 学习英语有时也是一大趣事。

Conclusion 我们应该努力学习英语


1. 词数120左右。

2. 根据内容可适当增添细节。


本单元写作训练是关于英文海报的写作(Factual writing:poster)。在日常生活中,我们时常回接触到各种各样的海报;



二. 海报的内容多是电影`球讯`节目预告`演出动态`招聘等等。

三. 海报的格式


2.标题:居中标在海报的正上方,用简洁`引人注目的语言概括要宣传的主要内容。如:Weekend Ball ,English Corner ,Volunteers Wanted, Film News等。


四. 注意事项



3.海报发布时间不可根据 汉语写在末尾,而是写在左上。

Keys to Unit2

Warming up&Reading

I.1.elevator;lift 2.petrol;gas 3.official;office ;officer 4.voyage 5.native 6.apartment;flat

7.actually;actual 8.gradual,gradually 9.fluent;fluently 10.frequent;frequently

II.1.than 2.around 3.in 4.of 5.in 6.of 7.up 8.at 9.of 10.as

III1)1.quite different from 2.German 3.a wider vocabulary 4.British 5.Australia 6.government and education 7.learning English 8.is increasing

2)1.language 2.such 3.as 4.first 5.However 6.used 7.China 8.cannot 9.example 10.speaking


1.(2)a journey to New York by air (3)during the voyage

2.(3)because of (4) because (6)Thanks to

3.(3) has come up (5) came across 4.(3) actually 5.(2)is based entirely on facts (3) is based on

6.(3) were present (5) presented; to

7.(2) make use of every minute (4) make doog /full/the best/the most use of

8.(3)the latter; the former 9.(3)such ;as (4) such as (5)for example

难句剖析1.(2)more than (3) no more than 2.(2)By the way (3) on my way 3.(1)going swimming 4. (1)even though (2) as if 5.(1)A number of ;are (2)The number of ; is


I. 1.voyage 2.identity 3.formal 4.Actually 5.life/elevator 6.apartment

7.eraser/rubber 8.fluent 9.gradual 10.latter

II.1.fluently 2.is based on 3.because 4.because of 5.at present 6.make use of

7.such as 8.had come up 9.More than 10.in some ways


I.1---5.CBDBB 6---10 AACAA 11---15 CABDC



1.come up with some good ideas 2.different from that in the United Kingdom 3.Never mind ;you’ll succeed 4.because of bad weather

5.The expression on his face

Learning about Language

I.1.use; usage 2.command; commander 3.vocabulary 4.recongize; recognized; recognized; 5.request II.1.of 2.on 3.on 4.out 5.on

III.1.The teacher asked LiPing to turn off his recorder.

2.He asked me not call him Mr Smith again.

3.The commander ordered his solider to put up his hands.

4.John asked Rose to hand him the dictionary.


I.1. lightning 2.accent 3.polite 4.native

II. 1.that he (should) stand 2. were required not to throw 3.that we (should ) have supper 4.such as 5. more ; than

B级测评:1---5BAABD 6---10 BBABB

A级测评:I.1.He asked her to do some shopping for him.

2.Mary reminded me to answer that letter.

3.The teacher told us not to touch anything in the lab.

4.He advised me to tell the boy’s father if he refused to help.

5.He told me to make sure the door was shut.

II.1.He told the children not to make noises.

2.He asked me if I could lend him 10 yean.

3.He asked Betty to shut the window.

4.He suggested holding a meeting tonight.

5.He ordered Sam to stay where he was.

Using language

I.1.expression ;express 2.African; Africa 3.East;eastern 4.straight ;straight 5.recognize

II.1.or not 2.on the 3.on the 4. in 5.on


I.1,(1)few such (2)so (3)so (4)so (5)such a good student ;so good a student 3.(1)knew; recognized (2)known (3)realized

C级测评:I.1.expression 2.accent 3.Spanish 4.straight 5.recognize

6.African 7.lightning 8.block

B级测评 : 1---10 BBABA BADAC

A级测评: 1---4 CCBD

writing: Why should we learn English?

English is one of the most widely used languages in the world. It is one of the working languages at international meetings and is more often used than others. It’s said that most business letters was written in English. Millions of books and magazines are written in English, too.

With the help of English, people in developing countries can learn a lot of advanced experience, modern science and technology faster and better from the developed countries.

We can serve our country better with the help of English.

Sometimes, learning is also great fun.