Lessons9-10 Unit3



Unit 3 Body language

Lesson 9

Teaching Aims:

Learn and master the following:

Four skills: body language, envelope

Three skills: manage, dining room, composition

Everyday English:

Would you like me to...?

Would you like me to do this for you?

No, thanks. I can manage it myself.

Is there anything else I can do for you?

No,thank you. Thanks for all your help.

Can/Shall I help you?

Would you like some help?

Thanks./Yes, please.

That's very kind of you.

Teaching Important Points:

Phrases: manage to do sth., show sb. to sth., show sb.wh- to do

Sentence Patterns offers and responses):

Would you like me to... ?

Is there anything (else)I can…?

I can manage it myself.

Teaching Difficult Points:

The difference between "With pleasure" and "It's a/my pleasure."

The difference between "electric'' and "electrical"

Teaching Methods:

Watching-and-answer activity and listening through the dialogue.

Pair work or group work student work in class.

Teaching Aids:

tape recorder,TV set,projector

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 Greetings

T: Good morning/afternoon, everyone.

Ss: Good morning/afternoon, teacher.

T: Sit down, please.

Step 2 Presentation and Lead-in

T: We often go to the bus station, the railway station or the airport to meet someone. When鷖eeing him or her coming, what can you say?

Ss: Hello !

Ss:How do you do?

T:Yes. If he is carrying a heavy suitcase, what can you say?

Ss:Can I take the suitcase for you?

T:Now it's time to go to the hotel, so what can you say?

Ss:Would you like to come this way?


T:Very good. Today we're going to learn Lesson 9 (Bb: Lesson 9), a dialogue between Mr Lee and Dr Yang. Mr Lee is asked to meet Dr Yang at the airport.

What does he do for Dr Yang?

(Teacher plays the video for Ss. After the ideo is over, teacher asks one student to answer the question. )

T: Who can answer the question? Li Ping, please.

S1:Mr Lee meets Dr Yang at the airport. He helps Dr Yang carries the boxes and takes him to the hotel.

T:That's right. Now open your books at Page 13. Look at the dialogue and lisen to the tape. Pay attention to your stress and intonation.

(Ss read aloud the dialogue after listening to the tape. )

Step 3 Dialogue

T: Stop, please. In this dialogue there're some language points. I'll explain them to you. Look at the screen.

(Teacher shows the following on the screen and explains them. )

1. It's a pleasure to meet you.

(1) It's a/my pleasure to do sth. = Glad to do sth.

e. g. It's been a great pleasure to talk to you.

It's my pleasure to stay with you.

(2) It's a/my pleasure. = Not at all/ That's all right.

e.g. Thank you very much for helping me work out the problem.

--It's a pleasure./It's my pleasure. /A pleasure.

(3)With pleasure. =I'm glad to.

e. g.--Could you post this letter for me on your way home,please?

--With pleasure.

2. manage vi./vt.--(often used with can,could)to succeed in dealing with

(something difficult) manage sth.

鷐anage to do sth.

鷈. g.--Do you need any help with those heavy bags?

鶱o, thanks.

鶬 can manage.

鶬 can manage them myself.

鶬 can manage to carry them myself.

(Bb:It's a/my pleasure to do sth. It's a/my pleasure. With pleasure, manage sth. / to do sth. )

PA:1.It’s a pleasure to meet you.认识你很高兴。煩

(1) It’s a pleasure to do sth.是客套用语,意思是“很高兴做……”,相当于

It’s nice/great to do sth.

如:It’s a pleasure for me to be invited to speak here.应邀在这儿发言我很荣幸。(2) 短语for pleasure意为:“为取乐(开心);为消遣”

I went to New York for pleasure, not on business.我是去纽约玩,不是出差。

(3) It’s my pleasure.意为:“不客气;不用谢”。常用于回答对方道谢。

如:-Thank you for your help.-谢谢你帮助我。

-It’s my pleasure.-不用谢。煩

(4) with pleasure,意为:“当然可以;非常愿意;乐意效劳”。

如:-Would you hold this for a moment﹖-With pleasure.


2.I can manage it myself.我自己能扛得动。


如:The box was heavy but he managed to carry it.


比较manage to do与try to do:前者表示“成功地做成了某事(尤指困难的事)”,后者意思是“努力或设法做某事”,但不一定成功。

He managed to finish his work on time.他设法按时完成了工作。

He tried to pass the final exam, but he failed.


3.show引路;引导;带领 show sb. (in)to sp.

1)She showed me into the parlor. 她把我引进客厅。

Mr Wilson is leaving now. Will you show him to the door?



His new book shows him to be a first-rate novelist.


3)(常与how to连用)解释;示范

Please show me how to use this computer?

4)show sb. the door v.把某人撵走

show sb. the way v.给某人指路, 为某人示范

T: Now I'll play the video again. You and your partner practise reading the dialogue. Then try to remember it. I'll ask you to act it out in a minute.

(Ss practise,then act out. )

Step 4 Language Focus

(Deal with Part 2. )

T: In this lesson the important point is to learn what we should say if we want to offer help, accept help or refuse help. Now please read the dialogue silently to find out the phrases to offer help, accept help or refuse help. And give some other such phrases. Write them in your exercise books. After a while I'll check it.

Step V. Consolidation

T: Now let's do an exercise with some phrases to offer help. This exercise is a bit difficult. You can have a discussion while doing it.

(Show the following on the screen. )

Complete the dialogues with the phrases given below.

1. A: Good morning. _____________

鶥: I'd like to have one of the red T-shirts.

2. A:____________________

B: Yes, please. Can you tell me the way to the railway station,please?

3. A:_____________________

B: Yes, please. Put the box in that corner.

4. A:_____________________

B:No, thanks. I can manage it myself.

5. A:_____________________

B: No,thank you. Thanks for all your help.

鶤. Would you like me to do it for you?

鶥. What can I do for you ,sir?

鶦. Can I help you?

鶧. Would you like some help?

鶨. Is there anything else I can do for you?

Suggested answers:

1. B2. C 3. D4. A5. E

Step VI. Workbook

T:Now turn to Page 83. Let's do the exercises. Look at Ex. 3. First do it alone,then I'll check your answers.

Suggested answers:

1. anything 2. nothing3. something4. something 5. everything 6. Nothing 7. anything

Step 7 Homework

T: Today we've learnt some phrases to offer help, accept help and refuse help. You also know the usages of the word "manage" and the differences between "it's a/my pleasure"and"with pleasure", "electric' and" electrical". So you must remember them after class. Second, write Ex. 1 in your exercise books. Third, preview the next lesson. Bye-bye.

Ss: Goodbye.

Step 8 The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard

Lesson 9

1. It's a/my pleasure to do sth.

鶬t's a/my pleasure,

鶺ith pleasure,

For pleasure

2. manage sth./to do sth.

try to do sth. / manage to do sth.

3. show sb. to + n,

show sb. to do sth.

Lesson 10鶥ody language

Teaching Aims:

1. Learn and master the following:

Four skills: agreement, disagreement, Asian, kiss, custom, proud

Three skills: handshake, wave, nod

2. Train the Ss' reading ability.

Teaching Important Points.

1. Master the usages of the following phrases

make oneself understood, accept...as...,

take...for example, not...but..., kiss sb.


2. Master the structure " with+obj. + o.c. ".

Teaching Difficult Points:

1.Master the structure "with+obj. +o. c. "

2.Master the body language in this lesson.

Teaching Methods :

1.Question-and-answer activity to help the students to go through the whole passage.

2.Fast reading to find out the detailed information.

3.Pair work or group work to make every student work in class.

Teaching Aids:

1.a tape recorder 2.two pictures3.a projector

Teaching Procedures:

Step2 Greetings and Revision

Step 2 Lead-in

(Show a picture on the screen.

Ask the students to look at the picture and tell us the meaning of the gesture?

Step 3 Reading

(Teacher gives Ss a few minutes to read the passage to grasp the general idea, then asks Ss to answer the question. )

Step 4 language points

1.Although we may not realize it, when we talk with others we make ourselves understood not just by words.我们同别人谈话时,并不仅限于用言语让人明白自己的意思,对于这一点我们可能并没有意识到。

(1) realize作“意识到;了解到”解,后接名词或宾语从句。它还可作“实现”解。如:鶫e came to realize that he was wrong.他终于认识到自己错了。鶬 didn’t realize that until he told me.直到他告诉我,我才意识到那一点。鶷oday our hope has been realized at last.今天我们的希望终于实现了。注意:realize的主语一般是人,否则用被动语态,但不用进行时态。

(2) make oneself understood意思是“让别人明白自己的意思(听懂自己的话)”。宾补用过去分词。还有make oneself heard/ known。如:He spoke in a loud voice in order to make himself heard.他大声地说以便让别人听到他的话。make后的宾补还可用形容词、名词和动词原形。如:

We are working hard to make our country more beautiful.


The boy made a face just to make others laugh.那个男孩做了个鬼脸,只是想逗别人笑。

We make him our leader.我们让他当领导。


a He is rich while his young brother is poor .( 表对比, " 而",但语气没有but强烈。)

b While there is life , there is hope . ( 只要)

c While I admit that the problems are difficult , I don't agree that they cannot be solved . ( 尽管)

B ) 从属连词, " 与..... 时候" , 只与延续性动词连用.

Be careful while you are crossing the street .

C) while鷑. 一段时间

鷚ait for a while 等一会儿鷄fter a while过一会儿之后

鷌n a short while不久 once in a while间或

3.But not all the body language means the same thing in different countries.但是,并非所有的体势语在不同的国家都表达相同的意思。

not all…表示部分否定。not与all, every, both, each, always和often连用,表示“并非全部;并非每个人;并非每件事;并非总是”等。如:

All is not gold that glitters(=Not all is gold that glitters.).


Not every man can do it well.并非每个人都能把这件事做好。

英语中表示全部否定时,常用no, none, nobody, nothing, neither, never等。如:

None of my friends smoke.我的朋友都不吸烟。

He never came to the city.他从未来过这个城市。

4.accept…as/ be accepted as 认为……是……, accept 在此是“接受”、“同意”解;as 后面接名词或v-ing形式。I can’t accept you as my assistant.

Waving one’s arms can be accepted as crying for help.

Cf. receive /accept

He received a gift, but he didn’t accept it.

take … to be/as指主观上 “ 把…… 认作为……”. 不管对

We all take our teacher to be/as our good friend.

You must take English to be /as one of the main subjects you have to learn well.

类似的短语有: regard … as,鷏ook upon … as,鷗hink of … as,鷗reat … as等.




如:鶷oday,Abraham Lincoln is considered as one of the greatest of all American presidents.今天,亚伯拉罕林肯被认为是美国历届总统中最伟大的总统之一。

2).take...as...有“假定”或“假设”的意思,常表示没有充分根据的看法或做法。如:鶷hey could not understand how settlers took land as their own.他们不明白这些殖民者是怎样把土地据为己有的.如强调“错误地把……当作……”,则用take...for/to be...表示。如:

I took him for a foreigner.我把他当作外国人了。

You can't take a thief to be an honest man.你不能把小偷当作老实人。另外,mistake...for...是“错把……当作……”的意思。如:鶥ut people still mistake us for each other.但是人们仍然把我们俩弄混。


The Great Wall is regarded as one of the most interesting places in the world.长城被认为是世界上最有名的名胜之一。

4).look upon/on...as...含义与regard...as...相同,但没有regard...as...用得多。如:

They all look on him as a member of their family.他们都把他看作自家人。

5).see...as...表示根据个人的观察和体会所得出的结论,常可与regard...as...替换。如:鶰arxism sees all matters as constantly changing.马克思主义把一切物质都看成是经常变化的。6).view...as...可与see...as...换用,多用于正式语体。如:

They continued to view him as their major adversary.他们继续把他看作是主要的对手。

7).Think of...as...相当于consider...as...,常表示一种特殊的看法。如:

I used to think of it as“your”hospital, now I think of it as“our”hospital.我过去总是把它看作是“你们的”医院,现在我却把它看作是“我们的”医院。

8).treat...as...指在某种认识基础上处理或对待某物,重点在行动。一般只见于正式语体中。如:I decided to treat the whole matter as a great joke.



They set up a state of their own, where they would be free to keep Negroes as slaves.



Neither beasts nor birds would have the bat as their friend.



Even his way of walking down the street and turning a corner could be recognized as his own.甚至他在街上走路和拐角处转弯时的那种姿态,都可以认为是他独有的。

12).accept...as...含有“认为……是……”之意,as后跟名词或 V-ing形式。如:

His explanation can not be accepted as being satisfactory.他的解释是不能令人满意的。13).think...as(to be)...含有“认为……是……”之意。如:

Money was also thought to be important.金钱也被认为是重要的。注:在“consider /think...as /to be...”这类表“看法”、“判断”或者“心里感觉”等意思的句子里,as(to be)也可以省略。※※

5.Not…but…conj.phr. “不是……而是……”,


They need not money but labours.( object)

He is not a teacher but a doctor.(predicative)

Not the students but the teacher is hoping to go there.(邻近原则)

有类似用法的短语有:not only…but also…; either… or …; neither … nor …

Either you or I am wrong.

6.take…for example 意思是 “以……为例. 比方说”.常用于阐明一件事的开头.

Take nodding the head for example.

Take this problem for example.

Take our school for example.

Cf. Copy /follow the example of 学习...的榜样, 照...的样子

for example例如

give / set a good example to做...榜样, 树立(好)榜样

set a good example to 做...榜样, 树立(好)榜样

Take his sister for example,she is an excellent singer.


We may take Japan for example,it is one of the fastest growing economies in the world.以日本为例,它是世界上经济发展最快的国家之一。

Take … for把……当作……, 错认为是”. 表示结果与事实不付.

At first I took him for a Japanese.

She took me for my brother.

Don’t take me for a fool.

7. In France,it is the custom to shake hands with people in the office every morning.在法国,每天早上在办公室里和人握手是一种习俗。



It is her habit to watch TV after supper every day.她习惯每天晚饭后看电视。

It is the custom for the Chinese to take off their shoes when they get into a hall.进入门厅脱掉鞋子是中国人的习惯。

So many countries,so many customs.有多少国家就有多少习俗。

Stop bitting your nails.It's a bad habit.不要再咬指甲了,那是个坏习惯。

8.She ___ us goodbye on the ship with words that couldn’t be heard clearly.

(kissed / sang/ waved/ shouted)

kiss/ wave sb. hello/goodbye鷖ay hello/goodbye/yes/no to sb.

The officer received an order to the front. He kissed his wife goodbye.

9.Scientists have done some research on “Touch” in different countries.


do some research on“对……进行研究”。do可换成make,carry out;on可换成into。

如:鶶cientists are making some research into the problem of food.




请看NMET2000高考题:_____ the production up by 60%,the company has had another excellent year. A.As鶥.For C.With D.Through这道题的正确答案是C。

句中的“With +宾语+宾语补足语”结构作状语,表原因。全句的意思是:由于生产增长了60%,这家公司又迎来了一个丰收年。

“with +复合宾语”结构中的宾语补足语通常由介词短语、现在分词、过去分词、不定式、形容词、副词或名词充当。它在中学英语课本中多次出现,现将其构成与句法作用归纳如下:

1). with +名词(代词)+介词短语

He sat there thinking, with his chin on his hand. 他手托下巴,坐在那儿沉思。

The old man stood there, with his back against the wall.


Mary was sitting near the fire, with her back towards the door.


2).with +名词(代词)+形容词

He stared at his friend with his mouth wide open. 他张大嘴巴凝视着他的朋友。

The man raised his head with eyes full of wonder and mystery.


He stood there trembling, with his face red with cold.


3).with +名词(代词)+副词

He fell asleep with the light on.

With production up by 60%, the company has had another excellent year.

产量上升了60%, 公司又是一个好年景。

The stupid Emperor walked in the procession with nothing on.


The naughty boy stood before his teacher with his head down.


He put on his socks with the wrong side out. 他把袜子穿反了。

4).with +名词(代词)+名词

She used to sit reading in the evening with her pet dog her only companion.


He died with his daughter yet a schoolgirl.他去世的时候,女儿还是个中学生。

5).with +名词(代词)+现在分词

She stood there chatting with her friend, with her child playing beside her.


With you helping me whenever I’m in trouble, I feel very obliged to you.


6).with +名词(代词)+过去分词

The goalkeeper left Japan with his flaws laid bare.


A young man was brought in with his hands tied behind.

7). with +名词(代词)+不定式

With 10 minutes to go, you’d better hurry.


With you to lead us, our group is sure to succeed.


With so many books to read, I couldn’t go out for a walk.

“with +复合宾语”结构的句法作用: 作时间状语

With my homework finished(=After I finished my homework),I went fishing with my father.做完家庭作业后,我和爸爸去钓鱼了。


With everything considered(=If everything is considered),his plan is better than yours.



With his key missing(=Because his key is missing),he had to stay outside.



The girl stood there silently,with tears in her eyes(=and tears were in her eyes).



Do you know the woman with a baby in her arms(=who has a baby in her arms)?


Step 5 Listening and Reading

T:Now look at your books and listen to the tape. Pay attention to the stress and intonation. After that, please read the text aloud for a few minutes.

Step VI. Discussion

T:As we all know now,not all the body language means the same thing in different

countries. Different people have different ways ot making communication through

body language. Does the body language have the same meanings in China or in the USA? Now please have a discussion in groups and fill in the form in Part 2. Then I'll check the answers.

(Teacher first asks Ss to do the exercise orally and then shows the answers on the screen. )

Step 7 Workbook

T:Now turn to Page 84. Let's do exercises. First do Ex. 2. Read the sentences carefully and correct them according to the information mentioned in the text. Then I'll check the answers.

Suggested answers:

1. You can pass on messages to others by your expressions and body movements, even if you can't talk.

2. In some Asian countries shaking the head means"agreement".

3. Men kiss each other in Russia and France, but not in Japan.

4. Older people (Grown-ups) often shake hands with each other.

5. English people do not like touching each other.

6. It is not the custom to ask other people's age in the English-speaking countries.

T: Let's do Ex. 3. You can do it by yourselves or in pairs. Pay attention to the verb forms. Then I'll check the answers.

Step 8 Homework

1. Read the text again and again and retell it in your own words.

2. Write Ex. 2 in your exercise books.

3. Preview the next lesson.