Lessons17-18 Unit5



Unit 5 Lesson 17

Teaching Aims:

Learn and master the following.

(1)Four skills: line

(2)Sentence patterns about the plan in future

What do you plan to do...?

What are your plans for... ?

We/I intend to do.../hope to do...

It will certainly be very...

Teaching Important Points:

Master and use as much as possible the sentence patterns above by practising.

Teaching Difficult Points:

Learn the meanings of the following words in the dialogue by heart: theatre, actor, actress, comedy timing, line

Teaching Methods:

1. Listening-and-answer method to help the students improve their listening and speaking ability.

2. Generalizing method to help the students grasp the main parts of the dialogue.

Teaching Aids:

1 a tape recorder . 2.a projector and some slides

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 Greetings and Revision

T: Good morning, everyone !

Ss: Good morning, teacher !

T: Be seated, please. In this class, we'll review the use of the words and expressions of Unit 4 first, then we'll learn a dialogue and some sentence patterns of expressing the future plans. At last, we'll do some exercises.

Step 2鶯ead-in

Talk about films with the students, asking them some questions.

1.Do you like going to see the films? How often do you go to see the films?

2.What kinds of film do you like, comedy or tragedy? (Comedy is a funny and interesting play or film that makes people laugh, while tragedy is a very sad play or film that often makes people shed tears.)

3.Can you name some good comedies and tragedies you have ever seen?

4.Can you name some famous comedy actors at home or abroad?

5.Are you planning to be an actor in the future?

6.What do we call the person who tells the actors what to do and how to do in the play or in the film?

Step 3 Dialogue Presentation

T: Now we are going to listen to a dialogue between a journalist and a director. You may listen to it carefully and then answer some questions:

1.What is the director planning to do?

2.What does a director do in the theatre?

3.How does the journalist ask the director about his future plan?

Step 4鶨xplanation for teacher’s reference

1.When asking about people’s future plans, we may use the following sentences:

What are your plans for the future?

What do you intend to do/plan to do/want to/hope to/expect to do?

What would like to do?

What have you decided to do?

What are going to do next?

2.When people tell us about their future plans, we may use the following sentences to express our opinions or best wishes:

I hope it will be very successful.

It will certainly be very good/interesting.

It sounds perfect to me.

3.Some of us do not know much about the theatre.


鶫e showed special interest in the theatre.

鶷he director gave us a lecture on the theatre.

鶷hey are discussing the future of the theatre. Cf. the cinema

4, at the beginning of 在.......刚开始的时候,在.......之初.------ at the end of

鷌n the beginning 开始,起初.------ in the end

The organizer made an opening speech at the beginning of the conference; at the end the main speaker gave a summary.

5.Then for a period of several weeks we practise doing the play.


【答】period在此表示一段时间。A period of several weeks的意思是“几周时间”。再如:鶤n hour is a period of time while one o'clock is a point in time.一小时是一段时间,一点钟是一个时刻。鶰y mother lived in Shanghai for a period of time.我母亲在上海住过一段时间。另外,period还可以译为“时期”、“时代”。例如:鷗he Tang period唐代鶧uring the later period of the nineteenth century十九世纪后期鷓ractise是及物动词,作“练习”解,后面跟名词或动词-ing形式作宾语,不能跟不定式作宾语。例如:鶺e practise entrances and exits.我们训练入场和出畅)鶷he teacher asked us to practise writing summaries.老师要我们练习写摘要。

6.The timing is very important, not only for the movements but also for the lines of the dialogue.时间的安排和掌握,不仅对于动作,而且对台词都非常重要。

1) line表示“(剧本的)台词”,常用复数形式。如:鶷he actor often forgets his lines.那位演员时常忘记台词。鶷hese lines are easily learnt by heart.这些台词容易记砖2) not only...but also...是并列连词,意为“不但……而且……”,主要用来连接两个并列成分(主语、谓语、宾语、表语和状语)和分句,强调后者。如:鶱ot only the students but also the teachers have gone to the Great Wall.不但学生,而且老师都已经去长城了。鶫e has not only knowledge but also experience.他不但有学问,而且有经验。鶶he is not only clever, but also hardworking.她不但聪明,而且勤奋。另外,not only...but also...用来连接两个主语时,其谓语动词和靠近它的主语保持人称和数的一致。

7.I’ve chosen the main actors and we intend to put it on next January.


intend意为“打算,意图”,常用于intend to do结构。如:鶺hat do you intend to do in the summer holidays﹖你打算暑假干什么?注意:had intended to do相当于intended to have done表示过去有此打算,但未能实现。如:鶬 intended to have finished the work last week.我原本打算上周完成工作的。(实际上未完成)鷌ntend还可作“意指”,通常用被动语态。鶷his new book is intended for children.这本新书是给儿童读的。鶷his was intended to be a picture of a cat.这幅画本来是画猫的

8.particular; especial; special

particular着重指同类事物中某一个具有独特性质的事例,是相当“一般”而言的“特殊”、“特定”。如:鶲n that particular day the stores are closed.在特定的那一天店铺都关了门。(平时没有这种现象)鷖pecial和especial都有“特殊的,特别的”之意。如:鶺hat are your special interests﹖你有些什么特别的爱好?鶦ollecting stamps is a matter of especial interest.集邮是特别有趣的事。不同的是,special还有“专门的,额外的”的意思。如:鶼ou need a special tool to do that.干那个活儿要用专用工具。鶷ake special care of it.对这东西要特别细心。

9.very; right; just

三者都含有“正好;就是”之意,但very是形容词,用来修饰名词,位于the, this,my等限定词后;right和just作副词,用来修饰谓语(常为动词be)或作状语的介词短语等,须放在the, this,my等限定词之前。如:鶤t the very beginning of this term, they took an exam.就在学期开始的时候,他们举行了一次考试。鶫e is just the actor I want.他正是我所想要的演员。鶷he police looked at the thief right in the eye.警察目不转睛地盯着小偷。

10.put on穿戴,上演,演出.

They intend to put on a dance.

The actors put on a fine play by Shakespeare.

They are going to put it on in the Capital Theatre.

Step 5鶧ialogue Drills

1.Play the tape the third time for the students to read after it then asks them to read the dialogue themselves.

2.Let the students practice the dialogue in pairs and then encourage them to act it out.

Step 6鶧ialogue Practice

1.Ask the students to tell what a director’s job is.

A director is a person who directs play or film. At the beginning of his work, he must choose a good play and select excellent actors. Then for a period of time the director and his actors practise doing the play. During the practice, the director tells the actors where to stand and where to move and how to say the lines. They also practice entrances and exits. At he end of this period they put the play on in the theatre.

2.Ask the students to practice talking about future plans.

Step 7鶧ialogue Production

1.Talk about plans with the students.

1)Do you have any special plans for this weekend?

2)Where do you plan to go?

3)How do you get there?

4)Are you going there alone or with some friends?

5)Why do you going there instead of going to other places?

2.Ask the students to make dialogues according to the situations given below.

Situation 1:鶷his weekend you intend to see a film/watch football match/visit a friend or some relatives. Or you plan to go shopping/go fishing/go sightseeing/go mountain climbing.

Situation 2

鶶uppose you have some special plans for New Year or for the winter holidays. You would like to talk about it with your friends.

Step 8鶨xercises and Homework

Lesson 18

Teaching Aims:

1. Learn the use of the following word and expressions:

set off, after a (short) while, appearance

2. Let the students know and master how to describe a person and the different ways of expression in cinema and theatre.

Teaching Important Points:

1. The use of the word and expressions of four skills.

2. How to describe a person.

Teaching Difficult Points:

The way of describing a person.

Teaching Methods:

1. Review method to help the students to remember what they've learned.

2. Asking-and-answer method to make the students grasp the main idea of the text.

3. Discussing method to help improve the students' reading ability.

4. Reading carefully to find out the detailed information of the text.

Teaching Aids:

1. a recorder 2. a projector and some slides

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1鶪reetings and Revision

Greet the whole class as usual.

Let the students act the dialogue of Lesson 17 in pairs. Then act it out before class.

Step 2 Reading

(Teacher asks a student to read the new words and expressions of Lesson 18 on Page 181, and explains the meanings of them. )

T:Do you often go to see a film? Have you seen the film" Modern Times"?

What is the name of the main character in the film?

(The students answer. The teacher says something about Charlie Chaplin according to the Background Information of the text. )

T: Today we are going to read about the famous actor and film director. Please turn to Page 26. Read the passage quickly to find the answers to the two questions above the text.

T: (A few minutes later. )Who find the answers to the questions? SA, you answer the first question.

SA: He acted in comedies, silent films and films with sound.

T:Is his answer right?

Ss: Yes.

T: The second question?

SB: His early films were more popular.

T: Right. Now read the whole text again and answer the questions on the screen. You can read it a second or a third time and discuss the questions with your classmates or do it by yourself and then check your answers with them.


1. Who was Charlie Chaplin?

2. When and where was he born?

3. When did he begin to act in a film? How many films did he act in?

4. How many other films did he write, direct and act in?

5. Why did the development of films with sound become a problem for Chaplin?

6. How鷚ere鶦haplin's鷏ater鷉ilms? Were they as successful as his earliest films?

(Main idea:

Chaplin’s whole life and his career.

The main idea of each paragraph:

Para 1: The brief introduction about him.

Para 2: His early life

Para 3: His own manner of acting.

Para 4: His early films.

Para5: His late films and late life. Explaining the language points.)

T: ls there anything difficult in the text? Now,I will explain some language points to you. Please look at the screen.

1.Charlin Chaplain ,who died in 1977, is considered one of the greatest and funniest actors in the history of the cinema.查理卓别林于1977年逝世,他被认为是电影史上最伟大,最滑稽的演员之一。

1)consider sb/sth(to be)…意为“把…认为是…”这个复合结构的被动式是be considered (to be)…意思是“被认为是…”“to be”常被省略。例如:

①We consider the experiment (to be)a success.我们认为这次试验是成功的。②The experiment is considered a success.(被动式)

1)Charlie Chaplin is one of the greatest and funniest actors in the history of cinema.

A.considered B.regarded鶦.thought of D.looked




think of….as…

look on….as….


take… for….

consider doing sth

consider sb to be…

2)the history of the cinema电影艺术史。


The cinema is an important form of art.电影是一种很重要的艺术形式。

2.set off / set out / set about / be set in / set up / set free / set fire to(=set…on fire)

set out:

①(=set off/set forth) She set out for Shanghai at dawn.

②(=state or declare sth.) He set out his objections to the programme.

③set out to do sth.(=begin a job,task,etc. with a particular goal)

They succeeded in what they set out to do.

set about doing sth.(=begin/start doing sth.)

I must set about my packing.我得开始收拾行李了.

The new government must set about finding solutions to the economic problem.

set up

①set sb. up (=make sb.healthier,stronger,more lively,etc.)

A hot drink will soon set you up.你喝杯热饮料马上就有精神了.

A week in the country will set her up nicely after her operation.


②set sth. up(=establish ath.)

The government has set up a working party to look into the problem of drug abuse.


set down ①set sb.down(= stop and allow passengers to get off)

The bus stopped to set down the old lady.

②set sth. down(=write sth.down)

Why not set down your ideas on the paper ?

set free鶷he convicts were pardoned and set free.那些囚犯获释.

be set in 以…为背景鶫is novel is set in the village where she grew up.

3.During a second trip to the USA in 1912, an important film director saw Chaplin acting a very funny part in a play.在1912年,他又一次赴美期间,一位颇有影响的电影导演看到了卓别林在剧中扮演一位非常滑稽的角色。

1) acting a very funny part in a play是现在分词短语作宾补。see后的宾语补足语可用动词原形、现在分词和过去分词。如:

I saw him cross the street.我看见他横穿马路了。

I saw a plane flying to the south.我看见一架飞机正朝南方飞去。

There was a person who saw the man killed.有个人看见那男子被杀。

考题9:They knew her very well.They had seen her __________ up from childhood.(MET’88)鶤.grow鶥.grew鶦.was growing D.to grow


2) act/play a part in...意思是“扮演……角色”。

have/play the part of sb.扮演某人的角色。

She had the part of Liu Hulan in the film.她在那部电影中扮演刘胡兰。

He played the leading part in that play.他在那部剧中演主角。

4.As a result , Chaplin got his first film art in the States.结果,&127;卓别林就在美国得到他的第一个电影角色。


She had the leading part in the play.她在这部剧中扮演主要角色。

the states=the United States美国

5.Even his way of walking down the street and turning a corner could be recognized as his own.甚至他在街上走路和在拐角处转弯的那种姿态,&127;都可以认为是他独有的。

1)recognize vt认出,看出,常用于recognize as 短语中,意为“认出是”或“承认是”。

Tom is recognized as the best basketball player in the school.


2)as his own =as his own way .own是不定代词,作介词as的宾语,意为“自己的东西”。也可以用作形容词,作定语,例如:

I like to sleep in my own room.我喜欢睡在自己的房间里。

6.After a short while he started directing films himself.


after a while意为“不久以后”,“没过多久”,其中while是名词,意为“一段时间,一会儿”

After a while, the train stopped at a station.

7.During his first year,Chaplin act- ed in 35film s,many of which he wrote and directed him self.

Cf. During his first year,Chaplin acted in 35 films,and many of them he wrote and directed him self.

考题:The gentleman __________ you told me yesterday proved to be a thief.(2000春招)鶤.who B.about whom鶦.whom鶧.with whom

简析:本题考查目标同上,答案为B,先行词the gentleman在定语从句中作介词的宾语,即you told me about him。

8.Chaplin‘s earliest films were silent ,because the equipment for adding sound to films had not yet been developed.



①Two added to three makes five.二+三等于五。

②My mother added some more salt to the soup and it tasted much better.


add up to意为“加起来(达到)”

The cost added up to 200 Yuan .费用达到200元。

Cf.add; add to; add…to; add up to


If the tea is too strong, add some more hot water.如果茶太浓了,再加点开水。

After a short while, he added that he would try his best.过了一会儿,他又接着说他会尽力。

add to意为“增添,增加,增进”。如:

The bad weather added to our difficulties.恶劣的天气增加了我们的困难。


Add two to seven, and you will get nine.七加二等于九。

Cf.Two added to three is five.

add up to意为“加起来总共是/累计得”,该短语不用于被动语态。如:

All his school education added up to no more than one year.


9.The development of films with sound became a problem for Chaplin , as he was uncertain about making films with dialogue .


be uncertain about/of 对…无把握

opposite: be certain /sure about/of

We are uncertain about the future.我们对未来没有把握。

We are uncertain whether to go (or not).我们对是否要去拿不定主意。

be sure/certain to

We are sure to win the football game.

He is certain to come on time.

It is certain that he will win the first prize in the competition.

A certain Mr.Wang is wanting to see you.

10.Instead, he continued to make films without dialogues, but he added music, which he wrote himself.于是他继续制作没有对白的影片,但他给影片配上了自己谱写的音乐。

which he wrote himself是非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词music。1) instead是副词,意思是“代替、而是”,通常位于句尾。instead of是短语介词,后跟名词、代词、v-ing和介词短语。意思是“代替、而不是”。

I don’t like coffee, give me some tea instead.我不喜欢喝咖啡,给我点茶。

I’ll take that book instead of this one.我要那本书,而不是这本。

We’ll go there by train instead of by plane.我们坐火车去那儿,而不是坐飞机。

He went to the cinema instead of staying at home.


2) continue继续、持续。后接不定式或v-ing形式。

He continued reading/to read the book when I spoke to him.



The weather continued fine.天气一直很好。

11.Two of his greatest films ,“City Lights”and “Modern Times”were of this kind.


介词短语of kind意为“…种类的”,“属于…一类的”。在句中作表语或定语。

①I don’t like people of that kind.我不喜欢那种人。

②These machines look the same ,but they are of different kinds


cf. this kind of, of this kind二者都表示“这种……”,但“this kind of+名词”作主语时,谓语动词的数常与kind保持一致;“名词+of this kind”作主语时,谓语动词的数常与该名词保持一致。如:

This kind of actress is easy to find but directors of this kind are scarce.


8.Chaplin‘s later films, however, were not well received.


be well received=be popular with意为“很受欢迎”,常用来表示书刊等出版物以及电影、戏剧等受到的反应。

The magazine“Readers”is very well received in China.


②My speech was very well received.我的讲话很受欢迎。

12.Before he died, he was honored in &127;a number of ways for his contributions to the film industry.在他逝世之前,他由于在电影事业方面的贡献而获得了很多荣誉。

1)honor vt.意为“尊敬”

be honored for 意为“因…而受到尊敬”,

be honored as 被尊称为……。

Will you honor me with a visit? 如蒙光临,十分荣幸。

Children should honor their parents.孩子应该尊敬父母。

Miss. Wang was honored for her excellent teaching .


The students should show great honor to their teachers .(n.)


短语in honor of 意为“为了尊敬/纪念”

There is a party tonight in honor of the new chairman.


Ex.① The government has __________ him ________ a model worker.

A、honoured , with B、honoured , as

C、been honoured ,鷄s鶧、been honoured , with

②鶰r Zhang is honoured __________ an excellent teacher.

鶤、to B、for C、as D、with

③ It’s ________ great honour to have Queen visiting our town .

鶤、a B、an C、this D、/

It’s a great honour to do sth.

2)contribution n.奉献、贡献,后跟介词to,表示对…的贡献。

make a contribution to/ towards捐赠; 作出贡献

The invention of the typewriter is a great contribution to printing.


2)He usually long beards.

A.wears鶥.have on C.dresses鶧.is

a long鷋air

a ring

wear a sword

a cheerful smile

a pair of glasses

Step 3鶵eading Aloud

T: Now please listen to the tape. I'll play it twice for you to listen to and follow.

Pay attention to the stress and intonation.

(The teacher asks the students to read the text aloud. Then let some students to read the text. One student, one paragraph. While the students read. the teacher corrects any mistakes the students make. )

Step 4鶱ote Making

T:Look at Part 2. Note making on Page 27. A note is different from a sentence.

A sentence should have a subject and a main verb. (except the imperative sentences), while a note may be some words or a phrase. And articles may be missing. Now write notes about Charlie Chaplin's life. Pair work.

(The teacher goes into the students and collects their answers. Then write them on the blackboard. )

Step V. Practice

T:Look at Part 3. Practice. You may do it by yourselves. If you have any question, discuss it with your classmates. A few minutes later, I'll ask some students to say the answers.

Step 6鶺orkbook

T:Now turn to Page 94. Let's do Exercises 2 and 3. Before you do it,you may go through the whole text again, if necessary. Pay attention to the use of the verbs, and see what kind of form you should use in a certain sentence. Do it yourself and then check the answers with your classmates.

Step 7 Consolidation

T: Close your books and look at the screen. Read the sentences and decide whether the statements on the screen are true or false.

1. People think Charlie Chaplin is one of the greatest and funniest actors in the history of the cinema.

2. In his lifetime,he acted in as many as 82 films.

3. He began to act in a film when he was five years old.

4. An important American director gave Chaplin a part in a film after he saw his funny acting in a play.

5. Chaplin had his own way of acting in the film.

6. Chaplin always鷚alked down鷗he street, wearing a small black hat, very wide trousers and a moustache.

7. There was no dialogue, but music, in the film"Modern Times."

8. People liked Chaplin's later films better than his earlier films.

9. Before he died, people honoured Chaplin for his contributions to the film industry.

Step 8 Summary and Homework

T: In this class, We've learned something about Chaplin. He was born... (Pointing to the blackboard. )After class, read the text, grasp the main idea and pay attention to the use of the new words and expressions. Retell the text briefly and do Ex. 4. That's all'..