


SEFC Book I Unit 7 Cultural Relics







本单元话题--文物古迹(Cultural relics )历来是全世界较为关注的焦点之一,尤其是在伊拉克战争中,大量代表古人类文明的文物、古迹惨遭破坏,甚至毁灭!本单元所采用话题构成了一个现代意义十足的时尚理念,能够充分唤起学生的参与欲望。单元内容极具生活化,富有活力,体现了本套新教材的一个重要特征,即紧扣时代脉搏,富有时代气息。Listening 开门见山向我们介绍三个cultural sites,并要求根据所听内容熟悉各自的重要性,以及人们为保护这些文物古迹所采取的措施;Speaking则要求我们制作一个即将被送入太空的、内含能代表中国文化的五件物品的“cultural capsule”,让学生成为主体,充分发挥他们的思维、展示他们无限的想象力;Reading通过对俄罗斯著名城市--圣彼得堡有关史实的介绍,以“A City of Heroes”为标题讴歌了圣市人们为保护历史文物和重建家园所作的一切;Writing进一步要求学生以主人翁的姿态致信报社编辑,反映当地文物古迹遭损受毁的情况,呼吁全社会行动起来,为保护人类文明遗产尽一份力。整个单元自始自终围绕保护代表人类历史与文明的文物古迹这一主线。话题反映了《课程标准》所提出的“向学生渗透人文理念和注重对学生文化意识的熏陶”要求,非常具有现实教育意义,教师利用素材不但可以传授英语知识,而且可以在教学过程中通过渗透的方式将文物保护知识有机地渗透于每堂课的课堂教学之中,培养学生爱护人类文明、保护文物古迹、热爱伟大祖国的思想品德。


1. Functional Items:Ways of giving advice or making suggestions.

2. Topic:Talking about cultural relics, including ways of protecting them.

3. Word-formation:“re + V.”(eg. rebuild, replaced, recreate).

4. Key words and expressions:select, represent, in history, be kept as, give in(up), in ruins,

in pieces, bring … back to life, etc

5. Structure (Grammar):The Passive Voice (I) - The Present Perfect Passive Voice

6. Writing:Write a letter to the editor on a certain cultural site, suggesting ways of

protecting the cultural relics.

【 “现在完成时”是中学阶段英语语法教学的重点,也是难点,不过学生在初中阶段已学过现在完成时和被动语态,本单元可以作为一个语法复习巩固来处理。】

总之,本单元通过语法、功能项目与新话题的有机结合,充分体现《新课程标准》“以学生为本,以学生的发展为本” 之要求。







 1)激发并提高学习英语的兴趣,乐于接受新鲜事物,勇于尝 试;体现课堂教学“主体者”的身份,积极主动参与教学各环节,成为学习的主人;具有个性,培养创造能力。

















(一)以任务型教学 (Task-based Language Teaching)作为课堂教学设计之理念,具体采用情景教学法(Situational Approach),交际教学法(Communicative Approach),整体语言教学法(Whole Language Teaching)等教学方法。从一定程度上说,人们使用语言是为了完成各种各样的任务,而任务型的教学活动就是让学习者通过运用所学语言来完成各种各样的交际活动。学习者通过表达、沟通、交涉、解释、询问等各种语言形式来学习和掌握语言,实现目标,感受成功。










  经常性地开展pair work、group work、class performance,培养学生的团体合作精神。





日期 课堂活动内容

姓名 评价等第 评 语

Student A

S- B

S- C



组员姓名 日期 活动内容

评价内容 1.参与程度 2.与组员配合 3.动作表演 4.课堂效果反应 5.语音语调 6.语言表述




【注:评价等第为(积极 / 优秀、尚积极 / 良好、一般、不参与 / 需努力)】




  依据《课程标准》及对学生教学目标的要求,课堂教学中充分利用与教材相配套的教学挂图、录音带、VCD 、投影片、练习册、阅读训练以及多媒体软件等,并以此作为学生学习和教师教学的重要内容和手段。适应信息时代之所需,教师应重视使用一些先进的现代教学技术手段来激发、提高学生学习英语的兴趣,主要运用多媒体辅助教学,以增加教学的直观性和趣味性,加大课堂密度,提高教学效率。本单元计划用六课时完成教学任务与测试评估。具体教学程序设计如下:

       Teaching Procedures for the 1st Period

Step one Warming-up

1. Greeting.

2. Watching & Chatting:Watch a video which introduces some famous cultural sites across

Shaoxing, having a free chat with the Ss.

3. Questions & Answers:Show to the Ss three pictures, asking them:

① What do you know about the places in the pictures?

② Where are they?

③ Which one would you like to see most? Why?

Step two Pre-listening

1. Ticking:Listen to the tape and tick the things Ss hear.

2. Questions & Answers:Listen again and discuss the questions in groups

① Why is it important to protect cultural relics?

② Why is it difficult to find out how people lived in ancient times?

③ What do we know about life in ancient Egypt?

④ Why do we know so much about the way the ancient Egyptians lived?

⑤ What do you think we can do to protect our cultural relics?

Step three Listening

1. Language Input :Well, now we're going to listen to a description of three cultural sites.

Please ① Listen to the tape and write down the name of the site in the form below.

② Listen to the tape again and write down about its importance.

Name of the site Why is it important? What is being done to protect it?

Site 1

Site 2

Site 3

③ Listen to the tape again and write down about “What's being done to protect it”.

Ss discuss their answers in groups and then check in class.

Step four Post-listening

1. Listen to a piece of news (T has previously taken from a news report) and ask Ss to have a discussion about the following topics:

① Why do our city government make such great effort to protect cultural sites?

② Do you think it necessary to spend so much money on the project?

Step five Error-finding

1. Language Input:Now we're going to listen to the description of the three maps. Please

① Listen to the tape and put the statues in the right place.

② Listen to the tape and put the temple and the museum in the right place.

③ Listen to the tape and put the Moon Tower and the Blue Waterfall in the right place.

Step six Game

1. Language Input:As is known to us all, China is a country with a history of more than 5,0000 years. In the long history, people in different periods have left us quite a number of cultural sites, many of which are world-famous. Now please look at the screen carefully and let's have a game!

[T divide the class into four groups, asking the Ss to say what the name of the cultural site is and where it is according to the given picture. The group which makes the most choices win the game. ]

Group A Group B Group C Group D



1. Prepare a brief description of Ss’ favorite cultural site in China. The report must include the following: ① The name of the site ② Its size as well as its history

③ Its importance and what is being done to protect it.

(Better surf on the Internet!)

2. Preview “Speaking”.

Teaching Procedures for the 2nd Period

Step one Warming-up

1. Greeting.

2. Check the homework, asking individual Ss to come to the front to act out their report. The teacher may ask the others some questions about their reports.

Step two Pre-speaking

1. Brainstorming Ask the Ss one question:What do you think can represent Chinese culture?

[T collect the answers and write them on the blackboard.]

Step three Speaking

1. Language Input:Well, everybody is now asked to make a culture capsule with a size of 2×2 metres, which will be sent into space so that anyone who finds it will understand who we are. You can select five things that represent Chinese culture, but do remember that you cannot put any living things in it. Also you may include in the capsule a short message of about two sentences in any language, but remember that those who find it may not understand the language. Meanwhile please give the reasons for your choices. The following expressions may be helpful to you.

Asking for suggestions Making suggestions

● What shall we put in in your opinion?● Can't we put in …?● Should we put in …?● Which do you think is the more suitable thing we put in?● …… ● Let's put in….● Maybe we could put in ….● I think we'd better put in ….● I'd like to choose….● What / How about…?● Why not put in …?● Why don't you put in …?● ……

[ T divide the class into pairs, letting them discuss and collect the information, and ask each pair to make a dialogue.]

Things you want to put in Reasons for your choices







SA:In my opinion we could put in ….

SB:That sounds a great idea. And I'd like to choose ….

SA:Sorry, I don't think that's the best choice.

SB:Then what about …?


2. Now divide the class into groups, each group discuss the project, trying to agree on the same five things. Each group select one student to finish a report and then ask some groups to report in front of the class..

Step four Useful Expressions --- Making suggestions

1. Language Input:In our everyday life, we quite often ask our friends or relatives for advice or suggestions on what to do or what not to do. And in English there're several ways of giving advice or making suggestions.

Ways of giving advice or making suggestions Ways of replying to others' advice or suggestions

Acceptance Refuse

1. Shall I / we …? 2. Let's …, shall we? 3.Why not …? 4. Why don't you / we …? 5. You'd better …. 6. I think it's better (for you / us) to …. 7.Would you like / love to …? 8.What / How about …? 9.I suggest (that) you (should)…. 10.I advise you (not) to …. 11.I wonder if you should…. 12.Have you considered …? ▲Note:除句型8和12后接动名词 (短语)外,其余均需接动词原形。 1. All right. / OK. 2.That's all right. 3.Certainly. / Sure. 4.Good idea. / That's a good idea.5.That sounds great. 6. That sounds (like) a good idea.7. I'd like (love) to …. 1. I'm afraid that …. 2. I'm sorry, but …. 3. I'd like (love) to, but …. 4. It (That) sounds nice, but ….

Step five Dialogue Production

[T will provide certain situations, asking the Ss to work in pairs to make dialogues.]

Situation A:Two friends are discussing what to do in the coming weekends.


A: It's said that there's going to be a wonderful film “Heroes”. Why not go to the cinema?

B: I'm afraid I won't. I have seen it twice.

A: What do you suggest doing, then?

B: Would you like to go out for an outing?

A: I'd like to, but it's going to rain in the next two days.

B: What a pity! Have you considered going to the library?

A: Good idea. Let's meet here at 8 o'clock tomorrow, shall we?

B: Sure.

Situation B:Jessica is poor in English. She is asking her friend, Susan for advice.


Jessica: My English is poor. I wonder what I should do.

Susan: You should remember as many English words as possible.

Jessica: OK.

Susan: And you need to have more listening, speaking, reading and writing.

Jessica: It sounds nice, but I still don't know what to do.

Susan: I'm not certain, either. Why don't you ask Mr Wang?

Jessica: That's a good idea. Let's go together.

Susan: All right.

Step six Post-speaking

Workbook p. 121 “Talking”:Divide the whole class into four groups, each group taking the part of an expert, a businessman, villager A and villager B, while the monitor takes the role of the village leader. Ask the Ss to discuss the problem. Each group leader and the monitor prepare a report which is asked to report to the whole class.


1. Write a report about the culture capsule.

2. Practise ways of making suggestions.

3. Preview “Reading”.

Teaching Procedures for the 3rd Period

Step One Warming-up

1. Greeting.

2. Comment on the Ss’ report about the culture capsule.

3. Go over the ways of giving advice or making suggestions.

Step Two Pre-reading

1. Language Input:Throughout the world, there're many well-known cities, and quite a few of them are particularly great. Some of the cities are well received by the people, and some others have in or around them a number of famous cultural relics. Now let's have a free discussion about the following questions:

① Some cities, like Paris and Beijing, are called great cities of the world. In your opinion, what makes a city great?

② What are your favorite cities?

③ What cultural relics are there in the place where you live? How important are they?

Step Three Reading

1. Scanning Ask the Ss to read the passage quickly, finding out where they have the problem understanding the whole story. Discuss the problems in pairs first and in groups later. Deal with some common problems in class.

2. Vocabulary Ask the Ss to complete the sentences with the right words from the passage. (Workbook p. 122 )

3. True or False Ask the Ss to listen to the tape while looking at the sentences on the screen, making a decision about whether the following statements are true or false.

Statements True or false

1. The city of St Petersburgh was built and rebuilt by Peter the Great. 2. Many great palaces in the city, which were large and beautiful, were built after Peter's death. 3. The Germans attacked St Petersburgh a hundred years ago. 4. When the palaces and buildings were rebuilt, people changed their old beauty.5. A portrait of Peter the Great was destroyed by the Germans. 6. It was difficult for people to rebuild the old palaces. 7. Workers and painters used old photographs to help them rebuild the city. 8. St Petersburgh will never be as beautiful as it was before.

4. Skimming Ask the Ss to read the passage more carefully and find the topic sentence for each paragraph. Meanwhile the teacher may ask the Ss to answer some detailed questions.

Questions:① Where do people usually build a city? Why?

② What were the palaces like?

③ What were the palaces used for after the Czars' rule over the city ended?

④ What did the Germans do as they leftthe city?

⑤ Was it easy for the people of St Petersburgh to rebuild the city? And why?

⑥ What did the people do to bring the city back to life?

5. Reading aloud Play the tape and ask the Ss to read along in a loud voice.

Step four Post-reading

1. Ask the Ss to discuss the following questions in groups:

① Why do people think St Petersburgh is a great city?

② Why was it so difficult for people to rebuild the old palaces?

③ What did people use to help them rebuild the city?

④ Why are the people of St Petersburgh heroes?

Step five Interview

Ask the Ss to work in pairs, playing the role of a newspaper reporter and a citizen of St Petersburgh and finally invite some pairs to act out their interview in the front.

【Model】R-- reporter C--citizen of St Petersburgh

R: Good morning, I'm from Shaoxing Daily. May I ask you several questions?

C: Sure.

R: When was your city built and and who built the city?

C: ……

Step six Debate

Divide the whole class into two groups, asking them to collect as much information as possible according to the following situation (topic).

Discussion With the fast development of economy, many parts of our old city is being rebuilt.In the area where you live, the city government plans to pull down quite a few low old buildings and put up some high buildings. There is an old building, which dates from the Ming Dynasty and in it there’re a lot of famous carved paintings. Do you think it necessary to pull down this old building or to leave it as it is?

Step seven Summary and homework

1. Summarize the passage and ask the Ss to retell the story.

2. Finish off the exercises on p. 46 “Word study”-2 and p.123 “Vocabulary”-2.

Teaching procedures for the 4th Period

Step one Warming-up

1. Greeting.

2. Ask individual Ss to retell the story.

3. Check the homework, giving some explanation if necessary.

Step two Lead-in

1. Ask the Ss to find out the sentences from the passage that they think read most beautiful or sound sweetest.

2. Enjoy the sentences Ss pick out, especially the sentence:“We will not let our history and culture be destroyed, and we will do everything we can to save our city! ”

Step three Reading

1. Scanning Ask the Ss to read the passage on page 124 and finish the following two exercises shown on the screen.

▲Fill in the blanks with the words from the passage1. The word which has similar meaning to “finish” is ________.2. ________ means to go or run quickly.3. The word ________ means to save.4. A ________ is a place where people worship ( v.崇拜) the god.5. To ______ large areas means that water covers large areas.6. If something is needed, it is ________.7. When you are seriously ill, your life could be ________.8. When you see people eating breakfast, you can say “They are ________.”9. The water of a river, a lake or a sea is called ________.10. To go up or to get higher means to ________.【KEYS】1.complete 2.To rush 3.rescue 4.temple 5.flood 6.necessary 7.in danger 8.at breakfast 9.waters 10.rise

▲ Fill in the blanks with proper words.1. A dam was built.________ a result, the water level of the lake rose ________ 63 meters.2. They decided to move the temple stone ________ stone.3. About 20~50% of the electricity which Egypt needs is produced ________ the water rushing ________ the base of the dam.4. Each stone was marked ________ a number and then all the stones were carried to the new place.5. The old temple, which dates ________ about 1250 BC, will be moved to a new place.6. The experts are trying to find ways of rescuing the animals ________ danger.7. Many fields will be covered ________ the waters of the new lake which will be finished ________ the end of this year.【KEYS】1.As; by 2.by 3.from; through 4.with 5.from 6.in 7.by / with; by / before

2. Skimming Ask the Ss to read the passage more carefully and try to answer the followings:

1.What are the only three man-made projects that can be seen from the earth? Where are they?

2.When was the Aswan High Dam completed?

3.What was the High Dam built for?

4.What problems were caused by building the High Dam?

5.What do you know about the temple at Abu Simbel?

6.How did the engineers decide to move the whole temple?

7.How long did the project last?

8.How much did the project cost?

9.When was the project completed?

10.How can you get to the temple at Abu Simbel?

Step four Post-reading

1. Discussion Divide the class into groups and ask each group to discuss the question:

① Do you think it necessary to spend so much money on rescuing this temple?

② Do you think that the Egyptian engineers solved the problem in the best way possible?

③ Are there other temples or buildings that we could not move?

④ What about the Great Wall or the Temple of Heaven?

⑤ Would it be right to move them if we had to build something where they stand today? Why or why not?

2. Fill in the blanks with proper words.

The Great Wall of China is one of the eight wonders of the world. It lies across North China ________ a huge dragon (巨龙). It is one of the few man-made projects on earth ________ can be seen from the moon.

The Great Wall ________ built more than 2,000 years ago. It was built ________ the reason of war. Now it is more than 6,000 kilometers ________ from east to west, 6-7 meters high, and 4-5 meters wide. In most places, it is wide ________ for five horses or ten people to walk side ________side along the top.

Today the Great Wall has become a great place of ________ .It interests tens of thousands of people ________ different parts of the world every day. So more and ________ people have come to know the famous Chinese saying:“He ________ does not reach the Great Wall is not a true man.”

【KEYS】like; that; was; for; long; enough; by; interest; from; who

Step five Discussion

1.Language input:In the world there’re many cultural relics. Sometimes people have to choose between protecting the relics of the past and building the roads and houses of the future. What do you think we need to think about when we make decisions about cultural relics?

[Divide the class into groups and ask them to discuss for a while, and then collect ideas or suggestions from each group.]

Step six Summary and Homework

1. Read the passages and finish off Workbook Ex 4 on p.126.

2. Write a report about the discussion.

Teaching procedures for the 5th Period

Step one Warming-up

1. Greeting.

2. Check the homework.

3. Ask individual Ss to act out their reports, making some comments if necessary.

Step two Language study

1. Group work Divide the class into groups, asking each group to find the verbs beginning with the letters “re-” and discussing the similarities among them.

restore; rebuild; replace; recreate;

2. Analyze the structure of the discussed words:prefix “re”+ V. → meaning “do sth. once again”.

3. Brainstorming Ask the Ss to think of other examples or look up the dictionary for words with the prefix “re-”and get the meaning of the words.


⑴ reappear vi. appear again (esp. after disappearing)

⑵ recall v. call back

⑶ recollect v. call back to the mind

⑷ recount v. count again

⑸ redo v. do again

⑹ refill v. fill again

⑺ refit v. make (a ship, etc) ready for use again by renewing or repairing parts

⑻ reforest v. plant again with trees

⑼ re-form v. form again

⑽ rehouse v. provide with a new house

⑾ rejoin v. join (together) again

⑿ relay v. lay (a cable, carpet, etc) again

⒀ rename v. give a new name to; name again

⒁ reopen v. open again after closing or being closed

⒂ replay v. play (e.g. a football match that was drawn) again

⒃ reprint v. print again; print a new impression of

⒄ retell v. tell again

⒅ rethink v. think about again; reconsider

⒆ reunite v. bring together or come together again

⒇ rewrite v. write again

4. Structure (Grammar)

Ⅰ.Ask the Ss to put some sentences into English, going over the Present Perfect Tense.

① 在过去的三个月里学生们已经收集了二千节旧电池(n.battery)。

② 园林工人已完成寺庙百分之八十的重建任务。

③ 他已将那台旧电视机送给邻居了。

④ 中国已向太空发射了几十颗人造卫星。

⑤ 史密斯先生已把词典和杂志归还给了图书馆。

Ⅱ.Ask them to change the sentences into passive voice, paying attention to the structure of the sentences.

Active Voice Passive Voice

① The students have collected two thousand old batteries in the past three months.② The garden workers have already finished 80% of the rebuilding of the temple.③ He has sent the old TV set to his neighbour.④ China has sent up scores of man-made satellites into space.⑤ Mr Smith has returned the dictionary and magazines to the library. ① Two thousand old batteries have been collected (by the students) in the past three months.② 80% of the rebuilding of the temple has been finished (by the garden workers).③ The old TV set has been sent to his neighbour.④ Scores of man-made satellites have been sent into space (by China).⑤ The dictionary and magazines have been returned to the library (by Mr Smith).

Ⅲ. Pair work Ask pairs of Ss to discuss and find out the differences between the above two columns, then the teacher gives some explanation if necessary.

Step three Practice

1. Ask the Ss to find the sentences in the passage which include the Present Perfect Tense and then change them into the Active Voice.

2. Drills Ask Ss to finish exercises on page 47 and 48, asking some questions about the two news stories.

① What is the first news story about?

② Why are some of the cultural sites not well protected?

③ What has happened to some ancient sites?

④ What are the villagers worried about?

⑤ What have they decided to do?

⑥ What is the second news story about?

⑦ What will be the result of the repair project?

⑧ What are the people of Beijing asked to do? And what’s the result?

⑨ When was the old city wall built?

⑩ Why do you think the city of Beijing plans to repair the old city wall?

Step four Summarise and Homework

1.Summarise what’s been studied, esp. word-formation and structure of the Present Perfect Tense.

2. Finish off workbook exercises on page 128.

3. Preview “Intergrating skills”.

Teaching procedures for the 6th Period

Step one Warming-up

1. Greeting.

2. Check the homework, giving some explanation if necessary.

Step two Reading

1. Language Input:Quite often in our daily life we may see or hear or read something that makes us fell happy, sad or even very angry. And we usually want to tell others about our own feelings. We have several ways of showing how we feel, for example, we can have a talk with our close friends or relatives; we can get a pen friend; we can make a phone call to the local radio or TV station; and we can also write to a newspaper, a magazine and so on. Now please read a letter and try to find what is going on.


① Where does the writer live?

② What is the writer worried about?

③ How does the air pollution come about?

④ What suggestions does the writer make?

Step three Pre-writing

1.Fill in the form Ask the Ss to work in pairs, answering the questions by filling in the form.

Who are you? What problem do you want to talk about? How do you feel about it? What suggestions do you have about it?

I live in a small village. Some people in my village want to …

I am …

Step four Writing

1. Questions and Answers Ask individual Ss to answer the questions according the above form.

2. Sentence writing Ask Ss to write down the answers to the questions in the form of sentences.

3. Sentence combining Ask Ss to combine the sentences one after another, using and, but, or, so, unless, although, because, etc.

4. Refining Ask Ss to read what they have done, making some necessary changes by using some more difficult conjunctions like which, that, when, what, when, where, etc.

5. Exchanging Ask pairs or groups of students to exchange what they have written and discuss each other’s writing. After the Ss have done it, ask several students to read out their letters.

Step five Proof Reading

T show the Ss a previously-prepared letter, asking them to correct the mistakes in it.

Dear editor, I live in a small village, it is a very beautiful village. Recently some 1. ____people in the village want to destroy the old temple so that they can 2.____ build a new car factory. The old temple has a history of more than 3. ____five hundred years. Inside the temple there are few stone figures and 4. ____carved paintings. If the temple was destroyed, all these things will be 5. ____losing, and I don't think it right for people to do that. I think one way 6. ____to solve the problem is to build the car factory in other place. Second 7. ____if the factory really need to be built, we'd better try our best to remove 8. ____the whole temple to somewhere else. We shouldn't let our history or 9. ____culture are destroyed, and we should do all we can to save the temple. 10. ____ Yours sincerely, Li Hua

【KEYS: 1.it→which 2.the→an 3.√ 4. ∧a (or few→some / several) 5. was→is

6. losing→lost 7. other→another 8. need→needs 9.or→and 10.are→be】


1. Ask the Ss to go over the whole unit.

2. Write a letter to the editor about any problem they come across.