



(SEFC)Book1A Unit6 Good Manners

江苏省天一中学 丁丹

目标设计:1) 按新课程标准,课堂以学生为主体。在课堂上,采取启发式、创新式的教学方式,运用多样化的教学媒体,开展生动活泼的教学活动,鼓励学生主动思考、大胆想象、积极参与,以培养学生的听说能力。

2) 运用“语言的输入 语言的辅助输出 语言的输出”这一语言规律,提高学生的听说能力,尤其是说的能力。

重点和难点设计: 1)帮助学生复习使用表示道歉的用语。



一、 导入(Presentation):

一首英文歌曲:(Thank you /You’re welcome.-----摘自《新概念英语》)

设计问题:1)What can we learn from the song?

2) Why do we always use these expressions?

(歌曲抓住学生的注意力;问题的回答,巧妙地引出话题:Good Manners)

二、 热身(Warming up):


设计学生活动:1)Pair Work




设计问题:What can we learn from the dialogues?


When we want to enter a room, we should say: Excuse me. May/can I come in?

When we want to interrupt other’s conversation, we should say: Excuse me. May I interrupt you for a moment?

When we have troubled others, we should say: I’m sorry. Or: I’m terribly/really sorry.


三、 听力(Listening):

1. 听前导入:

步骤一:问题设计:What are the three words that we often use if we want to be polite to others in our daily life?(Answer: Please, Thanks, and Sorry.)



问题设计:What’s it talking about?

What do you think of the young man?

What can we learn from the story?



On the afternoon of July 2nd, I was traveling from Shanghai back to Shenyang by train. In front of me were sitting two men and a woman. A young man was sitting between the man and the woman. The man was reading a newspaper and the woman looking out of the window. Later the young man brought out his tape – player and played some very loud music. What was worse, he was singing along and drinking. The people around looked at him angrily. When the train stopped at a station, he got off in a hurry. Suddenly, a man in the train called him as he hurried away. “Young man, you have lost something.” The young man stopped and returned, wondering what it might be. The man in the train said:” You have lost good manners, you should mind your manners next time.”

2 . 听力训练:



1. What does Bill say to apologise for taking the bike without telling Cliff?

Oh, _I’m sorry. I only used it to get to school because I was late.

2.What does Cliff say?

_That’s Ok. Just ask me next time, will you?

3.What does Bill say to apologise for losing the bike?

I really have to apologise . It’s about your bike.

4. What does cliff say?

Oh, that’s all right . I guess it wasn’t really your fault, wasn’t it?

That’s OK _. Forget it_ . It was an old bike anyway.

5.Bill took Cliff’s bike without asking him. He also lost Cliff’s bike.

He apologises for losing it by saying :

I’m really sorry about the bike.



3. 听后活动:

a) 根据听力内容,编对话。(抓住机会,趁热打铁,这是一个语言辅助输出的过程。)

b) 总结道歉用语及回答。(总结所听的内容,为下面的口语训练作准备。)

Ways of Making Apologies

(Please )Forgive me. I’m very sorry.

I apologise for…

I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to …

Oops. Sorry about …

Possible Answers

Oh, that’s all right.

Oh, well, that’s life.

It’s OK.

No problem.

四、 口语训练(Speaking):

第一部分:任务一:Pair Work用所总结的道歉用语编对话,一两句即可。

任务二:Pair Work用所给场景(附后)编对话,并注意运用道歉用语。


Situation 1

You are at a school party. Your friend tells you that the man you are going to work with tomorrow has also come to the party. You have never met the man before, but your friend does not know. You ask him to introduce you to the man.

Situation 2 :

Many students and teachers come to the party. You are looking for two seats to sit down with your friend, but there are none. You see two seats, but there are bags on them. You go over to ask the girl sitting beside the bags.

Situation 3

Many people are drinking at the party and there are many glasses on the table. You take the wrong one. What will you say and what will you do?

Or: you can use your own situation.

第二部分:Discussion: What should we do if we want to be a student with good manners?

1) At school…(图片附后)

2) At home…(图片附后)

3) In public places…(图片附后)


1.At school….

2. At home…

3. In public places…

五、 课堂内容总结(Summary):

问题设计:What have we learned today?(a:…how to make apologies;

b:…how to be a person with good manners.)



1. 观察图片,口头描述。(图片附后)

2. 写短文。(课上时间有限,可作为 Homework.)
