

Unit 2

I. Teaching Goals:

1. Identify ownership.

2. Learn to write Lost & Found and Lost.

3. Sentence Patterns: Is this/that your/his/her/my key?

Yes, it is./No, it isn’t.

What’s this/that in English?

It’s a pen.

How do you spell it?


4. Words and phrases: pencil, pen, book, eraser, ruler, pencil case, dictionary, backpack, baseball, watch, key, computer game, notebook, ring, a set of keys, lost and found, call Alan at…

5. 情感体验:通过Lost & Fonnd来倡导“拾金不昧”的精神及价值观。


通过Just for fun中的内容,使学生体会到英文中的幽默之处。

II. Teaching Time: Four periods.

III. Learning Strategies: 1. Using context 2. Guessing

The First Period

Content: Section A 1a, 1b, 1c, 2a, 2b, 2c

Teaching Aims:

1. How to identify ownership.

2. Learn and master the following:

Words: pencil, pen, book, eraser, ruler, pencil case, pencil sharpener, dictionary, backpack

Sentence patterns: Is this your pencil?

Yes, it is. /No, it isn’t.

3. Students can communicate others using the words and sentence patterns learned in this class.

4. Train the students’ listening ability.

5. Moral object: You must take good care of your personal possessions.

Teaching Important Points;

1. Train the students’ speaking ability.

2. Master the new words and sentence patterns.

Teaching difficult Points:

How to finish the task of speaking.

Teaching Aids:

a tape recorder, a computer, some objects

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 Greetings and revision.

Revise the dialogues in Unit 1.

eg. What’s your (his /her) name?

I’m Gina. Nice to meet you!

What’s your (his/her) phone number?

It’s 284-2942.

What’s her family name?

What’s her first name?

Step 2 Warming-up

Today we are going to learn Unit2 “ Is this your pencil?” First let’s learn some new words.

1. Show some pictures on the screen and write the new words on the blackboard: pencil, pen, book, eraser, ruler, pencil case, pencil sharpener, dictionary, backpack.

2. Read the new words after the teacher and learn them by heart.

3. Practice:

1) Match the words with the things in the picture. (1a)

2) Listen and check the things you hear. (2a)

3) Listen and number the pictures.

a._____ b._____ c._____ d._____ e._____

f.______ g.______ h______ i.________

Step 3 Presentation

Ask some students one by one about his/her/objects like this:

1. T: Is this your pencil?

S: Yes, it is. It’s my pencil.

2. T: Is that your backpack?

S: No, it isn’t. It’s his/her backpack.

Step 4 Practice

1. Listen and number the conversations. (1b)

2. Work in pairs. Ask and answer like the ones in step3. They can use their other school things we have learned in this lesson.

3. Listen and complete the conversation with the words in the box. (2b)

4. Pair work: Ask about the things in the picture (2c), then their own passions.

eg. Is this your backpack?

No, it isn’t.

5. Grammar Focus. Ask one or two pairs to say the questions and answers. Then work in pairs.

Step 5 Acting

Identify ownership. Call out four students, each with four different objects. Collect the objects from them and have similar dialogues in step3. The teacher begins to say: Excuse me, is this your eraser? No, it isn’t.… Continue until the items are returned to the correct owners. Then call out five more students. Let one of them collect the objects and begin again.

Step 6 Exercises in class

Fill in blanks with these words:

1. ---Linda, Is this ________ ruler?

---Yes, it is. Thank you.

2. This is my sister. _______ name is Kate.

3. I’m looking ________ pencil case. Can you help me?

4. Look at the cat. It’s white. But ______ tail (尾巴) is black.

5. Tim is worried (着急). _______ ID card is lost

Step 7 Homework

1. Do some exercises in your exercise books.

2. Read the words and sentence patterns presented in this class to improve your spoken English.

Step 8 The Design of the writing on the blackboard.

Unit2 Is this your pencil?

pencil Is this your pencil?

pen Yes, it is. It’s my pencil.

book Is that your backpack?

eraser No, it isn’t. It’s his/her backpack.


pencil case, backpack

pencil sharpener, dictionary

The Second Period

Content: Section A 3, 4a, 4b,Section B 1a~2c

Teaching Aims:

1. Learn and master the following:

Words: baseball, watch, key, computer game, notebook, ring

Sentence patterns: What’s this/that in English?

It’s a pen (an eraser/an English book/ an ID card).

How do you spell it?


2. Improve the students’ speaking and listening ability.

3. Identify ownership.

Teaching Important Points;

1. Train the students’ speaking and writing ability.

2. Master the new words and sentence patterns.

Teaching difficult Points:

Game: Find the owner.

Teaching Aids:

a tape recorder, a computer, some objects

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 Greetings and revision.

1. Greeting the whole class as usual.

eg. What’s your name?

What’s your phone number?

Nice to meet you. etc.

2. Revision

1). Ask and answer like this:

Is this/ that your pencil?

Yes, it is. It’s my pencil.

No, it isn’t. It’s his/ her pencil.

2). Section A 4a, 4b

Game: Find the owner.

Put some things into the teacher’s box. Then take something out of the box and find the owner. Using: Is this your eraser? Yes, it is. / No. it isn’t.

Step 2 Presentation

Section A 3. Make conversations about the things in the pictures in pairs.

eg. A: What’s this in English?

B: It’s a pen (an eraser).

A: How do you spell it?

B: P-E-N.

Step 3 Pratice

1. Show some pictures and teach some new words: baseball, watch, key, computer game, notebook, ring

2. Section B 1a Match he words with the things in the picture.

3. Section B 1b Pair work. Show some pictures on the screen. Talk about the things in the picture in pairs like this:

A: What’s this?

B: It’s a watch (an eraser/an English book/ an ID card/…).

A: How do you spell it?

B: W-A-T-C-H.


Step 4 Listening

Section B 2a 2b

Look at the words in activity 1a. Listen and circle the things you hear.

Listen again. This time, you will pay attention to who is looking for what. Then write down the names of things that Kelsey and Mike are looking for under each person’s picture. Play the recording for students to write the things in the chart.

Kelsey Mike


ID card pen


Step 5 Pair work.

Section B 2c Divide the class into pairs. Now ask about other students’ things. Student A, look at page86. Student B, look at page 82. Ask your partner about these things. Write the words in the chart on page 82.

Step 6 Exercises in class

Complete the conversation.

1. Teacher: Lucy, What’s this _____ English?

Lucy: Is it a pen?

Teacher: No, it ______. It’s a pencil.

Teacher: Tim. ________ that in English?

Tim: Is it _______ eraser?

Teacher: _______, it is. And what’s this, Nancy?

Nancy: Is it a _________?

Teacher: No, it’s not a book. It’s a __________. Is it your dictionary?

Nancy: Oh, yes. It’s _____ dictionary.

Teacher: Here you are.

Nancy: _______ ________.

2. A: Excuse me. ______________________?

B: It’s _________ watch. It’s _________ English watch.

A: __________________, too?

B: ________, ____________. It’s _______ eraser.

Step 7 Homework

1. Pair work. Make a dialogue with your partner, using some objects. You may do it like this:

A: Hello, Mary. Is this your “尺”?

B: Yes, it is.

A: Here you are.

B: Thank you.

A: By the way, what’s it in English?

B: It’s a ruler.

A: How do spell it?

B: R-U-L-E-R.

2. Activity. Draw three pictures about your classroom objects. Then ask your partner at least three questions.

eg. Is this a/an…?

What’s this in English?

Is this your…?

Can you spell…?

Step 8 The Design of the writing on the blackboard.

Unit2 Is this your pencil?

baseball What’s this in English?

watch It’s a pen (an eraser/an English book/ an ID card).

key How do you spell it?

computer game P-E-N.



The Third Period

Content: Section B 3a, 3b, 3c, 4/Self Check1, 2, 3

Teaching Aims:

1. How to write your own bulletin board messages.

2. Learn and master the following: numbers 0-9, call phone, lost and found.

3. Moral objects: If you find something that doesn’t belong to you, you take it to a Lost and Found Office. People can go to this office to get their lost things.

4. Work out problems using context.

Teaching Important Points;

1. Improve the students’ writing ability.

2. Get the students to know about the bulletin notices.

Teaching difficult Points:

Learn to write Lost & Found and Lost.

Teaching Aids:

a tape recorder, a computer

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 Greetings and revision.

1. Greeting the whole class as usual.

2. Revision

Ask : What’s this/that in English?

How do you spell baseball?

Is this/that your pen? etc.

Step 2 Leading-in

Looking for a book.

T: Is this my book?

S: No, it isn’t.

T: Where’s my book? I like my book. But I can’t find it. What can I do?

Lost (write the word on the blackboard)

Then ask: Have ever picked anything? What do you do?

Found (write the word on the blackboard)

通过Lost & Fonnd来倡导“拾金不昧”的精神及价值观。

Step 3 reading

1. Section B3a. Read the bulletin board notices and circle the words from activity 1a. Check the answers (computer game, notebook, ID card, watch).

Learn the words and phrases: lost, found, call, call Mary at…, in the lost and found case, lost and found, a set of keys

Read the bulletin board notices again.

2. Section B 3b

Now let’s look at 3b. Put the pieces together to make a message. Then ask a student to copy the message on the blackboard. The rest copy it in their exercise books.


Found. A set of keys. Please call David at 529-6403.

Step 4 Writing

Section B 3c

1. Ask the students to write their own bulletin board messages.

2. Ask four students to read them in front of the class. Then ask two students to write their messages on the blackboard. The rest exchange their messages with a deskmate to correct each other’s work. Then correct mistakes on the blackboard if there are any.

Step 5 Groupwork.

We’ll play a game. Demonstrate how to play the game. Draw a small part of an item they’ve studied in class.

T: What’s this?

S: Is it a baseball?

T: No, it isn’t.

Draw a more part of the item.

S1: Is it a key?

T: Yes, it is.

Ask students to take turns of the vocabulary presented in this unit on the blackboard and ask: What’s this?

Students make a guess. See who can guess it within less guesses.

Divide the class into several groups. This way, several games can go on at the same time. They may draw pictures in their exercise books instead of on the blackboard.

Step 6 Just for Fun

Ask all the students to read the conversation. Ask: Why is the cartoon story funny? Guide the students to say: When the first man asks, how do you spell that? He really means “ How do you spell watch?” But the second man spells out the word T-H-A-T instead. Invite several pairs to act out the conversation in front of the classroom.

Step 7 Homework

1. Do Self check1-3.

2. Write your own bulletin board message.


Step 8 The Design of the writing on the blackboard.

Unit2 Is this your pencil?

call, phone, lost, found,

in the lost and found case, lost and found, a set of keys


A set of keys. Is it your key? Please call John at 345-9812.


My pencil case. It’s yellow. It’s new. Please call 668-7249.

The Fourth Period

Check the homework.

Do some more exercises.