高一英语上学期(unit 1-6)语言点[整理]-新课标


Unit 1 Good friends

1. be loyal to 对……忠诚 2. It is + adj.(表批评或赞扬) + of sb. to do sth. = sb. + be adj. to do sth. 某人做某事是……

e.g. It is kind of you to say so.= You are kind to say so. 3. A good friend is someone who makes me happy.

make /find +object. +adj. e.g. make our classroom clean; find it useful make sb. do (sth.) = have sb. do sth. = get sb. to do sth.

4. argue with / against sb. argue about / over / on sth. argue with sb. about / over sth.

argue sb. into/out of +n. 说服某人做/停止做某事 5. solve the problem 解决问题 solution (名词)

6. especially “尤其;特别地”,用来加强语气,常用于所强调的主语、介词短语、形容词及when引导的从句之前。

7. give reasons for sth. 为某事给出原因 8. so / neither / nor + 助动词 / 系动词 / 情态动词+主语(+动词) 表示与前面情况相同 so+主语+助动词/系动词/情态动词 表示对前面所说情况的赞成或认同 e.g. ①I don’t like enjoy singing, nor / neither do I like computers. ②Rock music is OK, and so is skiing. ③ - He works very hard. - So he does.

9. hate vt. 憎恶,憎恨;厌恶,很不喜欢,句型为:hate sth. / sb.;hate doing / to do sth.;hate sb. doing / to do sth.

10. be into =be fond of 对某事有兴趣,喜欢…… 11. surf the Internet= go on the Internet 上网 12. all the time 一直,始终

13. imagine doing sth. 想像做某事 14. alone adj. 单独的,独自的(只能作表语) adv. 单独地 e.g. ①She watches TV when she is alone. 独自一人时,她便看电视。 ②For years Mary lived alone in New York. 玛丽孤身一人在纽约生活了好几年。

lonely adj. 1. 孤独的,孤寂的 2. 偏僻的,人迹罕至的 (既可作表语,也可作定语) 15. play = act e.g. Tom Hanks plays a man named Chuck Noland. 16. so...that... 如此……以至于……,that在此引导结果状语从句(有时可能省略)

so + adj. / adv. + that… so + adj. + a(n) + n + that… so few /many + 复数名词 + that… so much /little+不可数名词 + that…

so加形容词或副词置于句首引起倒装 区别:such + a(n) + adj. + n. + that… such + adj. +不可数名词/复数名词(注:这里的adj.不能是many, much, few, little,如果加这些形容词,用so…that…) 17. One day Chuck is on a flight across the Pacific Ocean when suddenly his plane crashes. When(= at that time/at that moment)是一个并列连词的作用,表示前一个动作正在进行时突然发生此事。多用于句型:be doing…when…,be about to do …when…,句中is on a flight等于is flying。例如:①He is about to go when the telephone rang。她正要出去这时电话铃响了。 ②I was walking on the street yesterday when I saw an old friend。昨天正在街上走着忽然碰上一个老朋友。 18. a deserted island 荒岛 19. survive: continue to live or exist 幸存;活下来

e.g. Her parents died in the SARS epidemic, but she survived. 她的双亲在“非典”流行时去世,但是她幸存下来。

20. all alone = all by oneself 独自地;完全靠自己;独立地 21. hunt for 搜索;追寻;寻找 22. make (a) fire 生火

23. in order to 为了…… e.g. We started early in order to arrive before dark.为了在天黑前到达,我们很早就动身了 1) so as to…= in order to...,但前者一般不用于句首 2) 否定式在to前加not 3) 相应的目的状语从句由so that...或in order that...引导

24. develop a friendship with sb. 与某人发展友谊 25. even though=even if 即使 26. treat…as… 把……看作……

27. realize(realize) vt. 认识;明白;实现。例: ① I didn't realize this until you told me. 直到你告诉了我才认识到这一点。

②Finally I realized what he meant.最后我明白了他的意思。 ③ In the end he realized his hope for being an artist. 最后他实现了当艺术家的意愿。 28. share happiness and sorrow 同甘共苦 share vt.& vi.分担;分享;共同具有/使用

1)share vt. 常跟名词作宾语,构成的搭配有:share sth. with sb.与某人共享。例: ①They share all housework, including washing,

cooking and looking after their child.他们分担所有家务,包括洗衣,做饭,看孩子。 2)share vi. 搭配是: share in...共享……

例: ②She shares in my troubles as well as my joys. 她与我同甘共苦。 3)share n. "一份","份额" 例: ③We must do our share for

our country. 我们必须为国家做出一份贡献。 29. care about 关心,介意,在乎 e.g. It is important to have someone to care about.

care for 喜欢;照顾 e.g. ①I don’t care for football. ②Would you care for a cup of tea? ③She cares for her sick mother.

30. should have done 本该做……(而实际上没有做),常含有责备的意味。 31. make friends with sb. 和某人交朋友

(注意friends〈复数〉) 32. for example 介词短语,为插入语,可置于句首、句中或句末,用逗号隔开,一般只以同类人或同类事物中的“一个”为例。 such as 列举同类人或同类事物中的几个例子,放在被列举的事物或名词之前,as不加逗号。

33. learn a lesson from sb. 接受教训 34. tell lies/a lie 撒谎,为固定搭配 35. regard …as… 把……当作 be regarded as

e.g. Many people keep dogs as pets because dogs are regarded as loyal friends to people. 36. make a difference有差别;有关系

make no difference没有差别;无关紧要 make a great difference 区别很大;有很大关系 37. You guessed it!

38. have fun玩得愉快 fun n.[U]娱乐,乐趣;玩笑,嬉戏;有趣的人(或事物) for / in fun 闹着玩地,不当真地

39. drop sb. a line给某人写短信 40. keep...in mind 记住 41. as short as possible 尽可能简洁

42. laugh at / make fun of / play a joke on 取笑;嘲笑 43. in one’s opinion 依……看来,依……之见


当说话人引用别人的话时,可以用别人的原话,也可以用自己的话把别人意思转述出来,引用原话,称为直接引语(Direct Speech),否则称为间接引语(Indirect Speech)。直接引语通常用引号(“”)括起来,间接引语在多数情况下都构成一个宾语从句。(课本P178)

e.g. Lao Yang said: “I’m not free. ”(直接引语) Lao Yang said that he wasn’t free .(间接引语)

1. 如果引用的句子原来是一个陈述句,在间接引语中我们要注意下面几点:


He said, “Mother, the boy is very naughty.” He told his mother (that) the boy was very naughty.


She said (to me), “Your pronunciation is better than mine. She said that my pronunciation was better than hers.


“Frank, I came to return you the book,” Henry said. Henry told Frank that he had come to return the book.

Kitty said, “I’ll call again after supper.” Kitty said that she would call again after supper.


She said, “I will come here again tonight.” She said (that) she would go there again that night.

2. 直接引语是一个疑问句变间接引语时,除了注意人称、状语等的变更和时态一致之外,还要注意:


He asked, “How are you getting along?” He asked us how we were getting along.


He asked, “Are you a Party member or a League member?” He asked me whether I was a Party member or a League member.

“You’ve already got well , haven’t you ?” she asked. She asked whether(if)he had already got well .



3. 在时态变化时,要注意如果直接引语是客观真理或客观事实,变为间接引语时,时态不用改变。

4. 一般在引述陈述句的间接引语时,用动词said, told;在引述疑问句时,一般用asked, said, wondered等。

Unit 2 English around the world

1. (1)for the first time 第一次 (时间状语) (2)the first time 第一次(引导时间状语从句) e.g. ______ I came into No.1 Middle School, I met a lot of old friends. A. The first time B. For the first time C. For the time D. The time (key: A)

(3)It is/was the first time… 后接句子,强调到说话时为止某一情况或动作的次数,句中常用完成时态,first可换用其他序数词。e.g. It was the first time (that) I had left Beijing. 那是我第一次离开北京。

2. What is it that Joe can’t find in the bathroom ? Joe在浴室里不能找到的是什么? 这是一个强调句式的特殊疑问形式。

It is / was +被强调成份+that (who)+句子剩余部分 e.g. (1)对主语作强调 It is Joe that / who can’t find the toilet in the bathroom.

(2)对宾语作强调 It is the toilet that Joe can’t find in the bathroom. (3)对状语作强调 It is in the bathroom that Joe can’t find the toilet. 强调句式的特殊疑问句变化:When/Why/How/What/Where is/was it that…? 3. have a good flight 航行愉快

4. all the way 从远道;一路上 5. must 表示肯定猜测 must +do(现在) / must +have done(过去)

否定式为can’t / couldn’t + do / have done e.g. ①You must be very tired. ②The ground is wet. It must have rained last night.

6. make oneself at home 别客气,别拘束 7. mean + n. / pron. / doing 意味着 mean + to do 打算做……

What do you mean by...? "你说(做)……是什么意思?" 8. on one’s way back ( to … ) / on one’s way to …

9. a bit = a little 修饰adj. / adv.的原级或比较级 〈区别〉not a bit = not at all = not in the least 一点儿也不

not a little = not slightly = very much 相当多的(地);非常 a bit of + n. a little + n.

10. native language=mother tongue 母语 native n. [C]当地人,本国人 11. in … situation 处于……的情形、境遇、位置

12. majority n. 大多数;大部分。当the majority作主语时,谓语动词可以是单数,也可以是复数。但当"the majority of + n. "做主语时,谓语动词由后面的名词来决定。例: ①The majority were/ was against the plan.大多数人反对这个计划。 ②The majority of

the books are kept upstairs.大多数书籍放在楼上。 ③The majority of the money is spent on books. 大多数钱都花在了书上。

13. in total = in all / as a whole 总共,合计 14. a number of+ 复数名词+复数谓语 the number of+复数名词+单数谓语

15. be equal to 相等的;胜任的 e.g. ①Tom is equal to John in height. ②My heart is not equal to the race. ③He felt equal to carrying out the plan 16. except 同类别事物的整数中除去若干 except for 从整体中排除部分,前后名词是不同类的

except that从句 e.g. ①Except Tom, they are all workers. ②The room is empty except for a broken chair.

17. communicate vt. (1) 传达;传递;传播(+to) vi. (1) 交流思想(或感情,信息等);交际,交往(+with) (2) 通讯,通话(+with)

e.g. ①Did she communicate my wishes to you? 她有没有把我的祝福转告你? ②We learn a language in order to communicate.

我们学习语言是为了交流思想。 ③He had no way to communicate with his brother. 他没有办法与他兄弟联系。

18. With so many people communicating in English everyday , we can see that it will be more and more important to have a good knowledge of English . (1) with n./pron. doing sth. 这是with的复合结构,在句中可作状语,表示原因。 e.g. ① With the doctors treating me, I will recover soon. 有这些医生给我治疗,我很快就会康复。 ② With the work well done, he got praised. 由于这工作做得好,他受到了表扬。 除了表原因,还可表示伴随动作、行为方式、条件或结果等。在这一结构中,如果名词/代词和分词之间是主动关系,用现在分词;如果是被动关系,则用过去分词形式。 with + n. / pron. + adj. / adv. / 介词短语

with + n. / pron. + doing (表示动作在正在进行) with + n. / pron. + to do (表示要执行的动作) with + n. / pron. + done (表示动作的完成或被动) (2) “more and more + 多音节形容词/副词”或者”形容词/副词的比较级+and+形容词/副词的比较级”用来表示“越来越……” e.g. ① He is running faster and faster. 他现在跑得越来越快了。② It was getting darker and darker . 天越来越黑了。 18. have a good knowledge of… 具有(丰富)的……知识;熟知…… knowledge在此意为“掌握,了解”,与不定冠词连用。 19. stay up 熬夜 20. leave the door open 让门开着 leave在此意为“让……处于某种状态”

21. Many students want to know about the differences between American English and British English. (1) know和know about的区别:know是vt. 后面跟名词,代词,意为“认识”“知道”指人与人之间直接的认识,了解;而know about(of)意为知道,了解关于……的情况,指间接地“了解”,或听说过某人,某物。e.g. ① I don’t know / about him . 我不认识/ 没听说过他。

② I know about(of)her , but I can’t say that I know her . 我知道有其人,但谈不上认识她。 (2) tell the differences between … and … 说出……与……之间的差异/差别2 22. come about=happen; take place 无被动

23. There is no quick answer to the question. 问题的答案,介词常用to 24. stay the same stay意为"继续,保持",连系动词

e.g. I hope the weather will stay fine. 我希望天气能持续放晴。 25. while 并列连词,“而,却”,表前后意义的对比和转折。

26. end up with 以……为结局;结果会…… end up doing sth. end up + 介词短语

27. more or less 大约;或多或少;在一定程度上 28. make … different from … 使……与……不同

29. 主语+ have +(no , little , some , much , great …)difficulty / trouble in doing sth . / with sth.

e.g. Everyone in the town knew him , so we had no trouble / difficulty in finding his house .

注意:使用这一句型应注意以下四点:(1)difficulty和trouble为不可数名词,意为“困难”。 (2)修饰语主要有:no , little , some , much , great ,(not)any等。 (3)句中介词为in , 有时可省略。 (4)介词in后必须跟动词的ing形式。

30. bring in 产生(利润、进息、收入);进口;引进 31. a great many =a good many = a (large) number of +可数名词 plenty of +可数或不可数名词 a great deal of +不可数名词 32. compare vt.(1) 和……比较,对照(+with) (2) 比喻为,把……比作(+to) e.g. The song compares our country to a family. 这首歌把我们的国家比作一个家庭。


把祈使句的直接引语改为间接引语,要将祈使句的动词原形变为带to的不定式,并在不定式前根据句子意思加上tell, ask, order等动词。如果祈使句为否定式,在不定式的前面加上not。

Orders: (Direct Speech) Do … / Don’t do … (Indirect Speech) sb. told / ordered sb (not) to do …

Requests: (Direct Speech) Do … / Don’t do …, please. Can / Could / Will / Would you do …?

(Indirect Speech) sb. asked sb. (not) to do …

Unit 3 Going places

1. consider (1)“考虑,细想”,后面可接名词,从句,连接词或代词引起的不定式短语,动词的-ing形式,不能直接接动词不定式作宾语。 e.g. ①You had better consider the plan. 你们最好考虑那个计划。 ②They have to consider what they should do next. 他们得考虑下一步要做什么。 ③Have you considered what to do next? 你考虑过下步该做什么吗? ④You should consider how to get there.你应该考虑怎么到那儿去。 ⑤Li Hua considered visiting the Great Wall. 李华考虑去参观长城。 (2)“认为;以为” consider sb. / sth. (to be)… consider sb./ sth. + (as)… consider sb. / sth. to have done consider + 从句 e.g. ⑥I consider him (to be) a clever boy. 我认为他是个聪明的男孩。 ⑦He considered me (as) his best friend. 他把我看作他的最要好的朋友。

⑧ I consider it a great honor. 我认为这是极大的荣幸。= I consider that it is a great honor. ⑨ I consider it my duty to tell the truth. 我认为有责任来说明真相。 ⑩ They considered Mr. Li to have built the data bank. 他们认为是李先生建立了这个数据库。

注:consider不能用于进行时态。比如:不能说" He is considering... ",而应该说:"He considers... "。

2. means of transportation means (1)通常用作可数名词,单数复数形式相同,意思是“方法、手段、工具” e.g. ①There are (is) no means of getting there.没有办法去那里。 ②A train is a means of transportation. 火车是一种交通工具。 (2)by means of意思是“用,依靠”。 e.g. ③The poor old man made a living by means of begging. 那位可怜的老人靠乞讨来谋生。

transportation 用作可数名词,意思是“运输工具”,作不可数名词,意思是“运输、输送、客运、货运”。

3. boarding calls 登机广播 on board 登机/上船;在船/飞机/车上 4. experience n.(1)经验,体验[U] (2)经历,阅历[C] vt.经历;体验 5. simply adv. 简单地;仅仅;只不过 6. get away from 避免,摆脱,离开

7. instead of 复杂介词,“代替,而不”,后面接名词、代词、动名词、介词短语等 instead 副词,可单独使用。置于句首或句末。置于句首时,表示“(不是……)而是/反而……”。 e.g. ① He was ill, so I went to the meeting instead (of him). 他病了,所以我代替他出席了会议。 ②He walked home instead of taking a taxi. = He didn’t take a taxi. Instead he walked home. 他没坐出租车而是走回家。 8. try doing 尝试做…… try to do 努力做…… 9. the way to do / of doing ……的方法

10. get close to nature 接近大自然 (1)close adj. 1.近的,接近的(+to) 2. (关系)密切的,亲密的 3. (尤指比赛)势均力敌的 adv. 1.接近,靠近地(+to) 2.紧密地,紧紧地 e.g. ①His house is close to the factory. 他家靠近该厂。 ②She is a close friend of theirs. 她是他们的挚友。 ③ She sits close to her mother. 她挨着她妈妈坐着。 (2)nature n. 自然(界);本质,天性 nature解释为“大自然,自然界”时前面不加冠词 e.g. ①You must know the laws of nature. 你必须了解自然界的法则。

②Habit is second nature. 习惯成自然。 固定搭配:in nature在自然界 against nature违背自然 (规律) 11. take exercise

12. at the same time 13. Hiking is easy to do and doesn’t have to be very expensive. 动名词作主语

14. equipment n.[U]1. 配备,装备 2. 设备;器械;用具 e.g. ①The complete equipment of the new hospital will take a year. 把这个新医院的设备配齐要化一年时间。 ②The store sells tents and other camping equipment. 这家商店出售帐篷和其他野营用具。

15. watch out (for…) 注意,当心 16. protect … from / against … 防止……免受……之害;保护;防卫 [区别]prevent…from…

17. exciting adj.令人兴奋的;令人激动的 e.g. We went to an exciting football game last week. 我们上周看了场激动人心的足球比赛。[联想]excite vt./excited adj./excitedly adv./excitement n. 18. adventure n.1. 冒险[U] 2. 冒险活动(或经历)[C] vt.1. 冒险去做;使冒险 vi. 冒险(+to-v) 19. danger n. [U]危险 in danger处境危险 in danger of处于……的危险中 out of danger脱离了危险 20. As with hiking,you should always think about your safety and wear good clothes. 同远足一样,你应该考虑你的安全,而且穿上优质的衣服。 as with意思是“正如……的情况一样”。 e.g. As with what I said,he failed again.正如我所说的,他又一次失败了。 21. handle vt. 1. 操作;操纵;指挥;管理 2. 对待,处理 3. 经营,经销 e.g. He knows how to handle the machine.他会操作这台机器。 22. You should not go rafting unless you know how to swim, and you should always wear a life jacket. 你不该去漂流,除非你知道如何游泳,而且你总是穿好救生衣。 (1)unless意思是“除非……如果不……”, 相当于if...not结构,通常unless引导一个条件状语从句,从句中不能用将来时态,而用一般现在时或一般过去时来代替一般将来时或过去将来时。 e.g. I will visit you unless I am busy. 除非我很忙,不然我就会去看你的。= I will visit you if I am not busy. 如果我不忙的话,我会去看你的。 (2)wear a life jacket 穿上救生衣 23. be similar to与……相似 similarity n. be the same as 和……一样

24. Jane and Betty are going on separate holidays in a few days' time. 几天以后简和贝蒂将要分别度假去了。 (1)separate在此句中用作形容词,意思是“单独的,各自的”。e.g. The children sleep in separate beds. 孩子们是分床睡的。用作动词时,通常是 separate sth. / sb. from… [辨析]separate,divide 这两个词都可用作动词,意思是“分开”。但有一定的不同。①separate通常指把原来结合在一起,混合在一起的分开或隔离。②divide着重指把整体分成若干部分。 e.g. ①You should separate the good apples from the bad ones. 你应该把好苹果和坏苹果分开。 ②The house is divided into four parts. 这间房屋分成四部分。 (2)in a few days’ time = in a few days “几天以后”(用于将来时中) 25. see sb. off 为某人送行 26. take a taxi = by taxi 坐出租车

27. say “Hi” to sb. for me 替我向……问好 28. Have a good trip. 旅行愉快。 29. a form of ……的形式

30. combine … with … 把……与……相结合 31. for pleasure 为了玩乐 32. protect the environment 保护环境

33. be bad for 对……有害 34. on one hand … , on the other hand … 一方面……,另一方面……

33. as well as 除……之外还,和,也。常用来连接两个相同的成分,强调前者。当其连接两个主语时,谓语动词的数应与前一个主语保持一致。


1、一般现在时表示将来时间 (1)这一结构主要用于表示根据规定、时间表预计要发生的动作或事态,通常有表示将来的时间作状语。 e.g. ①He retires next month. 他下个月退休。②The term starts on September 1. 本学期九月一日开学。 ③The train leaves at 7:30 this evening. 火车今晚7:30发车。 (2)在时间状语从句、条件状语从句中,通常可用一般现在时代替一般将来时。

e.g. ④I will visit the temple if I have time. 如果我有时间,我就去参观寺庙。 ⑤I'll write to you as soon as I arrive there. 我一到那儿就给你写信。

2、在英语中,动词leave, start, arrive, return, give, work, sleep, play, do, have, meet, take, get to, see off, stay, go, come等的现在进行时可用来表示一个按计划或安排将要发生的动作。 e.g.①They are leaving for Wuhan at once. 他们马上出发到武汉去。②He is starting this afternoon. 他今天下午出发。

Unit 4 Unforgettable experiences

1. get the chance to host the 2008 Olympic Games

host n. [C]主人(女主人为hostess),东道主;旅馆老板;(广播,电视的)节目主持人 vt.1. 作...主人(或东道主),主办,主持 2. 以主人身份招待 e.g. ①Yesterday we were hosts to a few friends. 昨天我们接待了几位朋友。 ②We attended a dinner party hosted by the president of the company. 我们出席了公司总裁举办的宴会。 2. take place = happen “发生,举行”,不用于被动语态。

happen多指偶然或意外发生的事;take place表示必然性的发生或是布置或策划好某事而后的“举行”。

3. be caught in 遇到,碰上,陷入困境 e.g. 淋雨 be caught in the rain 4. promise (sb.) to do 承诺做……

5. Just try and you’ll see you can do it. “祈使句+and / or+将来时态陈述句”,相当于If条件句。

6. worry about … / be worried about … 担心,担忧…… 7. be on fire “着火,燃烧”(状态) catch fire (动作)

8. It scares(v.) me. / I’m scared.(adj.) 吓到我了。 9. natural disasters 自然灾害

10. rescue vt. 援救,营救,救出 (from) n. 援救,营救 e.g. ①rescue a man from drowning/a cat from a high tree 救出一个快要淹死的人/从大树上救下一只猫 ②Jean couldn’t do her school work, but her mother came to her rescue. 琼不会做她的作业,她妈妈帮助了她。 11. hear sb. doing sth. 听见某人正在干某事 除了hear,还有以下单词有这样用法,如:see, feel,

listen to, notice, look at, watch, observe等。此句式中动词-ing形式表示动作正在进行,若接动词原形则表示动作的全过程,接过去分词就表示宾语与过去分词是被动关系。 12. look around环顾,四下里看,四处寻找。相当于look about /look round 既可作及物动词短语又可作不及物动词短语。 13. before 在……之前;还没来得及……就……

14. advance n. 前进,进展;长进; 改善;预付(款) e.g. ①stop the enemy’s advance 阻止敌军前进 ②Can I have an advance on my salary? 我可以预支薪水吗? ③in advance 预先,事先 ④ in advance of 比……前进(进步) v. (向……)前进,使前进;提前;进步,增进 advanced adj. 前进的,进步的;高级的,高等的 e.g. ⑤He advanced on (against) me fiercely. 他狂怒地走向我。 ⑥We advanced the date of the meeting. 我们将会议的日期提前。 ⑦Scientific knowledge had greatly advanced since the 16th century. 科学知识自16 世纪以来已有显著的进步。 15. think twice 重新考虑;三思 e.g. You need to think twice of the matter. 这事你要三思。 16. be upon 逼近;临近 e.g.①The storm was upon us. ②The Christmas will soon be upon us.

17. seize vt. 1) 抓住,强调突然地,有力地抓住。e.g.① The bird seized an unusually big beetle and bore it off to its nest.那只鸟抓住一只特别大的甲虫把它带进窝。2) 掌握,理解,思想上掌握;领悟。e.g.② He seized the idea and developed it to the fullest limit. 他理解了这个主意,并把它发挥至极限。3) 夺取;强占 e.g.③ The army seized the city. 军队占领了这座城市。

18. sweep down / away 把……冲倒/冲走 19. pull … up 把……往上拉 20. hold on to 抓住(不放);抓牢

21. a tree grow against the wall 靠墙长的树 22. get on one's feet(=be on one's feet) 站着,站起来

23. struggle vi. 挣扎,奋斗,努力; 挣扎着进行;艰苦进行 struggle with/against与……搏斗;奋斗

struggle for sth. / to do 为……而挣扎,努力 e.g. ①He struggled with the thief for a while. 他与小偷搏斗了一会。 ②He has been struggling to succeed in his business.为使事业成功,他一直努力奋斗着。 ③We struggled through the crowd.我们在人群中挣扎着前进。 n. 竞争,努力,奋斗,搏斗 e.g. ④Don’t give up without a struggle. 不要未经努力就放弃。

24. fight for one’s life 25. look into one’s face with a look of fright look into看,望;调查

26. shake vt. 摇动,震动,动摇,握手。e.g.① Let's shake on it. 让我们为此握手。② The floor shook when she walked across the room.

当她穿过房间时地板晃动。③ His lying shook my belief in him. 他撒谎动摇了我对他的信任。 ④ The man shook his fist angrily. 他愤怒地挥了挥拳头。 27. strike (1) v. 侵袭,打火,打,敲。 例:① On Friday, 16th October, 1987, a hurricane struck the southeast

of England. 1987年10月16日,星期五,飓风袭击了英格兰的东南部。② The damp match won't strike. 这潮湿的火柴划不着。③ She struck against the stove as she fell. 她倒下时撞到炉子上。④ The clock is striking four. 钟在敲四点。 2) n. 打击,罢工, 短语on strike"在罢工" e.g. ⑤They have been on strike for three weeks. 他们已罢工三周了。 28. tree after tree = one tree after another 树一棵接着一棵 29. must have done/been 表示对过去发生事情的比较肯定的推测。否定式为can’t (couldn’t) have done 30. go through 穿过;通过 31. work out理解;说出;解出

32. refer to提到;查阅;涉及 refer to the dictionary = look up the word in the dictionary 33. the deadline for ……的最终期限

34. shake with fear 吓得发抖 35. seize the opportunity 抓住机会

36. It didn’t take long / wasn’t before… 没过多久就…… It took / was long before… 过了很久才……

37. be far away from “离……很远” 如果away前有表示具体距离的短语时,far必须去掉。

38. go on a two-day trip 39. climb all the way up the mountain 径直爬上了山 40. look up at / look down at 向上看/向下看

41. take a photo / photos of… 为……拍照 42. in a second / in a minute 立即,一会儿 43. towards evening 傍晚

44. It is / was fun to do… 45. go on a trip to… 进行一次去……的旅行 46. advance towards

Unit 5 The silver screen

1. silver screen 银幕;电影(业) 2. practice doing sth. 练习做…… 3. opinion n. “意见、看法、主张”。常见短语:give(express)one's opinion on (upon)… “对……发表意见” in one’s opinion “依据某人的看法,在某人看来”。 e.g. ①In my opinion,he will fail in the exam. 在我看来,他考试会失利的。 ②He gave his opinion on what we had done. 他对我们所做的一切发表意见。 [注意]在上面两个短语中,opinion通常只能用单数形式,而不能用复数形式。

4. What do you think happened before this scene? 主语是What,谓语动词是happened,do you think是插入语,类似还是suppose, believe, imagine等动词。 5. interview n.[C]1. 接见,会见 2. (记者的)采访,访谈; 3. 面谈,面试 vt.1. 接见,会见;访问,采访

2. 对……进行面谈,面试 e.g. ①We are now going to interview the Minister of Education. 我们现在就去采访教育部长。②She has interviewed most of the applicants for the job. 她已和大部分申请这份工作的人面谈过。 6. grow up “成长,长大” (vi.)

e.g. He wants to be a scientist when he grows up. 他想长大以后当一名科学家。[注意]grown-up用作名词讲,意思是“成年人、大人”复数形式是grown-ups。 7. law n. [U] 法律;法学 表“法律”时,多与冠词the连用。但作为一门学科“法学”时,不与冠词连用。 e.g. break the law 违法 study law 学习法学 8. While still a student = While she was a student

在英语中有些表示时间,方式,条件,让步的从句有时可以省略一些成分: 如果主从句主语一致或从句主语为it,而且从句谓语含有be动词,那么, 从句主语和be动词可以省略. 9. play a role in … “在……中扮演一个角色”“在……中起作用”

10. work as 从事……,做…… 11. win (1)vi. “胜,获胜,得胜,成功,达到”,与succeed同义,与fail相反。

e.g. ①In the competition,we have won. 在比赛中,我们胜利了。 (2)vt. “获得,博得” e.g. ②He won the Nobel Prize for physics. 他获得诺贝尔物理学奖。 win + sth.( 赢的东西) beat / defeat +sb( 失败的人)

12. the l980s and l990s二十世纪八十年代和九十年代,年代表达法通常在基数词后加s,例如十九世纪七十年代,the l870s,也可表达为the l870's,定冠词通常不能省略。 e.g. In the 1990s,he often went abroad. 在二十世纪九十年代,他常常出国。

13. choice n. 选择 make a choice做选择 have no choice but to do… 除了做……没有别的选择

14. marry; get married (to sb.).; be married (to sb.)(可延续); marriage n. e.g. ①He married a classmate from high school.

②She married young/late in her life. ③She has been married(to Jim)for a long time. ④She got married to a man from her hometown. 15. degree n.1. 度,度数[C] 2. 程度;等级[C][U] 3. 学位;学衔[C](+in) e.g. ①Water freezes at zero degrees

Centigrade. 水在摄氏零度结冰。 ②Our teacher has a high degree of responsibility. 我们老师有高度的责任感。

16. in the beginning = at the beginning in the beginning开始 at the beginning of在……初期 e.g. ①In the beginning,

he often helped me with housework. 开始,他常帮我做家务。 ②At the beginning of this term,he was never late for class. 在本学期初,他从不迟到。 17. take many jobs 此处take意为"就职" 18. make(earn) money 挣钱

19. When he was 20 years old,he played in his first film,called Wolfboy(1984). 句中called Wolfboy是过去分词短语,作定语,修饰his first film。在英语中,过去分词作定语,过去分词与所修饰的词在逻辑上是被动关系。

e.g. ①The beaten boy cried loudly. 那个挨打的孩子哭得很大声。②The teacher followed by some students entered the room. 后面跟着几个学生,那位老师走进屋了。 20. at the speed of… 以……的速度 at top/full speed 全速地 speed up 加速,提速

21. make him famous “make+宾语+宾语补足语”有时用it做形式宾语代替真正的宾语。在这一结构中,宾语补足语可以是不带to的动词不定式、过去分词或形容词形式。(1) make+宾语+不带to的不定式。这一结构表示的意思是"使某人做某事"。例如:① Taking some medicine made me feel much better. 服了一些药使我感到好多了。② They made the boy stand under a tree.他们让那个男孩站在树下。[注意] 若此结构变为被动语态,补语要用带to的动词不定式。例如:③ He was made to take the medicine.

④ The boy was made to stand under a tree. (2) make +宾语+过去分词。这一结构表示的意思是"使某人/某事被……"。例如:

⑤ The speaker raised his voice in order to make himself heard.发言人提高了嗓音以便别人听到他说的话。

⑥ Can you make yourself understood at the beginning? 你一开始就能让别人明白你的意思吗?

⑦ We should not make our plan known to everybody. 我们不应该使每个人都知道我们的计划。

(3) make +宾语+形容词。这一结构表示的意思是"使某人/某事(变得)……"。例如: ⑧ The interesting story made him very happy.这个有趣的故事使他很高兴。 ⑨ They have made the house clean and tidy. 他们把房子收拾得干净而整洁。

20. The reason why...is/was that... 这是特定句型,why引导定语从句,is/was后的用词为that,一般不用because.

22. dream (1) vi. “做梦,梦想,梦见”,后面常接介词of和about。e.g. ①The students often dream of(about)home. 学生们常常想家。 (2) vt. “做梦,梦见” e.g. ②He dreamed a terrible dream yesterday. 昨天他做了噩梦。 (3) n. “梦”,通常用作可数名词。

e.g. ③The girl lives in a dream. 那个女孩梦一般地过日子。 23. work on 从事某工作 e.g. She has been working on her novel since she came to the city. 自从来到这个城市,她一直在写小说. 24. take off 1. 脱下; 2. 起飞 3. 休假 4. 成名 e.g. He took two weeks off in August. 他在八月份休假了两个星期。 25. be afraid to do sth.不敢做…… be afraid of+n/ doing 害怕…… be afraid that 恐怕…… 26. outer space 外太空 27. do research on / in / into 对……进行调查,研究

28. go wrong走错路,误入歧途;不对头;出毛病 29. top 最高的;最优良的;最重要的;居首位的(无最高级)

30. owe vt.1. 欠(债等)(+to/for) 2. (应)感激(+to) 3. 应该把……归功于(+to) e.g. ①I owe the landlord one hundred dollars./I owe one hundred dollars to the landlord. 我欠房东一百美元。 ②We owe a great deal to our parents. 我们深受父母之恩。 ③We owe to Newton the principle of gravitation. 我们全靠牛顿才知道引力的原理。 31. in all = altogether 总共(放于句末)

32. accept (1) vt. “接受,领受”“承认,认可” e.g. ①Her suggestion was accepted. 她的建议被采纳了。 ②I accept your idea. 我同意你的想法。 (2) vi. “同意,承认” e.g. ③He asked her to marry him and she accepted. 他向她求婚,她答应了。

[辨析]accept,receive ①accept表示主观上接受。②receive表示客观上收到。e.g. I received her invitation but didn't accept it. 我收到她的请柬,但没有接受她的邀请。 33. couldn’t help doing 情不自禁做……;忍不住做…… e.g. On hearing the news,

she couldn’t help bursting into tears. 听到这个消息,她忍不住放声大哭。 区别:can’t help (to) do 不能帮忙做……

34. stay away (from) 1. 离开 2. 缺席 3. 不在家 35. take sb’s place = take the place of sb. 取代;代替 如果sb就是主语本人,意为“入座”。 36. lock sb. up 将某人锁于某处不得进出,将某人监禁起来 37. run after 追赶,追踪;追逐

38. escape vi.1. 逃跑;逃脱(+from) 2. 避免(+from/out of) 3. 漏出;流出(+from/out of) vt.1. 逃避;逃脱;避免[+v-ing] 2. 没有被……注意到;被……忘掉 e.g. ①The soldier escaped from the enemy’s prison. 这个士兵从敌人的监狱里逃了出来。 ②He escaped the trials after the war. 战后他逃过了审判。 ③Her name escapes me. 我记不起她的名字了。

39. determine to do sth./ be determined to do sth. 决定做…… e.g. ①Have you determined where to spend the holiday? ②He was determined that no one should know anything about it. 40. bring sb. back 送回某人

41. afford vt. (常与can, could, be able to连用)买得起;有足够的……(去做……)[+to-v] e.g. ①They did not consider whether they could afford the time or not. 他们没有考虑是否抽得出时间。 ②We can t afford to pay such a price. 我们付不起这个价钱。

42. do one’s best to do = try one’s best to do = do what they can to do = do everything / all they can to do 尽力…… to do表目的

43. 1ive (1)在本单元中用作形容词,意思是“活的,实况转播的,生动的,精力充沛的”。 e.g.①Look.A live big elephant is passing by. 看!一头活生生的大象走了过去。 ②The theatre can hold a live audience of 4,000. 这个剧院可以容得下四千现场观众。(2)用作动词,意思是“生存,活”,通常后面可跟同源宾语。 e.g. ③They live a happy life. 他们过着幸福的生活。

[辨析]live,alive,living 这三个形容词,都表示“活的”的意思。live通常用作定语,意思是“活的,有生命的”,指物不指人。alive通常用作表语或后置定语,意思是“活的,有生命的,还出气的”。living通常用作表语或前置定语,意思是“活的,健在的”。e.g. ①There is a live fish in the pool. 池子里有条活鱼。 ② He was alive when we took him to the hospital. 我们把他送到医院,他还活着。 ③The old lady is still living at the age at 108. 那位老人已108岁,仍然健在。

44. on the air “正在播出的” e.g. The English programme is on the air. 英语节目正在播放。 in the air意思是“在空中” “尚未决定的” e.g. Some birds are flying in the air. 几只小鸟在空中飞翔。 45. together with “和……一起”

e.g. Mr. Black,together with his wife and children,is going to visit China next year. 布莱克先生和他妻子、儿女明年来中国参观。[注意]together with连接两个主语时,谓语动词应和前面的主语保持一致。

46. not just(only)...but also... 并列连词, “不但……而且……”,连接两个相同成分,也可连接两个分句。

e.g. ①He likes not only English but also maths. 他不仅喜欢英语,而且喜欢数学。 ②Not only you but also I am a teacher. 不仅你而且我是一名老师。 ③Not only does he work hard,but also he is very clever. 他不仅学习认真,而且很聪明。

[注意]①not only...but also...连接两个并列主语,谓语动词和后面主语保持一致。②not only...but also...连接两个并列分句,not only置于句首,通常用倒装结构,也就是说,把not only引导的分句中的助动词或be提到主语前面。

47. comment n.1. 注释,评注(+on/about) 2. 批评,意见,评论(+on/about) vi.1. 做注解,做评注(+on/upon) 2. 发表意见,评论(+on/upon) vt. 注释,解释;评论[+(that)] e.g. 1) He made no comments on our proposal. 他对我们的建议没有作评论。 2) He did not comment on what I said. 他对我的话未作评论。 48. think highly of 高度赞扬;高度评价 类似意思的短语还有think well of; sing high praise of think badly / poorly of 对……评价不好/评价低

Unit 6 Good manners

1. gratitude n. [U] “感恩,感谢” out of gratitude “出于感谢” express one's gratitude to sb. for sth. “为某事对某人表示感谢”

e.g. ①He expressed his gratitude to me for my help. 他为我对他的帮助表示感谢。②Out of gratitude, he invited me to dinner. 出于感激,他邀请我吃饭。 2. make use of 利用 e.g. ①You should make good use of your spare time.

②The result depends on the use we make of the energy. 3. interrupt vt/vi 打断;打扰;中断 e.g. ① I’m sorry to ~ you. Can I ask you a question? ②Traffic was ~ed by a severe flood. ③I’m sorry to ~ but I wonder whether you want some coffee.

4. apologise (1) vi. 也可拼写为 apologize, 意思是“道歉”。常见词组:apologize to sb. for sth. / doing sth. / having done sth. “为某事向某人道歉” e.g. He apologised to me for being late. 他因迟到向我道歉。 (2) apology n. [C] “道歉” e.g. ①I must make an apology to him.我必须向他道歉。 ②Please accept my apologies. 请接受我的歉意。 5. find fault with sb. (sth.) 对某人(事)吹毛求疵鼓手 6. introduce vt. “介绍,引入” e.g. ① I introduced myself to them. 我向他们作了自我介绍。

② His works began to be introduced into China forty years ago. 他的作品是40年前介绍给中国读者的。

[辨析]introduce...to..., introduce...into... ①introduce...to...把某人或某物介绍给某人,to 后面接人作介词宾语。

e.g. First I introduce myself to you all. 首先我向你们作自我介绍。 ②introduce...into...把某物传入或引进某地方,into后面接地点作介词宾语。 e.g. Tobacco was introduced into Europe from America. 烟草是从美洲传入欧洲的。

7. You are looking for two seats to sit down with your friend,but there are none. none意思是“没有一个”,代替不可数名词作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式;代替可数名词作主语时,谓语动词可用单数,也可用复数。 e.g. ①None of them know(knows)the story. 他们没有一个知道这个故事。 ② None of the students are(is)afraid of difficulties. 没有一个学生害怕困难。

[辨析]none,no one,nothing ①none用于指人和物,可与of短语连用,用作单数和复数。 e.g. --“How many elephants did you see in the park?” --“None.” -你在公园里看到几头大象? -一头也没看到。 ②no one只能指人,不能与of连用,用作单数。 e.g. No one knows what they fought for. 没有人知道他们为什么发生战争。 ③nothing用于指物,不与of连用,通常泛指“没有什么事情或东西”,用作单数。 e.g. Nothing can change the world. 什么也不能改变世界。

8. forgive sb. sth./for doing sth. 原谅某人(做的)某事 9. manners 与manner的用法 (1)复数形式manners “礼貌;礼节;规矩;风俗”。 It’s good / bad manners to do sth. 如:①His good manners were praised by his teachers. 他的彬彬有利受到了老师的称赞。② He has no manners at all.他一点也不讲礼貌。 (2)manner的意思是“方式;方法;举止;态度”。如:①He spoke in such a manner as to hurt their feeling. 他讲话的态度伤害了他们的感情。 ② She has a very easy manner. 她的举止落落大方。

10. for the first time“第一次” (1)for the first time 是介词短语,意为“第一次”,在句中作状语。如: On that day the old scientist took us to the physics lab for the first time. 那一天,那位老科学家第一次带我们去物理实验室。 (2)the first time也可相当于一个连词,引导时间状语从句,也表示“第一次”。如:The first time we met, he answered a lot of questions. 我们第一次见面时,他回答了许多问题。 (3) "It is/was the first ( second, third. . .) time that"句型中,that从句要用完成时,表示“这是第一(二、三……)次做……了”。如:It is the first time that I have been here.这是我第一次来这里。 11. impression (1)n. [C] “印象,感想”

e.g. He made/left a strong impression on (upon)us. 他给我们留下了深刻的印象。 (2)impression的动词是impress“留下印象”常用短语impress sth. on (upon)sb “某事给某人留下印象” e.g. ①What he did was greatly impressed on(upon)us. 他所做的一切给我们留下深深的印象。 ②The girl impressed her sense of humor on(upon)her friends. 这个女孩的幽默感给她的朋友留下深刻的印象。 12. behave (1) v “行为,举止,行为好” e.g. He behaves badly. 他行为坏。 (2)behave的名词是behavior,意思是“行为,举止,态度”。 e.g. The boy is always on his good behavior. 那个男孩一直举止规矩。

13. at table 在吃饭 e.g. ① Children must learn to behave at table.小孩吃饭时必须有规矩。② They were at table when we called.

我们去拜访时他们正在吃饭。 at a / the table "在桌边" e.g.③ They were sitting at the table, discussing an important problem. 他们正在桌边讨论一个重要问题。 14. cloth n. [U] “布料,布” [C] “桌布,台布,揩布” e.g. ① Cover the table with a table cloth. 用一块桌布把桌子盖住。 ②The tailor needed a piece of cloth. 那位裁缝要一块布料。

15. (1)start “开始”,后跟名词、动名词和不定式 e.g. ①He's just started a new job. 他刚刚开始一项新工作。 ②She started making money for herself. 她开始为自己赚钱。 ③When did you started to learn English? 你是什么时候开始学英语的?

(2)start with “以……为开始,先从……做起” e.g. ①He advised me to start with something easy. 他建议我从容易的事做起。

②The first word of a sentence should start with a capital letter. 句子的第一个单词应以大写字母开始。 (3) to start with “起初、首先、第一”,在句中作状语,后不跟任何宾语。 e.g.①Our group had five members to start with.我们小组开始时只有五个人。 ②To start with, we haven' t enough money, and secondly we' re too busy. 一来我们的钱不够,二来我们没有时间。 ③To start with, we had many difficulties, but later on, we had help from the teachers. 开始,我们困难重重,但后来我们得到了老师的帮助。 16. a second serving 不定冠词a/an用在序数词前,表示“又一……,再一……” e.g. ①I need a second day to finish my work. ②He has already tried for three times, and he still wants to try a fourth.

17. drink to someone s health 为某人的健康干杯 [联想]toast your health; drink a toast to your health

18. (1)raise vt. 抚养;提高;饲养;提出;举起筹款 e.g. ①They both worked in order to ~ the children. ②Those who have questions please ~ their hands. ③They have ~d enough money for the school for the deaf. (2) rise vi. “升起,上升,起立” e.g. Price has been raised up. 价格被提高了。 Price rises gradually. 价格渐渐地涨上去了。 19. advice n. [U] 劝告;忠告;意见

a piece of advice some piece give sb. some advice on sth. / wh- to do ask sb. for advice take/follow one’s advice

advise vt. 劝,建议,给……出主意 advise doing sth. advise sb. (not) to do acvise + that从句(从句中用should do, should常省略) 20. follow the fashion 赶时髦 follow vt. (1) 跟随。例: ① We followed the teacher into the hall. 我们跟随老师进了大厅。 (2) 遵从。例: ② We should follow the instructions on the bottle when taking the medicine. 我们应按瓶子上的说明来服用药。 (3) 听清。例: ③ I can't quite follow you. Will you speak slowly? 我不太明白你的话,请说慢一点好吗? (4) 向……学习 follow the example of。例: ④ We must follow the example of heroes. 我们必须向英雄学习。 搭配: as follows...如下

the following + n. 接下来的…… 21. besides adv. “除此之外”,“此外”,“而且” (表递进关系)=moreover, furthermore, apart from, what’s more e.g. ①Those shoes are very expensive, and besides, they're too small. 那些鞋子太贵了,此外,还太小了。 ②It’s too late to go to the movie. Besides, it’s raining. 现在去看电影太晚了,何况天还在下雨。 22. look good 修养好、受欢迎 [比较]look well, well用作表语时只能指人的身体状况 23. lay the table 摆放餐桌

24. make a list of 列出……;开出……的名单 25. custom n. “风俗,习俗”,“习惯”,“顾客”

e.g. ①Social customs vary greatly from country to country. 各国的社会风俗大不相同。 ②The waiters are kind to the custom. 服务员对顾客友好。 [辨析]custom,habit,hobby 这三个词都有“习惯”的意思,但含义有一定的不同。custom通常指大范围、长时间形成的风俗和习惯。habit通常指个人短时间的习惯。hobby通常指“爱好”。 e.g.①The Spring Festival is a custom in East Asia. 春节是东亚的一个风俗。 ②He formed a habit of getting up early. 他养成早起的习惯。 ③Reading is his hobby. 看书是他的爱好。 26. spirit (1)作“精神,心灵”的意思讲时,通常用作不可数名词。 e.g. He was troubled in spirit. 他内心烦恼。(2)用作复数形式,意思是“情绪” “烈酒”。 e.g. The soldiers are in high spirits. 战士们情绪高涨。(3)用作可数名词,意思是“幽灵,妖精,灵魂”。 e.g. Some people think that the spirit lives on after death. 有些人相信死后灵魂继续存在。

27. serve “招待;端上;摆出” e.g. ①What may I serve you with?(营业员问顾客用语)您要些什么? ②Dinner is served. 饭已准备好了。 ③The restaurant serves nice food.这家饭馆供应的饭不错。 serve还有“为……服务”之意,注意其后不能加介词for。由它派生的名词后面往往加介词to。 e.g. ④Make the past serve the present and foreign things serve China. 古为今用,洋为中用。 ⑤We should learn from his spirit of wholehearted service to the people. 我们应该学习他全心全意为人民服务的精神。

28. provide vt. “提供,供给”,与supply同义。 provide(supply)sth. to/for sb. 或provide(supply)sb. with sth. “为某人提供某物”

e.g. The school provides (supplies)food to/for the students. 这所学校为学生提供食物。 29. allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事

allow doing sth. 允许做某事 e.g. ①They don't allow smoking here. 他们不允许在此地吸烟。 ②The teachers don't allow us to cheat in the exam. 老师不允许我们考试作弊。 30. leave out省去,遗漏,不考虑 e.g. ①You can leave out their plan. 你们能够不考虑他们的计划。 ②You shouldn’t leave out this important detail in the trial. 在审判中,你不该漏掉这个重要细节。

31. think of “想起” e.g. The film made him think of the children in the countryside. 这部电影使他想起农村的孩子。

32. (1)for a moment “片刻,一会儿”。如:①He was silent for a moment. 他沉默了一会儿。②Won't you come in for a moment? 你不进来呆会吗? (2)for the moment “暂时,一时”。如:③I can't recall his name for the moment. 我一时想不起他的名字。④Stop writing for the moment, please. 请暂时不要写了。 (3)in a moment “立刻”、“马上”、“很快”。如:⑤Hurry up, the lecture will start in a moment. 快点,报告马上就要开始了。⑥He will come in a moment.他一会就到。 (4)at any moment “随时”、“任何时候”。如:⑦You can ask him for help at any moment. 我们随时都可以请他帮忙。⑧They are ready to start at any moment. 他们随时准备出发。 (5)at the / this moment“目前、此刻”。如:⑨I can't afford a house at the moment.我目前还买不起一座房子。⑩They are reading at this moment.他们此刻正在读书。 33. be busy at / about / over / with sth. 忙于某事 be busy (in) doing sth. 忙于做某事 34. (1)It is time for sb. to do sth. “到某人做某事的时候” e.g. It is time for us to do our homework.

到了我们做作业的时候了。 (2)It is time for sth. “到做某事时候了” e.g. It is time for class. 到上课时间了。 (3)It is time that... “到什么时候了”,that引导的从句谓语动词用过去时。 e.g. It is time that we went to school. 到我们上学的时候了。

35. would / should like (to do) sth. 想要(做)什么 would / should like sb. to do sth. 想要某人做…… would like to have done sth. (过去)本来想要做某事,但没做成 36. I wish you all the best. 祝你一切顺利。 Best wishes ( to you ) !

37. stare (1) vt. & vi. “盯,凝视” e.g. ①It is impolite to stare at other people. 盯着别人看是不礼貌的。②The teacher stared the whole class into silence. 老师盯着全班学生,使他们安静下来。 (2)用作名词,通常用作可数名词,意思是“盯,凝视”。

e.g. ③He gave me an icy stare. 他冷冰冰地盯了我一眼。 38. make jokes about拿……开玩笑

39. disabled people = the disabled 残疾人