



要求学生掌握状语从句的种类, 在句中的句法功能以及状语从句与其他从句的区别。


状语从句的引导词, where引导的地点状语从句, 时态一致性问题。


1.状语从句在句中起副词作用, 所以又叫副词从句。

状语分为:时间、地点、条件、原因、让步、比较、方式、目的、结果, 既然有这么多种状语, 也就有这么多种状语从句, 请想出相应的例子来:

2.下面咱们分类讨论一下状语从句。先看时间状语从句的引导词。引导时间状语从句的有:when, while, as, before, after, since, till, until, as soon as, no sooner…than…, hardly…when…。

这里有几个要注意的问题。首先:while引导的从句中谓语动词必须是能够延续的动词。如:While I was sitting there, he told me an interesting story.其次, since引导的从句用过去时, 主句用现在完成时。第三, as soon as, no sooner…than, hardly…when引导的从句中谓语动词要用 had done。



如:every time, each time, the moment

A.Every time I saw him, I would like to listen to his songs.

B.I came to the house the moment he was about to leave.

5.Yes, we can say it is an adverbial clause introduced by when or while. Some parts are omitted.“When looked into…”refers to“When I looked…”“While listening to…”refers to“While I was listening to…”

6.Now let's talk about the adverbial of place, “where, wherever”can introduce the clause. For instance. Where there is water, there are living things.

Wherever they went, they were warmly welcomed.


7.这道题只能选择A, where引导地点状语从句, 意思为:在有座山的地方两条河相遇。至于B项at the place可以做主句的状语, 但它与后半部分毫无关系。如果在place后加上where就可以了, 也就是at the place where, 这样where引导的为定语从句。

8.介词+which代替where只有是定语从句情况下才可以, 判断是否是定语从句, 要看从句前是否有先行词, 有先行词的是定语从句,这时可以用介词+which代替where。如果没有先行词的话,则不能用介词+ which代替,再看几个句子:

A.Shall we have a party where we met last Sunday?

B.Have you been to the island where there are many monkeys?

C.Please put all these books where they used to be.

D.We will go where we are needed most.

请你判断一下哪个是定语从句, 哪个是地点状语从句。


10.除去这两个词外, 还有:

so(as)long as(只要……)provided…providing…

supposing…on condition that…


So long as we work hard, we are sure to make much progress.

Supposing we can't get him informed in advance, what should we do?


I'll come provided I am well enough.


11.So much for the adverbial clause of condition. Now let's come to the adverbial clause of reason. What words can introduce this kind of clause?

12.for引导的句子不是原因状语从句,它连接的两句前后是并列关系, 不是主从关系, for所陈述的原因是间接的,常常是推测性的。如:

The electric current must have been turned off, for the light went out.

for不能放在句首, 只能放在句中。


A.他想必是从这条路过去的, 因为这里有脚印。

B.是因为他病了, 他才没来办公室吗?

13.你回答得很正确。since常用以述说推断的理由, 常放在句首。如:

Since his method doesn't work, let's try yours.

既然他的方法不行, 我们就试试你的吧。

as放在句首或句中, 口语里有时把as省掉。

Let's take a rest. I am tired = As I am tired, let's take a rest.

由于我累了, 咱们休息吧!

14.Now let's do some exercises.

Please fill in the blanks with because, since, as or for.

A.The light went out, ____ the electric current was turned off.

B. ____ everyone is here, let's begin our meeting.

C.I cannot go, ____ I am busy.

15.The adverbial clause of concession



16.even if与even though有区别:even if一般引导的是把握不大或假设的事情, even though引出的是事实。

如:Even if we achieve great success in our work, we should not be proud.


Even though he was late, he was not criticized by the teacher.虽然他晚了, 可他并没有受到老师的批评。


A.…as…. as

B.…er than…

C.the more… the more….

比较状语从句, 既然它叫从句, that, as 之后就要有主谓成份, 只不过有时谓语动作与前文所述一致, 所以省略了, 但是主语需用主格, 虽然口语中偶尔有用宾格的情况。如:

He is taller than me.

18.目的状语从句和结果状语从句都由so that… 引导, 它们有什么区别吗?

19.引导结果状语从句的还有such…that…;引导目的状语从句的还有in order that…, 甚至有时so that(不分开)也可以引导结果状语从句。

如:He went early, so that he got a good seat.

值得注意的是 so that 前有一个“, ”。

20.Now let's discuss the last adverbial clause.方式状语从句, 引导方式状语从句的有as。如:

Let's study as Lenin did.


as可以引导方式状语从句, 让步状语从句, 原因状语从句, 时间状语从句,比较状语从句, 还可引导定语从句, 请分别举出一例。



A.When we came we found they had left.

B.Where there is a will, there is a way.

C.If it is fine tomorrow, we'll go for a picnic.

D.Since everyone is here, let's begin our class.

E.Though it was very late, the workers were continuing their work.

F.The horse is not so weighty as the elephant.

G.The students reviewed the lessons as the teacher told them to.

H.Let's get up early so that we can arrive at the airport on time.

I.They worked there so carefully that they didn't notice I was passing by.

2.till和until的用法也不一般, 它有两种句型:A…. until(till)主句中用延续性动词, 意思是:(动作)一直到……

B…. not until… 主句中用非延续性动词, 意思是:直到……才……


The play went on until the candles went out.


We didn't begin our meeting until the chairman came.




We talked as we walked.


4.Let me say the Chinese meaning of these two sentences.

A.每当我看到他, 我就想听他唱歌。

B.他正要离开, 我到家了。

5.Sometimes I meet with such sentences as:

A.When looked into the room, I found no one.

B.While listening to the radio, I ate my breakfast.

Are these sentences compound sentences with an adverbial clause?


The two rivers meet ____ there is a mount.


B.at the place

C.the place at which

D.at which


选A为地点状语从句, 由where引导, 选B, at the place在主句中作地点状语, 选D at which代替where, 所以我想都有道理。

7.C项是否缺介词at, 如果缺少这个介词, 后半部分与前半部分脱离关系。D项which指代不清。

8.A是地点状语从句, party不是where 从句的先行词, 因为party与where毫无关系, where不能用at which代替。B中where从句是定语从句,island是where从句的先行词,where可以用on which代替,on the island there are many monkeys 意思很明确。C句中where从句是地点状语从句,books与where没有关系,不能用介词+ which代替where。D中where从句是地点状语从句,where 之前根本没有名词。

9.if和 unless。如:

If it is fine tomorrow, we'll go camping.

Unless he writes me back, I'll not write him again.


这些词不能引导虚拟语气的条件从句, 在这些条件状语从句引导词中只有if可以引导虚拟语气的条件状语从句。

11.I think“because, since, as, now that”can.

Here are some sentences:

A.Because it was getting dark, we hurried.

B.As I knew he was ill, I didn't call.

C.Since his method doesn't work, let's try yours.



A.He must have passed this way, for here are the footprints.

B.Was it because he was ill that he didn't come to office?

那么, as, since和because有什么区别呢?是不是要从它们表示原因的强弱程度上加以考虑?强弱程度是不是这样?because最强since次之, as最弱。

13.看来, as语气很弱, 甚至可以省掉, since表示前后推理关系, 与now that 意思相似。如:

Now that you are well again, you can go on with your work.

既然你已经恢复了, 你可以继续你的工作了。



A.because, 断电是灯灭的直接原因。

B.Since, 既然人都来了, 咱们就开会吧。前后是推理关系。

C.as, 我不能去, 由于太忙。

15.引导词有though, although, even though, even if, no matter what(who, whom, where, when, which), whatever, whoever, as…even if和even though 有区别吗?

16.我想, whether…or 引导的也是让步状语从句。如:Whether he comes or not, we'll have a party tonight.

无论他是否来, 今晚我们将开个晚会。

17.as, than… 引导的都是从句, 原来我以为它们是介词, 后边跟名词或代词, 但现在我明白了, 它们后面跟的是省略了的句子。如:

He runs faster than I(do).

比较状语从句是否要注意比较的两个事物或人应当对等, 否则就没有比较的意义了?

18.so that 引导目的状语从句与结果状语从句形式是不同的。引导目的状语从句so that不能分开, 而引导结果状语从句so与 that之间要插入形容词或副词。

如:We got up early so that we could arrive at the town on time.(目的状语)

We got up so early that we arrived at the town on time.(结果状语)

19.so that… 引导的究竟是目的状语从句还是结果状语从句要看“,”,有逗号的是结果状语从句, 没逗号的是目的状语从句。另外,结果状语从句中谓语动词一般是一个事实。如:He worked hard, so that he made much progress.而目的状语从句的谓语动词有can, may之类的词。


A.Please fly the kite as the teacher does.(方式状语从句)

B.Child as he is, he knows a lot. (让步状语从句)

C.He didn't come to the meeting; as he didn't receive the note.(原因状语从句)

D.They talked and laughed as they ate their dinner.(时间状语从句)

E.This park is as large as that one.(比较状语从句)

F.As is known to everyone, the earth is bigger than the moon.(定语从句)



1.---- Is your camera like Bill's and Ann's?    [    ]

---- No, but it's almost the same as ____ .

A.her                B.yours

C.them              D.their

2.---- Would you like to come to dinner tonight?   [    ]

---- I'd like to, ____ I'm too busy.

A.and                B.so

C.as                D.but

3.Mother was worried because little Alice was ill, especially ____ father was away in France.   [    ]

A.as                 B.that

C.during             D.if

4.It is generally considered unwise to give a child ____ he or she wants.    [    ]

A.however            B.whatever

C.whichever           D.whenever

5.After the war, a new school building was put up ____ there had once been a theatre.    [    ]

A.that               B.where

C.which              D.when

6. ____ , Mother will wait for him to have dinner together. [    ]

A.However late is he

B.However he is late

C.However is he late

D.However late he is

7.It was about 600 years ago ____ the first clock with a face and an hour hand was made.    [    ]

A.that               B.until

C.before             D.when

8.Why do you want a new job ____ you've got such a good one already?   [    ]

A.that               B.where

C.which              D.when

9.---- I'm going to the post office. [    ]

---- you're there, can you get me some stamps?

A.As                B.While

C.Because            D.If

10. ____ you've got a chance, you might as well make full use of it.   [    ]

A.Now that           B.After

C.Although            D.As soon as

11.You should make it a rule to leave things ____ you can find them again. [    ]

A.when              B.where

C.then               D.there

12.We'll have to finish the job ____ . [    ]

A.long it takes however

B.it takes however long

C.long however it takes

D.however long it takes

13.The museum will have to close ____ the government agrees to give extra money. [    ]

A.until               B.if

C.when              D.unless

14. ____ you come today ____ tomorrow, I don't mind at all.    [    ]

A.Neither; nor

B.Both; and

C.Either; or

D.Whether; or

15.The two boys look so much alike ____ no one can tell them apart. [    ]

A.and                B.so

C.that               D.so that

16.We had not gone far ____ we saw a great crowd of people.   [    ]

A.before              B.after

C.as soon as           D.while

17.You can have these magazines ____ I finish reading them. [    ]

A.so that             B.because

C.the moment          D.unless

18. ____ the paper, it seems to write itself.   [    ]

A.Starting             B.After starting

C.Having started once    D.Once I start

19.---- Is your engineering project ready? [    ]

---- No, and ____ today, I won't pass the course.

A.unless I get finish      B.if I got finishing

C.unless I get finished    D.if I'm not finished

20. ____ the day went on, the weather got worse. [    ]

A.With               B.Since

C.While              D.As


1.He won't believe it ____ he sees it with his own eyes.

2.Trees must be planted ____ there is a lot of sunlight.

3.____ Swede was not good at English, he could understand what you were saying.

4.Do what you think is right, ____ they say.

5.Go back ____ you come from.

6.How long is it ____ I saw you last?

7.You can go out, ____ you promise to be back before eleven.

8.The professor told the students to do ____ he did.

9.No one can be more fit for his office ____ he is.

10. ____ everyone has understood this one, let's change another.



1.B  比较的是 camera, yours = your camera

2.D  转折关系

3.A  在……期间

4.B  要什么给什么

5.B  where引导地点状语从句

6.D  无论多晚

7.A  强调结构

8.D  当你已经得到了一份好工作(的时候)

9.B  时间状语从句, 在那儿期间

10.A  既然你已经得到了机会

11.B  where 引导地点状语从句

12.D  无论它花费多长时间

13.D  除非政府同意多给资金

14.D  whether…or… 引导让步状语从句

15.C  that 引导结果状语从句

16.A  刚走不远就看到了一大群人

17.C  the moment 引导时间状语从句

18.D  一旦开始……就似乎……

19.C  除非搞完否则就……

20.D  随着时间推移, 天气变坏



2.where  阳光充裕的地方

3.Though  前后为让步关系

4.whatever  无论他们说什么, 都要做你认为是正确的事。

5.where  回到你来的地方, where 引导地点状语从句

6.since  时间状语从句

7.as long as  只要你保证十一点以前回来……

8.as as  引导方式状语从句

9.than  比较状语从句

10.Since  前后为推理关系, 既然大家都懂这个, 那么咱们换一个。