高中英语完形填空技巧和方法(二) 教学总结


二 、方法指导与演练


A friend of mine taking an advanced psychology ( 心理学 ) course spends every Saturday working with mentally ( 智力上 )_____46_____ children, which , though a little tiring, she found valuable ( 有价值的 ). Her ____47____ are spent playing with the kids and ____48_____ their sometimes uncontrolled (失控的) behavior. Then in he afternoon she writes a _____49____ on her observations ( 观察 ).

46. A. harmed B. hurt C. disabled D. excited

47. A. holidays B. mornings C. weekends D. experiments

48. A. helping B. preventing C. enjoying D. studying

49. A. story B. diary C. report D. note


Students generally appreciate ( 认可 ) these special _____50_____ opportunities (机会) . They are almost always fun and interesting , and professors ______51_____ them too because students learn so much in just a few short months.

50. A. working B, living C. teaching D. learning

51. A. hold B. like C. dislike D. discover


The ________ of the earth is made of a number of different plates.

A. outside B. inside C. surface D. water


2、关连词的重要性(特别是转折、并列….. )

No one denies (否认) the ____1____ of classroom learning. But it can only take the students this ____2_____. Slices (幻灯片 ) and textbooks may do a good job of carrying facts and details(细节) , but creativity ( 创造力 ) of thought cannot be ____3____. They can only be developed through _____4____ experience.

1. A. deed B. value C. effect D. success

2. A. far B. long C. way D. direction

3. A. got B, found C. taught D. practiced

4. A. self-educated B. self –service

C. first ---hand D. up –to ---date


3、抓住中心意思-----围绕什么话题 (在文章中出现频率最多的词)

Every Thursday afternoon, my art history class meets not in our usual lecture hall ( 演讲厅 ) but in our university Art Museum. We spend our one-hour class discussing two or there of the ___1___, many of which are by artists that we have already studied in class. The professor begins by selecting one ___2___ of art. After giving us a quick background on the artist , he will open up for class ___3___. Everyone is encouraged to give ____4___ on he work. Not every piece we study is ___5___ famous or striking in appearance and subject matter, yet we always manage to make some interesting observations(评论).

1. A. subjects B. paintings C. speeches D. lectures

2. A. book B. passage C. text D. work

3. A. discussion B. activity C. argument D. consideration

4. A. questions B. ideas C. comments D. thoughts

5. A. necessarily B. rather C. nearly D. too




Jim Shelley是一个有瘾的人。他打电话有瘾,且不能自拔。真是大千世界,无奇不有。

“My name’s Jim Shelley and I’m an addict(有瘾的人)…”

With these words I began to __1__ the problem, the problem of my telephone addiction. I used to call people __2__, from the moment I woke up to the time I went to sleep. I __3__ to be phoned, I wanted to phone. Just one more call.

It started socially - a few calls each day. It seemed __4__, just a quick chat. Gradually though, the __5__ got worse. Soon it was __6__ use, until, finally, addiction.

And it began to affect(影响) my __7__. During the day I would disappear for __8__ call. If I couldn’t make a call, I spent the whole time waiting for the phone to ring. Getting more and more __9__, in the end, I would ring someone, then someone else, __10__ myself just one more call.

1. A. face B. find C. accept D. notice

2. A. now and then B. all the time C. at home D. at work

3. A. tried B. asked C. waited D. invited

4. A. polite B. important C. fine D. special

5. A. condition B. situation C. result D. effect

6. A. frequent B. regular C. unusual D. particular

7. A. friends B. study C. family D. work

8. A. a quick B. a secret C. an expected D. an extra

9. A. hopeful B. delighted C. frightened D. anxious

10.A. forcing B. telling C. giving D. limiting


1 A

说完这些话,作者就开始面对/承认(face)了问题。face面对,面临, 承认;find找到, 发现, 感到;accept接受, 认可,承认;notice注意到。

2 B

作者过去从醒来到睡觉总是不停(all the time)地给人家打电话。now and then偶尔,有时;at home在家;at work在工作中;all the time始终。

3 C


4 C

开始是为了社交,每天几个电话,仅仅快速的聊聊天,似乎没什么事(fine),而没有什么特别(special),客气(polite),重要(important)的地方。注意与后句的though和got worse联系起来理解。

5 B

可后来,慢慢地,情况(situation)却越来越遭。condition 条件,环境;situation情形, 境遇;result结果, 成效;effect作用, 影响。

6 A

不久,就总是不停,频繁(frequent)地打电话来了,最后竟然上瘾了. frequent时常发生的, 频繁的,通常强调动作的多次反复出现;B. regular有规则的,经常的,强调动作有规律的经常出现;unusual不平常的,不寻常的,强调非常的情况;particular特别的, 独特的,强调个性特征。

7 D


8 A


9 D


10 B


I was phoning people and __11__ messages to make sure __12__ calls would see me through the day. I used to arrive at friends’ homes and before the door was closed, go straight for the phone with the __13__ “Is it OK if I just use the phone…?” At work, I became __14__ when my fellow workers tried to __15__ me from using the phone. And one day I hit my boss (with the phone). Finally, the police caught me __16__ a phone box that had taken my last one pound coin, and I was __17__ to see a psychiatrist (心理医生).

I haven’t __18__ a phone in the house for three weeks now, and it’s several days __19__ I used a phone box. I try not to watch TV because there are __20__ people on it making phone calls. My name is Jim Shelley and I am an addict.

11. A. leaving B. taking C. passing D. recording

12. A. long B. immediate C. enough D. surprising

13. A. saying B. demands C. wish D. words

14. A. careful B. mad C. determined D. helpless

15. A. save B. reduce C. protect D. stop

16. A. destroying B. using C. stealing D. emptying

17. A. offered B. guided C. ordered D. reminded

18. A. missed B. had C. received D. fixed

19. A. as B. when C. if D. since

20. A. always B. just C. more D. different

1-5ABCCB 6-10ADADB 11-15ACDBD 16-20ACBDA


11 A

作者总是给人家打电话,并留下(leave)讯息,而不是接受(take),传递(pass),记录(record)讯息。take /pass/record /leave messages接受/传递记录/留下讯息。

12 C


13 D


14 B


15 D

同伴们会阻止(stop)作者去打电话。save sb. from救助/拯救某人脱离;protect sb. from保护某人免遭;stop sb. From阻止某人,使某人不做某事。reduce 通常不与表示“避免”意义的from搭配。

16 A


17 C


18 B


19 D


20 A





(一) 完形填空中的语气副词的情景设置

①….I raised the pistol and fired. The animal fell backwards with an angry cry. Father took the _______ smoking pistol from my hand, and fired another shot, which killed the gorilla.

A. still B. yet C. even D. already

②He certainly looked the part all right, he thought as he admired himself in the mirror. He _______ thought of going out into the street to see whether he could pass as a policeman out there…..

A. just B, even C. still D. already

③The shop had to agree. They knew that no fire on earth can ________ damage a perfect diamond.

A. almost B. even C. just D. ever

④….At times, he would turn, sit down, and _______ go on his knees.

A. almost B. even C. often D. rather

⑤….After a hard day in the laboratory, she goes home. There she pays with her toys. She ______ enjoys watching television before going to bed.

A. quite B. already C. even D. still

⑥……..Thirty years after being introduced to Macaulay’s words, they ______ seem tome the best yardstick, because they give us a way to measure ourselves rather than other.

A. even B. still C. always D. almost

⑦…….First of all he was a window –cleaner and in his first week he managed to break at least six windows. He ______ lost his job as a postman because he sent off all the letters when he should have taken them to people’s houses…..

A. thus B. even C. once D. only

⑧…….Finally I turned the key in the lock and pushed the door open, with Dad _______complaining about a hurting knee or something….

A. yet B. only C. even D. still

⑨The native people said they knew of this animal and called it the “ Yeti” , and they said that they had _____ caught Yeti on two occasions (场面 )though none has ever been produced as evidence (证据 )

A. even B. hardly C. certainly D. probably

(二) 逻辑推理.

★A friend of mine taking an advanced psychology (心理学) course spends every Saturday working with mentally (智力上)_____46_____ children, which , though a little tiring, she found valuable (有价值的). Her ____47____ are spent playing with the kids and ____48_____ their sometimes uncontrolled (失控的) behavior. Then in he afternoon she writes a _____49____ on her observations (观察).

46. A. harmed B. hurt C. disabled D. excited

47. A. holidays B. mornings C. weekends D. experiments

48. A. helping B. preventing C. enjoying D. studying

49. A. story B. diary C. report D. note

★Students generally appreciate (认可) these special _____50_____ opportunities (机会) . They are almost always fun and interesting, and professors ______51_____ them too because students learn so much in just a few short months.

50. A. working B, living C. teaching D. learning

51. A. hold B. like C. dislike D. discover

★The ________ of the earth is made of a number of different plates.

A. outside B. inside C. surface D. water








   尽管完形填空给学生提供的是一篇残缺不全的文章,但作答前花上两、三分钟,忽略残缺部分,对整个篇章作出判断,是完全必要,也是很值得的。只有这样,才能掌握文章大意, 找到文章基调,弄清作者思路,情节发展过程,建立起必要的背景知识,也才有保证抓住中心议题,做到心中有底,其后才能不断根据文中提供的信息,将被删除的细节补全,使文章的情节得到正常发展,最后获得完整语篇。


   I climbed the stairs slowly, carrying a big suitcase, my father following with two more. By the time I got to the third floor, I was 1 and at the same time feeling lonely. Worse still, Dad 2 a step and fell, sending my new suitcases 3 down the stairs. “Damn!” he screamed, his face turning red. I knew 4 was ahead. Whenever Dad’s face turns red, 5 !

   How could I ever 6 him to finish unloading the car 7 screaming at me and making a scene in front of the other girls, girls I would have to spend the 8 of the year with? Doors were opening and faces peering out (探出), as Dad walked 9 close behind. I felt it in my bones that my college life was getting off to a(n) 10 start.

   “ 11 the room quickly,” I thought. “Get him into a chair and calmed down.” But 12 , would there be a chair in Room 316? Or would it be a(n) 13 room?

   14 I turned the key in the lock and 15 the door open, with Dad 16 complaining(抱怨) about a hurting knee or something. I put my head in, expecting the 17 . But to my 18 , the room wasn’t empty at all! It had furniture, curtain, a TV, and even paintings on the walls.

   And there on a well-made bed sat Amy, my new 19 , dressed neatly. Greeting me with a nod, she said in a soft voice, “Hi, you must be Cori.” Then, she 20 the music and looked over at 21 . “And of course, you’re Mr. Faber,” she said, 21 . “Would you like a glass of iced tea?” Dad’s face turned decidedly 23 before he could bring out a “yes.”

   I knew 24 that Amy and I would be 25 and my first year of college would be a success.

1.A.helpless B.lazy C.anxious D.tired

2.A.took B.minded C.missed D.picked

3.A.rolling B.passing C.dropping D.turning

4.A.suffering B.difficulty C.trouble D.danger

5.A.go ahead B.look out C.hold on D.give up

6.A.lead B.help C.encourage D.get

7.A.after B.without C.while D.besides

8.A.best B.beginning C.end D.rest

9.A.with difficulty B.in a hurry C.with firm steps D.in wonder

10.A.fresh B.late C.bad D.unfair

11.A.Search B.Find C.Enter D.Book

12.A.in fact B.by chance C.once more D.then again

13.A.small B.empty C.new D.neat

14.A.Finally B.Meanwhile C.Sooner or later D.At the moment

15.A.knocked B.forced C.pushed D.tried

16.A.yet B.only C.even D.still

17.A.worst B.chair C.best D.tea

18.A.regret B.disappointment C.surprise D.knowledge

19.A.roommate B.classmate C.neighbour D.companion

20.A.turned on B.turned down C.played D.enjoyed

21.A.Dad B.me C.the door D.the floor

22.A.questioning B.wondering C.smiling D.guessing

23.A.red B.less pale C.less red D.pale

24.A.soon B.there C.later D.then

25.A.sisters B.friends C.students D.fellows

  Key: 1-5 DCACB 6-10 DBDAC 11-15 BDBAC 16-20 DACAB 21-25 ACCDB


  在通读本文之后,我们发现文章的第1段到第3段的基调是一致的,从第4自然段中间开始,往后的文章气氛有了一个转折。正因为这个转折,我们可以发现前后文章所用词汇有着鲜明的对比,当然,选项也就出现相应的变化。比如在前面部分中有slowly, lonely, worse still, fell, “Damn!”, scream, turning red, complaining 等词汇,这些词汇使我们体会出这段文章的沉闷气氛;这一部分中的tired, missed, trouble, look out, with difficulty, bad, empty , worst等选项,正是与这种气氛符合的选项。第二部分所用词汇显然发生变化,如:wasn’t empty at all, furniture, curtains, a TV set, even paintings on the wall, well-made bed, dressed neatly, greeting, soft voice, success等等;这一部分中的smiling, less red, friends等选项既符合这一部分的轻松气氛,也与前面部分出现对比。


  第1空的4个选项虽然方向是一致的,但根据上文语境中提到的slowly、carrying a big suitcase等等,这种情况产生的结果应该是tired。第4空还是根据上文语境中提到的一系列不利情况的发生,可以想见会有麻烦--trouble;suffering, difficulty, danger 在此虽然符合文段气氛,但都过分夸张或与实际情况有出入,所以不能选。第5空在第4空选对的基础上,可以看出应该“小心”,所以选look out。第6空的4个动词选项放在句中,语法上都行得通,但此处须结合下文意义看,我们可以说“使”某人做什么事,是为了产生或不产生什么结果,而“帮助”、“鼓励”或“领导”某人做什么事,应该是为产生一个结果,如此看来只能选get了。第11空:我们已经知道主人公是个新大学生,父亲正在帮着她搬家,根据常识,他们首先应该“找到”房间,不会搜寻(search)或订(book)房间;而enter应该发生在“找到”之后,同时它与修饰词quickly不搭配,也不合适,因此只能选find。第12空:but then again 是一个固定词组,相当于however, 中文意思是“但是(也可能是另外一种情况)”, 如果知道这一点,此空就很容易做出了。第13空:从下文中的提示the room wasn’t empty at all可以看到该选empty。第17空的选项与这个空所处的位置有很大关系,我们前面提到文章前半部分处于低调,这就决定了作者此时的态度是作好了最坏的准备,选worst;而其他3个选项都与这种气氛无关。第23空:故事发展到此,整个气氛已经有了根本的转变,而就是在这时作者的想法也有了转变,此空4个选项中有3个表示时间: soon, later, then, 前两个时间都表示将来,与故事的发展不符合,then表示“此时”,与情节符合,所以选它;there表示地点,而地点仍然是过去的地点,并没有发生变化,因此不选。



  做完形填空中遇到的一个最大的问题就是拿不准该选哪个词,有时就是在语境清楚明确的情况下,也不容易选出正确答案,这就需要我们掌握词意的细微区别,词意程度的深浅,所表示范围的大小,或感情色彩的不同等词意方面的知识;掌握词型知识,如动词的不同动词型,或其他词类的词型等;及词的搭配,如动词与名词的固定搭配,动词与介词的搭配,名词与介词的搭配,形容词与介词的搭配等等。同时上下文是一环套一环的, 不同的词汇说明事物发展的不同程度,不同场合;人物的不同动作,不同心理;结果的不同方面,不同色彩等等。只有把对上下文语境的明了及对词的用法的清楚结合起来作答,完形填空的正确性才能有充分的证。



  People of Burlington are being disturbed by the sound of bell. Four students from Burlington College of Higher Education are in the bell tower of the 1 and have made up their minds to 2 the bells nonstop for two weeks as a protest (抗议) against heavy trucks which run 3 through the narrow High Street.

  “They not only make it 4 to sleep at night, but they are 5 damage to our houses and shops of historical 6 ,” said John Norris, one of the protesters.

  “ 7 we must have these noisy trucks on the roads,” said Jean Lacey, a biology student, “why don’t they build a new road that goes 8 the town? Burlington isn’t much more than a 9 village. Its streets were never 10 for heavy traffic.”

  Harry Fields also studying 11 said they wanted to make as much 12 as possible to force the 13 to realize what everybody was having to 14 . “Most of them don’t 15 here anyway,” he said, “they come in for meetings and that, and the Town Hall is soundproof(隔音), 16 they probably don’t 17 the noise all that much. It’s high time they realized the 18 .”

  The fourth student, Liza Vernum, said she thought the public were 19 on their side, and even if they weren’t they soon would be.

  20 asked if they were 21 that the police might come to 22 them.

  “Not really,” she said, “actually we are 23 bell-ringers. I mean we are assistant bell-ringers for the church. There is no 24 against practising.”

  I 25 the church with the sound of the bells ringing in my ears.

1.A. college B. village C. town D. church

2.A. change B. repair C. ring D. shake

3.A. now and then B. day and night C. up and down D. over and over

4.A. terrible B. difficult C. uncomfortable D. unpleasant

5.A. doing B. raising C. putting D. producing

6.A. scene B. period C. interest D. sense

7.A. If B. Although C. When D. Unless

8.A. to B. through C. over D. round

9.A. pretty B. quiet C. large D. modern

10.A. tested B. meant C. kept D. used

11.A. well B. hard C. biology D. education

12.A. effort B. time C. trouble D. noise

13.A. townspeople B. other students C. government officials D. truck drivers

14.A. stand B. accept C. know D. share

15.A. shop B. live C. come D. study

16.A. but B. so C. or D. for

17.A. notice B. mention C. fear D. control

18.A. event B. loss C. action D. problem

19.A. hardly B. unwillingly C. mostly D. usually

20.A. I B. We C. She D. They

21.A. surprised B. afraid C. pleased D. determined

22.A. seize B. fight C. search D. stop

23.A. proper B. experienced C. hopeful D. serious

24.A. point B. cause C. need D. law

25.A. left B. found C. reached D. passed

  Key: 1-5 DCBBA 6-10 CADCB 11-15 CDCAB 16-20 BADCA 21-25 BDADA



   第3空:我们知道本篇文章是讲噪音污染的,交通噪音污染对人们的骚扰很严重,而且是持续不断的,在此只有day and night频率最高,能表达这种意义, 而over and over, now and then都不能准确表达这种持续性。第6空:文章前面提到houses, shops,这些都是地点,因此不能选sense(表示感觉), period(表示时间);scene可以表示地点,但这个词表达不出这些地点的价值;interest可以说明是“名胜”,体现出了地点的价值。 第7空,涉及到上下句之间的逻辑关系问题。上句we must have these noisy trucks on the roads, 与下句why don’t they build a new road...,尤其上句中的must这个词,使我们体会到两句之间是条件关系,而下句的don’t又使我们决定应该选if,全句意思是“假如我们必须忍受路上的这些卡车,他们为什么不能建一条绕城公路呢?”;although引导让步状语从句;when引导时间状语从句;unless虽然引导条件状语从句,但它与if意义正好相反,也不能选。第8空,根据上下文提供的语境,我们知道,此句话是抗议者说的,抗议者当然希望道路“绕城”而过,不会是“穿城”而过,因此只能选round,不能是through。第9空,句型not more than = at most, 意思是“至多”,much只起修饰作用,根据这个意义及后面的被修饰词village,我们可以选quiet 或large,如果选quiet village---“平静的村落”,这个意义与“至多”相矛盾;而large village---“大村子”,却说明“至多是个大村子”,言外之意就是不适宜繁忙的交通。第10空,根据下文的for,我们想到mean sb./sth for...是“准备…干某工作”的意思,与上下文符合;本空如果选used,那么就意味着“从来没有交通繁忙”,这种说法与文中抗议者要表达的意思是不一样的。这两句的意思是“伯零顿至多是个大村庄,它的街道从来不是为繁忙的交通而准备的”。第14空,从上文中我们知道学生们有意制造噪音,为了使政府官员意识到人们要忍受的是什么,因此选stand;accept是“接受”的意思,人们对噪音如果接受了,那就不要抗议了,因此不能选;know是“知道”的意思,与上下文无关;share是“共享”的意思,这与噪音不能搭配。第17空:政府官员不住在此处,市政厅又是隔音的,他们可能根本注意不到噪音,选notice正是这个意思;mention“提到”,与此处意义不符;fear是“害怕”的意思,对噪音谈不上害怕;control“控制”也与此处上下文不符。在第21、22空的句子中提到警察会对这些学生采取的行动,这些学生并没犯罪,警察所能采取的行动只可能是制止他们,而不会“抓”或“战斗”,从这些分析出发,这两空选afraid、stop。做第23空时,一定要看下句 I mean we are assistant bell-ringers for the church. 下句是对上句的解释,即:这些学生只是帮助敲钟。再从他们的身份来看,他们是学习生物的大学生,他们毕业后也不会从事此项工作,因此不能选 hopeful, 或 serious;更不可能是experienced---有经验的, proper在此是suitable“合适的”意义,指他们不是专职敲钟人,也就不会触犯法律。第24空:这个学生在针对记者的发问回答,在提问中,谈到警察会制止他们,警察加以干涉的事情,一定与法律有关,警察是不会因为其他原因进行干涉,因此只能选law。



   高考完形填空中根据语法知识设的空并不多, 但掌握一定的语法知识,根据上下文学会分析句子类型、或句子与句子之间的逻辑关系,也是非常有用的。我们要看清句子是时间状语从句,定语从句还是并列句等等,另外我们还需要进行分析,看句与句之间是原因与结果的关系,还是现象与结论的关系,或是前后顺序关系,或是后对前的进一步解释关系,还是并列的,同位的,对比的,选择的,转折的关系等等。


   The lecture on smoking was over at last. As we boys were rushing towards the playground, Jim slipped by the table. The watch, which Mrs. Smith had 1 on the table as she started her lecture, disappeared.

   We were 2 to go back for class again when the headmaster called us 3 and said, "I've got a little 4 for you boys. Mrs. Smith has just lost her watch on the playground. This kind of thing has happened 5 , she says----it just

   6 off her wrist(手腕). So, look around for it, will you? 7 if you're clever enough to find it. Let's 8 it clear the boy who does 9 will get a useful reward."

1.A.seen B.dropped C.found D.laid

2.A.about B.able C.sorry D.sure

3.A.forward B.together C.straight D.out

4.A.fun B.trick C.job D.prize

5.A.before B.now C.here D.there

6.A.goes B.throws C.slips D.falls

7.A.Say B.See C.Guess D.Check

8.A.get B.put C.make D.keep

9.A.this B.such C.that D.so

  Key:1-5 DABCA 6-9 CBCD

  从这两自然段,我们看到老师Mrs. Smith 的表丢了,校长把同学们召集起来,让大家帮助找表。第1空虽然不是为语法而设的,但我们注意到此处用的是过去完成时,这个时态的提示很重要,它说明老师在讲课前是自己把表放在桌上的,而讲课后,表不见了,可能是有人拿走的,而不会是自己掉在地上的,此处选laid“放”。第2空是一个特殊句型, be about to do...when是“正要干某事,就在此时(出现了某种情况)”的意思; 如果同学们对这个特殊句型很熟悉,就不会犹豫,而选about了; 其他形容词后面都可能接不定式, 但是却与when搭配不起来。第3空,根据上句句型结构是“正要返回教室”,可知同学们还没有集合起来,而校长此时需把大家集合起来,因此选了together。第4空,根据语法可以先排除fun, 因为fun是个不可数名词,前面不能加不定冠词a,其他两答案trick和prize又都与此时的上下文无关,因此选job。第5空,根据语法现在完成时用法,我们知道before常与现在完成时连用,强调事情的结果,而且before也符合上下文,因此我们选它。第7空是个祈使句,校长让大家看看谁能找到表,所以这个祈使句实际上是Let's see,的意思, 此空我们选see。






  Ella Fant was a middle-aged lady who lived with her only son John in a small house. She 1 John very much. In her 2 he couldn’t do anything

   3 . Every morning she would give him breakfast 4 bed and bring him the papers to 5 . It isn’t really true that he was too 6 to work --- in fact he had tried a few 7 . First of all he was a window-cleaner and in his first week he managed to 8 at least six windows. Then he 9 a bus conductor and on his second 10 a passenger stole his bag with all the fares(车费) collected. He 11 lost his job as a postman 12 he sent off all the letters when he should have taken them to people’s houses. It seemed that there was 13 suitable work for him. So he 14 to join the army. Mrs. Fant was so 15 about this that she told the 16 to all her neighbours. ‘My John is going to be a soldier,’ she said. ‘He is going to be the best soldier there 17 was, I can tell you!’

   Then the great day came 18 he was to march past the palace in the parade (接受检阅的队伍). His 19 mother travelled to the city early in the morning to be sure of getting a good 20 in the crowd.

   The parade was full of sound and colour. But when John and his 21 came in sight some of the people watching 22 laughing at the one who couldn’t keep pace with the others as they marched along.

   But Ella Fant, who was filled with 23 , shouted at the top of her voice: ‘Look at 24 ! They’re all out of 25 except my John! Isn’t he the best!’

1.A.depended on B.waited on C.trusted D.loved

2.A.hope B.eyes C.head D.beliefs

3.A.wrong B.great C.good D.strange

4.A.to B.at C.in D.by

5.A.check B.read C.keep D.sign

6.A.lazy B.young C.weak D.shy

7.A.ones B.years C.tasks D.jobs

8.A.rub B.drop C.break D.clean

9.A.followed B.met C.became D.found

10.A.day B.try C.route D.chance

11.A.thus B.even C.once D.only

12.A.even if B.so that C.because D.though

13.A.some B.such C.less D.no

14.A.began B.promised C.managed D.decided

15.A.excited B.worried C.anxious D.curious

16.A.incident B.change C.news D.matter

17.A.yet B.ever C.never D.just

18.A.where B.since C.when D.till

19.A.proud B.kind C.strict D.lucky

20.A.time B.position C.experience D.impression

21.neighbours B.army officer C.mother D.fellow soldiers

22.A.couldn’t help B.shouldn’t burst out C.stopped D.kept

23.A.sadness B.happiness C.surprise D.regret

24.A.them B.those C.that D.him

25.A.sight B.order C.mind D.step


   I remember vividly the call that changed my life. It was Tuesday, February 18, when the 1 rang in the kitchen of my Los Angeles home. On the 2 was Marty Banderas, a literary agent to whom I had sent a draft(草稿) of my novel three weeks earlier. “ I have a couple of 3 ,” Banderas said. “ First, how old are you?” “ I’ m 48,” I replied. “ Are you in good 4 ?” “ Yes, excellent. What’ s this about?” “ I’ ve sold your novels 5 one and a half million dollars.”

   I sat down in 6 . I had written over fourteen novels in twenty years, but each one had been 7 by the publishers. I suppose many people would have been 8 , but not me. Each time, I just 9 writing another one. My husband advised me to find something else to do, but I refused to 10 up. Seeing this book 11 was the best thing that has ever happened to me. It’ s mystery story (like all the others) and it was on the best-seller 12 two weeks after publication!

   I got my first lesson in story 13 from my grandmother. She used to read me stories. She was the one who gave me a 14 of words. She sparked(激发) my 15 and she has been a 16 influence on me. I always had stories running through my 17 and as soon as I could write I 18 them down on paper.

  I married young and I have three children , but I never stopped writing,

   19 novels between doing the diapers(婴儿的尿布) and dishes. I am writing another novel now. Yes, my 20 has changed my life.

































9.A.couldn’ t help

B.got down to

C.got used to

D.went on














































   Every year between February and April, when the southwest monsoon(季风) blows, a fever seizes the Thais(泰国人). It is the kite, and kite flying in Thailand 1 a strong feeling of intertest that is nothing 2 of feverish.

   During the summer, in the months of March and April, the skies 3 cities, towns and villages throughout the Kingdom are 4 with kites of all descriptions --- long-tailed dragons, twisting snakes, beautiful butterflies, or familiar cartoon characters wheeling and weaving in the warm air.

   One afternoon, a friend and long-time kite flier invited me to 5 him at the Pramane Ground. “ What’ s the attraction?” I asked as he flew a huge kite. “ Well, you can feel a bit of a 6 at first,” he replied, “ a grown man standing there holding the end of a string and 7 up into the sky. But once you forget yourself, you get caught up in the 8 of controlling something in the air where you cannot follow. You’ re on the ground: the kite’ s in the air but it’ s you that are making it all 9 . Go on, go fly a kite.”

  I took his advice in the 10 it was meant and, holding the hand of my young daughter so that others would think I was only satisfying a child’ s

   11 , I bought a rainbow-coloured snake. After a few failed runs we got the kite into the air 12 greater ease than I expected. It was only my daughter’ s crying, “ My go, my go” that I realized I’ d been holding the string, completely 13 what I was discovering was a very pleasing pastime.

   Like many other 14 of popular culture, the sport of kite flying in Thailand has been 15 down from generation to generation. Its origins(起源) are 16 probably in ancient China, although it seems likely that Thai kites are as old as the 17 itself. It was a crazy 18 by everyone from the king down.

   “ It's a great tradition(传统), that has the 19 of bringing generations together.” says my friend. “ What you see today at the King’ s Cup is the 20 as the people of the past would have seen more than two hundred years ago.”

















































13.A.tired of

B.fit for

C.helped with

D.devoted to






























   It was an early morning in summer. In the streets, sleepy-eyed people were moving quickly, heading towards their 1 . This was the beginning of another 2 day in New York City. 3 this day was to be different.

  Waiting 4 the crowded streets, on top of a 5 110 stories high, was Philippe Petit. This daring Frenchman was about to 6 a tight-rope(绷索) between the two towers of the World Trade Center.

  Philippe took his first 7 with great care. The wire held. Now he was 8 he could do it. 9 only a balancing pole, Philippe walked his way across, a 10 of 131 feet.

  Soon the rush-hour 11 began to notice. What a 12 ! There, 1350 feet above the street, a 13 figure was walking on air.

  Philippe made seven 14 , back and forth. He wasn’t satisfied with just 15 . At times, he would turn, sit down, and 16 go on his knees. Once, he had the astonishing 17 to lie down on the thin thread. And thousands of 18 watchers stared with their hearts beating fast.

   After the forty-minute 19 , Philippe was taken to the police station. He was asked 20 he did it. Philippe shrugged and said, “When I see two tall buildings, I walk.”   

1.A. jobs

B. homes

C. buses

D. offices

2.A. working

B. hot

C. same

D. ordinary

3.A. And

B. So

C. Bu