人教版高二Unit 11 Scientific achievement


Ⅰ.Brief Statements Based on the Unit

Science and technology are part of productive forces. The modern society has proved it. As we all see now, scientific achievements have changed the whole world and made people break away from ignorance and backwardness. The society has made great progress. This unit is arranged around the central topic-scientific achievement. In Warming up, there are several pictures asking students to talk about the most significant scientific achievements. The Speaking part introduces four different scientists who want to get money to complete their projects which are very helpful to human beings. The reading material-Zhongguancun, which is called China’s Silicon Valley, is the new centre for Chinese science and technology. By studying this unit, students also know that Chinese history is filled with great achievements in science and technology. In particular, since the year 1995 the Chinese government put forward a plan for “rejuvenating the nation by relying on science and education” and this has helped Chinese scientists make many breakthroughs. This unit presents four such results in Integrating Skills. As to Grammar-Word Formation, teacher should let students master some knowledge of forming a word, and know how to use stems and affixes to form a compound.

II. Teaching Time: Eight periods

The First Period Warming up & Speaking

Teaching goals:

1.Learn and master the following.

(1)New words:

engineering, solar, significant, mankind, constitution, energy, breakthrough, organ

(2)Everyday English:

If I got the money, I would…

My plan is to…

I hope that…

I want/wish/hope/intend/plan to…

I’d like to…

I’m thinking of…

2.Enable Ss to talk about scientific achievements and help them learn to express intentions and wishes.

3.Talk about science and scientific achievement, urging the students to further understand the significance of science and scientific achievement and encouraging them to work hard at their lessons.

Teaching Important Points:

Talk about great scientific achievements. Learn the patterns used to express intentions and wishes.

Teaching Difficult Points:

How to express intentions and wishes.

Teaching Methods:

Individual, pair or group work to make every student take an active part in class.

Teaching Aids:

A tape recorder, some pictures

Teaching Procedures:

Step Ⅰ Greetings and Lead-in

T: Glad to be here with you again. Did you have a good holiday?

T: Have you gone anywhere to see some of your friends or relatives?

T: Have you found their life happier and richer than before?

Ss: Yes. Much happier and richer than before. Their life is changing year by year.

T: I’m glad to hear that. Yes. With the development of science and technology, the world is changing day by day. Today, we’re going to learn Unit 11 Scientific achievement (Bb: Unit 11 Scientific achievement)First, let’s learn some new words. Please look at the screen and read the new words aloud.

Step Ⅱ Warming up

Show the pictures of some great scientific achievements that have changed the world . Divide students into groups and ask them to discuss which one is the most important and what these achievements have in common.( The exercises in warming up on Page 1)

Students may have different opinions. The most important thing is to encourage them to think and express their opinions.

T: Now, please look at the these great achievements and work in groups and discuss the following questions:

1. Among the great scientific achievements that have changed the world, which one do you think is the most important? Why?

2. What are some other scientific achievements that you think are important?

3. Do these achievements have anything in common?If so, what?

Step III Speaking

T: Ok. Suppose we are in the year of 2015. You are scientists. You are working on different projects. All of you need money and want to get money to complete your project. You will introduce your project and explain why it is the most important. One member will listen to all the scientists and ask questions. At the end of the discussion, he or she must decide who will get the money and why. Is everything clear? Now, turn to Page 2, look at the speaking part and work in groups of five. Please don’t forget the useful expressions. You are given five minutes to do it. Then I will ask some groups to act it out.

Show the useful expressions on the black blackboard.

If I got the money, I would…

My plan is to…

I hope that…

I want/wish/hope/intend/plan to…

I’d like to…

I’m thinking of…

Step IV Workbook

Ask students to do the Talking on Page 81.

T: Please work in pairs, imagine you are a reporter who is going to interview a famous person about his or her achievements. Take turns acting as interviewer and interviewee. Use the role cards below to prepare the interviews. You can interview Yang Liwei, Li Siguang or some other famous person. Please prepare your questions and answers carefully. Five minutes later I will ask some pairs to act it out.

(If time is limited, we’ll do it as homework.)

Step V Summary and Homework

In this class, we’ve mainly talked about scientific achievement. Centering on this topic, we did some listening and speaking. This way, we’ve learnt more about science and scientific achievement. Please surf the internet or use the library to find some information of other famous scientists and more about their scientific achievements.

The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard

Unit 11 Scientific achievement

The First Period

Ⅰ.Scientific achievement:

electricity, cars, aeroplanes, radio and television, the Internet, cloning, genetic engineering, the Theory of Gravity, nuclear science, solar energy

Ⅱ.How to express intentions and wishes:

If I got the money, I would…

My plan is to…

I hope that…

I want/wish/hope/intend/plan to…

I’d like to…

I’m thinking of…

The Second Period Listening

Teaching goals:

1. Introduce some great scientists and their achievements to students by doing some listening exercises.

2. By listening to the introduction of some scientists and their achievements help students learn more about scientific achievements. Improve their listening ability by doing listening exercises.

Teaching important points:

Listen to materials about some great scientists and their achievements.

Teaching difficult points:

How to improve their listening ability.

Teaching Methods:

a. Listening b. speaking c. discussing

Teaching Aids:

A tape recorder, some pictures

Teaching Procedures:

Step I Revision

Check the homework.

Ask some students to express their intensions and wishes using the patterns learned in this unit.

Ask students to pay more about scientific achievements.

Step II Warming up

After talking about some great scientific achievements, show the pictures of Neil Armstrong, Alexander G Bell, Ray Tomlinson. Ask students to say something about the three great men.

(Students will have a free talk about the three great men.)

T: Quite good! Now let’s listen to some materials about them and then finish the exercises on Page 2.

Step Ⅲ Listening

T: The listening material contains two parts. You are going to hear some words said by some famous people at the time when they achieved success.

T: Well, now look at the chart in Exercise 1 at the top of Page 2 quickly. Then I’ll play the first part of the tape for you to complete it. After that, I’ll check your answers.

(After checking the answers to Exercise 1,teacher goes on to deal with Exercise 2)

T: Well done. Now, listen to Part 2 and complete the sentences in Exercise 2.If necessary, I’ll play it twice for you to finish or check your answers.

(At last, teacher deals with Exercise 3.)

T: OK. So much for the tape. Now imagine you were the first person on Mars, or the first cloned human being or the first person to travel in time, what would you say?

(Discuss with the partners for three minutes , then choose some volunteers to report their ideas.)

Step IV Workbook

Deal with the listening exercises on workbook.

Before listening to the materials, ask students to say something about Yang Liwei.

T: On Oct. 15, 2003 China sent its first manned spaceship to space. Who is the first astronaut?

What do you know about him and his mission?

OK. Now let’s listen to the tape and you will learn more about him and his mission.

Then play the tape for students to listen. If necessary , play the tape again so that the students will finish the exercises without difficulty. Check the answers with the whole class.

Step V Homework

Remember the three great men and their achievements.

Learn words and expressions in the text.

The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard

Unit 11 Scientific achievement

The second Period

1. That’s one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.

2. the constitution of the United States of America

3.Eureka is a word from the Greek language and means I have found it.

The third Period Reading

Teaching goals:

1.Learn and master the following words and phrases.

likely, zone, private, grasp, master, perfect, arrange, set foot(in),rely on, failure, locate, valley

2.Train the students’ reading ability.

3.Get the students to learn about Zhongguancun-China’s Silicon Valley and encourage students to become interested in hi-tech.

Teaching Important Points:

1. Get the students to learn the development of Zhongguancun and great achievements China has made in recent years.

2.Improve the students’ reading ability.

Teaching Difficult Point:

1. How to help the students understand the reading material exactly.

2. How to analyze the text and grasp the main idea of the text.

Teaching Methods:

1.Discussion before reading to make the students interested in what they will read.

2.Fast reading to get a general idea of the text.

3.Careful reading to get the detailed information.

4.Pair or group work to make every student take an active part in class.

Teaching aids:

1.a tape recorder

2.the blackboard

Teaching Procedures:

Step Ⅰ Greetings

Greet the whole class as usual.

Step Ⅱ Revision and Pre-reading

T: Yesterday, we talked about science and scientific achievement. We know scientific achievements can not only make our life better, but also change the world. Science makes the world become a smaller place. Science and scientific achievement promote the development of mankind and society. Is that so?

T: However, to achieve success in science research is not easy. It needs to work whole- heartedly. It also needs support and good environment. Now, please look at the questions on the screen and work in pairs or groups to discuss them. Let’s go through them first.

(Teacher shows the following on the small blackboard.)

1.If you wanted to do research or start a company, what kind of support and environment would you need?

2.What is it that makes a scientific achievement important?

3.Why do scientists spend so much time trying to achieve something?

(Teacher and the students go through the questions together. Then the students begin to discuss them for a few minutes. At the end, teacher checks their work briefly.)

T: Well, you all did a good job. As is known to everyone, science and technology in our country is rapidly developing. And it is also well-known that there is a new centre for Chinese science and technology in Beijing. What is the name of the center?

Ss: Zhongguancun.

T: Quite right. Today we’re going to read a passage about it.

Step Ⅲ Reading

1. Skimming

T: Well, now please open your books at Page 3.Read the passage-Zhongguancun quickly in four minutes and find out the answers to the following two questions:

1.What kind of spirit has made Zhongguancun a success?

2.What are the two mottos mentioned in the text for the park?

(Four minutes later, teacher checks the answers.)

2. Scanning

T: Well done. Now, please read the passage carefully again. Pay attention to some detailed information. Then work in pairs to fill in the chart.

(A few minutes later, teacher checks the answers.)

b. Fill in the chart:

Zhongguancun is located in Beijing’s Haidian District Northwestern Beijing

What is it? New center for Chinese science and technology China’s Silicon Valley

The science center got started In the early 1980s Chen Chunxian opened a private research and development institute

Set up as a special economic zone In the late 1990s Leader of China’s hi-tech industry

Zhongguancun is home to Some famous research institutes and universities A growing number of overseas Chinese; A number of science parks; Many IT companies

The number of IT companies in Zhongguancun More than 4000 IT companies More than 8000 hi-tech companies

Its effect positive On business & science

3. Carefully reading

Ask the students to read through the text and grasp the main idea of the text.(in this procedure, students should sum up the main idea by themselves first, them discuss with group members.)

The main idea of each part

Part I (Paragraph 1-2) General introduction of Zhongguancun.

Part II (Paragraph 3-7) Why Zhongguancun attracts more and more overseas Chinese.

Part III (Paragraph 8-9) The positive effect Zhongguancun has had on both business and science & the spirit of Zhongguancun.

Step IV Post-reading

Listen to the tape and read the text again , then, finish the exercises in post-reading.

Suggested answers: 1.A B C 2.D 3.C D 4.B 5.C D

Step V Summary and homework

T: in this class, we have learned more about Zhongguancun by reading the passage. As a new center of science and technology, it is known to the world. It is called “China’s Silicon Valley”. I hope you will remember the spirit of Zhongguancun. I hope it will encourage you to study hard and be the guide of your life.

After class, use a library of the internet to find out more about Silicon Valley and compare the two areas. How are they similar or different?

Besides, please read the text again and again, try to retell it.

The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard

Unit 11 Scientific achievement

The third Period

I. Questions:

1.What kind of spirit has made Zhongguancun a success?

2.What are the two mottos mentioned in the text for the park?

II. Main idea of each part:

Part I (paragraph 1-2)

Part II (paragraph 3-7)

Part III (paragraph 8-9)

The Fourth Period Reading (II)

Teaching goals:

1.Learn and master the following words and phrases:

likely, home, zone, grasp, arrange, rely, locate, set foot in, rely on, as sb. puts it, come to life, 2.Review the words appearing in the last two periods.

3.Remember the useful and important sentences:

① Whatever great achievements the future may have in store for China, it is likely that many of them will be born in northwestern Beijing.

② One of the mottos for the park-“Relying on science, technology, and knowledge to increase economic power”-makes it clear that science and business can and must work together to build the future.

Teaching Important Points:

1.Learn the use of the words and phrases.

2.Understand the text better.

Teaching Difficult Point:

How to help the students master some knowledge of the new words and phrases.

Teaching Methods:

1. Studying and practising to master the use of the words and phrases.

2. Pair or group work to make every student take an active part in class.

Teaching Aids:

1. The blackboard

2. A small blackboard

Teaching Procedures:

Step Ⅰ Revision

T: Last period, we read the passage Zhongguancun and learned much about it. Now, can you tell me something about it? (choose one or two students to answer the question.)

T: Very good. Thank you. We all know Zhongguancun is the leader of China’s hi-tech industry as Silicon Valley in the USA. So sometimes it is called China’s Silicon Valley. In the last class, I asked you to use a library or the Internet to find out more about Silicon Valley and then compare the two areas. Now who’d like to tell us how similar or different they are? Any volunteer?

(Sample answer: Both Zhongguancun and Silicon Valley are home to Internet industry as well as hi-tech companies, most of which are founded by students, faculty and staff members from the surrounding universities. However, as a fledgling hi-tech community, Zhongguancun has many differences from Silicon Valley. Silicon Valley has evolved a culture that is tuned to market-driven innovation, while in Zhongguancun, innovation is still largely driven by technology. In addition, investors in Silicon Valley are frequently an integral parts of companies day-to-day operations. While in Zhongguancun, investors has been used only as a source of financing.)

T: Nice work. Besides, we learned some new words in the passage. Do you still remember them? Let’s do an exercise. Please look at the screen.

(Teacher shows the following on the screen.)

Find the right explanation for each word.

1.zone 2.significant 3.institute 4.achievement 5.announce 6.grasp 7.giant 8.perfect

A. something you have worked hard for and done well

B. to say something in public

C. to take hold of something firmly

D. a group of people who want to study a special thing, or the building used by such a group

E. without any fault or bad points

F. large and important; having a special meaning

G: unusually large person, animal, plant, business organization, etc.

H. area or region with a particular feature or use

T: Find the right explanation for each of the words. I give you two minutes to prepare. Then I’ll check the answers.

Suggested answers:

1.-H 2.-F 3.-D 4.-A 5.-B 6.-C 7.-G 8.-E

Step II Words and phrases:

1.Whatever great achievements the future may have in store for China, it is likely that many of them will be born in Northwestern Beijing.

(1)whatever: no matter what

E.g. Whatever happens, the first important thing is to keep cool. ( whatever happens = no matter what happens)

Whatever you do, I won’t tell you my secret. ( whatever = anything that)

(2)have something in store : have something kept ready for future use

E.g. I have a surprise in store for you.

There are better days in store for you.

Who knows what the future has in store for us?

(3)likely adj. possible

E.g. The train is likely to be late (=It is likely that the train will be late).

It is very likely that he will not consent.

She is the most likely girl to win the prize.

I have found a likely house at last.


It is probable that…

It is possible that/to do…

2.It is home to the Chinese Academy of Sciences and more than ten famous universities, including Peking University and Tsinghua University.

home [C] 所在地,大本营,根据地,发源地。(home在句中使用时,可以不带冠词)

E.g. England became his second home.

Is China the home of pottery?

The home of the kangaroo is Australia.

思路拓展:homebound adj. 回家的homeless adj. 无家可归的homely adj. 家庭的

homemade adj. 自制的homesick adj. 想家的 homelike adj. 舒适的

3.Zhongguancun was set up as a special economic zone in the late 1990s and quickly became the leader of China’s hi-tech industry.

economic adj.经济(上)的;经济学的;有使用价值的。

E.g. economic activity 经济活动 the world’s economic situation 世界经济形势

economic theory 经济学理economic history 经济学史

思路拓展:economical adj. 节俭的,节约的,廉价而使用的。

E.g. an economical car廉价使用的汽车an economical woman一位节俭的妇女

4.The science park is also home to a growing number of overseas Chinese who have grasped the opportunity to develop their ideas at home.

grasp vt. 抓住;抓牢;理解。

E.g. She grasped the rope and pulled herself up.

He grasped her firmly by the arm.

I don’t think you’ve quite grasped the seriousness of the situation.

(grasped = understood)

思路拓展:grasp the nettle 坚定果断地处理棘手的事情 grasp at sth 尽力抓住某物

take a firm grasp of 抓住 beyond one’s grasp 某人不能理解

5.…and they helped arrange for his return.

arrange vt. 安排;筹划;整理;布置。

E.g. Call up and arrange (for) a taxi, please.

Mother arranged an appointment for me with the dentist.

I’ve arranged for him to meet her.

He arranged that the meeting (should) be put off for a week.


思路拓展:arrange sth. 安排、布置…… arrange for 安排……

arrange sth. for 为……安排 arrange for sb. to do sth.安排某人做某事

arrange that 商定、安排……

6.I will never forget how happy I was when I set foot in China again and was back with my friends and family.

set foot in (on) : enter or visit(a place);arrive

E.g. He said that he would never set foot in that house again.

They were filled with joy when they set foot on Chinese soil in late July.

思路拓展:set one’s best foot forward 赶紧走;尽全力take to one’s feet 走着去,步行

rise to one’s feet 站起来 jump to one’s feet 跳起来

7.One of the mottos for the park-“Relying on science, technology, and knowledge to increase economic power”-makes it clear that science and business can and must work together to build the future.

(1)rely vi. 依赖;依靠;指望。

E.g. You may not rely on the weather report.

I rely on her to pay back the money (=I rely on her paying back the money).

You may rely on it that he will come to meet you.

(2)make clear 表明;讲清楚。

E.g. Have I made myself clear?

I’ll make the whole matter clear to you.

They want to make it clear to the public that they do an important and necessary job.

8. As Yufang puts it, “We are not making that much money yet, but we are excited about all the new technology and great ideas that are coming to life in Zhongguancun.”

(1)as sb. puts it… 正如某人所说……

E.g. As the President puts it, “We have no choice but to develop our education, or we’ll fall behind.”

As he puts it in the report, “Education is to be given to children by the government.”

思路拓展:该句中as意为“依照,如”,引导的是方式状语从句;that are coming to life…为定语从句,修饰technology和ideas。

put vt. 表达;表述。E.g. I want to know how to put this in French?

I’m very glad that you have put the case clearly.

(2)come to life : back to normal state,esp. of mind

E.g. The quiet girl has come to life since she lived with her grandpa.

When the teacher mentioned the plans for the trip, the kids came to life at once.

(3)that adv. 那样;那么。

E.g. I like him but not all that much.

He cannot go that far.

思路拓展:come to 谈到;苏醒;变成When it comes to politics I know nothing.

come to oneself 恢复知觉;恢复镇静。

9. It is located in Haidian District, in North-western Beijing.

locate vt.(常用于被动语态)把……设置在;使……坐落于;指出……的位置。

E.g. The new building will be located in the center of town.

Their factory is located at the foot of the mountain.

I cannot locate the shop.

10.It was set up as a special economic zone in the 1990s.

zone [C] 指有某特点或用途的区域或范围。地带,区域,地区。

E.g. a danger zone 危险地带a neutral zone 中立区 a business zone 商业区

a residential zone 住宅区no-passing zone 禁止超车区time zone 时区

Step III. Summary and homework

Today we learned the use of the new words and phrases. Please remember them very well and try to use them correctly and freely.

The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard

Unit 11 Scientific achievement

The fourth Period

Words and phrases:

1.whatever, in store, likely 2. home

3. economic , economical 4.grasp

5. arrange 6. set foot in

7. rely on, make clear 8. as sb. puts it, come to life

9. locate 10.zone

Record after Teaching

The Fifth Period Language study

Teaching goals:

1. Review the words appearing in the last two periods.

2. Learn the Grammar---Word Formation (I)

Teaching Important Points:

1. Learn some words which are closest in meaning.

2. Study the ways of forming a word.

3. Study the meaning of some affixes and stems.

Teaching Difficult Point:

How to guess the meaning of a new word.

Teaching Methods:

1. Studying and practising to master the ways of forming a word.

2. Pair or group work to make every student take an active part in class.

Teaching Aids:

3. The blackboard

4. A small blackboard

Teaching Procedures:

Step Ⅰ Revision

Ask students to make some sentences with the new words and phrases learnt last period.

Step II Word Study

T: Well done. Now, please open your books at Page 5.We’ll deal with Word Study. First, Word Study. Then, Word Formation. Look at the exercise in Word Study now. Choose the answer that is closest in meaning to the underlined part. First, do it by yourself. Then check the answers with your partner. In the end, I’ll collect the right answers.

Suggested answers:

1.A 2.B 3.C 4.B 5.C 6.A 7.B 8.C

Step III Word Formation

T: Now, let’s study Word Formation. First, look at the words on the screen carefully and find out the ways of forming a word. Then I’ll ask some students to explain how they are formed..

(Teacher shows the following on the screen.)

international=inter-+national telephone=tele-+phone

mankind=man+kind broadband=broad+band

extremely=extreme+-ly manned=man+-ed

hi-tech=high+technology e-school=electronic school

IT=information technology CSA=Chinese Space Agency

Suggest answer: Some of them are formed with prefixes in front of the stems, such as “international” and “telephone”,while some of them are formed with suffixes at the end of the stems, such as “extremely” and “manned”.Both of these two ways of forming a word are called derivation.

(Bb: derivations :international, telephone, extremely, manned)

Suggest answer:“mankind” and “broadband” are compounds, composed of two words,“hi-tech” and “e-school” are short forms of compounds;“IT” and “CSA” are also short forms.

(Bb: compounds :mankind, broadband short forms: hi-tech, e-school, IT,CSA)

T: OK. Now ,please look at the stems and affixes on the screen. Match each of them with the right meaning on the right.

(Teacher shows the following on the screen.)

trans- carry

-graph see

tele- below

super- life

co- together/with

vis- more than usual

bio- far

sub- across

-port- writing

T: You are given two minutes to prepare. Then I’ll check your answers.

Suggested answers:

trans-=across tele-=far

co-=together/with bio-=life

vis-=see -graph=writing

-port-=carry sub-=below

super-=more than usual

T: Well done. I think you’ve learnt more about Word Formation, including the ways of forming a word and the meanings of some stems and affixes. This will make it easy for you to guess the meaning of words using context clues. Please look at the screen. Let’s do another exercise.

(Teacher shows the following on the screen.)

Use context clues and what you know about word parts to guess the meaning of the underlined words.

1.______ Many countries import most of the oil they use.

2.______He studied biophysics at college.

3.______It is very important to learn how to cooperate with others.

4.______All your luggage will be transported to the destination by train.

5.______My cousin has an excellent voice. Her dream is to become a superstar.

(Teacher asks some students to do it. One student, one sentence.)

Suggested answers:

1.进口 2.生命物理 3.合作 4.运输 5.超级歌星

Step IV Consolidation

T: OK. Now please open your books at Page 6 and look at Part 4.Read the news article and tell how the words in bold are formed. First, look at the given example to make sure you know how to do it. Then work in pairs to finish it. After a few minutes, I’ll check your answers. See what I mean?

Suggested answers:

showcase=show+case breakthrough=break+through

bioengineering=bio-+engineering outstanding=out+standing

enable=en-+able restore=re-+store

indirectly=indirect+-ly strengthen=strength+-en

Step V Summary and Homework

T: Well. Let’s see what we’ve learnt in this class. First, we’ve reviewed the words learnt in the last period. Then, we’ve learnt about Word Formation(I). We’ve learnt some ways of forming a word, such as derivation, compound and short form. This way, we know how to guess new words according to the meanings of the stems and affixes as well as the context clues. After class, please review what we’ve learnt in this class and preview the next part in this unit-Integrating Skills.

The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard

Unit 11 Scientific achievement

The fifth Period

Word Formation(1)

Ways of forming a word:

a. derivation: international, telephone, extremely, manned

b. compound: mankind, broadband

c. short form :hi-tech, e-school, IT,CSA

Record after Teaching

The Sixth Period Integrating Skills (I)

Teaching goals:

1. Learn and master the following words and phrases:

boom, put forward, breakthrough, agency, announce, evolution, broadband, impressive, genetic, genome, byte

2. Train the students’ integrating skills, especially reading and writing skills.

Teaching Important Points:

1. Help the students to learn about scientific achievements in different fields made by Chinese and master the following words and phrases: put forward, aim at, announce, map out

2. Learn to write a persuasion essay to train the students’ writing ability.

Teaching Difficult Point:

How to write a persuasion essay.

Teaching Methods:

1.Fast and then careful reading to improve the students’ reading ability.

2.Learning tips to help the students learn to write a persuasion essay.

3.Individual,pair or group work to make the students finish each task.

Teaching Aids:

5. The blackboard

6. A small blackboard

Teaching Procedures:

Step Ⅰ Revision

Check the homework.

T: Yesterday, we learned a lot about Word Formation. We know some words are derivatives, some are compounds, and others are short forms. Can you give me some examples for each way of forming a word? Give a few derivations, some compounds, and some short forms please ?

T: You all did a good job. Now, please look at the screen and do the exercise. Three minutes later, I’ll check your answers.

(Show the following on the screen.)

Study the sentences and guess the meaning of each underlined word. Explain how the word is formed.

1.The average output of the factory is 20 cars a day.

2.She has written good essays before, but this one is substandard.

3.He is a kind of intellectual superman.

4.The lack of a common language made it very difficult to intercommunicate (with each other).

5.Transplant the seedlings into peaty soil.

6.Have you read an e-book?

7.When did China join the WTO?

8.They helped us to map out a long-term plan.

Suggested answers:

1.output=out+put 产量

2.substandard=sub-+standard 低于标准的,不够标准的

3.superman=super-+man 超人

4.intercommunicate=inter-+communicate 互相联系

5.transplant=trans-+plant 移植

6.e-book=electronic+book 电子图书

7.WTO=World Trade Organization 世贸组织

8.long-term=long+term 长期的

Step Ⅱ Lead-in

T: In this unit, we’ve learned much about science and scientific achievement. Can you give me an example of scientific achievement of China?

T: Since the early 1990s,China has been enjoying a boom in scientific and technological development. In many fields, China has achieved great success. Today, we’re going to read about some scientific achievements in China.

Step Ⅲ Reading

T: OK. Now please open your books at Page 7.Look at Reading. Read each passage quickly and find out the answers to the following two questions on the blackboard.

(Teacher shows the following on the blackboard.)

1.What plan has helped Chinese scientists make many breakthroughs?

2.Which scientific fields are mentioned in the text?

(After a while, teacher checks the answers.)

Suggested answer to question 1: The plan for “rejuvenating the nation by relying on science and education”.

Suggested answer to question 2: Exploring space, genetic research, computer engineering and medical science.

T: Now, please read the passages again carefully, trying to understand them more exactly and pay attention to some detailed information. After that, work in groups to complete the chart on P8 after the passages according to what you’ve learnt from the text. After four minutes, I’ll check your answers.

Field Achievements Importance

Exploring space developed Long March rocket series. used to send satellites into space;prepare for the nation’s first manned space flight.

Genetic research A new kind of rice which allow farmers to increase production; Chinese scientists have completed mapping out their part of the international human genetic project. It has proved that Chinese scientists are among the world’s best. It helps to solve the mysteries of life.

Computer engineering A new high-speed broad band network was recently started; Developed the supercomputer Shenwei.; built the nation’s first humanoid robot The internet is becoming increasingly popular.

Medical science Created a chemical element that can fight cancer cells. The breakthrough makes the cure of deadly disease possible.

T: Nice work. I think you must have understood the text very well. Now, let’s learn some useful words and expressions. Please look at the blackboard.

1.put forward: advance, propose or suggest sth. for discussion

e.g. He is putting forward radical proposals for electoral reform.

2. aim at: intend or try to do sth.

e.g. We must aim at increasing exports.

3.announce: make(sth.) known publicly

e.g. They announced their engagement to the family.

Have they announced when the race will begin?

Step Ⅳ Listening and Reading Aloud

T: Now, I’ll play the tape for you to listen. The first time, listen and follow. The second time, listen and repeat.

Step Ⅴ Writing

T: Well, up to now, we’ve read a lot about scientific achievements. Which words in the text can we use to describe scientific achievements? Prepare for a few minutes. Then I’ll collect them from you.

Suggested words:

significant, outstanding, breakthrough…

(Then teacher deals with Writing.)

T: Now, please look at the Writing part. You’ve been asked by the magazine Modern Science to help them choose the greatest scientific achievement ever. Write a short essay, telling them which achievement you have chosen and explaining why you think that it is the most important. Are you clear about what to do now?

T: In order that you can write your essay better. You’d better read and study the tips at Page 8 carefully before writing your essay. You can begin now. If time permits, I’ll ask some students to read their essay to the rest of the class.

A sample essay:

The publication of the detailed structure of 99% of the human genome is the culmination of one of the largest scientific undertakings in history. Initiated in 1990,the Human Genome Project involved the cooperative work of hundreds of scientists in 20 sequencing centres in countries including China, France, Germany, Great Britain, Japan and the United States.

The achievement is important. Not only has it given a glimpse into the extraordinary complexity of the structure of human DNA but it has also demonstrated the huge potential of cooperative scientific endeavor organized on an international basis.

Moreover, the project’s completion has already produced medical breakthrough, scientists assert that the achievement can assist research into cancers such as leukemia, and may also extend far beyond to the other deadly diseases.

Step Ⅵ Summary and Homework

T: Now let’s see what we’ve learnt in this class .First, we’ve read about some China’s significant achievements in science and technology. We know Chinese history is filled with great achievements, not only in the past, but also today. Science and technology makes a country richer and stronger. Science and technology also makes society develop and progress. Moreover, we’ve learnt some useful words and phrases such as put forward, announce…

T: Second, we’ve practised writing a persuasion essay. We can use some words to describe scientific achievement. After class, please practise more to develop your ability to use English. And please review this unit by yourselves.

The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard

Unit 11 Scientific achievement

The sixth Period


1.What plan has helped Chinese scientists make many breakthroughs?

2.Which scientific fields are mentioned in the text?

Ⅱ.Words and phrases:

put forward

aim at


Record after Teaching

The Seventh Period Integrating Skills (II )

Teaching goals:

1.Learn the connection between science and society.

2.Students should realize technology helps the wheel of scientific development turning and the new technology always changes our life and the way we understand the world and ourselves.

Teaching Important Points:

1. Help students to learn about the relationship between technology and the development of society.

2. Writing: Write a short biography of Yang Liwei.

Teaching Difficult Point:

How to improve students’ reading speed.

Teaching Methods:

Task –based teaching method

Teaching Aids:

7. The blackboard and a small blackboard

8. A recorder

Teaching Procedures:

Step Ⅰ Revision

Check their essays.

Step II Leading in

Show some pictures of different time periods. Encourage students to think about the relationship between technology and the development of the society.

T: Can you imagine knocking two rocks together can be just as important as sending a man to the moon? I think you will agree after you read through the article on P84. Ok, open your books and look at the integrating skills The Age of Man.

Step III Integrating skills

Fast reading

Ask students to read the text fast and then do Exercise 1.

Suggested answers:1.C 2. B 3. A 4. B

Careful reading

1. Play the tape for students to follow and read the text carefully. Then finish the exercises on P86.

10 minutes later, check the answers with the whole class.

2. T: Look through the text again and find how the article is organized. Please sum up the main idea of each part. You may discuss with your group members.

Suggested answers:

Paragraph 1-3 We often divide human history into time periods named after the latest technology of the time. Each time period is shaped by the latest and most advanced technology.

Paragraph 4 It takes time for a new technology to enter everyday life.

Paragraph 5-7 New technologies show the role and importance of scientific achievements in society.

Step IV Writing

T: Let’s come to the writing part. Today, we are going to write a short biography of our hero---Yang Liwei. I don’t think it is difficult for you, because you are given many key words. Please read the materials on P86-87.

Step V Homework

Go over unit 11 and sum up the phrases in this unit.

The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard

Unit 11 Scientific achievement

The seventh Period

Main ideas:

Paragraph 1-3 We often divide human history into time periods named after the latest technology of the time. Each time period is shaped by the latest and most advanced technology.

Paragraph 4 It takes time for a new technology to enter everyday life.

Paragraph 5-7 New technologies show the role and importance of scientific achievements in society.

Record after Teaching

The Eighth Period Revision Lesson

Teaching goals:

Revise the whole unit

Teaching Important Points:

3. Help students to consolidate the use of the important words and phrases.

4. Remember the main goals in the unit.

Teaching Difficult Point:

How to help students to review by themselves.

Teaching Methods:

Explanation and practice

Teaching Aids:

9. The blackboard and a small blackboard

10. A recorder

Teaching Procedures:

Step I Revision

Check the essay about Yang Liwei.

Step II Revise the important points in the unit



1.engineering 2.solar 3.significant 4.mankind 5.constitution 6.zone 7.private 8.grasp 9.master 10.perfect 11.arrange 12.rely 13.failure 14.locate 15.valley 16.brand 17.luggage 18.achieve 19.organ 20.boom 21.breakthrough 22.agency 23.announce 24.evolution 25.supercomputer 26.likely 1.工程;工程学 2.太阳的;日光的 3.意义重大的 4.人类 5.宪法 6.区域;地带 7.私人的;非公开的 8.抓住;理解 9.硕士;主人 10.完美的;理想的 11.安排;整理;布置 12.依靠;指望 13.失败;失败的人 14.把……设置在;使……坐落于;指出……的位置 15.山谷 16.商标;牌子 17.行李 18.达到

实现;完成19.器官;机关;风琴 20.繁荣期;迅速发展期 21.重大突破 22.代理(机构) 23.宣布;宣告 24.发展;展开 25.超级计算机 26.可能的;预期的

Useful expressions 1.genetic engineering 2.the theory of gravity 3.nuclear science 4.solar energy 5.great scientific achievements 6.have something in common 7.the first person to travel in time 8.a cure for AIDS 9.a manned space ship 10.start a company 11.spend time doing sth. 12.in store 13.it is likely that 14.more than 15.set up 16.in the late 1990s 17.the Chinese Academy of sciences 18.within the next ten years 19.a growing number of

1.基因工程 2.万有引力理论 3.核科学 4.太阳能 5.伟大的科学成就6.有共同之处 7.时间旅行第一人 8.艾滋病治疗方法 9.载人飞船 10.开办一家公司 11.花时间做某事12.存储 13.很有可能…… 14.不仅仅,多于 15.建立 16.在20世纪90年代末 17.中科院 18.在接下来的十年里 19.不停增加数量的

Useful expressions 20.make it possible for sb. to do sth.21.follow one’s dreams 22.top scientists 23.master’s degree 24.a dream come true 25.set foot in… 26.run a small company 27.have a positive effect on… 28.rely on 29.build the future 30.deal with 31.learn from… 32.be excited about… 33.be located in… 34.contribute to… 35.in the near future 36.be filled with 37.enjoy a boom 38.put forward a plan 39.make many breakthroughs 40.sth.be used to do 41.manned space flight 42.allow sb. to do sth.43.human genetic project 44.for the first time ever 45.the deadly disease 20.使某人做某事成为可能 寻某人的梦想 22.顶级科学家 21.追23.硕士学位 24.一个梦想实现 25.涉足于…… 26.开办一家小公司 27.对于……有积极影响 28.依靠于 29.创造未来 30.处理 31.向……学习 32.对于……很兴奋 33.位于…… 34.作贡献于…… 35.在不久的将来 36.充满 37.经历迅速发展期 38.提出一个计划 39.取得许多突破 40.某物被用来做41.载人太空飞行 42.允许某人做某事 43.人类基因组计划 44.第一次 45.致命的疾病


patterns &


English 1.If I got the money, I would …

2.My plan is to …

3.I hope that …

4.I want/wish/hope/intend/plan to …

5.I’d like to …

6.I’m thinking of …

Grammar Word-formation:

1.prefix and suffix

2.compounds 构词法:



Topics &Writing 1.Talk about science and scientific achievement.

2.Practise expressing intensions and wishes.

3.Learn about Word-formation.

4.Write a persuasion essay.

Step III Practice

1.(NMET 2000)I’ll look into the matter as soon as possible. Just have a little ______.

A. wait B. time C. patience D. rest

2.(NMET 1997)He was possibly ______the Southern State Parkway in a white Ford.

A. calling from B. fleeing from C. looking for D. heading for

3.The captain made an ______to the passengers for the delay caused by bad weather.

A .apology B. apologize C. apologing D. apologyment

4.Mr Black is an ______ in the army, not an ______ in the government. You can not easily find him in his ______.

A. official; officer; office B. officer; office; official

C. official; official; official D. officer; official; office

5.Germany is a ______ country.

A. Europe B. European C. Europed D. Europing

6.That man was very ______not to tell the manager that he would not do the job.

A. care B. careful C. careless D. carelessness

7.Comrade Zhang Side died for the people, and his ______is heavier than Mount Tai.

A. die B. dead C. died D. death

8.Have you ever heard of an American black writer ______Langston Hughes?

A. named B. names C. named after D. was named

9.The child looked ______at his brother who was badly wounded.

A. sadly B. worry C. sadness D. sad

10.He is an expert at chemistry. We all call him a ______.

A. chemistry B. chemical C. chemist D. chemistry

11.The black people were against slavery and fought for their ______bravery.

A. free B. freely C. freedom D. frees

12.What you said sounded ______but in fact it was untrue.

A. reasonable B .reason C. reasons D. unreason

13.We are living happier and better and we want to make it even more ______.

A. colourless B. coloured C. uncolour D .colourful

14.The long-______ chair isn’t suitable for a young child.

A. legging B. legged C. leg D. leged

15.The letter“b”in the word“doubt”is ______.

A. sound B. silent C. silence D. sounded

Suggested answers

1.C 2.D 3.A 4.D 5.B 6.B 7.D 8.A 9.A 10.C 11.C 12.A 13.D 14.B 15.B

Step IV Homework

1. Remember the new words and prepare for the dictation.

2. Finish English Weekly.

The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard

Unit 11 Scientific achievement

The eighth Period

1.Word Study

2. Useful expressions

3. Sentence patterns &Communicative English

4. Grammar

5. Topics &Writing

Record after Teaching