(人教版+汤姆森)初一英语同步辅导(含同步练习)Unit 6 Do you like bananas?







Do you like bananas? Yes, I do./No, I don’t.

I like French fries. I don’t like tomatoes.




like, hamburgers, tomatoes, broccoli, French fries, oranges, ice cream, salad, bananas, eggs, carrots, strawberry, apples, chicken, breakfast, lunch, dinner, fruit, vegetable.


a lot of like to do sth. like doing sth.


1. 动词like的用法。

2. 一般疑问句的肯定、否定回答。

3. 名词复数的使用。


1. 可数名词和不可数名词











2. 一般名词的复数形式








3. lots of大量的,许多的

lots of 在意思上与a lot of相同,都表示“大量、许多”,但lots of主要用于口语,两个都可以用来修饰可数名词和不可数名词,如:

I haven’t got a lot of time. 我们的时间不多了。

There was lots of money in the safe.


4. Do you like bananas? 你喜欢香蕉吗?

Yes, I do. 是的,我喜欢。(肯定回答)

No, I don’t. 不,我不喜欢。(否定回答)

like是及物动词(vt.),意为“喜欢”“愿意”“想要”,后面可以加名词,代词宾客,动词不定式(to + v. 原形)或动名词(v. -ing)作宾语。例如:

I like this picture. 我喜欢这幅画。(接名词作宾语)

I like her very much. 我非常喜欢她。(接人称代词宾格作宾语)

They like to go with us. 他们喜欢和我们一起去。(接v. 不定式作宾语)

He likes reading in bed. 他喜欢躺在床上看书。(接v. -ing作宾语)

谓语动词为like (s)的一般现在时句式,变否定句要借助助动词do (does) not组成。如:

I don’t like this picture.

He doesn’t like reading in bed. (注意like不再加-s)

谓语动词为like (s)的一般现在时句式,变疑问句时,也要用助动词do (does),即在句首加Do (Does),句末用问号,回答时用Yes或No。如:

Do you like salad? Yes, I do. /No, I don’t.

Does he like ice cream? Yes, he does. /No, he doesn’t.




5. 主语为第三人称单数时一般现在时的结构

肯定式:主语+谓语 v. 的单数第三人称形式+其他,如:

He likes bananas a lot. 他非常喜欢吃香蕉。


如:He doesn’t like bananas. 他不喜欢吃香蕉。




Does Kate like meat? 凯特喜欢吃肉吗?

Yes, she does. 是的,她喜欢。

No, she doesn’t. 不,她不喜欢。

6. breakfast的用法


At what time do you have breakfast?


Chinese have porridge(粥) for breakfast.



He had a quick breakfast this morning.



at breakfast 吃早饭时

before breakfast 早饭前

after breakfast 早饭后

(3)have sth. for breakfast. 早餐吃……

注:以上用法通用于lunch和supper,另外“吃早(午,晚)餐”常用have breakfast/lunch/supper。

7. like doing 与like to do


like doing 指习惯性的兴趣爱好;

like to do 指某一特定的动作。

例如:I like reading. But I don’t like to read now.

8. fish作可数/不可数名词的用法


I like eating fish (fish指“鱼肉”).

I catch(抓)many fish(fish指“鱼”,复数为原形).

I catch three fishes (fishes指三种鱼).

9. like用法小结


You are like your father. 你长得像你爸爸。

Lucy’s hat looks like my cat.


其中be like=look like。



①like sth. (like接名词或人称代词宾格)如:

I like bananas very much. 我非常喜欢香蕉。

My mother is very clever. I like him very much.



②like+doing sth. 如:

My brother likes swimming, but I like singing.

③like to do sth. 如:

He likes to cook now.

④like sb. to do sth.

I don’t like him to eat like that.

⑤like…a lot=like…very much非常喜欢。如:

I like my mother a lot.

My brother likes running very much.

⑥like…a little 有点喜欢。如:

-Do you like basketball?

-Yes, I like it a little.

10. 动词be和动词do

至目前我们已学过的动词中,出现了两种不同的动词作谓语,一种是动词be,另一种是动词do(即实义动词)。动词be不表示一个具体的动作,中文意思是“是”或“在”;动词do则表示一个比较具体的行为动作或心理活动,如:work, find, love, play, know, like等。在陈述句中,它们都根据主语人称和数的不同用不同的形式。

△动词be有am, is, are等不同形式,am用于主语为第一人称单数;is用于主语为第三人称单数he, she, it及其他单数或不可数名词,are用于主语为复数第一、二、三人称we, you, they及其他复数名词。



-I’m a boy. I’m not a girl. Are you a girl?


-Is your home near your school?

-Yes, it is.

你家在你们学校附近吗? 是的。


句 I/We/You/They/work here.

My brother and sister work here.

The two Americans work here.

He/She/It works here.

Mary works here.

疑问句及回答 Do you/they work here?

Do your brother and sister work here?

Do the two Americans work here?

Does he/she/it work here?

Does Mary work here? Yes, I/we do.

No, I/we don’t.

Yes, they do.

No, they don’t

Yes, he/she/ it does.

No, he/she/it doesn’t

否定句 I/We/You/They don’t work here.

My brother and sister don’t work here.

The two Americans don’t work here.

He/She/It doesn’t work here.

Mary doesn’t work here.


[考题1]用a, an, some完成下列短语。

(1)___________ hamburgers

(2)____________ cake

(3)____________ tomato

(4)____________ orange

(5)____________ egg

(6)____________ salad

解析:本题考查要点1中可数名词用法,可数名词前可以加a, an限定。

答案:(1)some (2)a (3)a (4)an (5)an (6)a


knife _____________ woman _____________

people _____________ radio _____________

potato _____________ sheep _____________

box _____________ watch _____________

apple _____________ baby _____________

答案:knives, women, people, radios, potatoes, sheep, boxes, watches, apples, babies

[考题3]I have _____________ friends in Wuhan.

A. much B. a lots of C. lots of D. a lot

解析:此题是辨析表示“许多”的几种说法的区别。much修饰不可数名词,a lot of=lots of都是修饰可数名词,因此本题选C。



(1)Do you like French fries?

(2)Does she like bananas?

(3)Does he like oranges?

(4)Do they like tomatoes?

(5)What do you like to eat?

a. I like hamburgers.

b. No, he doesn’t.

c. Yes, she does.

d. Yes, I do.

e. No, they don’t.




(1)She _____________ oranges, but she _____________ apples.

A. like, don’t like B. likes, doesn’t likes

C. likes, doesn’t like D. likes, don’t like

(2)_____________ he _____________ a computer?

A. Does, has B. Does, have

C. Do, have D. Is, having


答案:(1)C (2)B


(1)I often _____________ supper before 7:00.

A. have B. eat C. have a D. have the

(2)Today is Mid-Autumn Day. We have _____________ lunch.

A. a big B. a light

C. big D. the big

解析:(1)句意为“我经常在七点以前吃晚饭。”吃早/中/晚饭,英语里用have breakfast/lunch/supper来表达。不用eat,也不能带冠词a/an/the。(2)句意为“今天是中秋节,我们吃了一顿_____________午餐。”have a big lunch表示吃了一顿丰盛的午餐,have a light lunch表示吃了少量的午餐。

答案:(1)A (2)A

[考题7] Do you like _____________ football after class?

A. to play to B. playing

C. to play D. plays

解析:本题是问“下课后你喜欢踢足球吗?”,是指某一特定动作,故用like to do sth. 句型,且踢足球是“play football”。


[考题8]I like eating _____________. Mum buys two _____________ for lunch.

A. fish, fish B. fish, fishes

C. fishes, fishes D. fish, fishs




(1)I _____________ my mother and I _____________ her very much.

A. like, like B. am like, likes

C. look like, am like D. am like, like

(2)假设你是Kate,看下面的表格, 是非常喜欢, 为有点喜欢, 为根本不喜欢,写出表中所列内容。

Name hamburgers tomatoes apples




I don’t like ________________________________________________________________


解析:(1)句意为“我像我的妈妈,并且我非常喜欢她。”前一个like为介词,用be like/look like作谓语,后一个like为动词,主语为非单数第三人称,用原形作谓语。(2)本题考查了本单元重点语言目标--谈论喜欢和不喜欢,其中综合运用了要点4、5中主语为单数第三人称时,肯定句式和否定句式的用法,并且还考查了学生动手书写的能力。


(2)I don’t like hamburgers at all. But I like apples a little. My friend Tom likes tomatoes a little and he likes apples very much. My friend Paul likes hamburgers a lot, but he doesn’t like apples at all.

[考题10] (1)情景反应。



①Does her father like oranges?

②Does your sister like ice cream?

③What do you like to have for lunch?

④Do you like a broccoli?

⑤Do they like vegetables?

⑥Where are the apples?

⑦Is the tomato green?

⑧What color is the banana?


A: Yes, I do.

B: No, it isn’t. It’s red.

C: In the basket.

D: No, they don’t.

E: No, he doesn’t.

F: It’s yellow.

G: I like French fries.

H: Yes, she does. She likes it very much.


①those, are, in, what, English (疑问句)


②he, like, does, hamburgers (疑问句)


③they, a, have, do, computer(疑问句)


④do, like, not, they, ice cream (陈述句)


⑤is, friend, Gina, my, this (陈述句)




(2)①What are those in English?

②Does he like hamburgers?

③Do they have a computer?

④They don’t like ice cream.

⑤This is my friend, Gina.


I. 请根据语境,将所给单词填入下列各句。(5分)

A. apples B. breakfast C. carrots

D. hamburgers E. broccoli D. dinner

G. potatoes H. oranges I. salad

J. French fries

1. Tom likes fruit, so he likes __________ and __________.

2. -What vegetables do you like?

-I like __________, __________ and __________.

3. I usually drink milk for __________ and __________.

4. -Do you like western food?

-Yes, I like __________, __________ and __________.

II. 请根据首字母及句意填空。(5分)

5. There is a F book on the dresser.

6. Jones is a famous (著名的) r .

7. I have 52 baseball bats and l of baseballs.

8. My grandfather e potatoes for dinner every day.

9. -Do you like oranges, Tanya?

-Yes, I do. They are h .

III. 请根据上下文及图片填写单词,补全短文。(5分)

Movie star Julia Lopez eats lots of healthy food. For breakfast, she has ___10___, ___11___, and ___12___. For lunch, she likes ___13___, ___14___, ___15___, and ___16___. And for dinner, she has ___17___, ___18___, and ___19___ for dessert.

IV. 冠词考场。请选出正确的一项填入空格中。(10分)

A. The B. 不填 C. an D. a

20. I have _________ banana and _________ apple.

21. Do you like _________ salad? _________ salad is good.

22. For dinner, she has _________ chicken.

23. I don’t like _________ apples. What about you, Elena?

24. This is _________ English book. _________ book isn’t Tom’s.

25. My brother has _________ soccer ball. But he doesn’t like playing _________ soccer.

V. 选择填空。(10分)

26. _________ your parents _________ bananas?

A. Do, like B. Does, like C. Do, likes

27. -Does Bruce _________ chicken?

-Yes, he _________.

A. likes, does B. likes, do C. like, does

28. -_________ your sister _________ salad every day?


A. Do, have B. Does, have C. Does, has

29. My mother _________ fruits, but she likes vegetables.

A. like B. don’t like C. doesn’t like

30. Let’s _________ ice cream!

A. have B. has C. to have

31. _________ lunch, Bill and his brother _________ hamburgers and broccoli.

A. For, like B. For, likes C. To, like

32. Maggie has _________ food for breakfast.

A. lots B. lots of C. a lot

33. Runner eats _________.

A. good B. nice C. well

34. Tom likes salad, but his sister doesn’t like _________.

A. him B. them C. it

35. Eat fruits, they make you _________.

A. healthy B. difficult C. interesting

VI. 请为下列各句选择适当的答语。(5分)

( )36. Does she have a tennis racket?

( )37. Do they like these interesting books?

( )38. Let’s have carrot ice cream.

( )39. Thanks a lot.

( )40. Is there any salad on the table?

A. Yes, they do.

B. You are welcome.

C. No, there isn’t.

D. Sorry, I don’t know.

E. That sounds great.

VII. 连词成句,并将各句填入下列短文,使其符合逻辑。(10分)

A. breakfast; he; every; eats; for; them; and; dinner; day


B. of; my; has; food; lots; mother; healthy


C. ice; you; like; do; cream


D. eating; like; I; fruit


E. well; we; eat


There are three people in my family. ____41____. My father likes tomatoes very much. ____42____. ____43____. And she likes salad and milk. ____44____, but I don’t like vegetables. For dessert, we like oranges and ice cream. ____45____?

VIII. 短文填充。(20分)



breakfast lunch dinner

Rose eggs fish broccoli

Jack French fries hamburgers chicken

Rose and Jack are my friends. They eat different things every day. For breakfast, Rose likes ____46____, but Jack likes ____47____. For lunch, Jack ____48____ like fish, he likes hamburgers. And for ____49____, Rose has broccoli. I think Rose ____50____ healthy food.


Mary is a student. She is ____51____. She ____52____ many kinds of food. She likes fruit, ____53____ she doesn’t like ____54____. She likes junk food, too. So she is a little bit fat. She is not very ____55____.

51. ( )

A. six year old B. six years old C. six years olds

52. ( )

A. have B. has C. doesn’t have

53. ( )

A. and B. or C. but

54. ( )

A. oranges B. orange C. a orange

55. ( )

A. difficult B. boring C. healthy

IX. 阅读理解。(20分)



Bill has a brother Tom and a sister Lily. They have meals together every day. Bill and Tom like apples but Lily doesn’t like them. Lily likes carrots, but Bill hates them. Tom likes fruits but he doesn’t like vegetables. So their parents think they are not very healthy.

likes doesn’t like

Bill ___56___ ___57___

___58___ fruits ___59___

Lily ___60___ apples



One day, Tom and his father go out for a walk. Suddenly they see a big brown dog. The dog begins to bark(汪汪叫). Tom is afraid. He wants to run home. His father says: “Don’t be afraid, Tom. Don’t you know the saying(谚语), a barking dog does not bite(咬人)?”

“Oh, yes,” said Tom, “I know the saying, you know the saying, but does the dog know the saying?”

61. Tom and his father go home one day. ( )

62. They see a big dog barking. ( )

63. Tom isn’t afraid of the dog. ( )

64. tom wants to run home. ( )

65. The dog knows the saying, too. ( )

X. 写作。(10分)



















I. 1. A; H

2. C; E; G

3. B; F

4. D; I; J


5. French 6. runner 7. lots

8. eats 9. healthy


10. eggs 11. broccoli 12. oranges

13. hamburgers 14. salad 15. chicken

16. strawberries 17. tomatoes 18. French fries

19. ice cream


20. D; C 21. B; A 22. B 23. B 24. C; A

25. D; B


26. A 27. C 28. B 29. C 30. A

31. A 32. B 33. C 34. C 35. A


36. D 37 A 38. E 39. B 40. C


A. He eats them for breakfast and dinner every day.

B. My mother has lots of healthy food.

C. Do you like ice cream?

D. I like eating fruit.

E. We eat well.

41. E 42. A 43. B 44. D 45. C



46. eggs 47. French fries 48. doesn’t

49. dinner 50. eats/has


51. B 52. B 53. C 54. A 55. C



56. apples 57. carrots 58. Tom

59. vegetables 60. carrots


61. F 62. T 63. F 64. T 65. F


(A)One possible version

Nancy and I are good friends. We like bananas very much. For breakfast, I like eggs and milk, but she likes hamburgers and coffee. For lunch, we like meat and vegetables. For dinner, I like fruit and coffee. Nancy likes oranges and ice cream.

(B)One possible version

Dear John,

Thanks for your letter. For breakfast, I have hamburgers and eggs. I like salad and pizza for lunch. For dinner, I have vegetables and ice cream. I like strawberry ice cream best. Do you like it?