人教版 高二 Unit 6 Life in the future 教学案例


东海中学 程澜


阅读是人们获取信息的一种重要途径,也是人类社会文化交流的一种重要形式。阅读理解能力的高低直接影响和制约着一个人的听、说、写几方面能力的形成和发展。因此,提高中学生的阅读理解能力是中学英语教学的一项主要目标和要求。如何培养中学生的阅读能力是教学中的重点。下列是我以第二册Life in the future为例, 对阅读教学的探索。

教学目标:1. 理解并掌握一些重要的英语表达方式,培养用英语思维的意识。 

2. 提高英语的阅读能力。

3. 让学生更多地了解未来的生活。

教学难点 1.帮助学生阅读课文并充分获得相关信息。 

     2. 提高学生的阅读能力。  

教学准备 多媒体课件 


Step 1. Preparation for reading

1. listen to the English song “What ever will be will be”

2. let students enjoy some marvelous pictures about the future, for example , a city over the sea..


Step 2. Reading for information

1. Skimming

.Read the text and find out in which paragraph you can find the answer to the following questions.

1) How will people shop in the future?

2) How will people travel in the future?

3) What will schools be like in the future?

4) What will the human body be like ?

5) What will the future be like in general?

2.Scanning for details

1) Compared with the past, what is the most important thing in future transportation?

2) Why will the meglev train be popular in the future?

3) What will become more and more popular in the future business?

4) What is the store like in the future?

What can people do in the malls in the future?

5) How will people pay for their purchase?

6) will people in the future be able to enjoy a longer and healthier life? Why?

7) How will the schools of the future be different from what they are today?

8) How will the way we view learning and knowledge change?

9) What will be future like in general?

10) What is one way to catch a glimpse of the future?

3. listening and discussion ,discuss the advantage and disadvantage of the following things: future transportation, smart cards, online shopping and e-schools. , Then fill in the table

on the screen.

advantage disadvantages

Future transportation Clean, fast, safe, without pollution High cost expensive

Smart cards Convenient ,safe none

Online shopping Convenient ,time saving No guarantee of quality

e-schools Interesting, convenient, saving time No face- to –face coach

反思:略读(skimming)和查读( scanning)是快速获得信息的手段。本案例中通过四个问题的略读,帮助学生学会怎样快速地通过小标题的提示,找出所要的信息。又通过十个问题的查读帮助学生快速找到想要得到的具体信息,让学生了解未来生活的具体内容,同时培养学生快速阅读的能力。接着通过讨论这个环节,让每个学生都能主动参与,互相交流。更好地了解未来的生活。 

Step 3. Reading for comprehension

Bead the passage fully and choose the best answer.

1.The new maglev train is a good example of future transportation NOT because ______. B

A. it travels s faster

B. it becomes much cheaper

C. it ensures safety.

D. It doesn’t pollute the environment

2. What’s the meeting of the future transportation in Paragraph 2 ? D

A. Not pollution B. High speed C. Safety D. All of the above

3. What does the last paragraph mainly talk about? D

A. E-learning B. Knowledge C. Effects D. Education

4. Which of the following will be least likely to help people in the future to enjoy a longer and healthier life? B

A. Exercises regularly.

B. A balanced diet

C. Advances in medical science]

D. A better understanding of smallpox.

5. According to the last paragraph ,which of the following will probably take place in the future? A

A. People will look at education and knowledge differently.

B. Students will not have to homewok.

C. Real classrooms will disappear gradually

D. The schools of the future will remain the same.

反思: 阅读理解能力的素质主要体现在两个方面。一是快速阅读,二是准确理解。两者缺一不可。现行教材对检验“准确理解”的问题设计似有欠缺,一些套式化的问题无法检验出学生是否理解了课文的所有重要信息。一些教师对“深入理解”也敬而远之,课堂上用大量的图片信息(形象思维)代替语言信息(逻辑思维),对学生“照本宣科”的做法(学生从课文中找到相关信息后往往一字不动地原句读出)无可奈何地敷衍过去。其实,教材恰恰给教师提供了一个自由发挥的天地,教师完全可以按照自己对课文信息的深刻理解,设计一些帮助学生深刻把握课文要旨的问题。本步骤在这方面做了一些尝试。问题设计套用了高考对阅读理解的考查方式(但并不一定是唯一的或最好的方式),正确项和干扰项都不是课文中的原句,但都与课文信息有相当大的关联,都能够迫使学生回到课文信息本身,进行分析,归纳,推理,猜测,比较等高级思维活动,即,学生必须非常准确地理解所有的信息才能做出正确的选择。阅读教学中进行这一步骤是必要的,否则,学生对课文的信息的把握就只停留在“信息”这一层面上,而不能深入去触及和领悟课文的“要旨”。教师如果长期忽略这一环节,学生就会养成一些对以后学习极为不利的习惯。如虚浮的阅读习惯,对语言信息失去了应有的灵敏感觉。对任何学习内容马马乎乎,浅尝辄止;懒于动脑,不善思维等等。有些学生在初中就养成了这些习惯,到高中又不注重“动口,动手”转到“动脑”这个环节,因此,学习成绩每况日下。所以,对这一环节必须引起充分的重视,教师应当探寻引导学生深入理解的课堂教学手段,促使学生形成良好的学习习惯和思维风格。

Step 4. Reading for language awareness ,

1. Read the passage to find the English version for these Chinese expression. (fill in the blanks)

Para. one 1.未来的生活 life in the future2.对未来发展做出一些预测 make forecasts about future development3.窥测catch a glimpse of

4.主要趋势major trends5.在当代社会 in contemporary society

Para. two 1.当前的趋势current trends2.公共交通public transportation

3.新型的磁悬浮列车the new maglev train

4.环保 environmentally friendly5. 以430公里的惊人时速at an amazing 430km/h6.保证安全ensure safety

Para.three1.通常 as usual

2.改变方式reform the way 3.网上购物的好处advantages of online shopping4.保持联系keep in touch with5.寻找search for6.生活必需品 basic goods 7.把…结合在一起combine …with…Para four 1.更加长寿健康enjoy a longer and healthier life 2.保持积极的生活remain active 3.更加注重pay more attention to

4.定期运动exercise regularly

5.治疗新的疾病deal with new diseases

6.引起lead to

3.1).It is possible to use models to make forecast about future development.

2).One way to catch a glimpse of the future is to examine some major trends in contemporary society.

3).To ensure safety, the train in controlled by an advanced computer system.

4). The Internet makes it easier for company to keep in touch with customers.

5). We will be well-prepared for whatever the future may have in store .

反思:阅读教学中另外一个被忽视的方面就是“在阅读中培养学生的语言意识”。对于教材对 “Word study” 和“Grammar”的设置,教师的一般做法是、要么完全按照教材的安排;要么回到老路上逐句翻译,摘引大量的例句来解释重点词语和重点句型。前者的焦点在“信息”上,将课堂变成了 “信息交流会”;后者的焦点在 “语言”上,将课堂变成了“语法讲习所”。如果仅仅是为了得到信息,用汉语信息要比英语信息快得多;如果纯粹是为了学语法,又不用拿一篇文章来做样子。能不能在阅读教学中将两者较好地结合起来哪?本步骤在这方面进行了一些探讨。



第二步,让学生在理解表达同一意思的不同表达方式的基础上,培养学生的“句型”意识和“变化”意识。英语中的许多词汇(尤其是动词)在使用过程中往往与固定的句型分不开的,如seem 的用法。有些近义词之间的差异是用句型来区别的,如 likely, possible,和probable。同义表达还可以让我们体会到英语的词义与功能(句子成份)之间的对应关系。在同义表达中我们可以找到许多具有英语特质的东西,可以感觉到只有在英语中才能体会到的语言感觉。同义表达是在阅读教学中培养学生的良好的语言意识的最有效的手段之一。 



Step 5. Reading for use

Based on imagination and what we’ve learned today, say something about your future life , then write down.

At the end of the class , hope the students have a bright future!

反思 :听是为了能说,读是为了能写。通过上面的4个步骤。学生了解了一些未来生活的趋势,学习了一些词汇,短语和句型。这时,让学生来说(写)。他们会感到既想说(写),又能,会说(写)。 
