人教版 高二 单元学习导航Unit13-15


Unit 13 The water planet


1. cube 1)立方形, 立方体, 方块; 2)立方;三次幂

Please bring me an ice cube (一块冰块)out of the fridge.

The cube of 2 is 8. 2的3次幂是8.

The cube root of 27 is 3. 27的立方根是3.


2. benefit 1) vt. “对…有利”, 后面接名词&代词, 但不接反身代词

Exercise benefit our health.

Your advice benefited me a great deal..

The fresh air will benefit you.

2) vi. “获益, 得益于”,后面可接from/ by

We benefit by/ from daily exercises.

The plants benefited from the rain.

3) n.益处, 好处(可数& 不可数)

I told them all the benefits of fresh air and exercise.

He got a lot of benefit from the holiday.假期让他受益匪浅!

Your advice was of great benefit to me. 你的忠告对我很有好处

4) for the benefit of 为了…的利益; be of benefit to sb. 对…有好处

3. property

1) 财产; 不动产; 所有权(不可数); (某处特定的)地产(可数)

This small house is my only property (唯一的财产)

With the city developing rapidly, property in the center is becoming more expensive.

He has a large property in the county. 他在这个县有一大宗地产。

2)性能, 特性(可数)

One property of steel is its hardness. 坚固是钢的特性之一

He is studying the medicinal properties of wild plants. 他正在研究野生植物的药物特性。

Many plants have medicinal properties.

4. range

1)vt.“排列, 归类”, 其宾语为排列对象,后接介词on/ in/ along表示方向或趋势

The teacher ranged the pupils along the curb. 教师叫学生沿着路边排队。

I ranged the books on the shelf by/ according to size. 我把书依照大小顺序排在书架上。

The cards are ranged in alphabetical order

2) vi. 在…范围内变动 & (山脉等)绵亘, 伸展, 排列, 延及

The temperature ranges between 30 and 40 degrees centigrade.

The road ranges westward from the lake. 这条路由湖边向西延伸

3)(不可数)“范围”, 指认知, 知识, 经验或能力方面的范围

be out of one’s range 某人所不能及的, 非自己知识范围之内的

beyond the range of human understanding超越人类理解的范围

within range of vision 在看得到的范围之内

The houses are sold out within this price range. 在这个价位范围之内的房子已售完。

5.pure 1)纯粹的;干净的;无有害物质的;纯洁的;清白的;无邪的

Is this cup made of pure gold?

The water in mountain rivers is usually pure.


What you are saying is pure nonsense.

It is a pure accident.

6. mass n. & vi.

1) “质量”,不可数;“团、块、堆、片、群”,可数,常指聚成一体的没有具体形状的物质;“人民、群众”,常用作复数形式.

a mass of masses of 许多 ,大量的

A great mass of snow has fallen off the roof.

There are masses of dark clouds in the sky.

I wonder if they are truly concerned with the interests of the masses.

7. float

1) vi.“漂浮”,强调的是“保持悬在流体的表层内或表面上的状态而不沉下去”;“漂移,游荡”尤指随意地从一处移动到另一处,多作不及物动词用,后面可以加介词on.

Wood floats on water.

The empty boat was floating on the sea.

A balloon is floating in the sky.

2) vt.使悬浮或放入水中;使……下水

There was enough water to float the ship.

3) on the float漂浮着

8. absorb

1)vt. 吸收(水、热、光、知识、学问等)

Cotton gloves absorb sweat.

So many good ideas! It is too much for me to absorb all at once.

He was utterly absorbed in the book.

2)be absorbed in 全神贯注于…,热衷于

absorb one’s attention =attract one’s attention

9. sensitive 1)adj. 敏感的(to);灵敏的; 容易生气的(about)

She is sensitive to the smell of smoking.

The child is sensitive to eggs. 那个孩子对鸡蛋过敏。

He is sensitive about his failure. 人家一提到他的失败,他就生气。


1. life 生物(活的有机物的总称)无复数形式不加冠词,谓语用单数

There is no life on the moon.

Marine life swims in water.

2. range from … to… 从…分布到,在某一特定的范围内变化或变动

There are 200 boys ranging from 7 to 14 in age.

This plant ranges from Canada to Mexico.

Prices ranged from 5 dollars to 10 dollars.

3. all the way 自始至终,一直,一路上,从远道而来

All the way back, they talked about the persons and things that they could remember at school.

It is very kind of you to come all the way to see me.

4. whatever(=anything that)作为连接代词引导名词性从句,“无论什么,任何东西,一切事物” ,语气比what强烈。

Whatever is left over is yours.

You must do whatever is best for you.

Whatever book you want to read will be sent to your office.

She is against whatever I am fond of.

5. available adj. 可用的,可获得的,有效的,适宜的

sth.(受体)+ be + available + to + sb.

(主体) 某物对某人来说是可得的

The information is available to anybody.

The ticket is available to you for 3 days.( 三天内有效)

sb.(主体) + be + available + for + sth.

(受体) 某人对…来说是合适的

He is not available for the job.

Are you available for a meeting tomorrow?

6. take advantage of 利用,很好地利用;投机取巧

Peter took advantage of his visit to Paris to improve his French.

I should like to take advantage of this opportunity to express my thanks for your help.

7. 动词不定式短语也可作结果状语,但只能表示消极的结果,通常用only来加强不愉快结果的语义:

They lifted a rock only to drop it on their own feet.

Unit 14 Freedom fighters




1. graduation n. the receiving of a first university degree or an American school diploma 毕业(典礼)

graduate vt. to obtain a degree, esp. a first degree, at a university(从……)大学毕业;获得(学士)学位

She graduated from Oxford with a first-class degree in physics.她在牛津大学获得物理学一级荣誉学位。


a high school graduate高中毕业生

2. action n. ①the act or process of doing things, with the intention of gaining a desired result行动;活动;动作 eg:

The police had to take firm action to deal with the riots.警方不得不采取果断的行动来对付骚乱。

Actions speak louder than words.行动胜于语言。

②in/into action在活动(运转、工作) eg:

He is a very good tennis player; you ought to see him in action.他是个出色的网球手,你该看看他打球。

③out of action损坏;发生故障 eg:

The storm put the telephones out of action. 暴风雨使电话发生了故障。

④active adj. 积极的;有活动能力的 eg:

Although he’s over 80, he’s still very active.他虽然已年过八十,但活动能力仍然很强。

3. speech n.

①the act or power of speaking; spoken language 说话;言谈;说话能力;言语;说的话 eg:

Only human beings are capable of speech. 只有人类才具有说话的能力。

She had a speech impediment.她有言语障碍。

②an act of speaking formally to a group of listeners 演说;演讲

I had to give/ make/deliver a speech to the Press Club.我得向记者俱乐部发表演说。

4. put sb. in prison“把某人投入监狱”(in还可用into替换)相似短语还有throw…into prison; send…to prison eg:

He was put into prison for robbing the bank. 他因抢银行而被投入了监狱。

Law breakers will be thrown into prison. 犯法者都会被送进监狱。

prison n. 表示被监禁的状态,不指监狱的房子,一般不用冠词。

be in prison被监禁;坐牢 eg:

He has been in prison, so nobody wants to make friends with him.他蹲过监狱,所以没人想和他交朋友。


1. dream vi. & vt. to imagine (something)梦想;想像;幻想(某事)

(1) vi.做梦 eg:

He dreams every night. 他每天晚上都做梦。

(2)dream of/about sth. 梦见 …… eg:

I dreamed of my grandma last night. 昨晚我梦见了奶奶。

(3)dream that 梦见…… eg:

I dreamed that I passed the exam. 我梦见我通过了考试。

(4)vt. 梦见;做…… eg:

He dreamed a strange dream. 他做了一个奇怪的梦。

(5)dream of doing sth.想要做某事 eg:

He often dreams of going abroad. 他经常想出国。

2. revolution n. ①(a time of) great, usu. sudden, social and political change, esp. the changing of a ruler and/or political system by force革命 eg:

the French Revolution法国大革命

②revolutionary n. a person who joins in or supports a revolution 革命者;革新者 eg:

The revolutionaries are attacking the palace.革命分子在攻打王宫。

3. join hands 携手;联手;合伙 eg:

We all joined hands and danced round in a circle.我们都拉起手来,围成一个圆圈跳舞。

4. not…but…是并列连词,在句中连接两个并列同等成分,表示对比,意思是“不是……而是……”。 eg:

The seagulls had come to eat not the crops, but the locusts.海鸥不是来吃庄稼,而是来吃蝗虫的。

He will come not today but tomorrow. 他不是今天来而是明天来。

Shakespeare was not a musician but a playwright. 莎士比亚不是音乐家,而是一位剧作家。


1. forbid vt. order(sb.) not to do sth. 禁止;不许 eg:

Smoking is forbidden in the public. 公共场合禁止吸烟。

注:forbid后跟动词-ing形式做宾语,不接不定式。 eg:

He forbids taking books out of the library. 他禁止把书带出图书馆。

Forbid后面有人称代词时,则只能接不定式,即:forbid sb. to do sth. 禁止某人做某事。 eg:

He forbids us to take books out of the library. 他禁止我们把书带出图书馆。

2. runaway adj. out of control 脱离控制的;失控的 eg:

a runaway horse/ train 失控的马/火车; a runaway child 一个离家出走的孩子

We are suffering from runaway inflation.我们正经受着失控的通货膨胀之苦。

3. create v. (1) to cause(something new) to exist; produce (something new)创造;创建;创作 eg:

God created the world. 上帝创造了世界。

The regulations are so complicated that they will only create confusion. 条例如此复杂,只能造成混乱。

(2) creation n. something created; something produced by human invention or imagination创造物;作品;产物 eg:

an artist’s creation 艺术家的作品 the latest creations from Paris 巴黎来的最新时装

4. work as 担任……工作 eg:

When she finished school, she went to the north to work as a nurse.毕业以后,她到北方当了一名护士。

5. more than ①多于;超过 ②不仅仅 eg:

More than 300 workers were saved in the accident.在事故中三百多人幸免于难。

She is more than a teacher to us.她不仅仅是我们的老师。

more…than… it is more true to say … than … 与其说……倒不如说…… eg:

She’s more thoughtless than stupid. 与其说她笨倒不如说她粗心大意。

no more …than in no greater degree…than 与……同样不 eg:

He is no more fit to be a priest than I am!他和我都不适合当牧师!

Jack is no more diligent than John.约翰不勤奋,杰克也不勤奋。

I could do it no more than you.我和你一样都不能做那件事。

6. be active in 在……积极 eg:

take an active part in积极参加 be active in work工作积极

7. demand vt. ask for as if one has a right to do so; need; require要求;需求

(1)后跟名词或不定式做宾语。 eg:

This work demands great patience. 这种工作需要耐心。

We demanded to know where he had gone. 我们要求知道他去哪儿了。



eg: The blacks demanded that they(should) be treated as equal citizens.


8. march

(1)v. walk as soldiers do, with regular and measured steps 行军;行进

eg: The soldiers marched on.战士们继续行军。

March against the enemy. 向敌人进军。

(2)n. the act of marching, procession as a demonstration行军;游行 eg:

the Long March长征 a rapid march急行军

Thousands of people joined in the march though they were warned of danger. 数以千计的人虽然被警告有危险还是参加了游行。

9. separate (1) v. divide分隔;把……分开来 eg:

Let’s separate the good apples from bad ones.咱们来把好苹果和坏苹果分开。

(2) adj. not shared with another; individual单独的;各自的 eg:

The children sleep in separate beds. 孩子们各睡各的床。

Some people only think of their own separate interests.有些人只考虑他们各自的利益。

10. set/give an example to sb. 给某人树立榜样 eg:

She has set an example of plain living to us all.她给我们大家树立了艰苦朴素的榜样。

Example还可当“例子”讲。 eg:

The teacher told us many examples of how to use the verb.老师给我们列举了许多怎样使用这个动词的例子。

for example例如;比方

11. give/make/deliver a speech发表演讲 eg:

The official gives/makes/delivers a speech on/about the Common Market to a receptive audience.这位官员就共同市场问题向能接受该政策的听众发表演说。


1. divide与separate

(1)divide指把整体“划分”成若干份,其后接into, from, among, between, with等。 eg:

This island divided into two parts.这个岛屿被分成两部分。

(2)separate指把原来连在一起或靠近的“分隔”开来,也可指“离别”。 eg:

Please separate the white shirts from the colored ones.请把白衬衫与其他颜色的衬衫分开。

注:被divide的东西在一定条件下具有统一性;被separate的东西没有统一性。 eg:

The Pacific separates Asia from America.太平洋把亚洲和美洲隔开。

She divided the cake among the children. 她把这块蛋糕分给孩子们吃。

2. in prison与in the prison

(1)“in prison”意为“在坐牢”,中间无冠词,表示与法律有关。 eg:

He has been in prison for ten years.他已经坐牢十年了。

(2)“in the prison”意为“在监狱中”,只强调地点。中间有冠词。 eg:

There are two libraries in the prison.这座监狱中有两个图书馆。

英语中的类似结构 eg:

in hospital 住院 in church 做礼拜

in the hospital 在医院中 in the church在教学中

3. join, join in与take part in

(1)join通常做“参加(某个团体、组织等)”(become a member of)讲。 eg:

Do you know how many people joined the organization? 你知道有多少人参加了那个组织吗?

(2)join in常用于“参加(某种活动)”。 eg:

All the students joined in the discussion. 全体学生都参加了讨论。

The whole school will join in the concert. 全校都要参加音乐会。

(3)join in与take part in都有“参加(某种活动)”的意思。但join in多指正在进行的活动,如竞赛、娱乐、谈话等。而take part in只指参加活动。

eg: They watched the game, and then they were invited to join in it.他们先观看了比赛,后来又被邀请参加。


1. In the summer of 1963 Martin Luther King, Jr gave a speech to thousands of black people who marched on Washington DC, the capital of the USA. 1963年夏天小马丁路德金给在美国首都的华盛顿特区游行的成千上万的黑人作了一次演讲。

句中短语“march on”译作“前进;行进”。“on the march”译作“在行军中,在进行中”。 eg:

The soldiers were still on the march in spite of the heavy snow.尽管下着大雪,战士们仍在行军。

2. Blacks were not treated as equal citizens.黑人们没有被当作平等公民对待。

句中“be treated as”表示“被当作……对待”,主动结构为:treat sb./sth. as…

eg: Don’t treat me as your sister. 别把我当作你妹妹对待。

3. His message was that black people should not be separated but should be treated with respect in the same way as other people. 他主张黑人不应该被分开,他们应该和别人一样受到同样的尊重。

在这个句子中as是连词,和the same…一起构成定语从句。 eg:

I have the same trouble as you(have).我和你有同样的麻烦。


1.病句:The teacher forbids to smoke in his room.

诊断:The teacher forbids smoking in his room.

点拨:forbid作“禁止”解时,其结构为forbid sb. to do sth.即当有“禁止”之对象时,用不定式;无“禁止”之对象时,用动名词。不能说forbid to do sth.或forbid sb. doing sth.。

2.病句:He demanded me to return the book at once.

诊断:He demanded that I (should) return the book at once.


3.病句:Everyone here is free expressing himself.

诊断:Everyone here is free to express himself.

点拨:“be free to do sth.”是固定搭配,即be free后接不定式,不接动名词。

4.病句:He was made begin his work from the midnight.

诊断:He was made to begin his work from the midnight.

点拨:当make, see, hear, watch, find等感官或使役动词在主动句中时,其后的不定式不带to,但在变为被动句之后必须加上to。

5.病句:Abraham Lincoln was made the president of the USA.

诊断:Abraham Lincoln was made president of the USA.


6.病句:Slavery was finished in the U.S. in 1865.

诊断:Slavery was ended in the U.S. in 1865.


7.病句:I don’t imagine you are interested in politics.

诊断:I imagine (that) you are not interested in politics.


Unit15 Destinations




e.g. Mary has done (=has written) an article. 玛丽写了一篇文章。

He will do (=draw) a large portrain of Ren Changxia. 他要为任长霞画一幅大画像。

do computer study=study computer

do the room=clean the room

do the dishes=wash the dishes

do one’s hair=comb one’s hair

do one’s teeth=brush one’s teeth

do the fish=cook the fish

do the puzzle=work out the puzzle

do science=study science

do a comedy=act a comedy

do a concert=hear a concert

do the tower=visit the tower

do Japan=visit Japan

do 20 miles=travel 20 miles

do one’s guests well=serve one’s guests well 有时宾语也可用doing,并在doing前加some。

do some reading=read some books,read some pages

do some studying=study something

do some walking=walk for some time还有do most of the talking,do some morning shopping等。


e.g.We had a long talk(=talked for a long time) last Sunday.上星期天我们进行了一次长谈。

They’re having a rest(=resting).他们在休息。


have a chat,have a look at…,have a drink,have an interview,have a smoke,have a fight,have a bath,have a dream

名词前可有修饰成分,如have no respect,have no wish,have some good laughs,have one more try等。


have a lesson (class)上一节课

have an X-ray进行X光检查

have a great success取得很大成功

have a small accident出了小事故

have a headache(a flu,cold)得头疼病(流感,感冒)

have a baby生孩子

have one’s advice听从某人的建议

have a telegram收到一封电报

have an answer有了答案


e.g.The police made an examination in her room.警察检查了她的房间。

The teacher made a clear explanation.老师清楚地作了解释。

We made a comparison of the two articles.我们把这两篇文章作了比较。

make an attempt=attempt

make a suggest=suggest

还有make a visit参观,make a long stay住了很长时间,make another start又重新开始了,make preparations作准备,make arrangements作安排,make decisions作决定,make a choice作选择,make a map画一张地图,make tea沏茶,make an expression留下印象


e.g.He took a look at(=look at) this book. 他看了一下这本书。

I want to take a nap(=nap).我想午休一会儿。


take a bath 洗澡

take a walk散步

take exercise进行锻炼

take an action采取行动

take an examination进行考试,进行检查

take a trip旅行

take a vacation度假


take the food,take pills,take medicine,take tea (coffee),take a glass of beer,take sugar,take a breath of fresh air,还有:take a taxi(bus,train…)坐出租车(公共汽车,火车……)

take a room要一个房间,租用一个房间

take one’s advice接受……的建议

take a job承担一项工作

take one’s degree接受……学位

take chemistry选学化学



e.g.He looked at her with respect(=respectfully).他恭敬地看着她。

She told Tom the story with a smile(=smilingly).她微笑着给汤姆讲了个故事。

He accepted the invitation with pleasure(=pleasurably).他愉快地接受了邀请。


with calmness=calmly冷静地

with curiosity=curiously好奇地

with surprise=surprisingly惊奇地

with ease=easily轻易地

with difficulty 艰难地

with amazement惊奇地

with sympathy同情地

with disapproval不满地

with fear害怕地

with delight (joy)高兴地

with envy妒忌地

with anger生气地

with efficiency有效地

with one accord voice异口同声地

with tears in one’s eyes含泪地


“How did you come here?”He asked in surprise(=surprisingly).


Jack shut his eyes in fear(fearfully).杰克害怕得闭上了眼睛。

His sister stared at him in amazement(=amazingly).他的妹妹惊奇地看着他。

He came home in high cheerfulness(=cheerfully).他兴高采烈地回了家。


in terror害怕地

in astonishment惊奇地

in anxiety焦急地

in amazement惊奇地

in confusion大惑不解地

in alarm惊慌地

in curiosity好奇地

in great happiness非常愉快地

in a hurry急忙地

in a low voice低声地

in hatred and despair满怀仇恨和绝望地

in earnest 认真地


1.murder, kill, massacre

(1)murder是“谋杀,杀害”的意思。英语意思是to kill unlawfully,especially on purpose。

e.g.The bandits murdered the man for his money.歹徒为了谋取他的钱而杀害了他。

Every two hours someone was murdered.每两个小时就有一人被谋杀。

(2)kill用于因凶器或在非常事故中死亡的场合。英语的意思是cause to die。

e.g.His father was killed in a railway accident.他父亲在一次火车事故中身亡。

Only a few people were killed in the earthquake.地震中只有少数人死亡。

He killed him with a spear.他用矛刺死了他。


e.g.My back killed me.我的背非常难受。

It killed him to admit he is wrong.承认他错了使他感到极为尴尬。

The joy killed the audience.这个玩笑让观众笑得要死。

The train was late,so we killed time by playing cards.火车晚点了,我们就打牌消磨时间。

(3)massacre“大屠杀”,英语意思是to kill a number of people without mercy。

e.g.When the soldiers captured the town,they massacred all the inhabitants.



devote one’s life to…

dedicate one’s life to…

give one’s life for…

lay down one’s life for…

lose one’s life for…


(sb.) pass away;one’s heart stop beating forever;

(sb.) sleep peacefully;those who have fallen;

(sth.) cost sb. his life;sb.is dead and gone;

(sb.) be in heaven for some time

2.ask for,require,demand

(1)ask for指要求得到具体的物质的东西,普通用词。也可用ask sb.to do sth.表示“要求某人做某事”,语气较客气。

e.g.He asked for some money.他让了一些钱。

He asked his mother to wake him at six in the morning.他让他母亲早上六点叫醒他。

I asked that I (should be) was allowed to see her.我请求允许我看望她。


e.g.He has done all that was required of him.凡需要他做的他都做了。

How many days will be required to finish this work? 完成这项工作需要多少天?


e.g.The Iraqi people demanded that the USA soldiers should get out of Iraq.


All his life he believed that it was right and necessary to demand changes in society if people did not have their civil rights.整个一生他都认为如果人民没有权利的话,要求社会变革是正确的,而且是必要的。

The work demands(=requires,wants,needs,etc,) great skill.这个工作需要熟练的技巧。


1.(2004北京卷)The mayor of Beijing says that all construction work for the Beijing Olympics______by 2006.

A.has been completed

B.has completed

C.will have been completed

D.will have completed


2.(2004上海卷)The flu is believed ______ by viruses that like to reproduce in the cells inside the human nose and throat.


B.being caused

C.to be caused

D.to have caused


3.(2004上海卷)The disc,digitally ______ in the studio,sounded fantastic at the party that night.



C.to be recorded

D.having recorded



The number of deaths from heart disease will be reduced greatly if people ______ to eat more fruit and vegetables.


B.will persuade

C.be persuaded

D.are persuaded


The First Period

△complaint n.投诉;申诉;抱怨,表示不满

△Iraq n.伊拉克

△Mexico n.墨西哥

△Greenland n.格陵兰

Airline n.航空公司;航线

uncomfortable adj.不服的,令人不自在的

△wanderlust n.漫游癖

The Second Period

every now and then不时地

△itch/it n.&vi. 渴望;痒

phenomenon n.现象;奇迹

△Rio de Janeiro n.里约热内卢(巴西港市)

Brazil n.巴西

△stretch/stret vt.&vi. 展开;伸展;延伸

△Cariocas n.里约热内卢人

downtown n.&adj. 城市商业区(的)

△historical adj.具有历史意义的

commercial adj.商业性的;商务的;商业的

△Copacabana n.科帕卡巴纳(巴西著名海滩)

△princess n.公主;王妃

△hundredth n.&adj. 第一百(个);第一百的

get tired of对……感到厌倦;对……失去兴趣

avenue n.(城市中的)大街;通道;(通往乡间的)小路

disappointed adj. 失望的;沮丧的

△Carnival n.(四旬斋前持续一周或半周的)嘉年华会;狂欢节;欢宴

△Kitzbuhel n.基茨比厄(奥地利城市)

△paradise n.乐园;天堂

△skier n.滑雪者

altitude n.纬度

surrounding adj.&n.周围(的);环绕(的);环境;周围的情况

guarantee vt.保证……免受损失或伤害;确保

breath-taking adj.壮观的;激动人心的;惊险的

△resort n.胜地;常去之地

downhill adj. 快速下降滑雪的;下坡的;倾斜的

inexpensive adj.廉价的;便宜的

feast n.(感官、精神等的)享受;盛宴

dip n.(在江河湖海中)洗澡;游泳;蘸湿

gym n.体育馆

shore n.滨;岸

The Third Period

to do

1.The first thing would be to decide where to go.

2.The most important thing would be for you to decide where to go.


1.Every now and then we get the itch for travelling.

2.Kitzbuhel has the most challenging and exciting downhill slopes for skiers in the world.

3.Few visitors leave Rio feeling disappointed.


1.Amazed by the beautiful scenery at Copacabana Beach,he decided to come again next year.

2.Known as Carnival,the festival attracts visitors from all over the world.

Point out the function of the -ing form in each sentence.

1.Doing nothing is doing ill.

2.Be careful!The falling stones might hit you.

3.When you hang wet clothes near a fire,you will see steam coming from them.

4.Not knowing much English,I found it hard to understand them.

5.While walking along the shore,we saw that the water was very dirty.

6.Playing tricks on others is something we should never do.

7.Babies like tearing paper into pieces.

8.They went out of the club,talking and laughing loudly.

The Fourth Period

budget n.预算;预算案

rate n.价格;费用;速度;效率

visa n.签证

arrangement n.安排;准备工作;整理

passport n.护照;过境通行证

cheque n.支票

△photocopy n.&vt.复印(件)

currency n.货币;通货

sight n.景象,情景;视力,视觉

seasoned adj. 有经验的

accommodation n.住处;膳宿