新目标英语七年级上册学案及典型例题Unit 11 What time do you go to school?



1. 能用英语表达正确的时间;

2. 能熟练叙述日常生活活动;

3. 学习合理安排时间,加强时间的计划性。


1. 单元词汇

what time,go to school,up,get up,run,shower,take a shower,always,busy,morning,so,make,schedule,why,because,oldest,longer,o’clock,work,hour,after,practise,put on,jacket,go to work,get to,bus,hotel,leave,listen,listen to,early,news,late,go to bed,tired,happy,man,a.m.,afternoon,evening,homework,do homework,go home,letter,around,start,wish,Saturday,exercise,survey


1. do morning exercise 做早操

2. have lessons 上课

3. play football 踢足球

4. do some cleaning 做清洁

5. play the piano 弹钢琴

6. watch TV 看电视

7. listen to the radio 听收音机

8. read newspapers 看报纸

9. login line 上网 / surf in line, surf the internet.

10. cook supper 做晚饭

11. write my diary 写日记

12. do some washing 洗东西

13. play chess 下棋

14. play computer games 玩电子游戏


(1) -What time do you usually get up?

-I get up at six o’clock.



(2) -When does Alica take a shower?

-She takes a shower at five o’clock.



(3)-What time is it?

-It’s eleven o’clock.





a. 时间的表达法:


eg. 7: 05 seven five 8:16 eight sixteen

9:30 nine thirty 10:47 ten forty-seven.


eg. 1:25 twenty-five past one

2:30 half past two

3:43 seventeen to four

4:38 twenty-two to five


6:00 a.m. 上午6点

8:20 p.m. 下午8点20分


13:00 13点钟

22:15 22点15分


eg. 4:15 a quarter past four

5:45 a quarter to six

b. 时间前通常用at.

at 5 o’clock at 7:30 p.m.

c. 关于时间的问法


eg. When is your birthday?

My birthday is Dec. 29th.




When do you go home?

I go home at 4:30 p.m.




(2)具体几点我们通常用what time提问

What time is it now? or What’s the time? 几点了?

It’s 9:26.



What time is it by your watch?

It’s 8:36. Oh, It’s 50 minutes late.



What time do you get up?

I get up at 6:00 a.m.




一. 翻译词组:

1. 洗澡 6. go to school

2. 去上班 7. go to bed

3. 穿上 8. get to

4. 听收音机 9. get up

5. 做作业 10. do some washing

二. 用英语填时间表:

Time(yourself) Activities Time(your friend)

get up

have breakfast

go to school

have lunch

do homework

take a shower

have dinner

go to bed

三. 用适当的词填空,补全下面的短文:

I usually _______(起床)at _______. I have milk and bread for breakfast. After breakfast, I _______(洗澡)and then I _______(上学)by bus. I get to school at _______ I have five classes in the morning. And then I have lunch at ________. In the afternoon I have two classes. I _______(回家)at _______. I get home at 4:30 p.m. I _______(吃晚饭)at about _______. After dinner, I _______(做作业). I _______(睡觉)at _______. My life is busy but not exciting.

四. 组词成句:

1. time,is,it,what?

2. does,get,up,she,time,usually,what?

3. volleyball,he,time,what,play,does?

4. plays,she,piano,the,eight,at,a.m. .

5. school,often,at,6:30,go,I,to.

五. 搭配A、B组,使成为一句通顺的话。


1. What a. nine o’clock

2. It’s b. at six o’clock

3. What time does she c. you usually eat breakfast

4. I usually get up d. time is it?

5. What time do e. play soccer?

六. 阅读理解:


My name is Li Hong. I study at No.6 Middle School. At school I have a friend. His name is Jim.

We get up at six in the morning. We go school at seven ten. Classes begin at seven thirty. We have four lessons in the morning and two in the afternoon.

After school we play games. We often play football. We go home at about five. We do our homework in the evening. We go to bed(上床睡觉)at about nine fifty.

( )1. Li Hong and Jim are friends.

( )2. They get up at seven o’clock in the morning.

( )3. They have seven lessons every day(每天).

( )4. They often play games after school.

( )5. They go to bed at 9:40 in the evening.


Jane is a nice girl. She lives in London. She studies(学习)in a middle school. She gets up at six every day. She likes reading English. She’s a bright girl. She draws pictures well. After school, she often reads newspapers with her grandmother. At seven o’clock in the evening. Jane has supper(晚饭)at home. Every day at eight she does her homework and goes to bed at nine.

( )1. Jane lives in ______.

A. England. B. New York C. Paris D. China

( )2. What does Jane like to do? ________.

A. She likes reading story-books.

B. She likes drawing big pictures

C. She likes reading Chinese.

D. She likes learning English.

( )3. She is a _________ girl.

A. nice B. clever C. tall D. nice and bright

( )4. What does she often do after school? ________.

A. She draws pictures

B. She has supper

C. She does some reading with her grandma

D. She does her homework.

( )5. What time does she go to bed? ________.

A. 8:00 B. 9:00 C. 8:35 C. 9:30

七. 写作:

Write a passage to arrange your Saturday & Sunday.




1. take a shower 2. go to work 3. put on 4. listen to the radio 5. do homework

6. 上学 7. 上床睡觉 8. 到达 9. 起床 10. 清洗

二. 略

三. 时间略,词组如下:

get up,take a shower,go to school,go home

have dinner,do homework,go to bed


1. What time is it?

2. What time does she usually get up?

3. What time does he play volleyball?

4. She plays the piano at eight a.m.

5. I often go to school at 6:30.

五. 略。


A:1. T 2. F 3. F 4. T 5. F

B:1. A 2. D 3. D 4. C 5. B

七. 略