Lesson15-16 Unit4



Lesson 15

Teaching Aims:

1.Learn and master the following:

Four skills: as well

Three skills: weekly, be popular with sb.

2. Train the students' reading ability.

3. Grammar: The v.-ing form as subject and object

Teaching Important Points:

Grammar:The v-ing form as subject and object

Teaching Difficult Points:

1.The use of the phrase "as well(as)".

2.How to use an v.-ing form as the subject or object of a sentence.

Teaching Methods:

1.Fast reading to find out the general information about the text.

2.True or false to know about the detailed information about the text.

3.Pair work or individual work to make every student work in class.

Teaching Aids:

1. an English newspaper2. a projector

Teaching Procedures:

Step1 Greetings

Greet the whole class as usual.

Step 2 Revision and Lead-in

T:Now I'll ask a student to retell the pocedure of producing a newspaper, using your own words. Who'd like to?

S1:I’ll try. Every morning the chief editor holds a meeting...

T: Very good. Now, look at the newspaper in my hand. What's its name, do you know?

S2: China Daily.

T: Quite right. It's an English newspaper published in China. If you want to know more about it, please read the passage by yourselves. Then I'll ask you a question.

(After a while, the teacher gives the question. )

Step 3鶵eading

T: Have you finished reading the text? OK, please answer my question. Why does the student Sun Yao enjoy readlng China Daily?

S3 :He can learn new words and expressions. He can see how English is used in everyday life. He enjoys reading about new things from politics to sports and music.

T:Good, now read the passage again. This time, you should read carefully to find out the detailed information about it.

(After a while teacher shows some sentences on the screen. )

T:Please look at the screen. Say true or false to the sentences according to the passage.

Tell if the following sentences are true or false.

1. China Daily is an English newspaper which is published in Beijing.

( )

2. Each Sunday edition has a special section of advertisements.( )

3. Every Saturday the newspaper is quite different, because it has a weather report and some sports news. ( )

4. China Daily is liked only by foreigners.( )

5. China Daily publishes plenty of advertisements to cut costs. ( )

Suggested answers:

1. true2. false3. false4. false5. true

T:Now I'll explain some words and phrases in the passage. Look at the screen, please.

(Bb: be popular with, everyday/every day, as well/as well as)

1. The song is very popular with young people.

2. You should try to use everyday English. (attribute)

3. Do you read China Daily every day? (adverbial)

4. I like basketball; I like football as well. ( = too)

5. Tom as well as his parents wants to go to the island.

= Not only Tom's parents but also Tom himself wants to go to the island.

Step 4鶯anguage Study

T: Please look at the three sentences in Part 2. Let's go through these sentences together. The first sentence: "Learning new words is very useful to me. "Here the v.-ing form is used as the subject鷒f the sentence. You should also pay attention to the predicate. Now the second one: "I like reading China Daily." and the third one: "I enjoy learning about new things. "In the two sentences, both the v-ing forms are used as the objects of the verbs. Some verbs or verb phrases are often followed by -ing forms as their objects.

Look at the screen, please.

1. He is considering changing his job.

2. She has finished reading the novel.

3. Do you mind closing the window?

4. You must practise speaking English every day.

5. I enjoy listening to music.

6. I don't feel like going to the movie.

7. Has he given up smoking?

8. The teacher suggested having an outing the next Sunday.

(Ask some students to read the sentences aloud and give the Chinese for each sentence. )

T: Now, I'll give you two more examples.

(Bb: He is interested in doing chemical experiments. She is good at playing the piano. )

T:What can you see from the two sentences?

S4: The v-ing form can also be used as the object of a preposition. Am I right?

T:Quite right. When you add an -ing form to a verb, we should follow some spelling rules. Now look at Part 3.

There are four groups of verbs. Please write out their -lng forms according to the spelling rules given below.

Suggested answers:

1. c鷅eating鷄ttending鷇elivering

2. a鷌nviting鷋oping鷌ncluding

3. b鷑odding鷚inning鷅eginning

4. d鷏ying鷇ying鷏ying

Step 5 Consolidation

T: Please look at Part 5. Let's do another exercise. First read the words in the box. Then choose a suitable verb to complete each sentence. At the same time, you must pay attention to the spelling of the verb. Do you understand.'?


T:OK, you can do the exercise by yourself. Three minutes later, we'll check the answers.

(After a while, the teacher asks some students to give their answers. )

Suggested answers:

1. describing2. getting3. Asking 4. Controlling 5. organizing 6, make

7. reading 8. working 9. writing 10. including 11. checking12. going

T: Look at Part 4. Join the two halves to make sentences. Pay attention to several different possibilities. Do it alone first. Then let's deal with it together.

Some suggested answers:

Writing headlines in English is not an easy job.

You will enjoy working hard.

I dislike reading long articles.

We must stop producing so many magazines.

Reading English newspapers is a good way of improving your English.

Checking the information is very important.

The delivering of newspapers is done late at night.

Finding a copy of China Daily is difficult in this town.

You must start learning to use the new computer.

Step 6 Workbook

T:Now turn to Page 90. Let's do the exercises. First do Ex.2. Then do Ex.3.

Now look at Ex. 2. There are eight headlines from China Daily. Now match them with the different types of news in the box.

Suggested answers:

(1)Home News(3)International News (2)Business News (9)Travel News

(6)Sports News (7)Science News (5)Weather Report (4) Advertisement

(8)Radio &TV Programmes

T:Now let's do Ex.3. Complete the sentences, using the v.-ing form. You can do it orally.

(Later the teacher checks the answer with the whole class. )

Suggested answers:

1. Rewriting stories

2. working as a journalist

3. reading Business Weekly and advertisements

4. Publishing magazines and newspapers

5. Finishing such a lot of work in two weeks.

Step 7 Summary and Homework

T: In this class, we've learned a passage about China Daily. We've learned to use the v.-ing form as the subject and the object of a verb or a preposition. We've done plenty of exercises. Now today's homework: Read the passage "China Daily" again and again. Write Ex.3 on Page 90 in your exercisebooks and hand them in. Is that clear?

Ss: Yes.

T:OK. That's all for today. Class is over. See you tomorrow!

Ss: See you tomorrow.

Step 8 The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard

Lesson 15

People working for a newspaper:

the chief editor ,journalists, editors, photographers, workers in the publishing

house, workers in the post office

Useful phrases:

be popular with, everyday/every day, as well/as well as

The v-ing form as the Object of a Preposition:

He is interested in doing chemical experiments.

She is good at playing the piano.


1.daily;everyday;every day


I bought a copy of the People's Daily yesterday.我昨天买了一份《人民日报》。

She reads the daily paper after supper each evening.每天晚饭后她都要看当天的报纸。

The postman brings the paper daily.邮递员天天送报来。


The TV play describes the everyday life of the workers.


every day是个名词短语,在句中可作状语,意为“每天”。如:

Thousands of cars and trucks cross the bridge every day.每天有数以千计的车辆经过这座桥。

2.Besides,I enjoy learning about new things from politics to sports and music.


【答】在此besides用作副词,意思是“再者,加之,而且,更”。例如:鶥esides she is still young and pretty.她仍然年轻而且美丽动人。鶬t's too late to go out now.Besides,it's beginning to rain.现在出去太晚了,而且天开始下雨。另外,besides还可以用作介词,意思是“除了……之外(还有)”。例如:鶷here were three more visitors besides me.除了我之外还有三位游客。鶥esides being a doctor ,he was a famous writer.他除了是位医生外,还是位著名作家。




That event led to the Second World War.那个事件引发了第二次世界大战。

The first day at school is a big event in a child's life.第一天上学在孩子的一生中是件大事。

matter常指要考虑或处理的事情。注意:口语中the matter指“麻烦事”,表示发生了失常的事或出了毛博H纾 What's the matter(with you)?(你)怎么啦?


Fear is a terrible thing.恐惧是件可怕的事。


It's none of your business.不关你的事。

It is the business of a teacher to teach.教师的职责是教书。


popular opinion 大众的意见

the popular front人民阵线

a popular edition普及版

a popular science readings科普读物

a popular singer流行歌曲的歌手

a popular song流行歌曲

a popular price 廉价

She is a popular girl. 她是一个招人喜欢的姑娘。

be popular with 受人欢迎的

This dance is popular with young people. 这种舞很受青年人喜爱。

be unpopular with 不受人欢迎的

make sb. popular with / make sb. unpopular with

5.as well/ as well as as well adv.一般放在句末,=too, 但一般无标点与句子隔开。Cf.

Comrade Liu speaks English. He speaks French as well.

= Comrade Liu speaks English. He speaks French, too.

= Comrade Liu speaks English as well as French.

The teacher as well as the students is not allowed to do that.

Might/may as well 还是 。。。。。。好;不如

might/ may as well do sth. as do sth. 做。。。。。。就如做。。。。。。

We may as well begin at once.

You might just as well say that white is black as say that he is right.


Lesson 16

Teaching Aims:

1. Review the grammatical points and useful expressions in this unit.

2. Do some listening.

3. Do some writing.

Teaching Important Points.

1. Train the students' listening ability.

2. Train the students' writing ability.

Teaching Difficult Points:

Improve the students' listening ability.

Teaching Methods:

1. Listening-and-answer activity to help the students to go through the listening material.

2. Individual or pair work to train the students' writing ability.

Teaching Aids:

1. a tape recorder2. a projector

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1鶪reetings

Greet the whole class as usual.

Step 2 Revision

T:Today we'll first review the useful expressions and the grammatical points in this unit. Then we'll do some listening. Next, we'll do some writing. Well, let's have a dictation of the useful expressions. I'll ask someone to write them out on the blackboard. Li Hong, will you please come to the blackboard? (The student comes up to the blackboard. )Now let's begin. Listen to me, please.

(Bb: get down to, take a photograph of,pass on, be popular with, as well,care for)

T: Now, please look at the screen. There are six sentences here. Please fill in the blanks with the suitable expressions.

1. It's time for us to ______some work. We ought to do something every day.

2. The students_____very_______their new teacher.

3. Most of us ______music.

4. I like football and I like basketball_______.

5. They have __ the tradition from generation to generation.

6. Last year I went to Hangzhou and ______many_____of the West lake.

(Ask some students to do this exercise one by one. If they make some mistakes, the teacher helps to correct them. )

Suggested answers:

1. get down to 2. are,popular with 3. care for 4. as well 5. passed on 6. took, photographs

(The teacher shows another slide on the screen )


1.care about; care for; care; care to

1)care about“关心;计较;在乎”,指由于某事重要,或因责任所在而关心计较,一般用于否定句。如:

He doesn’t care about his clothes.他不讲究衣着。

I don’t care about going there.去不去那里,我无所谓。

2)care for“关心;照料;喜欢;愿意”。作“关心;照料”讲,一般用于肯定句或疑问句。如:鶺ho will care for your children when you are away﹖ 你离开期间谁照顾你的孩子?

How the Party cares for us!牭呈嵌嗝垂匦奈颐前。々

Would you care for a walk﹖你愿意去散步吗?

He cares more for fine new clothes than for anything else.



I don’t care who you are.我不管你是谁。

I don’t care what you say.不论你说什么,我都不在乎。

4)care to“愿意犛望”,后接动词原形。如:鶬 don’t care to go there.我不愿意去那里。

T:Please look at the screen again. Please point out the v.-ing form in each sentence and tell its function. Do you understand?

Ss: Yes.

T:OK. Please look at the first sentence.

1. Walking is a good form of exercise for both young and old.

2.--I must apologize for not letting you know ahead of time.

--That's all right.

3. Once your business becomes international, flying constantly will be part of your life.

4. One learns a language by making mistakes and correcting them.

5. Has she finished writing the novel?

(Teacher goes through the sentences with students together. Ask the whole class to tell the function of each of the v-ing form. )

Suggested answers:

1. subject2. object 3. subject4. object5. object

Step 3 Listening

T:Now,it's time for us to do some listening. Please turn to Page 148. First, I'll ask you a question: What does the newspaper chief editor do every morning?

Ss: He holds a meeting with the journalists.

T: Good! Today we'll listen to a passage "The Editor's Programme". Now the chief editor of a daily newspaper is having a meeting with the journalists. They are Mick, Bob and Susan. The chief editor is telling them what she wants them to do today. What events are they going to write about? Where and when do the events happen? What do the journalists have to do? Now let's listen to the tape and find out the answers to these questions.OK?

鶱ow, listen to the tape for the first time and write down the events or interviews which each journalist is going to write about. Then write them in the table.

(Teacher plays the tape for the students for the first time, then ask three students to tell their answers to the class. )

T:Now, I'll play the tape for the second time. This time, you should pay attention to the place and .time of each event.

(Teacher plays the tape for the second time, then check the answers with the whole class. )

T: Now,let's listen to the tape for the last time. This time, you should listen to some details carefully and then fill in the gaps with suitable words.

Listening Text:

The chief editor of a daily newspaper is having a meeting with the journalists.

She is telling them what she wants them to do today. Good鷐orning,鷈verybody.鶯isten carefully. This is what I want you to do.

Mick, Jane Scott, the sportswoman,is arriving at the airport this morning. Her plane arrives at 11. Will you be there please? I want you to get a good photograph of her. See if you can talk to her. Ask her what her future plans are,OK?

鶥ob, the medical conference opens today at the Capital Hotel. It starts at 9

o'clock, so you'll have to hurry. I want you to listen to the opening talk, and

make some notes. Get a photograph two of the people giving the talk.

Susan,I want you to interview someone at the Home Office. These new traffic plans sound very interesting. I want you to fix up an interview today. I want to put your report in tomorrow's paper. Get as much information as you can. Try to collect some plans or diagrams. They will be very useful.

Suggested answers:

Ex. 1,Ex. 2,Ex. 3

Ex. 4.1. opening2. interview3. airport 4. sportswoman, future plans

5. hurry,capital6. Home Office 7. tomorrow's8. traffic plans

Step IV. Writing

(Deal with Part 2. )

T:OK. Now look at Part 2 on Page 24.

Please work with your partner to complete these sentences. Do you know how to do it? Some possible phrases are given to you. I can give you some examples. "I enjoy reading magazines. I don't like taking photographs of people without asking them first. I have read the report about rescuing a deer from a lake. Buying magazines is a good way of finding out information I care for." Now please do it orally in pairs.

(Give the Ss several minutes to practise them. )

(Deal with Part 3. )

T: Now let's deal with Part 3. Write a paragraph with the following title: My favourite newspaper or magazine. As to this writing exercise, your passage must include what you like and why you like it. And remember to use the v-ing form in your writing. Is that clear?

Ss: Yes.

T:OK. Please do it. After class, write it in your exercise books.

Step V. Workbook

T: Please turn to Page 91. Let's do some exercises. First,look at Ex. 1. You are asked to choose the right words in the brackets to fill in the blanks.

(Give the students two minutes to finish this exercise. Then check the answers with the whole class. )

T: Now let's do Ex. 2. There are five pairs of sentences. Please join each pair of them, using the v.-ing form. For example: I hate reading aloud in the reading -room. It is a bad habit. Reading aloud in the reading -room is a bad habit. Do you understand?

Ss: Yes.

(Give the students three minutes to prepare for this exercise. Then ask some students to give their answers one by one. )

Suggested answers:

Ex. 2. 1)Waiting in a long queue is (a) waste of time.

2)Filling in long forms takes a lot 0f time.

3)Getting up early every morning is a good habit.

4)Reading newspapers can help us to keep up with the news.

5)Knowing the students' needs and interest is very important for teachers.

T: Now let's go on to do Ex. 3. Please translate the following sentences into English. It's a rather difficult task. I'll give you six minutes to prepare for it. Then I'll ask some students to write their answers on the blackboard.

(After a while, the teacher calls some students to write them on the blackboard. Then the teacher corrects the mistakes in each of the sentences. )

Suggested answers:

Ex.3.1)Xiao Wang likes collecting stamps and writing reports for newspapers and magazines.

2)Having a quick look at headlines in the newspapers is a good way to study,

3)Many English learners like reading China Daily in order to improve their English.

4)I like reading home news, international news, and sports news as well.

Step 6 Summary and Homework

T:In this class,we've reviewed the useful expressions in this unit. We've also done some listening and writing. We've also done some exercises in the students' workbooks. After class, you can write a short passage according to the pictures on Page 91. (Ex.4. )