新目标英语八年级上Unit 4 How do you get to school? The Second Period


Teaching Plan For Unit4 The Second Period

Go for it!Grade Eight Book1

Teacher: Wangtingting

Contents: Unit 4 The Second Period Section A(2c,2d,3a,3b)

(45 minutes in total)

Teaching Aims and Demands:

1. Knowledge Objects: Key Vocabulary.

Target Language.

Oral Practice.

2. Ability Objects: Listening skill.

Writing skill.

Communicative Competence.

Teaching key points:

1. Key Vocabulary: minute (hour, second), take sb some time to do sth; kilometer, how far, shower, quick, leave for, station, early, bus ride

2. Target language: How do you get to school?

Well, I usually walk but sometimes I take the bus.

How long does it take?

It takes about 10 minutes to walk and 15 minutes by bus.

How far is it from your home to school?

My home is about 10 kilometers from school.

Teaching Difficulties:

Oral Practice, grammar focus.

Teaching Method:

Listening and writing methods.

Pair work (speaking method).

Teaching Aid:

A tape recorder, a computer, blackboard

Teaching Procedure:

StepⅠ.Greeting (3 minutes)

Greet the class and have a dictation. Ask some students to answer how their parents go to work.

Step Ⅱ. Section A 2c (6 minutes)

T: Look at the pictures in 2c. I’ll ask a student to identify each picture.

Ss: a train, a bus, walk, subway, bike.

T: Now I’ll play two conversations. The people are talking about how students get to school and how long it takes. Please listen carefully and put a checkmark to show the kinds of transportation they talk about.

Play the recording the first time. Students only listen. Play it again. This time ask student to put a checkmark before a picture number. Then check the answers.

( This activity gives students practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversation.)

Step Ⅲ. Section A 2d (8 minutes)

T: Now, please look at the sample dialogue on page 20. Let’s read the dialogue together. (解释take的两个不同意思与用法)

T: I’ll give you two minutes to recite it. You can do it with the help of the picture. …

T: Are you finished? Who can have a try?

S1: How do you get to school?

S2: Well, I usually walk but sometimes I take the bus.

S3: How long does it take?

S4: It takes about 10 minutes to walk and 15 minutes by bus.

T: Thank you, sit down, please.

(This activity provides oral practice using target language.)

Step Ⅳ. Grammar Focus (5 minutes)

Review the grammar box. Ask students to say the statement and response with the help of pictures.

Write the sentences “They take the train.” And “It takes about forty minutes” on the blackboard. Ask students, what does “take the train” mean? Guide students to answer that it means to ride the train, and say we also use take to talk about a length of time. For example, it takes about forty minutes. So, there, “take” has two different meaning.

Step Ⅴ. Section A 3a (10 minutes)

T: Now I want to ask you some questions. How do you get to school? Who would like to answer the question? Ok, you please.

S1: I take the bus.

T: How long does it take?

S1: It takes twenty minutes.

T: Great! Now open your book at the page 21. I’ll ask one student to read it to the class.

(Student reads the passages, ask some students to translate the sentences one by one, and ask them to underline some important sentences and phrases.)

T: Now let’s read it together and answer the questions.

(Students read the passage together, then check the answers.)

Step Ⅵ.Section A 3b Pairwork ( 12 minutes)

Show the pictures and the time and the distance on the screen.

Next, show students the example dialogue, then ask students to read it together, and give them proper explanation.

Then, show two pictures and ask them only to complete the dialogue.

Finally, ask the students to work in pairs, asking and answering questions about the information under the picture. (2 minutes)

Step Ⅶ. Summary and homework (1 minutes)

T: This class, we’ve learnt to talk about how to get to school, how long it takes to get to school and how far it is from home to school.

Besides, we also have had reading and writing practice. Ok, today’s homework… Goodbye, class.

Ss: Goodbye.

Step Ⅷ. Blackboard Design