Words and expressions for Unit11 Scientific achievements


1. solar:adj.1)太阳的, 来自太阳的

solar system 太阳系 solar rays太阳光 solar energy太阳能 a solar spot太阳黑子

2) 利用太阳光/能的

a solar heating system 太阳能加热系统

2. mankind: 集合名词,=humakindhuman(1)指任何时期的人/人类 , 时间涵盖广泛, 带庄重、正式意味并暗示人类所具有的共性, 前面不加冠词 2)男性(womankind)

Eg. Such inventions are beneficial to all mankind.这种发明创造有益于全人类。

Disease is an enemy of mankind.疾病是人类的天敌

Cf. 1) man: 人、人类,总称词,多作单数,不加冠词,作主语时动词用单数。

Eg. Man must change in a changing world.

Man has been trying to control nature.人类一直在致力控制自然。


Eg. He has become a fine man. 他已经长成一个大男人。

Man is generally taller than woman.

You must be a man. 你必须做个男子汉。

2) men : 指人类的成员/组成分子。

Eg. All men are created equal.人人生来都平等。

All men are equal in the sight of the law。法律面前人人平等。

3)human: 同human being, 与神、动物有别的人的、人类的、人,复数分别为humans和human beings

Eg. Little of the earth’s solid surface has been seen by humans, as much of it lies below the sea. 人们只看到地球固体表面的很小的一部分,因为大部分的地球处于海下。

A born teacher, she thought she could turn a deaf-blind person into a useful human being. 生来就是当教师的…I don’t believe there are other human beings on other planets. 我不相信其他行星上有人存在。

3. constitution: 1) c.n 宪法

Eg. According to the American constitution presidential elections are held every four years.

Great Britain has an unwritten constitution.

2) c.n 体质

Eg. Only men with strong constitutions should climb in the Himalayas.

4. support (1) vt. 1)支撑,负担(重量),搀扶

Eg. Is the bridge strong enough to support heavy lories?

He was supporting himself with a stick.


Eg. Air, food and drink are necessary to support life.

3) 支持,赞成

Eg. His family supported him in his decision.

(2)c. n. 1)支撑物

Eg. These wooden supports help to hold up the building.

2) 起维持作用的人/物

He was a great support to us all in our time of need.

(3) u.n 1) 支持

Eg. The candidate didn’t ask for our support.

2) 养家,赡养

Her job is the family’s only means of support.

(4) Two idioms: 1) come to one’s support 来支持某人

2) in support of 支持,证明

5. achieve vt. 1) 经过努力取得(胜利,成功),实现(目的,目标)

Eg. He went back to London without having achieved any success.

2) (与一些代词连用)取得成就,成果, 还可与a lot, little, nothing, a great deal等连用

Eg. Did you achieve all that you expected to today?

Cf. achievement 1) c.n 成就

Eg. The inventor was rewarded by the Government for his scientific ~s.

2) u.n 达到,实现,成功

Eg. Such a goal is impossible of ~

Cf. gain / get 前者指通过努力或奋斗获得某种利益、好处或经验; 而后者为普通用词,指以某种方法或手段得到某东西,可以是主动地获得,也可指被动地接受。

Eg. He has gained the respect of his students.

Tell me how you got such a great amount of money.

6. zone: (1)n. 1) 地带(尤指寒带、热带等)

Eg. Most of the world’s wheat is grown in the North Temperate Zone.(南半球/北半球的温带)

2) 地区

Eg. A war zone is a district where fighting is going on.

It’s against the law to build factories in this residential zone.(住宅区)

(2) vt. 划…为区,划出 供…用,分区

Eg. The downtown area is zoned for commercial use.

7. private: adj 1) 私人的,个人的

Eg. He attended a private school in another city.

You can get a private doctor to operate on him.

2) 私下的, 不公开的,保密的

Eg. Don’t repeat what I have told you to anyone; it’s private.


Eg. Is there some private corner in the club where we can talk by ourselves?

4) 孤僻的

Eg. She is a very private person.

5) in private 私底下, 不在公开场合

Eg. Matters like this are best discussed in private.

6) privately adv. 私下地

Eg. He said he was anxious to speak to you privately.

8.(1) institute: 理工科专科学校,学院,研究所

Eg. Many universities have institutes of education.(教育学院)

(2) university : 综合性大学

Eg. There is a university town in Fuzhou.

(3) college: 独立的学院,大学,大学的学院,专科学校

Eg. The university has six colleges.

(4) school: 指小学及中等学校,包括其建筑及其制度;大学的研究所;不加冠词时指课业/学校教育

Eg. School begins at 8:30 in that country.

(5)academy: 主要用于大学以下的种种私立学校或特殊学科的学校校名中

Eg. He is now studying in an academy of medicine.

9. grasp: (1)vt. 抓住,理解

Eg. Grasp all, lose all. 贪多必失

He seemed not to have grasped what the reply meant.

※ grasp at 试图抓住,设法抓住

Eg. He grasped at the rope but missed it.

(2) u.n 拿到,理解,掌握,有时可加a

Eg. You seem to have a good grasp of English history.

※ in one’s grasp 到手,握住

※ within one’s grasp 力所能及的

Eg. I kept her hand in my grasp.

It’s not within my grasp. 这不是我力所能及的。

Success is within his grasp. 他成功在望

10.perfect: 绝对adj,没有最高级和比较级

(1) 完善的,理想的,精确的

Eg. The weather during the last few days has been perfect.

(2) 十足的,完全的,常用于加强所修饰n.的语气

Eg. He is a perfect stranger to me. 我完全不认识他。

She is a perfect fool.


Eg. The young lady’s words and behaviour are perfect and we all respect her very much.那女士的言行无可挑剔, ….

(4) 熟练的,精通的

Eg. Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧。

(5) vt. 使…完美,使…精通

Eg. You should train hard to perfect your skill.

11. arrange: (1) vt. 安排 常用于以下句型:

1) ~ + n./pron

Eg. Arrange the matter at your own convenience. 在方便的时候及适宜的地方

2) ~ + inf.

Eg. We arranged to meet him at the airport.

3) ~ + clause

Eg. He arranged that the meeting should be put off for a week.

4) ~ + sth for

Eg. The travel agency has arranged everything for our trip to Australia.

(2) vt. 安排,整理

Eg. I began to arrange the flowers in the vases.

(3) arrangement: c.n 安排,排列,排出的样子

Eg. The present arrangement wasn’t really satisfactory to them.


※ make arrangements 作安排

Eg. I have to make arrangements to take you to London.

12. set foot in (on ) / out of : 进入,到达, 走(进 / 出)

Eg. They were filled with joy when they set foot on / in Chinese soil.

Man has set foot on all ways of science and technology.

She told her boy not to set foot out of the house until he had finished his homework.

※ stand on one’s own feet: 自力更生, 依靠自己

13.rely: vi. 常与on/upon 搭配,“依靠,依赖,指望”可用于以下句型:

(1) ~ + n./pron

Eg. They relied on themselves, which was much better.

(2) ~ + sb. + to do

You can rely on Peter to do whatever he promises.

(3) ~ + doing

We can’t rely on him coming in time when we are in need of him.

(4) ~ + for-phrase

You can’t rely on him for help.

14. base (1) c.n 1)基础,底座 2) 基地,根据地

Eg. It serves the economic base.

There we established our first revolutionary bases / base areas.

(2) vt. 1)把… 建立在, 以…为基础;2) 把总部 / 基地设在

Eg. This song is based on an old folk tune.

Teaching is an art based on a science.

The company’s headquarter is based in America.

(3)adj. 卑鄙,恶劣

Eg. To betray a friend is a base action.

※ baseless: adj. 毫无根据的 baseness : n. 卑劣

15.mark : (1) c.n 1) 标记,符号

Eg. A red pencil-mark on the fifth page caught his eyes.

2) 标志,影响,迹象

Eg. Grey hairs are a mark o fold age.

The years in prison have left their marks on his character.

3) 分数

Eg. My mark in English is A.

The students received passing marks in all subjects.

4) Some idioms:

※ below the mark : 不符合标准

give full marks for : 佩服

on the mark : 中肯,说到点子上

wide of (beside / off ) the mark : 不中肯, 未中要害

make one’s mark : 出名

(2) v. 标出,标上;标志,表现出;打分,记出勤情况

Eg. The teacher is marking the examination papers.

※ be marked by : 特点是,以…为特点

mark out for : 看中, 选定

16.announce: vt. 宣布,宣称

1) ~ + n.

Eg. The new government announced its policy at once.

2) ~ + clause

Eg. She announced that she would give one extra song.

3) announcement : n. 宣告,布告,通告

announcer : 广播员, 报幕员