




1. 代词应与其指代的名词单复数一致

  解题要点 如A、B、C、D四项选择答案中有代词出现,首先要找到它所指代的名词,并确认其单数是否一致。


  (1)Silver*s most distinguishing property is their electrical conductivity.

  (答案) 代词their指代的是句首的单数名词silver,故应改为its。

  (2) Countries tend to specialize in the production and export of those goods and services that it can produce relatively cheaply.

  (答案) 代词it指代的是句子主语Counties, 所以应用复数形式they。

  (3)A traditional Halloween decoration is a jack-o-lantern, which is a hollowed-out pumpkin with scary face cut into them.

  (答案) 根据句意,代词there指代的是单数名词Punplcin (jack-o-lantern), 故应用单数代词it。

  (4)Since flounders have markings that biend with their surroundings, it can lie camouflaged on the bottom of the ocean.

  (答案) 代词it指代的是句首复数名词flounders,故应用复数形式的代词the。



  (1) Paprika is less biting than red cayenne pepper, and she has a sweeper taste. (94.1)

  (答案) 人称代词指代的是paprika(红灯笼辣椒,即使不认识此词,亦可从后文的pepper推断出这是一种辣椒),故应改为指物的it。

  (2) Ethel Harveg’s career illustrates some of the challenges encountered by women scientists of her generation as they sought support for they work.

  (答案) 代词they 指代的是前文的woman scientists, 根据句意,这里应改用代词的所有格形式their,用来限定后面的wonk。  

(3) Many critics believe that Amy Lowell*s most important work is not her poetry, but his biography, John Keats, published the year of her death.

  (答案) 男性代词his 指代的是作家Amy Lowell。即使你不清楚Amy是女性名字,亦可从句中her poetry 及her death得知此作家为女性。所以这里应用代词her。

  (4)Our urge to classify different life forms and give us names seems to be as old as the human race.

  (答案) 根据句意,代词as指的应是different life forms,而非动作的施事者“我们”,所以此代词应改为them, 表明动作的承受者。

  3. 反身代词-self

  解题要点 反身代词通常有两种语法功能,其一是强调句中某一名词,其二是当主词(动作施事者)与受词(动作承受者)为同一人或物时,受词应用反身代词。第二种功能, 一般来讲,A、B、C、D四个选择答案中有反身代词出现,它通常是此题的命题焦点。


  (1)When a severe ankle injury forced herself to give up reporting in 1926, Margaret Mitchell began writing her novel Gone with the Wind.

  (答案) 此句主词为ankle injury,其受词则指的是Margaret Mitchell.二者并非同一人/物,故不能使用反身代词,应改为her。

  (2) A motion picture director for over twenty years. Weber stamped her films with herself style and personal conviction.

  (答案) 反身代词不能作定语修饰说明名词,此句的herself应改为her own。

  (3) In a controversial cating guide entitled Are You hungry? Jane Hirschmann and Lela Zaphiropolous argue that children instinctively know what foods are good for selves.

  (答案) 反身代词通常应有完整的形式,不能单独使用self,或selves形式。此句应改为themselves.

  (4) Researchers at the University of Colorado are investigating a series of indicators that could help themselves to predict earthquakes.

  (答案) 反身代词themselves