Lessons11-12 Unit3



Lesson 11

Teaching Aims:

1. Learn and master the following:

鶩our skills: manner, manners, comfortable, guest

鶷hree skills: distance, first, truth, juice, one another

2. Train the Ss' reading ability.

3. Learn the infinitive used as predicative and review other usages of the infinitive.

Teaching Important Points:

1. Master the usages of the word"manner' and the phrase"one another".

2. Master the usages of the infinitive.

Teaching Difficult Points:

1. The difference between" each other" and "one another".

2. The difference between "'some'' and "certain''.

Teaching Methods:

1. Question-and-answer activity to help the students to go through the passage.

2. Pair work to make every student work in class.

Teaching Aids:

1. a projector2. a recorder

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1鶪reetings

Greet the whole class as usual.

Step 2 Revision and Lead-in

T:In the last lesson we learnt the passage about body language. Now I ask two students to retell the passage in their own words. Who will have a try?

S1 :Let me try...

T: Very good, thank you. Sit down,please. Any volunteers?

2: I Will...

T: OK. Well done!

(Bb: good manners, bad manners, distance)

Step 3鶳reparation for Reading

T:Before reading the passage, let's learn some new words and phrases. Please look at the blackboard. (Bb: host, guest, fist, juice, communicate, comfortable, one another)Read them after te tape. After listening to the tape,鷗ry to learn them by heart. After two minutes, teacher gives simple explanation to Ss. ) ':Now please make some sentences with good manners, bad manners, communicate,one another. Any volunteers?

S1:It's good manners to wait in line.

S2 :It's bad manners to leave without say ing goodbye.

S3:Using body language in a correct way will help to communicate people.

S4:We two help and learn from one another.

T:In the fourth sentence,we also can use the phrase "each other", that is. We two help and learn from each other.

But in the following sentence, we can only use "one another".e. g. The students help one another.

Step 4鶵eading

T: Now please read the passage quickly and tell if the sentences are true or false. Then correct the sentences if there are any mistakes in them.Show the three sentences on the screen. ) Suppose you're talking with one of your Arabian friends, it is good manners for you to stand close to him when talking. All body language expresses the same meanings in different countries. Country people in Britain stand closer than city people.

Suggested answers:

1. True.

2. False. Not all body language expresses the same meaning in different countries.

3. False. City people鷌n Britain鷖tand closer than country people.

鶷: Now I'll explain some difficult sentences and important phrases to you.

(Show them on the screen and explain them. )

1. stand/be/keep close to sh./sth.

鷈. g. My house is quite close to the station.

They are standing close to the wall.

There is a bus stop close to the school.

2. keep away

e. g. Keep away,or I'll call the police.

Keep away from that house. There is a dangerous dog there.

3. certain/some

( 1 ) some/a certain+ (sing.) n.

e. g. They escaped to France for a certain political reason/some political reason.

He must be waiting for you at some/a certain place.

(2) certain+ (pl.)n.

In certain conditions, this could be done.

4. help(to) do sth./help sb. (to) do sth.

e. g. Reading helps (to) enlarge your vocabulary.

鶬 will help (you) to do the housework.

5. could--be possible

e. g. This story could be true, but I hardly think it is.

6.close;closely鷆lose, closely这两个词都可以用作副词,close表示“靠近”、“紧紧地”,closely则表示“紧密地”、“严密地”、“密切地”。如:鶬 went closer, and saw clearly a tall man in the moonlight.鶦ome close, I want to tell you something important.鶷he policeman followed the strange man closely.鶷he scientists got closely in touch with the astronauts.

(Write the words and phrases on the Bb. )


1) A way of doing something or the way in which a thing is done or happens.


Why are you talking in such a strange manner?


2)A way of acting; bearing or behavior.举止行为的方式;举止或行为; 态度;举止

a very rude manner很粗鲁的态度

3)Practice, style, or method in the arts: 风格艺术中的实践、风格、施行或方法:

This fresco is typical of the painter's early manner.


4)Kind; sort: 种类;类别:

What manner of person is she? 她是什么样的人?

5)(pl) 礼貌;礼节

It's bad manners to talk with a full mouth. 嘴里吃着东西说话是不礼貌的。

You should have good manners all the time. 任何时候都应该有礼貌。

[pl. ]礼貌, 规矩good manners有礼貌 bad manners没礼貌

Mind your manners.注意礼貌。

6) (pl) 风俗;习俗

the manners and customs of the ancient Egyptians


Step 5 Consolidation

T:Now read aloud the text for a few minutes,then do an exercise according to the text.(Ex.1 in the Workbook Lesson 11)

Step 6 language study

Part 2 the Infinitive



不定式的一般式,即“to+动词原形”,表示的动作通常与谓语动词同时或几乎同时发生,或之后发生。不定式一般式与句子主语、宾语或for sb.to do sth.结构中的介词宾语有逻辑上的主谓关系。如:鶬 am glad to see you.(to see与 am glad 同时发生,其逻辑主语是I)鶱o one could tell me where to get the book. (to get在could tell之后发生,其逻辑主语是宾语me)

【NMET 95】鶺e agreed ____________ here but so far she hasn't turned up yet.

A.having met鶥.meeting鶦.to meet鶧.to have met

析:答案 C。agree to do sth.意为“同意做某事”,不定式用一般式,表示在agree之后发生的动作。meet不会发生在agree之前,所以不用完成式。

二、不定式的完成式1辈欢ㄊ降耐瓿墒剑即“to have +过去分词”,表示动作在谓语动作之前发生, 的逻辑主语也是句子的主语或宾语。如:鶫e is said to have written a new book about workers.(to have written发生在is said之前,其逻辑主语是 he)鶬 am sorry to have given you so much trouble.(to have given发生在 am sorry之前,其逻辑主语是I)

【MET 93】鶦harles Babbage is generally considered ____________ the first computer.鶤.to have invented鶥.inventing鶦.to invent鶧.having invented

析:答案 A。consider作“认为”解,后接不定式。此题选不定式完成式,表示 to have invented发生在谓语动作 is considered之前。

【NMET 99】鶵obert is said ____________ abroad,but I don't know what country he studied in.鶤.to have studied鶥.to study鶦.to be studying鶧.to have been studying

析:答案 A。从后一句“我不知道他曾在哪国学习”知道不定式要表示的动作发生在谓语动作 is said之前。2庇⒂镏幸恍┍硎鞠M、愿望的词,如 would love,meant,hoped,expected, planned,wished,wanted等词常与不定式的完成式连用,表示过去曾希望过,但未曾实现。它们之所以未能实现,常可通过后面but连接的句子看出来。如:鶬 hoped to have seen you yesterday,but I didn't have time.(昨天我本来想去看你,但没有空。)

【NMET 97】鶬 would love ____________ to the party last night but I had to work extra hours to finish a report. A.to go鶥.to have gone鶦.going鶧.having gone

析:答案 B。would love后接不定式。用不定式完成式表示过去未发生的动作,即“本想去参加聚会”,但因为“加班写报告”而没有去成。

3薄扒樘动词+不定式完成式”结构可以表示对已发生的事情进行推测,或者表示对已发生的事情的“责备”、“批评”,或做了不该做的事情。如:鶬t's six o'clock.She must have gone home.(六点钟了,她准回家了。---推测在这之前她“已回家”。)鶷hey shouldn't have left so soon.(他们不该走得这么早。---责备他们走早了。)鶼ou needn't have told them that.(你没必要告诉他们。---责备你不该告诉他们。)

【1999上海】鶷here was a lot of fun at yesterday's party.You come,but why didn't you?

A. must have鶥.should鶦.need have鶧.ought to have

析:答案 D。“ought to /should +不定式完成式”表示本该做的事而没有做:昨晚你应该来,为什么没来?

【NMET 2001】鶬 was really anxious about you.You ____________ home without a word.

A.mustn't leave B.shouldn't have left C.couldn't have left D.needn't leave

析:答案 B。“ought not to /shouldn't +不定式完成式”表示做了本不该做的事。“你不应该不辞而别”,含有婉转的批评口气。

NMET 95】-There were already five people in the car,but they managed to take me as well.

-It ____________ a com fortable journey.

A.can't be鶥.shouldn't be鶦.mustn't have been鶧.couldn't have been

析:答案 D。“can't /couldn't +不定式完成式”表示对过去事情的否定推测。根据上文“车上已有五人,但他们还是设法带了我”可以推测:这次旅游不可能舒适。

三、不定式的进行式不定式进行式(to be +现在分词)表示正在进行的动作,与谓语动作同时发生。如:鶷hey seemed to be eating something they had cooked on the fire.(to be eating与seemed同时发生)鶺e pretended to be working very hard when he came in.(to be working与 pretended同时发生)

四、不定式的被动式当不定式的逻辑主语是不定式所表示的动作的承受者时,要用不定式被动形式,即 to be done或 to have been done。如:鶶he hated to be laughed at.(她不喜欢被人嘲笑。)鶷he magazines are not allowed to be taken out of the reading-room .(这些杂志不可以被带出阅览室。)

五、不定式的否定式不定式的否定式是在不定式前加否定词not构成。如:鶫e decided not to do it.鶺hat I want is not to be interrupted while I'm writing.

【NMET 96】鶷he patient was warned ____________ oily food after the operation.

A.to eat not鶥.eating not鶦.not to eat鶧.not eating


【NMET 99】鶷he purpose of new technology is to make life easier,is_____ more difficult.

A.not make鶥.not to make鶦.not making D.do not make

析:答案 B。不定式否定式not to make与to make life easier具有强烈的对比意义,在句中作表语。

六、to代替整个不定式如果句子前面已出现过同样的动词,为避免重复,句子后面的不定式应省略动词原形及其后续部分,只保留不定式符号 to。如:-Will you join me in a walk?-I'll be glad to.(to后省略了join you in a walk)鶼ou'd better give a performance if the students should ask you to.(to后省去了give a performance)

【NMET 95】鶷he boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street,but his mother told him ____________ .

A.not to鶥.not to do鶦.not do it鶧.do not to

析:答案 A。not to=not to ride his bicycle in the street。因为上下文意思清楚,为避免重复,省略了动词不定式中的动词,只保留了 not to。

七、不带 to 的动词不定式1.在同一结构中若有两个并列的不定式,一般可省略后一个不定式前的 to。如:鶶he didn't know whether to laugh or cry.鶷he teacher told the student to stand up and read the text.

【NMET 94】鶵ather than ____________ on a crowded bus,he always prefers ____________ a bicycle.

A.ride;ride鶥.riding;ride鶦.ride;to ride鶧.to ride;riding析:答案 C。句型 prefer to do sth. rather than do sth.,这里用了倒装结构, rather than后的不定式不带 to。但也有时为了强调两者对比,后一个不定式就不宜省去to。如:鶬t's better to laugh than to cry.

2.在“四看”(see,look at,watch,notice)、“二听”(hear,listen to)、“感觉”(feel)以及使役动词 let,make,have后跟不定式和宾补时,通常省略 to。但变为被动结构时,不定式符号 to 要加上。如:鶺e saw him play chess with the workers.鶫e was seen to play chess with the workers.

【NMET 95】鶳aul doesn't have to be made ____________ .He always works hard.

A.learn鶥.to learn鶦.learned鶧.learning【答案:B】

八.不定式(短语)作主语时,为避免句子头重脚轻,常用it作形式主语置于句首,而将不定式(短语)放在句尾。 2.Is ____ necessary to complete the design before National Day﹖(MET’89)

A.this B.that C.it鶧.he

Step 8 Practice

SB part 3

Step 9 Workbook



Write a passage about the body language learned in Lesson 10 and Lesson 11.