Lesson13-14 Unit4



Lesson 13 Unit 4

Teaching Aims:

1. Learn and master the following:

(1) Four skills: rose, check, magazine

(2) Three skills: daily

(3) Everyday English:

鶤re you/Will you be free then?

鶼es,I'll be free,I'd like to go.

鶯et's go together then. I'll meet you at the theatre at 6: 30.

鶪ood! See you then.

鶺hat time shall we meet?

鶺here is the best place to meet?

鶺hat about meeting outside...?

鶬 suggest...

2. Enable students to know the meaning of a new word by looking it up in an English-English dictionary. Teaching Important Points:

1. Phrases:

have a look, give a performance

2. Sentence patterns:

(1) Sure, go ahead.

(2)What's on...

(3) They are said to be very good.

Teaching Difficult Points:

The use of the sentence pattern"... be said to do..."

Teaching Methods:

1. Listening-and-answer activity to help the Ss to go through with the dialogue.

2. Pair work or group work to make every student work in class.

Teaching Aids:

1. a tape recorder 2. a projector

Teaching Procedures:

Step1 Greetings and Lead-in

T: Good morning, everyone.

Ss: Good morning, teacher.

T: Sit down, please. Today we are going to learn Unit 4. It's about "Newspapers''. Please look at the picture in your textbooks. There are two girls in the picture. One is Betty, the other is Zhou Lan, who is holding a newspaper in her hands. Now let's listen to what they are talking about.

Step2 Dialogue

(Play the tape. Let the students listen to it twice. After that, show the questions on the screen. )

Answer the questions according to the dialogue.

1. What newspaper does Zhou Lan have with her?

2. Where are the "Red Roses' performing?

3. What time does the performance start?

4. What do Betty and Zhou Lan decide to do this week?

5. What time do Betty and Zhou Lan arrange to meet?

(Ask some students to answer the questions above. )

Suggested answers:

1. China Daily.

2. At the People's Theatre.

3. At 7 p.m.

4. They decided to attend a performance given by the "Red Rose"pop group.

5. At six thirty.

T: Now I'll explain these phrases and sentence patterns in the dialogue. Please look at the blackboard. (Bb: have a look/Sure,go ahead./What's on ...? / give a performance/be said to do... )

Now look at the screen.

1. have/take a look(at sth. )

e. g. May I have a look at your photo?

2. Sure, go ahead = Of course, please do.

鷈. g. --May I use your dictionary?

--Sure, go ahead.

3. What's on ...? = What performances are planned... ?

鷈. g. What's on tonight/at Xinhua Cinema?

4. give a performance= perform

鷈. g. Some children will give a performance at the hall.

5. be said to...=People say that... /It's said that...

鷈. g. He is said to have published another wonderful book this year. =It is said that he has published another wonderful book this year.

T: Now read the dialogue by yourselves and then fill in the blanks.(EX.2 in the workbook)

Step 3 Oral Practice

T:Now, look at Part 2. First, read these sentences by yourselves. Then work with your partner. One asks, and the other answers. Next, you can make a dialogue like the one in Part 1. You can talk about the cinema, a football match,a basketball match, a play or a performance. Now I'll give you three minutes to prepare it in pairs.


1.教材:They're said to be very good.

考题1:I don't know the restaurant,but it's__________ to be quite a good one.(NMET’94)鶤.said鶥.told鶦.spoken鶧.talked

简析:本题考查“sb./sth.+be+said(reported,heard等)+to be...”句型, spoken,talked为不及物动词,不能用于被动语态,told不能用于这一句型,答案为A。类似的说法还有:It is said that the restaurant is quite a good one.

考题2:Robert is said __________ abroad, but I don't know what country he studiedin.(NMET’99)

A.to have studied鶥.to study鶦.to be studying鶧.to have been studying

简析:本题考查的是不定式的时与体。 根据句意,study的动作在谓语动词is said之前发生,故答案为A。


1)It is said that.../People say that...

2)Sb./Sth. is said to be/to do(表示现在的状况或将要发生的动作)

Sb./Sth.is said to be doing(表示正在进行的动作)

Sb. /Sth. is said to have(been)done(表示已发生的动作或状态)

Sb./Sth.is said to have been doing(动作从过去开始一直持续到现在且正在进行)


1).He is said __________(set)off for the USA tomorrow.鶱o,he is said __________(go)there yesterday.

2).The collection of short stories is said __________(translate)into at least four foreign languages in the years to come.

3).He is said __________(write)a novel.So he is very busy now.

4).It is said that the thief __________(break)in through the window and took everything valuable away.

5).Tom is said __________(paint)the house all day and he is very tired now.

6).The old man is said __________(be) very rich when he was young.

Keys:1.to set;to have gone 2.to be translated 3.to be writing 4.broke 5.to have been painting 6.to have been

2. I want to have a look at what‘s on this weekend. 我想看看本周周末上演的什么。

句中的What’s on this weekend是名词性从句,在句中作短语动词look at的宾语。

what‘s on…?是一个固定的表达方式,后跟时间或地点状语,表示“……(时间/地点)上演什么?”on在此是作为副词用的,应重读。on是一个十分活跃的词,作为介词用时,它也可以表示类似的形容词所表示的意思,表示“在……进行之中”例如:

What’s on at the New Star Cinema tonight? 今晚新星电影院上演什么?

Is there a new film on lately? 最近上演什么新电影了吗?

My parents are on their holidays. 我父母亲正在度假。

They are on a friendly visit to our country. 他们正在对我国进行友好访问。

2. Is there anything good on? 有什么好节目在上演吗?

句中的good是不定代词anything的定语。当形容词作定语修饰象something, anything, nothing这类不定代词时,要把形容词放在这类不定代词之后。例如:

There is nothing important in today‘s newspaper. 今天报上没有什么重要消息。

Do you have anything interesting to tell us?你有什么有趣的事要告诉我的吗?

Step 4鶺orkbook


1.Finish off all the exercises in the workbook.

2.Preview Lesson14.


Teaching Aims:

1. Learn and master the following:

Four skills: fix, face-to-face, photographer, take a photograph(of), pass on, deliver, rail

Three skills: chief, event, immediately, develop, add, lorry, speed

2. Improve the students' reading ability.

Teaching Important Points:

1. Master the following phrases:

cover the events ,get down to, face-to-face, work on,pass...on to...

2. Help the students understand the text better.

Teaching Difficult Points:

Master the following two sentence patterens:

( 1 )...as... as possible

(2)There is(no)...left for sth./doing sth.

Teaching Methods:

1. Fast reading to find out the general information in the text.

2. Question-and-answer activity to help the students to understand the detailed information in the text.

3. Pair-work activity for students to further understand the text.

Teaching Aids:

1. a video tape 2. a projector

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 Greetings

Greet the whole class as usual.

Step 2 Revision

T:Yesterday we learned a dialogue,now I want to ask someone to retell what Betty and Zhou鶯an talked in the dining room. Who'd like to?

S1:I'll try...

T: Very good ! Sit down, please.

Step 3鶯ead-in and Discussion

T: Newspapers have much to do with our everyday life. They can tell us what has happened at home and abroad. They can also give us pleasure, and help us a lot in our studies. In a word newspapers are very important to everyone.鶷here are various kinds of newspapers, such as "The People's Daily" "The Chinese Youth Daily'' "English Weekly" "English Coaching Paper" and so on. Now please work in groups of four and have a discussion about these questions:

(Show the following questions on the screen. )

1. Which newspapers and magazines do you read?

2. Which newspaper and magazines do you buy?

3. Which part of the newspaper do you find most interesting?

4. Which part of the newspaper do you find least interesting?

(After a while teacher asks some students to give their answers, then collects then

and writes on the Bb: China Daily, the People's Daily, The Chinese Youth Daily.

Guang Ming Daily, English Weekly, English Coaching鶳aper...; China鷗oday,Youth Digest, An Express way to English, Crazy English... )

Step IV. Reading

(Teacher plays the video tape for students. With the pictures appearing on the screen, teacher explains to students.In this way,students have a general idea of how to publish a newspaper. )

T:Now I'll give you five minutes to read the passage quickly and silently. Then I'll ask you two questions:

1. What does an editor do? 2. What do journalists do? Now,you can begin.

(Five minutes later. )

T:Who can answer the first questions?

S2:I'll try. An editor tells the journalists what they are going to write about and decides which will be the most important story.

T:Very good. Now, the second one. Who will try?

S3 :A journalist interviews people,writes a report and checks information.

T:Quite right. Now I'll give you another five minutes to read the text again. Then try to answer some questions about the details of the text.

(Teacher shows a questionaire on the screen and allows students to discuss the answers in pairs. )

A Questionaire

1. What does the newspaper chief editor do every morning? Why?

2. What do the reporters usually do?

3. What's the meaning of "doing one's homework" ?

4. What kind of people should the journalists be?

5. What do photographers and picture editors do?

6. What is the chief editor's work? What do the other editors do?

7. Why is writing headlines in English more difficult than in Chinese?

8. Why must all the people who work on a newspaper work quickly?

T: Your comprehension is correct. Now let's deal with some phrases and sentence patterns in the passage.

(Bb: cover the events, get down to, face-to-face, work on, pass.., on to."; ...as... as possible, There is(no)...left for sth./doing sth. )

Now look at the screen. I'll explain them to you.


1.As soon as the reporters know what to write about,they get down to work.

【问】短语get down to work如何翻译? to是介词还是不定式?

【答】get down to work意思是“开始认真工作”。其中get down to的意思为to begin to give serious attention to sth.or doing sth.。这里的to是介词,后跟名词、代词或动名词。例如:鶼ou must get down to your studies now.你现在必须开始认真学习了。

Don't you think it's time we got down to business?你不认为是开始做正事的时间了吗?

While the weather was fine, my father got down to repairing the house. 趁着天气好,我父亲开始修理房屋了。

2....so editors must check that there is enough space for the headlines they have written.因此,编辑必须检查是否有足够的篇幅来容纳他们所写的标题。

【问】check that...后面的结构应如何处理?此处that是否可换用连接词if或whether?

【答】在英语中没有“检查是否有”,而是“检查要有”,所以check后面从句要用that引导,不可用if或whether,但可以说check to see if/whether...。当然,也可以说check to see that...。如:

Every week I check that each student has worked on his book.每周我都检查每个学生是否已学习他的功课了。

I must check to see if he has done some telephone interviews.我得检查一下他是否进行电话采访了。(=I must check that/check to see that he has done some telephone interviews.)

I'd like to check that his explanation is correct.我想弄清楚他的解释是否正确。(=I'd like to check to see if his explanation is correct.)

3.In this situation,everyone has to move fast.Journalists have to stop working on one story and start working immediately on the important new one.

【问】这句话中的the important new one指的是什么?

【答】the important new one中的one是替代词,替代上文中的story。在英语中为了避免上下文重复,通常用 one来替代上文中出现过的某一个单数可数名词。one的复数形式是ones,常用来替代上文中出现过的某一个复数名词。one和ones前一般都有限定词或形容词修饰,后面也可跟修饰词或从句。例如:

-Is the black pen yours?这支黑色钢笔是你的吗?-No,mine is the red one.不,这支红色的是我的。鶬 prefer a small house in a small town to one in a big city.我宁愿住在小城市的一座小房子里也不喜欢住在大城市的一座房子里。在使用替代词one和ones时要注意以下几点:①one前面可以加this,that修饰,构成 this/that one,但ones前必须带有另外的修饰词。例如:鶷his book is easy,but that one is very difficult.这本书容易,但那本却非常难。鶷hese thin books are easy,but those thick ones are rather difficult.这些薄的书容易读,而那些厚的书却相当难。②one和ones前面不能直接加物主代词。例如,我们不能说my one或your one,此时要用mine或yours,但是one和ones前面带有修饰语时,就可以加上物主代词。例如:鶬 have bought a new bike.My old one doesn't work.我买了辆新自行车,我的旧自行车不能用了。鶷hey bought new dictionaries because their old ones are of no help.他们买了新词典,因为旧的已经不起作用了。③物主代词后面跟own时,不能接one或ones。如不能说my own one,只能说my own。例如:鶬'm not used to your dictionary.I'd rather use my own.我不习惯用你的字典,我宁可用自己的。④在形容词最高级后面,one或ones常被省略。例如:鶷his film is the best(one)I've ever seen.这部电影是我看过的最好的。

4.reporter; journalist

reporter=news reporter“新闻记者”,特指外出采访的记者。journalist“记者”泛指新闻工作者,如报纸的编辑、采访记者、摄影记者都可以叫journalist。

5.cover; interview

两者都可用作动词,意为“采访”,cover的宾语是事情;interview的宾语是人。如:鶵eporters are then sent to cover the events.然后记者们就被派去采访这些事件。鶫e interviewed five people in the morning.他上午采访了五个人。

6.late; lately; later; latest

late可作形容词或副词,意为“迟(的);晚(的)”。如:鶫e often comes late for school.他上学常迟到。鶷hey were late for the film.他们看电影迟到了。

lately是副词,意为“最近;近来”相当于recently,常与现在完成时连用。如:鶬 haven’t heard from him lately.我最近没收到他的来信。

later为late的比较级,意为“较迟的(地)”。另外,还可用作副词,意为“后来”。如:鶫e goes home later than anybody.他回家比谁都晚。鶶ee you later.回头见。

latest为late的最高级,意为“最迟的(地)”;也相当于newest,意为“最新的”。如:鶬 go to bed latest in the family.我是家里睡觉最迟的。鶫ere is the latest news from a broad.下面是来自国外的最新消息


They sent the best reporters to cover the conference.他们派出了最好的记者去报道大会的消息。

Cover the table with a cloth. 在桌子上铺上台布。

By sunset we had covered thirty miles. 到日落的时候,我们已经走了三十英里。

His research covers a wide field. 他的研究工作涉及的范围很广。

Is that word covered in the dictionary? 这部词典里有那个词吗?

8.They telephone people and fix a time for a face-to-face interview with them.他们给一些人打电话,约定时间对他们进行面对面的采访。

a.【问】face-to-face能否换成face to face?它们有什么区别吗?

【答】在本句中,它们不能换用。face to face通常只修饰动词,用作状语。而face-to-face(中间有连字符号)解释为“面对面”,通常用作定语。如:

She stood face to face with me on the other side of the room.


The reporter asked for a face-to-face interview with the president.这位记者要求当面采访总统。(本句的 face-to-face作定语,不可换成 face to face).

除了这一词组外,类似还有一些,如:heart to hear心连心,贴心的,hand in hand手拉手,arm in arm臂挽臂, shoulder to shoulder肩并肩。

b.句中的fix是动词,作“确定”,“约定”解。fix a time for…是“约定时间干某事”的意思。例如:

Have you fixed a date for the wedding?


My watch has stopped.It needs fixing.


Her eyes were fixed on the gun. (fix one’s eyes on)她紧盯那只枪。

He is fixing his thought on what he is doing.他正在全神贯注地工作。

He had a shelf fixed to the wall. 他找人把架子安在了墙上。

9.....so editors must check that there is enough space for the headlines they have written.因此,编辑必须检查是否有足够的篇幅来容纳他们所写的标题。

【问】check that...后面的结构应如何处理?此处that是否可换用连接词if或whether?

【答】在英语中没有“检查是否有”,而是“检查要有”,所以check后面从句要用that引导,不可用if或whether,但可以说check to see if/whether...。当然,也可以说check to see that...。如:

Every week I check that each student has worked on his book.每周我都检查每个学生是否已学习他的功课了。

I must check to see if he has done some telephone interviews.我得检查一下他是否进行电话采访了。(=I must check that/check to see that he has done some telephone interviews.)

I'd like to check that his explanation is correct.我想弄清楚他的解释是否正确。(=I'd like to check to see if his explanation is correct.)


We delivered your order to your door. 我们送货上门。

Did you deliver my message to my father? 你把我的信息传给我父亲了吗?

He delivered his speech effectively. 他演讲说得非常有力。

We must help to deliver them from misery and suffering. 我们必须帮助他们脱离苦难

Step 5 Activity

Part 3 Ask the students fill the blanks according to the text.

Step 6 Workbook



Finish off the exercises in the workbook.

Read the passage again.