




1、 基本形式的变化:


时态 主动态 被动态

一般式 to do to be done

进行式 to be doing

完成式 to have built to have been built

例1:John said that he had run in order to catch the bus. (一般式的主动态)

例2:He hated to be misunderstood by others. (一般式的被动态)

例3:He pretended to be listening attentively. (进行式)

例4:He intended to have told you that. (完成式主动态)

例5:This work of art seemed to have been created several centuries ago. (完成式的被动态)


时态 主动态 被 动 态

一般式 doing being done

完成式 having done having been done



例1:I am sure of his coming in time. (一般式主动态) (= I am sure that he will come in time)

例2:He is proud of being selected as monitor. (一般式被动态) (= He is proud that he is selected as monitor.)

例3:I’m confident of his having passed the exam. (完成式主动态)

(= I am confident that he have passed the exam.)

例4:He complained of having been cheated by others. (完成式被动态)


例1:He sat in a chair,reading a novel. (一般式主动态)

例2:Being exhausted by work, he fell asleep quickly. (一般式被动态)

例3:Having finished his homework, he went playing. (完成式主动态)

例4:All this having been settled, he went home. (完成式被动态)


项目/成分 主语 表语 宾语 宾补 定语 状语

动词的ing形式 现在分词 △ △ △ △

动名词 △ △ △ △

不定式 △ △ △ △ △ △

过去分词 △ △ △ △




例如:To see once is better than to hear a hundred times.

To make money is not the only purpose of our life.赚钱不是我们生活的唯一目的

在很多情况下,常用it 来充当动词不定式的形式主语。

例如:It is important for us to learn English very well.对我们来说学好英语是非常重要的。



例如:He managed to pass the exam.他成功地通过了考试。

He promised to be here at nine.他答应9点钟到这儿。

I didn’t expect to see you here.我没有料到在这儿见到你。


例如:He considered it better to leave now.他认为最好现在就离开。

I found it impossible to finish the work on time.我发现准时完成这项工作是不可能的。


由only, last, next 序数词或形容词最高级修饰的名词常用不定式做定语; 不定式还可用作名词

代词的的宾语 (ability, anything, attempt, chance, curiosity, desire, decision, determination, effort, failure,

intention, need, nothing, opportunity, place, plan, promise, reason, right, something)

例如:She is always the first student to arrive at school.

He is always the last one to leave the office.他总是最后一个离开办公室。

I don’t think he is the best man to do the job.我想他不是做这项工作的最佳人选。

I have no desire to travel.

You’ll find something to interest you here.


例如:I haven’t decided which hotel to stay at.

I found no one to play with.


例如:I walked slowly on the ice in order not to fall down.(不至于跌倒) (表目的)

They lifted a rock only to drop it on their own feet. (表结果)

He tried only to fail. (结果没有成功)

She was happy to hear the news. (表原因)


able,afraid,angry, anxious, apt, careful, careless, certain, clever, considerate, delighted, difficult,eager, easy, fit, frightened , happy, interesting, likely, lucky, quick, ready, reluctant , right, sorry, surprised, sure, thoughtful, thoughtless, unable, unwilling, wrong etc.

例如:French is difficult to learn. 法语难学。

I’m sorry to interrupt you, but I have to.


例如:To speak frankly, I don’t like your attitude.

(6)与疑问词连用。疑问代词who, what, which和疑问副词when, where, how等后加动词不定式,构成不定式短语,可在句子中作主语、宾语、表语等成分。

例如:When to start has not been decided.什么时候出发还没有定。

The problem is how to get there on time.问题是怎样才能准时到达哪儿。

注:在有些动词后常用疑问词 + 动词不定式的结构。这类动词有:know, ask, tell, show, wonder,

consider, understand, learn, instruct, guess, see, explain, discover, imagine, think, hear 等。

例如:He didn’t know what to do next.

I haven’t decided whether to go to Japan.我没有决定是否到日本去。


由for + 名词或代词 + 动词不定式构成的复合结构在句中可作主语、表语、宾语、状语等。

例如:It is necessary for you to finish the work before Friday.你们有必要在星期五前做完这项工作。

His idea is for us to travel in different cars.他的主意是让我们乘不同的车去旅游。

由of 引出的不定式复合结构,经常与以下形容词连用:bold, brave, careless, civil, clever,

courageous, foolish, good, honest, kind, nice, rash, right, rude, stupid, silly, thoughtful, thoughtless,

wrong, wise等。

例如:It’s kind of you to say so.

It’s brave of you to go into the burning building to save the baby!你真勇敢,冲进着火的大楼里救这个婴儿

▲不带to 的动词不定式

(1)在有些使役动词及感官动词后可用省略to的动词不定式,如let, make, have, hear, see, feel, smell, hear, watch等。

例如:The teacher often makes me rewrite the composition.老师常常让我把作文重写。

将该句转换成被动语态:I am often made by the teacher to rewrite the composition.

I heard her say that she was fed up.

(2)在下列结构后常用不带to的动词不定式:had better, would rather, can not but, cannot help but, do nothing but等。

例如:I’d better go now, or I’ll miss the train.

They can not but accept his advice.我只好接受他的建议。

(3)在except, but 之前有动词do作实义动词,则except, but 后一般接不带to的动词不定式,反之则接带to 的动词不定式。

例如:We have no choice but to wait.我们除了等待别无选择(我们只好等待)。

There is no choice but to go there.

There is nothing to do but to (to 可省略) read a book.

(4) 在why, why not结构中,紧接其后的动词不定式不带to

例如:Why argue with him?

Why not send those books back?为什么不把那些书送回去?



例如:Asking for help is sometimes necessary. 请求帮助有时是必要的。

Eating too much is not good for your health.吃得太多对你的健康不利。

Teaching offers something besides money and power.


Seeing is believing.

We call such an act cheating.我们称这样的行为为作弊/欺骗行为。


mind,finish,enjoy,suggest,permit,appreciate,consider,miss,dislike,keep(on),avoid,permit,imagine,risk,escape,admit,stand(忍受),allow,forbid,excuse,等等。短语动词:give up,put off,look forward to,feel like,insist on,object to,prevent…from,set about,can't help,be/get used to等;短语:be worth doing,be no good doing,be no use doing,be busy doing等

例如:The mother did agree to let the boy risk swimming across the river.冒险游过河

His wife doesn't allow smoking inside the room but allows him to smoke outside the room.


All of them insisted on my staying with them a few days longer.


I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Being ill for a few days,she doesn't feel like eating anything.不想吃任何东西

另在want, need, require等动词后,常用动名词的主动形式表示被动的意思(主语与动名词之间存在逻辑上的动宾关系)。

例如:My hair needs cutting. (= My hair needs to be cut.)

(5) 作定语。它与被修饰词之间没有逻辑上的主谓关系,通常只表示用途或与所修饰的名词有关的动作。

例如:The factory built a swimming pool last year.游泳池

Our teacher uses a very good teaching method.教学方法

(6) 作同位语。例如:His hobby, making model airplanes, is very interesting.


动名词的复合结构由物主代词或名词所有格 + 动名词构成。如果不是在句子开头,这种结构常可以由名词的普通格或人称代词宾格 +动名词构成, 在句中可作主语、宾语等。例如:

Do you mind my closing the door? Do you mind me closing the door?

My closing the door made him angry.

I can’t stand Lao Chang’s talking like that about other comrades.


(1) It is + no use, no good(fun,a great pleasure, a waste of time,a bore...)等名词+doing sth.

It is no use crying.哭没有用。

It is no good objecting.反对也没有用。

It is a waste of time trying to explain.设法解释是浪费时间。

(2)It is + useless+doing sth.

It is useless speaking.光说没用。

(3)There is no + v-ing “…是不可能的”。

例如:There is no knowing how old she is.(= I t is impossible to know how old she is.)

There is no telling where she’s gone.(= It is impossible / difficult to know where she’s gone.)

(4)make a point of + doing “认为…是必要的”

例如:Our family make a point of going to church every Sunday.(= Our family make it a rule to go to church every Sunday.)

(5)be on the point of + doing “濒临,将要…”

例如:He was on the point of leaving.

(6)on (upon) + doing “一…就…”

例如:On hearing the news, I changed my plans.(= As soon as I heard the news, I changed my plans.)

(7)go + doing (大部分指运动和游戏)

例如:He went shopping / hiking / swimming / fishing etc.


have difficulty (in) + doing sth have trouble (in) + doing sth

have fun (in) + doing sth/ have a good time (in) + doing sth/have a hard time (in) + doing sth

例如:We have great difficulty (in) solving the problem.我们解决这个问题有困难。

(9)feel like + 名词“想要”=would like to +原形动词

例如:Do you feel like going to a movie?你想看电影吗?

I don't feel like reading tonight.今晚我不想读书。

(三) 分词在句中充当的成分


例如:The boring snow made the bored boys go home. (= The snow was boring, so the boys wee bored and went home.)

China is a developing socialist country.发展中的社会主义国家

The man writing the obituary (讣告) is my friend.

(= The man who is writing the obituary is my friend.)

The broken glass scattered on the ground.破杯


(2)作表语、宾语补足语。能带分词作宾补的动词常见的有see, hear, keep, find, notice, watch, think, want, smell, observe等。

例如:The story is boring.

I found him reading a novel. 在读小说(现在分词作宾语补足语)

I found him surrounded by a group of children.一群孩子包围着 (过去分词作宾语补足语)

(3)作状语。分词作状语可以表示时间, 原因, 条件, 结果, 伴随情况。

例如:Having read all the required papers, he answered the questions fluently. ---时间

Being short of money, I decided to apply for the work. ---原因

Seriously injured, Allen was rushed to the hospital. ----原因

If going there by plane, we’ll have to pay twice as much.-条件

Unless asked to answer questions, the pupils were not supposed to talk in Mrs Smith’s class.条件

The farmer used a new insecticide, thus raising the average yield by 15%. –结果

He sat in a rocking chair, watching TV. ---伴随




例如:That being the case, we’d better make some changes in the plan.

Weather permitting, we will go out. == if weather permits

The teacher having finished the lesson, the students left the classroom.

“with或without + 名词或代词 + 分词”的复合结构

常用作补充说明或表示伴随情况。例如:He fell asleep with the lamp burning.


generally / frankly speaking …,judging from / by …中,分词的逻辑主语与句子的主语不一致,这种结构只限于为数很少的几个动词。

例如:Judging by his dress, he comes from a wealthy family.从他的衣着判断

Frankly speaking, I don't like him at all.坦率地说


例如:I caught them stealing my apples.我抓住他们偷我的苹果。

If she catches me reading her diary,she'll be furious.如果她抓住我偷看她的日记,她会愤怒的

注:有些现在分词可以作介词用:如concerning, considering, regarding, respecting等。

例如:Considering his age, he is tall.考虑了他的年龄

I have nothing to say concerning his speech.关于他的演讲



Looking after children is her job.照看小孩

To clean the classroom is his job today.打扫教室

I like swimming, but I don't like to swim today because I don't feel well.


When we came in, they were beginning to have supper.

After his explanation, I began to understand it / realize that I was wrong.


A.remember,forget,regret接动名词,表示完成意义(=having done),接不定式,表示将来意义:

Please remember to bring me the book I want next time.

I remember seeing her (=having seen her) somewhere before.

Don't forget to write to me soon.

I never forget visiting (=having visited) them for the first time.

I regret missing that good film last week.(后悔干……事)

I regret not taking (not having taken) your advice.

I regret to say I can't take your advice. (遗憾=be sorry)

B.mean:mean to do=want to do打算,想要……;mean doing:意味着,就是

I am sorry, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings,

I meant to call on you, but I was so busy.

Learning a foreign language doesn't mean just working in class.

C.stop:stop to do停下来,要干另一件事,不定式作目的状语;stop doing停止干……,


After some time, they stopped walking and had a rest.

After walking some time, they stopped to have a rest.

D.try:try to do,努力,试图干……事;try doing:试着干……事

He searched everywhere and tried to find his key.

He came to the city from the countryside and tried to find a job.

The mother is out and the boy had to try cooking for himself.

They tried to succeed and tried doing their experiments again and again.


The bike requires repairing.

These young trees require looking after.

The matter needs thinking over.(=to be thought over)

A Mr. Wang wants to see you.

You don't need to leave so early.

F.go on:go on to do继续干和原来不同的另一件事,不定式作目的状语。

go on doing继续干原来同一件事,动名词作宾语。

After a smoke,he went on telling us that interesting story.

After writing the composition he went on to work out his maths problems.


Doctors advise giving up smoking to benefit one's health. 放弃

The doctor advised him to give up smoking so as to improve his health. 放弃

She doesn't allow (permit) smoking in her room.抽烟

H. consider to have done/consider doing(consider…to be)

I. be used to doing/be used to do

J.can’t help doing/to do



When I came in, I saw her dancing happily.

I often hear her sing songs in English in her room.

They had the lights burning all night long.

I saw Li Ping pass by and enter the next room just now.

The mother will have the doctor examine her son again.

Tomorrow I'll have my hair cut.

When I got home I found the window broken and the thief gone away already.

When they returned to their hometown, after an absence of twenty years, they found everything changed.



Her job is cleaning offices.(What is her job?) (=Cleaning offices is her job.)

Our job today is to clean the office.(=To clean the office is our job today.)

The news is very exciting.(How is the news?)

They are very tired after a long walk.

The door is locked now.

The children are well dressed these days.



a swimming boy=a boy who is swimming a swimming pool=a pool for swimming

the boiling water=the water that is boiling   drinking water=water for drinking

Today I have a letter to write.  Please find a man to help us.

It is a good chance to practice your spoken English.练习你的口语

I like reading books written by Lu Xun.

The woman standing over there is our English teacher.站在那边的

The house to be built (=which will be built/which is to be built) next year will be our new library.

The house being built (=which is being built) now will be our new library.

The house built (=which was built) last year is our new library now.



可以表示时间、原因、条件、让步、方式状语,多置于句首,做伴随状语,多放在后面。分词用于go doing结构中作目的状语。

(1).目的状语:通常有不定式表示,由于不定式的客观性和将来性特征。不定式前还可加上in order,so as来加强说话的口气。但so as to通常不用于句首。

The Smiths have gone to London to spend their holidays.

I came here (in order/so as) to hear the report.

In order to(不用so as to) see better, we took front seats.


Arriving (=When he arrived) at the bus stop, he found his sister there.

Waiting (=When I was waiting) to see the doctor, I met with a friend of mine.

Having (=When we have) made full preparations, we are ready for an examination.

Having (=When he had) finished his homework, he went to bed.

After finishing his homework, he went to bed.

Seen (=When the town is seen) from the hill, the town looks more beautiful.

Locked (=When he was looked) up in the room, he found himself isolated from the outer world.

When asked to make a speech, he said he was glad to do so.当请他作演讲时

Once recovered, he will go all out to do his work.一旦康复

(3).原因状语:不定式作原因状语往往用于形容词之后,这些形容词通常是happy, sorry, fortunate, angry, glad, ashamed, discouraged, delighted, frightened, shocked等。分词作原因状语相当于原因状语从句。一般位于句首。

I am sorry to hear that you are not well.

I'm very sorry to have kept you waiting so long.让你久等了

We are greatly delighted to have a native as our guide.

Being (=Since he was) ill all last year, he lived in a sanatorium.

There being no enough money, he couldn't buy the dictionary that he wanted. 由于没有钱

Having (=Since they had) been asked to stay, they couldn't possibly leave right away.

Moved (=As he was moved) by the heroic deeds of the PLA man, he burst into tears.


Turning (=If you turn) to the left,you will see the post office.

United (=If we are united), we stand; divided (=if we are divided), we fall.

Given (=If he had been given) more time, he would be able to do better.

(5).结果状语从句:不定式作结果状语通常用于so+形容词或副词+as to,such+名词+as to,too…to,enough to和only to等结构。现在分词作结果状语表示谓语动词的结果。

He arrived late to find the train gone.

I worked late into the night, only to find I had not finished half of the job.

He was so friendly as to be always helpful to his neighbors.

His is such a sad story as to arouse out sympathy.

I ran faster than ever, reaching the schoolyard quite out of breath.

The man died young, leaving nothing but debt.


Though wounded, the soldier managed to get to the village safely.

Though warned of the danger, he still went skating on the thin ice.


Chinese businessmen, taxi drivers and students talk with them using English.

She came running towards us.

They walked along the streets, talking and laughing.

He went into the house, followed by some children.

He continued to walk up and down, lost in thought.

四、关于there be 的非谓语形式

there be非谓语形式可在句中作主语、宾语、状语和定语

1)作动词宾语时,通常用there to be结构,而不用there being。能这样用的及物动词为:expect,like,mean,intend,want,prefer,hate等,如:

We don't want there to be any comrades lagging behind.我们不希望有任何同志掉队。

They hate there to be long queues everywhere..他们不愿意处处都要排长队。

We have no objection to there being a meeting here.我们并不反对在这里开会。

2)作状语多用there being结构,但若置于介词for之后要用there to be

There being nobody else at hand,I had to do by myself.由于附近没有人,我只得独自干了。(原因状语)

It’s too early for there to be anybody up.太早了,还不会有人起床。(作程度状语)

There having been no rain for a long time,the ground was very dry.


3)作主语时两种结构都可以,但如是用for引导则要用there to be.

It is not uncommon for there to be problems of communication between old and young.


There being a kindergarten on campus is a great convenience to female teachers.




2、 基本形式的变化:


时态 主动态 被动态




例1:John said that he had run in order to catch the bus.

例2:He hated to be misunderstood by others.

例3:He pretended to be listening attentively.

例4:He intended to have told you that.

例5:This work of art seemed to have been created several centuries ago.


时态 主动态 被 动 态





例1:I am sure of his coming in time. (= ____________________)

例2:He is proud of being selected as monitor. (= ________________)

例3:I’m confident of his having passed the exam. (= ______________________)

例4:He complained of having been cheated by others.


例1:He sat in a chair,___________(read) a novel.

例2:________(exhaust)by work, he fell asleep quickly.

例3:________(finish)his homework, he went playing

例4:All this _______ (settle),he went home.


项目/成分 主语 表语 宾语 宾补 定语 状语

动词的ing形式 现在分词







例如:To see once is better than to hear a hundred times.

______________ 赚钱不是我们生活的唯一目的

在很多情况下,常用it 来充当动词不定式的形式主语。

例如: 对我们来说学好英语是非常重要的。



例如: 他成功地通过了考试。




例如: 他认为最好现在就离开。



由only, last, next 序数词或形容词最高级修饰的名词常用不定式做定语; 不定式还可用作名词代词的的宾语 (ability, anything, attempt, chance, curiosity, desire, decision, determination, effort, failure, intention, need, nothing, opportunity, place, plan, promise, reason, right, something)

例如:She is always the first student to arrive at school.



I have no desire to travel.

You’ll find something to interest you here.


例如:I haven’t decided which hotel to stay at. I found no one to play with.


例如:I walked slowly on the ice in order .(不至于跌倒) (表目的)

They lifted a rock only to drop it on their own feet. (表结果)

He tried .结果没有成功

She was happy to hear the news. (表原因)


able, afraid, angry, anxious, apt, careful, careless, certain, clever, considerate, delighted, difficult, eager, easy, fit, frightened , happy, interesting, likely, lucky, quick, ready, reluctant , right, sorry, surprised, sure, thoughtful, thoughtless, unable, unwilling, wrong etc.

例如: 法语难学。

I’m sorry to interrupt you, but I have to.


例如:To speak frankly, I don’t like your attitude.

(6)与疑问词连用。疑问代词who, what, which和疑问副词when, where, how等后加动词不定式,构成不定式短语,可在句子中作主语、宾语、表语等成分。

例如: 什么时候出发还没有定。


注:在有些动词后常用疑问词 + 动词不定式的结构。这类动词有:know, ask, tell, show, wonder,consider, understand, learn, guess, see, explain, discover, imagine, think, hear 等。

例如:He didn’t know what to do next.



由for + 名词或代词 + 动词不定式构成的复合结构在句中可作主语、表语、宾语、状语等。

例如: 你们有必要在星期五前做完这项工作。


由of 引出的不定式复合结构,常与以下形容词连用:bold, brave, careless, civil, clever,foolish, good, honest, kind, nice, rash, right, rude, stupid, silly, thoughtful, thoughtless, wrong, wise等。

例如:It’s kind of you to say so.

to go into the burning building to save the baby!


▲不带to 的动词不定式

(1)在有些使役动词及感官动词后可用省略to的动词不定式,如let, make, have, hear, see, feel,smell,

hear, watch等。

例如: 老师常常让我把作文重写。


(2)在下列结构后常用不带to的动词不定式:had better, would rather, can not but, cannot help but, do nothing but等。

例如:I’d better go now, or I’ll miss the train.


(3)在except, but 之前有动词do作实义动词,则except, but 后一般接不带to的动词不定式,反

之则接带to 的动词不定式。

例如: 我们除了等待别无选择(我们只好等待)。

There is no choice but to go there.

There is nothing to do but to (to 可省略) read a book.

(4) 在why, why not结构中,紧接其后的动词不定式不带to

例如:Why argue with him?




例如: 请求帮助有时是必要的。



Seeing is believing.



mind,finish,enjoy,suggest,permit,appreciate,consider,miss,dislike,keep(on),avoid,permit,imagine,risk,escape,admit,stand(忍受),allow,forbid,excuse,等等。短语动词:give up,put off,look forward to,feel like,insist on,object to,prevent…from,set about,can't help,be/get used to等;语:be worth doing,be no good doing,be no use doing,be busy doing等

例如:The mother did agree to let the boy_______________________________.冒险游过河

His wife _____________________inside the room but ______________outside the room.


All of them ___________________________ them a few days longer.


I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Being ill for a few days,she doesn't _________________________.不想吃任何东西

另在want, need, require等动词后,常用动名词的主动形式表示被动的意思(主语与动名词之间存在逻辑上的动宾关系)。

例如:My hair needs cutting. (= _______________________.)

(5) 作定语。它与被修饰词之间没有逻辑上的主谓关系,通常只表示用途或与所修饰的名词有关的动作。

例如:The factory built _______________ last year.游泳池

Our teacher uses a very good _______________.教学方法

(6) 作同位语。例如:His hobby, making model airplanes, is very interesting.


动名词的复合结构由物主代词或名词所有格 + 动名词构成。如果不是在句子开头,这种结构常可以由名词的普通格或人称代词宾格 +动名词构成, 在句中可作主语、宾语等。

例如:Do you mind my closing the door? Do you mind me closing the door?

My closing the door made him angry.

I can’t stand Lao Chang’s talking like that about other comrades.


(1) It is+no use,no good(fun,a great pleasure,a waste of time,a bore...)等名词+doing sth.


It is no good objecting.________


(2)It is+useless+doing sth.

It is useless speaking.____________

(3)There is no + v-ing “…是不可能的”。

例如:There is no knowing how old she is.(= _______________________________________.)

There is no telling where she’s gone.(= __________________________________________.)

(4)make a point of + doing “认为…是必要的”

例如:Our family make a point of going to church every Sunday.(=__________________________)

(5)be on the point of + doing “濒临,将要…”

例如:He was on the point of leaving.

(6)on (upon) + doing “一…就…”

例如:On hearing the news, I changed my plans.(= _______________________________________)

(7)go + doing (大部分指运动和游戏)

例如:He went shopping / hiking / swimming / fishing etc.


have difficulty (in) + doing sth, have trouble (in) + doing sth ,have fun (in) + doing sth have a good time (in) + doing sth,have a hard time (in) + doing sth


(9)feel like+名词“想要”=would like to +原形动词



(三) 分词在句中充当的成分


例如:The boring snow made the bored boys go home. (= _______________________________)

China is ______________________________发展中的社会主义国家

The man writing the obituary (讣告) is my friend.(= _____________________________)

The ______ glass scattered on the ground.破杯


(2)作表语、宾语补足语。能带分词作宾补的动词常见的有see, hear, keep, find, notice, watch, think, want, smell, observe等。

例如:The story is boring.

I found him _______________. 在读小说(现在分词作宾语补足语)

I found him __________________________.被一群孩子包围着 (过去分词作宾语补足语)

(3)作状语。分词作状语可以表示时间, 原因, 条件, 结果, 伴随情况。

例如:_____________(read)all the required papers, he answered the questions fluently. ---时间

_________(be) short of money, I decided to apply for the work. ---原因

Seriously _______(injure)Allen was rushed to the hospital. ----原因

If ________(go)there by plane, we’ll have to pay twice as much.-条件

Unless ____(ask)to answer questions, the pupils were not supposed to talk in Mrs.Smith’s class.条件

The farmer used a new insecticide, thus _______(raise)the average yield by 15%. –结果

He sat in a rocking chair, ________(watch)TV. ---伴随




例如:That______(be) the case, we’d better make some changes in the plan.

Weather __________(permit),we will go out. == if weather permits

The teacher _______________(finish) the lesson, the students left the classroom.

“with或without + 名词或代词 + 分词”的复合结构

常用作补充说明或表示伴随情况。例如:He fell asleep with the lamp burning.


generally / frankly speaking …,judging from / by …中,分词的逻辑主语与句子的主语不一致,这种结构只限于为数很少的几个动词。

例如:Judging by his dress, he comes from a wealthy family.从他的衣着判断

_____________,I don't like him at all.坦率地说



_________________________________,she'll be furious.


注:有些现在分词可以作介词用:如concerning, considering, regarding, respecting等。

例如:___________________, he is tall.考虑了他的年龄

I have nothing to say _____________________.关于他的演讲



______________________ is her job.照看小孩

______________________ is his job today.打扫教室

I like ________, but I don't like _______ today because I don't feel well.游泳



When we came in, they were beginning to have supper.

After his explanation, I began to understand it / realize that I was wrong.


A.remember,forget,regret接动名词,表示完成意义(=having done),接不定式,表示将来意义:

Please remember ________(bring)me the book I want next time.

I remember ______(see) her (=having seen her) somewhere before.

Don't forget ________(write)to me soon.

I never forget ________(visit) (=having visited) them for the first time.

I regret _______(miss) that good film last week.(后悔干……事)

I regret not ______(take) (not having taken) your advice.

I regret ______(say) I can't take your advice. (遗憾=be sorry)

B.mean:mean to do=want to do打算,想要……;mean doing:意味着,就是

I am sorry, I didn't mean _______(hurt)your feelings,

I meant _______(call) on you, but I was so busy.

Learning a foreign language doesn't mean just _______(work) in class.

C.stop:stop to do停下来,要干另一件事,不定式作目的状语;stop doing停止干……,动


After some time, they stopped _______(work)and had a rest.

After walking some time, they stopped ________(have)a rest.

D.try:try to do,努力,试图干……事;try doing:试着干……事

He searched everywhere and tried _______(find) his key.

He came to the city from the countryside and tried________(find) a job.

The mother is out and the boy had to try _______(cook) for himself.

They tried to succeed and tried ______(do) their experiments again and again.


The bike requires _________(repair).

These young trees require _____________(look after).

The matter needs ________(think)over.(=to be thought over)

A Mr. Wang wants _______(see) you.

You don't need ________(leave)so early.

F.go on:go on to do继续干和原来不同的另一件事,不定式作目的状语。

go on doing继续干原来同一件事,动名词作宾语。

After a smoke,he went on _______(tell)us that interesting story.

After writing the composition he went on _______(work)out his maths problems.


Doctors advise _________ smoking to benefit one's health. 放弃

The doctor advised him _________ smoking so as to improve his health. 放弃

She doesn't allow (permit) _______ in her room.抽烟

H. consider to have done/consider doing(consider…to be)

I. be used to doing/be used to do

J.can’t help doing/to do



When I came in, I saw her _______(dance)happily.

I often hear her _____(sing) songs in English in her room.

They had the lights _______(burn) all night long.

I saw Li Ping ____(pass) by and enter the next room just now.

The mother will have the doctor _______(examine)her son again.

Tomorrow I'll have my hair ____(cut)

When I got home I found the window ______(break)and the thief ____(go) away already.

When they returned to their hometown, after an absence of twenty years, they found everything




Her job is cleaning offices.(What is her job?) (=___________________________)

Our job today is to clean the office.(=____________________________________)

The news is very exciting.(How is the news?)

They are very tired after a long walk.

The door is locked now.

The children are well dressed these days.






a swimming boy=_____________________   a swimming pool=_____________________

the boiling water=the water that is boiling   drinking water=water for drinking

Today I have a letter to write.

Please find a man to help us.

It is a good chance _______________________________.练习你的口语

I like reading books written by Lu Xun.

The woman ___________________ is our English teacher.站在那边的

The house to be built (=_______________________________) next year will be our new library.

The house being built (=____________________) now will be our new library.

The house built (=_______________) last year is our new library now.



可以表示时间、原因、条件、让步、方式状语,多置于句首,做伴随状语,多放在后面。分词用于go doing


(1).目的状语:通常有不定式表示,由于不定式的客观性和将来性特征。不定式前还可加上in order,so as来加强说话的口气。但so as to通常不用于句首。

The Smiths have gone to London to spend their holidays.

I came here (in order/so as) to hear the report.

In order to(不用so as to) see better, we took front seats.


Arriving (=_______________) at the bus stop, he found his sister there.

Waiting (=__________________) to see the doctor, I met with a friend of mine.

Having (=____________) made full preparations, we are ready for an examination.

Having (=___________) finished his homework, he went to bed.

After finishing his homework, he went to bed.

Seen (=_____________________) from the hill, the town looks more beautiful.

Locked (=__________________) up in the room, he found himself isolated from the outer world.

___________________________, he said he was glad to do so.当请他作演讲时

______________, he will go all out to do his work.一旦康复

(3).原因状语:不定式作原因状语往往用于形容词之后,这些形容词通常是happy, sorry, fortunate, angry, glad, ashamed, discouraged, delighted, frightened, shocked等。分词作原因状语相当于原因状语从句。一般位于句首。

I am sorry to hear that you are not well.

I'm very sorry ________________________________让你久等了

We are greatly delighted to have a native as our guide.

Being (=____________) ill all last year, he lived in a sanatorium.

__________________________, he couldn't buy the dictionary that he wanted. 由于没有钱

Having (=______________) been asked to stay, they couldn't possibly leave right away.

Moved (=_______________) by the heroic deeds of the PLA man, he burst into tears.


Turning (=__________) to the left,you will see the post office.

United (=________________), we stand; divided (=if we are divided), we fall.

Given (=___________________n) more time, he would be able to do better.

(5).结果状语从句:不定式作结果状语通常用于so+形容词或副词+as to,such+名词+as to,too…to,enough to和only to等结构。现在分词作结果状语表示谓语动词的结果。

He arrived late ______________________发现火车开走了

I worked late into the night,_________________________________结果发现我只做完了一半

He was so friendly as to be always helpful to his neighbors.

I ran faster than ever, reaching the schoolyard quite out of breath.

The man died young, ________________________除了债务什么也没有留下。


______________, the soldier managed to get to the village safely.尽管受伤

___________________________, he still went skating on the thin ice.尽管警告他有危险


She ____________ towards us.跑过来

They walked along the streets, ____________________有说有笑

He went into the house, _________________身后跟着几个孩子

He continued to walk up and down, _______________陷入沉思

四、关于there be 的非谓语形式

there be非谓语形式可在句中作主语、宾语、状语和定语

1)作动词宾语时,通常用there to be结构,而不用there being。能这样用的及物动词为:expect,like,mean,intend,want,prefer,hate等,如:


They hate there to be long queues everywhere.______________

We have no objection to___________________________我们并不反对在这里开会。

2)作状语多用there being结构,但若置于介词for之后要用there to be

_______________________________,I had to do by myself.由于附近没有人,我只得独自干了。(原因状语)

It’s too early__________________________太早了,还不会有人起床。(作程度状语)

_________________________________________,the ground was very dry.


3)作主语时两种结构都可以,但如是用for引导则要用there to be.

It is not uncommon for there to be problems of communication between old and young.


_________________________on campus is a great convenience to female teachers.
