


1.本单元第49课对话中多次出现了“No,it's not him.”这个句子。


【答】人称代词作表语,在非正式英语中(特别是日常会话中)人们已习惯于用其宾格(如me,him等),这种用法很常见。如:-Who is knocking at the door?谁在敲门?-It's me.是我。-Who said that?是谁说的?-I think it was him.我想是他说的。

2.Such was Albert Einstein,a simple man and the 20th century's greatest scientist.爱因斯坦就是这样的人,一个纯朴的人,一位20世纪最伟大的科学家。


【答】句中such是代词,用以指代前文所说的情况,意为“这样的人(事)”,它在该句中作表语,such作表语时通常提到句首,形成主谓倒装结构,其谓语动词的数应由such指代的情况而定。如:鶶uch is life.人生就是这样。鶶uch were his words.这就是他讲的话。

3.As a result,it appeared to scientists on earth that the stars had moved.因此,在地球上的科学家看来,恒星好像是移动了。


【答】appear作“好像,似乎”解时,常指人从外表上所得到的印象。有时暗含实质上并非如此的意思,作此意解时,其后可跟不定式、形容词或that从句,接从句时常用it作形式主语,而把真正的主语放到句子后面去。例如:鶫e appears to have many friends.他似乎有很多朋友。鶺hy does she appear so sad?她为何显得如此悲伤?鶬t appears that he won't come tonight.看来他今晚不会来了。鶬t appears to me that they are right.我似乎觉得他们是正确的。

4.教材:That fits the puzzle!


考例:This straw hat ____ me.(MET'83)

A.doesn't fit for B.isn't fit鶦.doesn't fit D.fits to

透视:此题答案为C。fit表示“合适”,既可作形容词,也可作动词。如果作动词,通常表示衣、帽、鞋等物的大些⒊叽纭⑿巫吹确矫娴摹昂鲜省薄H纾篢his jacket fits you well.你穿这茄克衫很合适。如作形容词,通常用于be fit for /to do结构中。如:He is fit for a doctor /to be a doctor.他适合当医生。

延伸:与suit的区别。suit也表示“适合”之意,但它常用来指衣着、款式、颜色等方面的“合适”或“中……之意”。如:鶷hat color doesn't suit her。那种颜色不适合她。

再看下题:-This jacket doesn't ____ me.Do you have a larger size?

-Yes,but the color is different.Does it _______ you?鶤.fit;suit B.suit;fit C.fit;fit D.suit;suit(答案:A)

5.教材:Besides his work in physics,he spent a lot of time...

考点:besides /except /except for /except that的区别。

考例1:Does John know any other foreign language ____ French?(MET'89)

A.except B.but C.besides D.beside

透视:except表示“除了……之外”(不包括在内),相当于but,常与any,no one,nobody,everything,everyone,nowhere等表整体概念的词连用,从这个整体范围中除去不适应的一部分。如:Allexcept Li Ming have seen the film.而besides表示“除了……之外”(尚有)之意,暗示词有other,more,else等。很明显上题答案应为C。

考例2:The suit fitted him well ____ the color was a little bright.(2000年上海)

A.except for B.except that鶦.except when D.besides透视:except for +名词/except that +从句表示引述一个相反的细节或原因,因而部分地修正了句子的主要意思,常译成“只不过”。上题答案为B。句意为:那套西服很合他的身,只不过颜色有点亮。

延伸:①except虽然相当于but,但exceptfor≠but for。but for意为“要不是”。如:鶥ut for me,he would have died yesterday.②except和but虽为介词,后常接动名词或名词。但在下面的句型中接不定式:have no choice but /except to do(不得不……)。如:Then it has no choice but to lie down.





They're puzzled at my interest in such matters.他们对我在这样问题上的兴趣感到迷惑不解。

This is a puzzling answer.这是一个令人费解的答案。

2).be used to do,be used to doing,used to do

be used to do sth.是动词use的被动结构,后跟动词不定式,不跟动名词,意思是“被用来……”;be used to doing sth.是习语,意思是“习惯于做某事”,后接名词或动名词,不接动词不定式;used to do sth.是习语,意思是“过去经常做某事”,后接动词不定式。例如:

Wood can be used to make paper.木头可以(被)用来造纸。

They are quite used to flying in all sorts of weather.他们对于在各种天气飞行已经很习惯了。

He used to swim in the river.他过去经常在河里游泳。

3).the other,other,another

other无范围,泛指“其他的;另外的”,常与no,any,many或some等连用;the other特指两方中的“另一方”,或两部分中的“另一部分”,如果other前有名词所有格或物主代词,则不用the;another泛指“其他的,另外的”,常用于三者或三者以上的情况,后接单数名词或“数词+复数名词”。例如:

Mary is here,but the other girls are still out in the playground.玛丽在这里,但是其他女孩还在运动畅

I have no other choice.我没有选择的余地。

I have many other things to do.我另外还有很多事情要做。

Give me another chance,please.请再给我一次机会。

4).be content to do,be content with

be content to do指“满足于(做某事)”,后接动词不定式,不接名词或动名词;be content with指“(对……)感到满足”,后接名词、代词或从句。例如:

He is content to eat simple food.他乐于吃一些简单的食物。

She was quite content with her life.她对生活感到相当满意。

He isn't content with his present achievement.他不满足于目前的成就。


本期“单元过关”讲解了本单元出现的几组同义词(组),你是否掌握了?可以在这里大显身手。选择最佳答案:1.The reason for his absence remains _________.

A.puzzle B.puzzles鶦.a puzzle D.puzzled

2.Greatly ____ ,she didn't know what to do next.

A.puzzling鶥.a puzzle鶦.puzzled鶧.puzzles

3.Lucy looked a little ____ . A.puzzle鶥.puzzled鶦.puzzling鶧.puzzles

4.He thought what you said was ____ . A.puzzle B.puzzled C.puzzling D.puzzles

5.I ____ to go to the cinema a lot.

A.am used B.used鶦.was used鶧.am using

6.I've bought several books today. ____are English books except three Chinese books.

A.The others鶥.Others鶦.Other鶧.Another

7.The hunter came in,with a bow in one hand,and an arrow in his ____ hand.

A.other鶥.another鶦.others D.the another8.Of the three foreign guests,one is from London,________ two are from New York.A.other鶥.the other C.some D.any

9.I don't like these shoes.Show me ____ .

A.another B.other鶦.some others D.the other

10.He is perfectly content ____ in a hut and paint pictures all day.

A.to live鶥.living鶦.with鶧.for

1.compare notes 与……交换意见(或心得);与……讨论 如: They often compare notes with each other on their studies. 他们经常相互交换学习心得。

2.do a word puzzle猜字谜1) do的意思为“解决、找出答案”。如:do a math problem做一道数学题;do a sum算一笔数字2)这里的puzzle是名词,意为“难题、复杂难懂的事”等。如:鶷his is really a puzzle to me.这对我来说着实是道难题。

3.be content to do; be content with 愿意/乐意做某事鷆ontent 在这里是形容词,意思是“心甘情愿的、满意的”。如:I should be well content to do so.我很愿意这样做。鶷he teacher is content with the results of the monthly exam.老师对月考成绩很满意。

4.lead to 结果是; 导致(某种结果);产生鷗o为介词,后接名词或-ing形式。如:An ordinary cold can soon lead to a fever.普通感冒可以很快引起发烧。

This will lead to endless trouble.这将产生没完没了的麻烦。

5.live/ lead a ...life过着……的生活如:鶫e lived a dog’s life in the old days.在旧社会,他过着牛马不如的生活。

类似的结构还有:smile a sweet smile dream a terrible dream; die a heroic death 等。

1.fight for ,fight against,fight with

fight for意思是“为……而战”,for表示目的。如:They fought bravely for the liberation of the whole country.他们为了全国的解放而英勇战斗。

fight against的意思是“为反对……而战”或“与(敌人)进行斗争”。如:We must fight against all kinds of pollution.我们必须与各种污染斗争到底。

fight with有“与……相斗争”的意思,与fight against可通用,但fight with也有“与……一起投入战斗”的意思。如:鶷he Eighth Route Army fought against the Japanese invaders with the local people.


2.lead to,cause

两词(组)都可表示由原因导致结果,在许多情况下可以替换使用。但cause更多地表示直接原因。lead to后可以跟名词、代词、动名词,而cause后可以跟名词、代词,不可以跟动名词。如:鶫is carelessness led to(caused)his failure.


His persuasion led to our trying it once more.


lead to也有“道路等通向(某处)”的意思,而cause没有此意。如:I soon found a road leading to the footof am ountain.我不久发现了一条通向山脚的路。

3.leave...for...,leave...,leave for...

leave A for B意思是“离开A地去B地”,注意for不可用to来代替。如:I'm leaving Beijing for Shanghai soon.我不久就离开北京去上海。

leave A意思是“离开A地”。如:I'm leaving Beijing soon.我不久就离开北京。

leave for A意思是“去A地”,注意leave在此为不及物动词。如:I'm leaving for Shanghai soon.我不久要去上海。

4.besides,except,but,except for它们都有“除……之外”的意思,但用法各有不同。besides的意思是“除……之外,还有……”,是肯定的,经常与more,else,other,another等词连用。如:Many other students went to the film besides Lin Tao.除林涛外,还有许多学生去看了电影。


I have no time to go to his party.Besides,I don't want to.我没有时间参加他的聚会,另外,我也不想去。

except的意思是“除……之外,没有……”,是否定的,经常与all,everything等表示全部的名词、形容词、代词等连用。如:鶤ll went to the cinema except Tom .


except for着重指除某一点不足之外,其它尚可,往往含有惋惜之意。

The composition is well written except for a few spelling mistakes.这篇作文写得很好,只是有一些拼写错误。

but只能用于no one,nobody,nothing,all,everyone,everything之后,与except同义,但except比but所含“除外”的意味更明确,语气也较强。

从搭配上讲,besides,except for后跟名词或代词,而except后除跟名词或代词外,也可以跟从句,but后可以跟不定式或动词原形 当but前有实义动词do时,其后常跟动词原形,否则就跟动词不定式)。如:

He comes here every day except when it rains heavily.除下大雨外,他每天都来这里。

He could do nothing but wait there silently.除静静地等待,他别无选择。

I wanted nothing but to give you a warning.我只是想给你提个醒。

5.work out,work on,work as,work for

work out的意思是“算出”、“解出”,等于get the results of,强调结果。如:

I can't work out the math problem s.我解不出这些数学题。鶦an you work out how much it will cost to build the bridge?你能把建桥的费用计算出来吗?

work on的意思等于work at或do,意思是“忙于……”或“做……”,强调动作。如:

He is working on a novel recently.最近他正忙着写一本小说。work as意思是“充当……”。如:

These people can work as nurses when necessary.


work for意思是“为……而工作”,for表示目的。如:

W e're working for the lives of ourselves and our families.我们为自己和家庭的生活而工作。

6.stick to,insist on

两者都有“坚持”的意思,stick to指“坚持意见、看法”等。含有“执意不改”的含义,to是介词,后跟名词或代词。如:

No matter what you may say,I shall stick to my plan.


insist on有“坚持(要干某事)”或“强烈要求”的含义,后跟名词或动名词。如:

His daughter insisted on coming with him .


I'm afraid I have to insist on the return of my books at once.对不起,我得坚持要求你立刻归还我的书。


1.We didn't plan our art exhibition but it____very well.A.worked out鶥.tried out C.went on鶧.carried on('01NMET)

2.-I usually go there by train.-Why not ____ by boat for a change?

A.to try going鶥.trying to go C.to try and go D.try going('92M ET)

3.Mother ____ us stories when we were young.

A.was used to tell B.is used to telling C.used to tell鶧.used to telling('88M ET)

4.Egypt is famous ____鷌ts pyramids.

A.of B.in鶦.about D.for('84M ET)

5.Readers can ____鷔uite well without knowing the exact meaning of each word.

A.get over B.get in C.get along鶧.get through('93M ET)

6.Go on ____ the other exercise after you have finished this one.

A.to do B.doing C.with鶧.to be doing('89M ET)

7.Usually carelessness ____ to failure.A.leads鶥.happens C.gets鶧.agrees('90上海)8.There's still ____ water in the bottle.You may drink it.

A.few鶥.a few C.little鶧.a little('79M ET)

9.Does John know any other foreign language_________ French?

A.except鶥.but C.besides鶧.beside('89MET)

10.If you want to change for a double room you'll have to pay____ $15.

A.another B.other C.more鶧.each('00NM ET)

11.-I drove to Zhuhai for the air show last week.-Is that ____鷜ou had a few days off?鶤.why鶥.when C.what鶧.where('99NM ET)