非谓语动词讲解及练习:分词(The participle)


分词有现在分词(the Present Participle)和过去分词(the Past Participle),在句中充当定语、表语、补语和状语。



现在分词 Vt. (write) Vi. (go)

主动语态 被动语态 主动语态



Eg.) He hurried home, ______ (look) behind at times.

_______ (tell) many times, the naughty boy made the same mistake.

_______ (not get) well prepared, they decided to put off the meeting.

________ (never operate) a computer, he met with a lot of difficulties.

2.过去分词---一般表示完成的和被动的动作,只有一种形式, 即:动词的过去分词

3.否定形式---not +分词


1. 作表语:

现在分词作表语:一般表示主动或主语的性质和特征, “令人……”的意思, 主语多数情况是sth.

过去分词作表语: 一般表示被动或说明主语情感心理上的感受, “感到……的”,主语多数情况是sb.

exciting, excited

annoying, annoyed

amazing, amazed

amusing, amused

astonishing, astonished

boring, bored

confusing, confused

disappointing, disappointed

encouraging, encouraged

embarrassing, embarrassed

frightening, frightened;

inspiring, inspired

eg.) 1.The result was _______ (surprising, surprised)

They were _______ (surprising, surprised) at the news.

2.作定语: (单词前置, 分词短语后置;修饰代词时后置)

A. 现在分词表示正在进行的动作;过去分词表示已经完成的动作。

boiling water, boiled water;

developing country, developed country;

falling leaves, fallen leaves

rising sun, risen sun, etc.

B. 表示情感心理的Vt的分词可修饰名词,作前置定语。

Eg.) He told us the ________ (exciting, excited) news.

The _______ (exciting, excited) pupils jumped with joy.

注意: 过分除修饰sb.以外,还可修饰表示神态、声音等的名词, 说明主语的心理状态。

Eg.) He had a _________ (terrifying, terrified) look in his eyes.

The boy answered in a ________ (frightening, frightened) voice.


单个分词前置, 分词短语后置, 修饰代词时后置---单个分词作定语时,一般放在它所修饰的名词前; 分词短语作定语时,一般放在它所修饰的名词后; 分词在修饰由some/any/no + thing/body/one所形成的不定代词或those之后


a neighboring town

an unexpected guest

the exciting news

例外:These plastic bottles used can be recycled. (有时单个的分词放在分词后面,用于强调动作)

Do you know the number of books ordered?


eg.) I don’t know the doctor_____ (seat) at the back.

The goods ______ (import) from abroad yesterday remain in good condition.

③分词修饰由some/any/no + thing/body/one所形成的不定代词或those时,分词在这些词之后

eg.) Those laughing are considered impolite.

Anyone swimming will be punished.

D. 作定语时, 要注意分词所表示动作的发生时间:

① 表示正在进行的动作

eg.) Tell the children ( __ ___ )playing there not to make too much noise.

② 表示经常性动作或现在/当时的状态

eg.) I used to live in a room facing (=___ ____ ) south.


eg.)The man who came this morning is our headmaster. (过去时)

The students who will attend the meeting (=___ attend the meeting) will arrive here tomorrow.

Is there anyone who can answer this question?

Those who have finished their work can go home now. (完成时)


Eg.) The builders having completed the hotel were given prizes. ( )

改为: The builders __ _______completed the hotel were given prizes.


the performances being put on at present

the performances put on yesterday

the performances to be put on tomorrow


a swimming boy, a swimming pool

a walking dictionary, a walking stick

running water, running track



see, watch, hear, feel, find, notice, observe, catch; have, get, keep, leave, etc.

Eg.)His lecture got us______ (think).

He got his bike ____ (repair) just now.

He watched the bed _____ (carry) out of the door.

He felt a great weight _____ (take ) off his mind. 他感到心头如释重负。

How would you like your hair ___ (cut)?



eg.)①_______ (hear) the bad news, they couldn’t help crying.

= _______________, they couldn’t help crying.

②When/ While( _____ _____ ) ____ (take) around the city, we were deeply impressed by the city’s new look.

While/When (I was) _____ (wander) through the square, I caught sight of a snake-charmer.

③_______ (finish) his work, he went home.

=_____________, he went home.


Eg.) ①_____ (be poor), he could not afford to travel abroad.

=____________, he could not afford to travel abroad.

________ (encourage) by his heroic deeds, they worked harder.

_______ (lose) in thought, he almost ran into a post.

________ (frighten) by the big forest fire, the animals all ran away.

_____ (not know) her address, we couldn’t get in touch with her.

②______ (never be) to the city, he soon got lost.

_________ (not receive) his letter, I decided to call him up.



Eg.)①She watched the film, _____ (weep ) and ___ (sigh).

②The teacher stood there, ______ (surround) by a lot of students.


Eg.)①______ (give) another chance, I would have done the job far better.

=______________ , I would have done the job far better.

②(If) _____ (play) all day, you will waste your valuable time.


Eg.)① The hunters fired, _____(shoot) one of the wolves.

②The bus was held up by the snowstorm, thus _____ (cause) the delay.

区别: 不定式表示意外的结果

eg.) He hurried to the station, only ____ (find) the train had left.


Eg.)①Though ____ (rain) heavily, it cleared up very soon.

= _____________, it cleared up very soon.

②Though _____ (tell) of the danger, he still risked his life to save the boy.

分词作状语时, 需注意事项:

A.分词短语作状语时,它的逻辑主语通常应是________ :

____ (see) from the hill, the city is beautiful.

___ (see) from the hill, you can see the whole city.



Eg.)Finding the door locked, Tom went home. ( _____ )

Tom went home, finding the door locked. (____)