


第一类句型 主语+系动词+表语

例句:You are a student./ He is no longer what he used to be./ The sun looks bright in the sky.


1. to become a scientist, his, is, wish (他的愿望是当科学家。)

2. next year, fourteen, my son, will be (我儿子明年14岁。)

3. well, didn’t, yesterday, I, feel (我昨天感到不舒适。)

第二类句型 主语+(不及物动词)谓语+(状语)

例句:The sun has risen./ They worked day and night./ She stood smiling at me.


4. her husband, waited for, she, to come back(她等待着她丈夫回来。)

5. library, the, came, she, into (她进了图书馆。)

6. so as to, the first bus, got up early, he, catch (他起床很早,以便赶上头班公共汽车。)

第三类句型 主语+(及物动词)谓语+宾语

例句:She is watering the flowers./ She couldn’t keep back her tears./ We spend a lot of money on books.


7. the students, doing, their homework, are (学生们正在做家庭作业。)

8. to do, each day, he, tried, a good deed (他努力争取每天做一件好事。)

9. before, remember, I, seeing, somewhere, her (我记得在哪儿见过她。)

第四类句型 主语+(及物动词)谓语+间接宾语+直接宾语

例句:He gave me some beautiful pictures./ Would you fetch some water for the children?/ She told the students (that) the old man was her father.


10. the purse, handed, he, to the teacher (他把钱包交给了老师。)

11. whose order, we, is, it, will, show you (我们会让你看看,这是谁的命令。)

12. cost, the, bike, new, 300 yuan, him (买这辆自行车,他花了300元。)

第五类句型 主语+(及物动词)谓语+宾语+宾补

例句:The boy kicked the door open./ We thought it better for you to take the medicine in time./ The boss made the workers work long hours.


13. monitor, him, of our class, we, elected (我们选举他当班长。)

14. he, her, to be a dancer, wanted (他想让她当个舞蹈家。)

15. it, a pity, consider, that, I, he has given up studying English (我认为他放弃学英语真可惜。)

第六类句型 祈使句结构

例句:Come in, please./ Be careful not to touch it./ Don’t read in a moving bus.


16. piece, paper, pass, her of, a (递给她一张纸。)

17. be, silly, so, don’t (别这么傻。)

18. the boy, please, in, let (请让这孩子进去吧。)

第七类句型 感叹句结构

例句:What a silly boy he is!/ How wonderful to be invited to a palace ball!


19. silly, a, is, he, boy, what (他是多么蠢的孩子呀!)

20. hard, they, how, working, are (他们干得真起劲!)

第八类句型 疑问句结构

例句:Were they busy yesterday?/ Which book is yours?/ Which is bigger, the sun or the moon?./ You are tired, aren’t you?


21. go, with you, Tom, did, there (汤姆和你一起去那里了吗?)

22. to school, yesterday, who, the earliest, came (谁昨天到校最早呀?)

23. like, or, sports, you, do, music (你喜欢运动呢,还是喜欢音乐?)

24. leave, wouldn’t, will you, for long, you (你不会离开太久,对吗?)

第九类句型 否定句结构

例句:He is not an engineer./ I shall not ask him for help./ Nobody can work it out.


25. on the table, a book, isn’t, there (桌上没有书。)

26. come to, yesterday, didn’t, he, school (他昨天没上学。)

27. from, is, none, the, of, students, Shanghai (这些学生没有一个是上海人。)

第十类句型 并列句结构

例句:Tears appeared in her eyes, but he did not notice it./ The composition is all right; however there is room for improvement./ We must hurry, or we’ll be late.


28. spring, the trees, and, turned green, came (春天来了,树变绿了。)

29. nobody, found, so, he, he, went away, in the room (他发现室内无人,所以就走了。)

30. must be ill, didn’t, this morning, she, she come to school, for (她一定是病了,因为他今天上午没上学。)

第十一类句型 复合句结构

例句:Whether we can solve the difficulty still remains a question./ His suggestion is that we go to Beidaihe to spend our holidays./ I wish I could enter college./ The man who is standing by the door is our English teacher./ I’ll write to you as soon as I get there./ The news that the Chinese Women’s volley ball team has won the world’s championship soon spread over the whole country.


31. to go, at once, wants, may, whoever, go (无论谁想走,就可以马上走。)

32. who, the question, have, is, a try, will, first (问题是谁先试一试。)

33. he, him, would, the king, set, replied, free, that (国王回答说,他会释放他的。)

34. I, in Swiss, bought, the watch, which, yesterday, is made (我昨天买的手表是瑞士造的。)

35. began to cry, when, saw, his mother, the boy, he (那男孩看到他妈妈时就哭了。)

36. the earth, the sun, we all, the fact, moves, know, that, around (我们知道这个事实:地球围绕太阳转。)

第十二类句型 强调句结构

例句:It was your sister that I met in the zoo yesterday./ It was yesterday that I met your sister in the zoo.


37. they, who, it is, tomorrow, will have a meeting (就是他们明天要开会。)

38. the Second World War, that, was, it, died, he, during (他就是在第二次世界大战期间死的。)
