

动 名 词 (The Gerund)



主动语态 被动语态

一般式 writing being written

完成式 having written having been written


1. 作主语

eg.) Reading books makes one wise.

Collecting stamps is interesting.

① 与不定式区别:


Eg.) _____ (Walking, To walk) is a good form of exercise for both young and old.

_____ (Finishing, To finish) the work in a week is impossible.

② 常用it作形式主语:

限于名词: good, use, fun, joy或形容词:good, nice, interesting, useless, worth, etc.

eg.)It’s no use crying over spilt milk.

It’s no good quarrelling with such a bad-tempered person.

③ 注意主谓一致:

单个的动名词短语作主语,谓语用单数;由and连接的多个动名词短语作主语, 谓语多用复数.

Eg.) Plating flowers _____ (need) constant watering.

Learning a theory and putting it into practice ___ (are, is) two different things.

④ 用于结构:

There is no doing sth.

No doing.

have a good (hard ) time/ difficulty/ problem/trouble /fun/ pleasure (in) doing sth.

Eg.) There is no ____ (know) what will happen in the future.

No _____ (spit) in public places.

With the boy _______ (lead) the way, we had no difficulty ________ (find) his house.

2.作表语:(be, remain, taste, sound, smell等link-v.后)

eg.)In the ant city, the queen’s job is laying eggs.

My job is _____(type) letters.


My job now is _______(type) these letters.





a walking stick= a stick for walking

a dancing hall= a hall for dancing


a sleeping car= a car for sleeping ( _______ )

a sleeping boy=a boy who is sleeping ( _______ )



常见动词: advise, avoid(避免), appreciate(感激), admit(承认),consider(考虑), complete, delay, deny(否认), enjoy, excuse, escape, finish, forbid, forgive, imagine, miss, mind, mention, permit, practise, risk(冒险), suggest(建议), understand, etc.

常见短语:be busy, be worth, burst out, insist on, feel like, can’t help (忍不住), set about, succeed in, persist in

be/get used/accustomed to, look forward to, object to, be opposed to, pay attention to, get down to, devote oneself/one’s life ( energy, effort, time) to, be reduced to (沦为), admit/ owe to(承认)

【lead to, stick to, listen to, refer to, turn to, thanks to, owing to, due to, be open to (愿意接受), in addition to (除外), be familiar to, give one’s mind to (专心于), be sentenced to,be equal to,keep to,point to, give rise to (引起), stand up to (勇敢面对), see to (注意,处理,照料), trust to (依靠,凭), look up to(尊敬) 后接名词,一般不接动名词】

eg.) Would you mind ____ (fill) out this form?

I’m sorry I missed ___(see) you while in Beijing.

②allow, advise, consider, forbid, permit等动词

~ +doing sth.

~ + sb. to do sth.

eg.) The doctor advised ___ (take ) a good rest.

The doctor advised the patient ___ (take ) a good rest.


常见动词: begin/start, continue; love, like, dislike, hate, prefer; need, want, require; forget, remember, regret; mean, try, go on, stop, be used to, can’t help

A.) begin/start

三种情况下,一般接不定式做宾语:①主语是sth.;②本身用于进行时;③做宾语的动词表示情感、思想或意念时(如:like, love, understand, realize, understand, know, etc.)

B.) love, like, dislike, hate, prefer,如表示经常性的动作,


Eg.) I like___(play) chess during my spare time.

I like___(play) at chess with the chess master now.

C.) need, want require

eg.) He wants _____(repair) the bike for me.

The bike needs/wants/ requires______(repair).

D.) forget, remember, regret

eg.) The light in the office is still on. I forgot ____ (turn) it off.

I’ll never forget ____(see) the musical comedy in New York.

Remember____( meet) me tonight.

I remember ____(take) to Beijing when I was a child.

I regret ____ (inform) you that you are dismissed.

I regret ______( not take ) his advice.

E.) mean, try, go on, stop, be used to, can’t help

Eg.) What do you mean _____ (do ) with it?

____(miss) the train means __(wait) for another two hours.

He’s been trying ____ (get) you on the phone.

Let’s try___ (knock) at the back door.

He paused and went on __ (explain) the text to us.

Go on _____(do) the other exercise after you have finished this one.

Wood is used to ___(make) paper.

He is used to _____(get) up early.

She couldn’t help_____( do ) the housework, for she was busy.

People couldn’t help____(laugh) at the foolish emperor in the procession.


eg.) On _____(hear) the news, she couldn’t help crying.

He went to the party without ___(invite).


eg.) He had no choice but _____(wait).

He could do nothing but ______(wait).


eg.) His habit, listening to the news on the radio, remains unchanged.


① 物主代词或名词所有格+ 动名词(作主语、宾语、表语)

② 代词宾格或名词普通格+ 动名词(作宾语、表语)

Eg.) My father’s being ill worried us greatly.

=That my father was ill worried us greatly.

His not being present at the party annoyed the hostess.

It’s no use your pretending that you didn’t know the truth.

I suggest them /their having their eyes examined.

Last night I dreamed of there being a garden in front of my house.

What angered me most was the students failing to fulfill their duties.

I think the problem is their/them not having enough time.



eg.) The experiment can’t be carried out because of the equipment being out of order.

In 1949, New China, like a sun rising in the east, appeared in the world.

The news of the new hotel catching fire shocked everyone.= The news that the new hotel caught fire shocked everyone.

The noises of the boxes being opened and closed could be heard.



完成式: 表示的动作发生在谓语动词所表示的动作之前.

Eg.) Seeing is believing.

She denied having been there.

但:I remember seeing/having seen her.

四、动名词的语态: (主动式和被动式)

eg.) Do you like _____(treat) like that?

She prided herself on _______(send) to work in Beijing.

Do you mind _______ ( Jane, leave) alone at home?

While shopping, people sometimes can’t help _____(persuade) into buying something they don’t really need.

注意: be worth, need/want/require后接动名词的主动式表示被动之意.

Eg.) The place is worth _____(visit).

The place is worthy ________(visit).


动名词一般式的否定式: not doing

动名词完成式的否定式: not + having done; having never done

eg.)The girl made her mother angry by not taking her medicine.

=The____ ____ _____ the medicine made her mother angry.

The girl is nervous for ______ ( never speak) in public.

They apologized for ____ (not wait) for us.