人教版 高三 Teaching plan for Senior Three


Teaching plan for Senior Three

Weng xiaojing

Unit 1 That must be a record

Period 1 warming-up

Step 1

something about The Guinness Book of World Records

The Guinness Book of World Records is a world famous collection of records in human life ,including all specific skills.

What is the longest song title? Who is the tallest living human being? What is the rarest stamp? The answers to these questions, and more, can be found at today's Family Site. Called The Guinness Book of Records, this is a site that represents an organization that for years has recorded events and stunts from all over the world. The desire of human beings to be the fastest, or tallest, or have that smallest or largest of an item are the bread and butter of this group.

At this site, you can find out about the latest record setting attempts and in what categories, search for existing records, find out the schedule of their television show, and suggest ideas for new categories or records.

This site is really interesting, one that you can spend an hour or two and be thoroughly entertained. By the way, the longest song title is a 1946 song by Hoagy Carmichael called "I'm a Cranky Old Yank in a Clanky Old Tank on the Streets of Yokohama with my Honolulu Mama Doing Those Beat-o, Beat-o, Flat on my Seat-o Hirohito Blues". Or it was the last time I looked. As for the other answers, you can find those for yourself at the site.

The book of records has been renewed each year and has been bought and enjoyes in 141 countries around the worls .The 262 editions and 35 languanges it has used ,may be a record itself.

Who got the idea to write the Guinness Book of World Records?

In 1951, Sir Hugh Beaver, the then managing director of the Guinness Brewery, went on a shooting party and became involved in an argument. Which was the fastest game bird in Europe ?the golden plover or the grouse? He realized then that a book supplying the answers to this sort of question might prove popular. He was right!

Step 2

Take the quiz below and see whether you can guess the answer

The lowest temperature ever recorded on Earth is __________.

A. –75.4℃ B. –89.2 ℃ C. –110.7 ℃

(-128.6°F) at the Russian Base in Vostock in Antarctica on July 21, 1983

2. The world’s tallest man is ________

A. 2.35m B. 2.45m C. 2.55

(America's Robert Wadlow who still towers above the rest at 8ft 11.1 inches. )

3. The youngest college graduate


A.10 years old B 12 years old C. 14 years old

4. The highest number of goals

in a soccer career is ______

A. 1279 B,546 C. 3850

5. The longest beard is _________

A. 73cm B. 1.83 cm C. 2.33

6. The longest lecture lasted _______

A. 32.5 h B. 62.5h C. 82.5h

Step 3 listening

Answer the questions in the SB

posssible answers:

1, large, big ,short,great,long,giant,small,tiny,strong , thin,….

2. reach, up to,speed, kilometre,hour,second,minute,metre,mile, per, fast,slow…

3.tall people; easy to reach sth, waste coth

short pepole : smart quick,difficult to reach sth.

Finish the Exs in the SB

Step 4 speaking

Ask the students to work in pairs to have a dissussion

Period 2 and 3 reading

Step1. Pre –reading : answer the questions in the Sb

Step2. Scanning

1. Who was Sir Hugh Beaver?

2.When was the first edition of Guinness Book of World Records published?

Match the general idea of each paragraph.. Chinese record

2. The first edition of Guinness Book of World Record

3. Records from the world of sports

4. Records of different categories

5. How to set a record?

6. Why are people so interested in records

Step 3 carefully reading

1. Who got the idea to write the Guinness Book of World Records?

2. When was the first edition of the Guinness Book of World Records published?

3. How are records collected in the book? Please give 3 examples.

4. Why are people so interested in world records?

5. How can you try to set a record?

posssible answers:

1. Sir. Hugh Beaver.

2. In 1955.

3. The Guinness Book of World Records has chapters on the human body, amazing feats, the natural world, science and technology , arts and the media, modern society, travel and transport, and sports and games.

Examples: Tian’anmen Square is the largest square in the world.

the longest moustache reached a length of 1.6 metres.

the longest poisonous snake is 5.71 metres long.

4. Because we are curious about the records and also entertained by accounts of strange and unusual deeds and facts.

5. First contact the Guinness Book of World Records.

Then the editors will send you rules and the form you need to apply the record after their discussion.

Afterwards a Guinness official will come to inspect your attempt.

If you are successful, the official will confirm the record and give you a certificate.

Step 4

Match each of the sentence below with a paragraph in the reading.

A . The Guinness Book of World Records is popular because people enjoy reading about strange facts and exciting achievements.

B. The editors of the book collect all the records and put them into different groups.

C. Sir Hugh Beaver decided to write the book as the result of an argument with a friend.

D. Even though the records themselves are amazing, the stories of the people who set the records are often even more interesting.

E. A new Guinness world record will only be accepted if it is safe and has been done according to the rules.

F. “ I just love reading about people who do amazing things, such as swimming a long river or running across a country. The stories inspire me and are fun to read.

Step 5 T or F.

The Guinness company began to the Guinness Book of World Records in the 1950s.

More than 60,000 new records are printed in the book each year.

An Englishman balanced a small car weighing 159.6 kilogrammes on his head for 33 seconds.

Lance Armstrong’s speed record is more impressive than his struggle against his disease.

5.The records that are dangerous to the person who is attempting it or to others are not allowed in the book.

6. The records in the Guinness Book of World Records are including different areas of people’s life.

Step 6 post- reading

Answer the following questions.

1. How did Sir Hugh Beaver come up with the idea for Guinness Book of World Records?

2 .What Guinness record were set in Urumqi and Hong Kong?

3. How long is the longest moustache in the world?

4. What are the categories in Guinness Book of World Records?

5. Why are Lance Armstrong’s records special?

6. What types of record attempts are not allowed?

7. Why do you think many people are interested in world records?

How much do you know about Guinness and the world record?

If you want to set a record, what kind of record would you like to?

posssible answers:

1. He first wanted to settle an argument about the fastest bird in Europe.After talking to his friends, he concluded that a book which answered such questions might popular.

2. Urumqi is the most remote city from the sea ; A special and delicious record was set in 1997 to celebrate Hong Kong’s return to China.

3. 1.6 meters

4. human body,amazing feats,the natural world,science and technology,arts and the media,model society,travel and transport,and sports and games.

5. It fades next to the story of Armstrong’s struggle against disease.

6.Records that are dangerous to the person who is attempting it or to others

7.Because we want to know what is possible and find out just how far we can push ourselves and are also entertained by accounts of strange and unusual deeds and facts.

Step 7 Language points

1. conclude vt. conclude that…. conclusion n.

come to the conclusion that... 所得结论是..., 断定

draw the conclusion得出结论,推断

leap / jump to a conclusion 冒然断定, 过早下结论

in conclusion = lastly 最后,总之

eg: In conclusion I’ d like to say that you did it very well.

2.set sth. down 写下来

eg: Why don’t you set your idea down on paper?

set sb. down 停车让人下车

eg: The bus stopped to set down an old lady.

I’ll set you down on the corner of the street.

set about sth./doing sth.做手某事/做某事=set out to do开始干

set off 出发

set aside 不理会;搁置;存储=put away

set foot in/on 踏上

set fire to sth./set sth on fire 防火烧掉…

set up 成立;建造

be set in 以…为背景

3. keep track of sb./ sth.

eg: It’s hard to keep track of all one’s old school friends.

lose track of

eg: lose track of time 说不准现在的确切时间

4. balance 天平

eg: Have you brought something to weigh the flesh? A balance?

平衡 eg: balance of nature

keep/lose one’s balance 谐调,匀称

eg: All the parts of the building are in perfect balance. 余额

eg: I must check my bank balance. v. 使……保持平衡

eg: How long can you balance on one foot? 结算

eg: balance an account / one’s books 结帐 等价,抵消

eg: This year’s profits will balance our previous losses.

5. stand out明显;醒目

突出;杰出 ; 坚持;支撑eg: to stand out a crisis挨过危机

Stand still ! 站住,不许动!stand by 在场;靠近; 袖手旁观

(无线 电台或军事方面)待命,准备行动 ; 试图援助;极力支持 忠于;信守

eg: to stand by one's promise

遵守诺言 stand down退出竞选;离开证人席

tand for代表,表示;意指; 容忍;允许

stand in当替身;代替 stand up耐久;耐用; 成立

eg: Will the charge stand up in court?


stand up for维护;拥护;支持

6.next to

1) 在……旁边He lives next to me.

2) 跟在……之后 Next to skiing her favorite sport was ice-hockey.


3) 几乎,近于next to impossible 几乎不可能

next to last 倒数第二

7.Impressive as the record is, it fades next to the story of Armstrong’s struggle against disease.

As 引导让步状语从句(部分倒装)

Impressive as the record is = Though the record is impressive


Angry as he was, he listened to me patiently.虽然阳光灿烂,天气却很冷。

The air was cold, bright as the sun was.

8. in the first place首先, 第一点

in the last place最后in the next place其次, 第二点

in place of 代替, 用...而不用… in places在某些地方, 有几处in one’s place

9. make for 可造成,可成为,有好处

eg: The large print makes for easier reading.大字排版使阅读轻松些。

早起有利于健康吗?Does early rising make for good health?

10.head 前往;朝向 更常用 head for

eg: When I saw the car heading for me, I stepped aside.

Clouds are gathering. I think we’d better head for the hotel in case it starts to rain.

10 .a dozen of 一打, 十二个 a dozen (of) eggs但 a dozen of those apples

a dozen of them 二十四 two dozen (of)

三十六 three dozen (of) eg: I’ve bought a dozen of pencils for my son.

I want four dozen (of) eggs.

dozens of 许多several / a few / some dozens of

by the dozen 按打,以打计算 in dozens 成打地

12. center on集中于; 把某人/物当作重点

eg: 这次会议的中心议题是关于中国足球未来十年的发展。

The topic of the meeting centered on the development of China’s football in the following ten years.

13.concentrate on 专注于

eg: 走钢丝时,你要集中精力于身体在空中的移动方式。

When walking on a high wire, you should concentrate on the way your body moves in the air.

14. burst into cheers 突然欢呼起来burst into + n. burst out + doing

eg: burst into tears burst out crying burst into laughter

15.set a record

16 .achieve one’s goal

17.in a row 连续, 一连串 in rows 成行, 成排

eg: China women volleyball team won five champions in a row in the 1980s.

They planted the trees in rows.

18. then adv.用来修饰名词,意为“那时的,当时的”

19. live to be 活到 不定式 to be 作结果状语

她活到了八十岁。She lived to be 80.

吃为了活着,但不要为了吃而活着。Eat to live, but don’t live to eat.

类似结构:prove /turn to be…证明是;结果是

20.diagnose sb. with a disease 诊断某人患了某种疾病

be diagnosed. with a disease 被诊断患了某种疾病

21.record vt.记录,录制 n 记录;唱片(注意读音)

keep a record 保持记录set a new record 创新记录

break/beat a record 打破记录make a new record 刷新记录

keep a record of 保存…的记载make e record 录制/制作唱片

Period 4 Integrating skills

Step 1.Scanning

1. How did many teenagers discover the skatebord?

2. Does the skatebord belong to an extreme sport or regular sport?

Step 2 Read the passage and answer the questions on page 1.

Step 3 More words to describe people

enthusiastic curious experienced cautious Brave delighted interested outgoing friendly energetic wise skillful

responsible kind athletic powerful

all/ thin/slim/ a broad face,/ wide eyes/ short

beautiful /pretty /lovely/handsome/naughty /healthy /foolish /stupid /silly /clever /smart /wise /bright / diligent /intelligent /lazy /hard working,

He is …meters high/tall/in height

good-looking funny-looking strong-looking ugly-looking dirty-looking ordinary-looking

blue-eyed white-eyed warm-hearted light-hearted

kind-hearted absent-minded be in good or poor condition

strong-tempered bad-tempered near-sighted far-sighted

Step 4 Language points

1. As a result of

Because of

On account of

Owing to

Due to

He was late due to thick fog

-- He was late thick fog

-- He was late thick fog

-- He was late thick fog

-- He was late thick fog

head vi. 前往;朝向

head down to 开往;前往;朝向

更常用 head for

When I saw the car heading for me, I stepped aside.

Clouds are gathering. I think we’d better head for the hotel in case it starts to rain.

3. Skillful adj.灵巧的,熟练的 Skilled 熟练的,有技能的

Be skillful at /in =be skilled in/at

善于绘画 Be skillful at painting 熟练的工人 A skilled worker

技术性工作Skilled work

4. permit V. permission n.

with /without one’s permission

Permit sb. to do sth.

Permit doing

He was permitted outside after finishing his homework.

A. play B.playing C. to play D. plays

5.have been around 遍布全球(各地);深入人心

6. familiar

be familiar with sth. 某人对…熟悉/通晓

sb. be familiar with sb. 与某人过分亲热

sth. be familiar to sb. 为某人所熟悉

familiarity n. 熟悉,亲密

1 Han Hong 为 所熟悉 young fans.

2.He 通晓music.

7.A new generation of sports is capturing the hearts and minds of people who are willing to try something new.


capture: vt. 捕获;占领;赢得


e.g 1 Our task was to capture a number of these monkeys alive.


2.He captured first place in the men’s broad jump with a leap of 7.51 meters. 。

8.center v.

~ on /upon 将…当作中心或重点; 集中于


Their talks always center on politics.

The discussion centers on the most important questions.

~ sth. on /upon 将某物集中在…上/集中于….

concentrate vt.


集中(思想/注意力…) 于…

~ (thought/attention…) on/upon…


We must ~ our attention on efficiency/studies..

concentrate on/upon全神贯注;专心致志于;全力以赴;专心


She couldn't concentrate on a book very long.

n. concentration camp 集中营

There is too much noise outside, I can not _____my attention on my work.

fill B. connect

C. flat D. concentrate

9.delight n.1) 欣喜,愉快 [U]=joy 令…高兴的是

to one’s delight

兴高采烈/高兴地 with delight以…为乐 take/find delight in

2) 乐事,乐趣[C]


He enjoyed the delights of New York's night life.

vt. 使高兴;使愉快=please


The clown ~ed the audience.


I'm delighted that you are back.


We were delighted to read your novel.

be delighted by/with sth. 因…而高兴


1) vt.登记,注册,申报; (仪表等)标示,;记录=read


He went to the city hall to register the birth of his son.


The thermometer registered 70 degrees.

2) vi.登记,注册


I registered at a hotel near the train station.

Unit 1

1.in a soccer career 在足球生涯中

2.settle an argument about 确定关于…的论点

3.be sent into 被收入

4.set down 登记;记载;写下

5.keep track 与…保持接触;跟…的进程或发展

6.be put into 被放入…;翻译成…

7.stand out 显著;杰出

8.be diagnosed with cancer 被诊断出患了癌症

9.in the first place (用与列举理由等时)首先;第一;原先

10.make for 可造成;可译成;有好处;走向

11.apply for 申请;请求

12.head down to 开往;前往;朝向

13.have been around 遍布全球(各地);深入人心

14.burst into something 突然而猛烈地发出或产生某事物

15.centre on /upon 将某人或某事物当作中心或重点

16.concentrate on 专心致力于


Read through the text again

Finish the exercises on the workbook.

附: 课文重难点解析

SEFC 3A unit 1 That must be a record!

In 1951, the then director of the Guinness Brewery, Sir Hugh Beaver, wanted to settle an argument about the fastest bird in Europe. 1951年,当时吉尼斯啤酒厂的厂长毕伟休先生很想解决欧洲哪一种鸟飞的最快这一争论。

① settle: vt. 解决;处理

e.g. I’d like to get it settled today while we’re at it. 既然我们大家都关注这件事, 我很想今天就把他解决了。

② argument: n. 辩论;争论

e.g. They got into quite a heated argument.他们进行了十分热烈的争论。

Instead, the editors of the book set down the records and keep track of them in other ways. 然而,本书的编辑们会写下该纪录,随后设法跟踪了解它们。

① set down写下; 放下; 让下车; 规定

e.g. I’ll set down one or two points while they are fresh in my mind. 趁我记忆犹新我得写下一两个要点。

② keep track of (继续)了解…的情况; 记住…的情况

e.g. Mr. Steven kept track of his business by telephone when he was in hospital. 史蒂芬先生住院期间,通过电话了解他的生意。

The records are put into different categories. 纪录被分为两类。

① category: n. [C] 类(属); 范畴

e.g. Helen groups all people into two categories: those she likes and those she dislikes. 海轮把人们分为两类:一类是她喜欢的,一类是她不喜欢的。

And there are also strange records, like the Englishman who balanced a small car weighing 159.6 kilograms on his head for thirty-three seconds! 也会有些奇怪的纪录,譬如,一个英国人曾头顶159.6 公斤的一个小汽车坚持了33秒。

① balance: vt.&vi. 保持平衡;使平衡

e.g. In order to balance their trade, they would have to buy less goods in the United States. 为了让他们的贸易保持平衡,他们将必须减少购买美国的货物。

② weighing 159.6 kilograms on his head for thirty-three seconds! 现在分词短语做定语。

Among the brilliant athletic achievements, a few records stand out because of the moving life stories behind them. 在非常优秀的运动员的成绩档案里, 有几个纪录是由于这些成绩的后面那动人的生命故事而引人注目的。

① stand out: 显得突出; 显眼; 引人注目

e.g. your red pullover really stands out in that photograph. 你的红毛衣在那张照片中非常显眼。

② because of 由于

e.g. He realized that she was crying because of what he had said. 他意识到她是因为他所说的话而在哭泣。

③ moving: adj. 动人的; 感人的

e.g. The beggar told her such a moving story that she almost wept. 乞丐讲述了一个几乎令她流泪的动人的故事。

Impressive as the record is, it fades next to the story of Armstrong’s struggle against disease. 尽管这纪录给人流下了非常深刻的印象,但是与阿姆斯特朗同疾病斗争的故事比起来它就变的黯然失色了。

① as: conj. 尽管; 虽说:引导让步状语从句,注意该句型要倒装。

e.g. Intelligent as she was, she had not much insight. 尽管她很聪明,但是她没有多少洞察力。

② fade: vi. 退色; 逐渐消失:

e.g. As evening came the coastline faded into darkness. 随着夜幕的降临,海岸线消失在黑暗中。

He went on to set the speed record and achieve his goal of winning the Tour de France six times in a row in 2004. 他继续创造着世界纪录,并且在2004年他连续6次实现了他的目标:赢得了环法大赛冠军。

① achieve: vt. 取得(胜利,成就); 实现(目标,目的等)

e.g. Nothing would stop me from achieving my ambition. 没有任何事情会阻止我去实现我的目标。

② in a row 一个接一个地; 连续不断

e.g. The children stood in a row in front of the row of chairs. 孩子们一个接一个地站在那排椅子的前面。

Part of the reason for our interest is probably the same curiosity that led Sir Hugh to write The Guinness Book of World Records in the first place. 最初可能正是我们兴趣中那一部分好奇心促使休先生开始写这本吉尼斯世界纪录一书的。

① let sb. to do 使得某人做某事

e.g. The news leads me to believe that they will come.这则消息让我相信他们会回来的。

② in the first place (用于列举理由等时)首先;第一;原先

e.g. The thing for me to have done was to have married her to him in the first place. 对我来说所做的一件事就是首先把她许配给了他。

We want to know what is possible and find out just how far we can push ourselves. 我们想知道什么是可能的,也想弄明白我们的极限是多远。

① find out 了解; 弄清楚

e.g. We must find out the truth of the matter. 我们必须弄明白事情的真相。

One morning the baby found out for the first time that she could walk. 一天早上,婴儿第一次发现她会走了。

Clearly, we are also entertained by accounts of strange and unusual deeds and facts. 显然,这些奇怪而不寻常的行为和事实的描述也使我们感到很开心。

① entertain: vt.款待;招待(客人);提供消遣;使高兴

e.g. Every summer they entertain the neighbors at an outdoor party. 每年夏天,他们会举办户外聚会来招待邻居们。

The magician entertained the children with a variety of tricks. 魔术师变各种各样的戏法来逗孩子们开心。

② account: n. [C] 叙述;报道;账目;银行户头

e.g. The accounts I have received of Australia are not particularly encouraging. 我所得到的关于澳大利亚的报道并不令人欢欣鼓舞。

The editors will decide if your idea is suitable and then send you rules and the form you need to apply for the record. 编辑们会决定是否你的想法很合适,然后会寄给你申请这个纪录所需要的规则和表格。

① suitable: adj. 合适;适合

e.g. Those shoes are not suitable for walking in the country.这鞋不适合在乡间走路。

Have you a suitable book for a young child? 你是否有适合小孩子读的书。

② apply: 申请; 应用

e.g. I applied at the local police station for a peddler’s certificate. 我在当地警察局申请了商贩执照。

Afterwards, if all goes well, a Guinness official will come to inspect your attempt. 之后, 如果一切进展顺利的话,吉尼斯办公室会来检查你尝试的情况。

① inspect: vt. 检查;视察

e.g. They inspected the whole house for traces of damp. 他们来检查整个房子的潮湿的证迹。

All factories and mines are inspected by government officials. 政府官员检查所有工厂和煤矿。

If you are successful, the official will confirm the record and you will get a certificate from The Guinness Book of World Records stating that you are a world record holder. 如果你成功了, 吉尼斯官员会确认你纪录, 而且你会得到吉尼斯世界纪录证书, 并声明你是世界纪录的保持者。

① confirm: vt. 批准;肯定

e.g. When do you think the President will confirm you in office? 你认为什么时候总统会批准你执政。

② state: vt. 陈述;声明

e.g. State your opinion of the new school rules. 请陈述你对学校新规则的看法。

The stated facts conflict with what actually happened. 这些已经说明的事实与真实发生的情况相矛盾。

All of our schoolmates were here, as well as many of our parents and other kids from the neighborhood. 我们的校友, 我们的父母以及来自附近的孩子们全来了

① as well as 同,和,也

e.g. It is important for you as well as for me. 这对你对我都重要。

The conflict spread everywhere, into villages, as well as into the cities. 冲突到处在蔓延, 进了村庄,也进了城市。

A new generation of sports is capturing the hearts and minds of people who are willing to try something new. 新一代的体育运动占据了想尝试新鲜事物的人们的所有心思。

① capture: vt. 捕获;占领;赢得

e.g. Our task was to capture a number of these monkeys alive. 我们的任务是活捉许多猴子。

He captured first place in the men’s broad jump with a leap of 7.51 meters. 他以7.51米的成绩取得了男子跳远的第一名。

② be willing to 愿意做某事

e.g. She’s willing to help in any way she can. 她愿意尽可能地帮助别人。

These new sports are called “extreme sports” and all center on the “X-factor”---the pure joy of doing something that you didn’t think you could do and overcoming your fears. 这些新的体育运动被称作为极限运动, 所有这些运动都以难预测的因素为中心---

① center on 以…为中心。

e.g. The discussion centered on the most important question. 讨论以最重要的问题为中心。

②overcome: vt. 克服; 抑制

e.g. He succeeded in his efforts to overcome his fatal weakness. 他成功地克服了他最致命的弱点。

③ doing something that you didn’t think you could do and overcoming your fears. and 连接的并列动名词短语做of 的宾语。

I get excited and my hearts beats faster.

① get: link-v 变得

e.g. Hugh got engaged to her when traveling last winter. 在去年冬天的旅行中休与她订了婚。

Then my mind becomes clear and I concentrate on the way my body moves in the air. 当时我的头脑很清醒而且全身心的投入在空中移动身体的方法上。

① concentrate on/upon 聚精会神; 集中思想

e.g. He tried to concentrate on his clinical research at the hospital. 他试图专注于医院的临床研究。

We don’t let anyone try a dangerous trick unless we know that they are skilled enough to perform it safely. 如果我们不确定他们能够熟练且安全地进行这个项目, 我们就不会让他们去尝试危险的特技表演。

① perform vt.& vi. :进行; 执行;表演;表现

e.g. One should always perform what one promises. 一个人应该履行他的诺言。

The engine performs well in cold weather. 这发动机在寒冷的天气也表现很好。

Two periods for Revision and Exercise

Unit 2 Crossing Limits

Period 1 Warming up & Listening & Speaking

Step 1 lead in

ask the students some questions

Do you know what sport is the most fashionable, challenging and exciting in the world?(F! cycle race,challenging limits,such as bungee jumping,boxing,exploring….)

There are a variety of explorations.Can you give some examples?

(space explorations,ploar explorations,desert explorations,field explorations,voyage explorations…)

Step2 talk about the pictures in the SB

Zheng He, in the year between 1405 and 1433, seven large treasure fleets sailed westwards on voyages of trade and exploration. Under the command of Zheng He, the fleets set sail from the South China Sea across the Indian Ocean to the Red Sea, and then traveled further south, discovering the eastern coast of Africa.

He renewed relations with the Kingdoms of the East African coast.One African king sent the Ming emperor a royal present: two gifaffes.

James Cook (1728-1779) was the greatest Britain navigator. Cook enlisted in the Royal Navy in 1755. In 1768 he was promoted and sent to the Pacific where he surveyed Tahiti, New Zealand, and Australia. On his famous second expedition (1772-75) he explored Antarctica. In 1776 he undertook his third and final voyage in which he explored the West coast of North America and tried to locate a passage between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. On this voyage he discovered the Hawaiian Islands, and sailed up the coast of North America through the Bering Straits to the Arctic Ocean. On his return he was killed by Hawaiian islanders.

Italian-born explorer Christopher Columbus broke with tradition in 1492, sailing west in an attempt to find a shorter route to India and China. Columbus based his calculations for the journey on Biblical scripture, specifically the books of Esdras in the Apocrypha.

On August 3rd, 1492, Columbus departed from Palos de la Frontera, Spain, on the first of several voyages to what he later called the “New World.”

Abel Janszoon Tasman (1603 年- 1659) 是荷兰船员和探险家, 出生在Lutjegast, 一个村庄在Groningen 省, 最早知道为他的远航1642 年和1644 年, 在VOC (Dutch East India Company 的) 服务。他是第一欧洲远征达成范Diemen 的Land (现在塔斯马尼亚岛) 并且新西兰海岛。他并且测绘了澳洲的坚固部份。

posssible answers: Q2,seven.They’re Asia,Afria,Europe,North America,South America,Oceania and Antarctica.

Q3,Winds and waves on the sea, losing their way,lack of food and drinking water,pirates,languages,communication devices and diseases…

Q4,explore,challenge,brave,luck,lackof,hardship,death,disease,success,failure , wealth,knowledge,technology,information, equip…

Describe the dangers and challenges by using the following

make a discovery, expedition, explore the unknown. do scientific research, map the coast, find a new landmass, hit a rock, meet with storm, fight against the natives, land , set out/sail for, by sea/radio/flag language

Step3 listening

Step4 speaking

Present opinion:

1.From my understanding,I fond it possible that--

2.IN my opinion,nobody has the right to----

3.For the sake of---, I believe ---

4.In respect for ---,we should ---

5.Everything has two sides, but I ---

6.By no means should we sacrifice people’s life in the name of science---


Step5 Language points

1.what sort of questions do you think the reporter …..

sorts of…各种各类的

a sort of…一种

eg: you can see sorts of fishes under the sea.

do you think 是插入语,放在特殊问句疑问词之后,其后的句子应用陈述语序.

eg: When do you think they will come back?

2. What modern means can explorers …

means 方式,方法 (单复数同形)

make use of …

make good/full use of…

3. In which way will a human trip to …

be similar to….与…相似

eg: The gold is similar to brass in color.

4.In their work, scientists meet with……

meet with… ,come across…

come up with…, run into…遇到,碰上

Eg: While reading, you are sure to come across some new words.

make decisions about…. 对…作出决定

about which …在句中引导一带有介词的定语从句, 修饰先行词situations

5.When Captain James Cook landed in….

take possession of… 把…占为己有,占领,夺取

e.g. Don’t take possession of the wallet,though you picked it up in the street.

in the name of … 以… 名义,代表…

e.g. The police arrested him in the name of the law.

4..Instead of sending people, we can send robots equipped with….

instead of … 代替, 而不是

e.g. Instead of going to the museum, they finally decided to go to the park.

equipped with… “ 装备”, 过去分词短语作定语

equip… with…., be equipped with….

e.g. All the police are equipped with guns and bullets.

equipment n. 设备,配置

do observations for… 为… 去做观察

Period 2 and 3 reading

Step1 Scanning

Title Reaching Out Across the Ocean


sentence Many great explorers made expeditions across the Indian Ocean long before Columbus, among whom Zheng He was the most prominent.

Main idea(before

Zheng He)

P2 China had contacts with countries along the

Indian Ocean from the early time, and during

ancient time explorers had begun to contact

with each other.

Main idea(before

Zheng He) P3 Between the Han and the early Tang Dynasty, Swahili kingdoms and

the islands off the African coast developed

into the world trade centre and attracted

merchants from the world.

P4 During the Tang Dynasty, Du Huan, who

traveled to many lands, wrote the book Record of My Travels.

P5 In the eleventh century, the Africans made

several voyages to the court of the Song


P6 By the beginning of the fifteenth century the time was ripe for a grand meeting.

P7 In the years between 1405 and 1433, under the command of Zheng He, seven large treasure fleets sailed westwards on voyages of trade and exploration.

P8 Zheng He renewed relations with the kingdoms of the East African coast.

P9 The fleet made several expeditions before the exploration was stopped.


Judge the following sentences True or False

The Europeans were the first Explorers to travel to other countries.

2. Accurate maps of the countries around the Indian Ocean were made before the fifteenth century.

3. In the years between 1405 and 1433 , Zheng He sailed westwards only on

voyages of exploration.

4 Zheng He invited African countries to send ambassadors to China.


Put the sentences in good order.

1.In the eleventh century, the Africans made several voyages to the court of the song dynasty.

2.Merchants from the Arabic countries began to travel to the Swahili kingdom and the islands off the African coast to trade with them.

3.People of the Han Dynasty exchanged silk for spices and glass with Indians and Romans by way of the Silk Road.

4. The Chinese traveller, Du Huan, wandered

Through Arabic countries for about 10 years.

5.Christopher Columbus and other European explorers searched for routes to Asia.

6. Zheng He made seven voyages and discovered the eastern coast of Africa.

Step4 Language points

reach reach out reach for

Please reach me that book.

Not a single word reached my ears.

He reached out his hand for the knife , but it was too far away.

We must reach out to those in need.

Jim reached for a gun but he was stopped.


What puzzles me is why they didn't show up.

He looked a little puzzled.

We finally puzzled out the meaning of the poem

Her decision was a puzzle to him

I'm in a puzzle as to how to cope with the new situations.

3. search search for search --- for in search of

The police searched the prisoner to see if he had a gun.

I searched shop after shop for my sister’sbirthday present.

The parents searched for their lost boy here and there , but they didn’t find him.

I will make a search for your book.

I looked everywhere in search of my glasses.

4. long before before long(= soon )

There was a lively market long before.

Before long you will understand what I

said is good for you.

I had waited him long before he came.

It won’t be long before you see him again.

It was long before they escaped from the

cruel prison.

5. find one’s way

feel /make / fight /push one’s way

I hope you can find the way home.

She couldn’t find the way out of the building.

The soldiers fought their way through thefierce enemies.

6.exchange exchange---for in exchange for

I’d like to exchange five apples for five eggs.

Mary exchanged her seat with Ann.

He is giving her French lessons in exchange

for his English lessons

7. an island off the coast of the southeast

Keep off the grassland !

cut a piece off the loaf

The ship was brown off its course.

8.wander ( 常与about /in/ through连用)

The children wandered in the woods.

The river wanders through beautiful country.

They wandered up and down the road aimlessly.

His mind wandered back to his college life.

9. command

The officer commanded his men to fire.

He commanded that everyone make the

best of the chance of senior three.

The army is under the command of general Washington.

Bill is in command of the fleet.

10.volunteern.[C]1. 自愿参加者,志愿者[(+for)][(+to-v)]

The volunteers for community service are doing a good job.


2. 志愿兵,义勇兵

Many Australians fought as volunteers on the Allied side.


vt. 1. 自愿(做)[(+to-v)]

They volunteered to repair the house for the old lady. 他们主动提出替老太太修缮房子。

2. 自愿提供,自愿给予

She volunteered the information. 她自动提供了这一消息。

vi. 1. 自愿;自愿服务[(+for)]

He volunteered for the hard and unprofitable job. 他自愿做这苦差使。

2. 自愿当兵[(+for)]

When the war broke out, he volunteered for the Marine Corps.


11.suggest vt.1. 建议,提议[+v-ing][+(that虚拟)][+wh-]

I suggest our going to the park on Sunday.


The dentist suggested that she (should) come another day. 牙医建议她改天再来。

2. 暗示;启发[+(that陈述)]

Her expression suggested pleasure./that she was pleased. 她面露喜色。

3. 使人想起,使人联想到[(+to)]

That cloud suggests a boat to me. 那朵云使我联想到船。

12.accomplish vt. 1. 完成,实现,达到

They didn't accomplish the purpose desired.


They have accomplished their mission successfully. 他们成功地完成了任务。

2. 走完,度过

She has accomplished 95 years of her life. 她已达九十五高龄。

The journey was accomplished in five weeks.


13refer to1. 查阅,参阅

A person refers to a dictionary to find the meaning of the words.

2. 指……而言,指的是

I knew the lady was referring to Bill when she spoke of a bright young boy.

3. 把……称作(as)

Don’t refer to your sister as a silly cow!

refer…to 1. 指导;让……找

Our teacher refers us to many good books.

If he needs any further information, refer him to me.

2. 归功于;归咎于

He referred his success to the good teaching he’s had.

14.arise (arose, arisen) vi.

1. 升起,上升 A heavy mist arose from the lake. 湖面起了浓雾。

2. 产生,出现,形成[(+from/out of)]

Unexpected difficulties arose in the course of their experiment.


Between the copartners serious disagreements arose. 合伙人之间产生了严重分歧。

Period 4


Title Going High: the Pioneers of the Third Pole

P1 By the middle of 1920s, Mount Qomolangma remained to be greatest challenge for human beings.

P2 Climbing Mount Qomolangma was dangerous and it seemed almost impossible because of its extreme conditions.

P3 Sherpas prove to be the ideal guide since the first attempt.

P4 Though several attempt failed in 1920s, Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay made their first successful attempt to the summit in 1953.

P5 After the first successful attempt to conquer Mount Qomolangma, it remains man’s great challenges until now.

P6 The Chinese successfully reached the summit of it in 1960.

P7 Over the past 40 years, other 29 Chinese reached the summit for scientific research or sport.

Step2 answer the questions in the SB

Step3 Language points

1.apart from

Apart from Beijing,they have visited Tianjing,Nanjing,Jinan and Qingdao.

2.adjust to

The foreignners have adjusted to life in Beijing.

3.act as

In the drama,she act as a sleeping beauty.

4. rely on

The success of the project relies on the efforts of all the engineers,

5.refer …to… =think of ..as…

Wa all refer to Mr Qin as a good teacher .

6.run out of

They were out of breath as their strength ran out.

7.be praised as =be honored as

The athletes who won medals in the Olympics are praised as national heroes.

Two periods for Revision and Exercise

Unit 3 The land down under

Period 1 Warming up & Listening & Speaking

Step 1 Warming-up

1. What do you know about Australia? List three things that interest you.

The national flag of Australia . The national emblem of Australia

2. Do you know where the Pacific Ocean, the Indian Ocean, Sydney, Melbourne and Canberra are?

3. Look at the map of Australia. Which of the places would you like to visit?

Why? What would do there?

Step 2 Listening

1. Look at the word list below. Tick the words you think you will hear on the tape.

( ) environment ( ) confusing ( ) dangerous

( ) technology ( ) rafting ( ) adventure

( ) studying ( ) thrill ( ) safety

( ) pollution ( ) equipment ( ) outback

2. Listen to part 1 of the tape and complete the chart below with the

information from the tape.

Bushwalking Cycling Surfing

Where: Where: Where:

Why: Why: Why:

In the second part of the tape, you will hear an experienced outback guide give advice about safety and equipment. Use what you know about adventure travel and safety to list a few items in the chart below. Then listen to the tape and complete the chart.

Safety Equipment Environmental protection

Step 3 Speaking

Work in groups. You are planning a 10-day trip to Australia. You are meeting to decide where to go and what to do. You have also invited a tour guide who will answer your questions and help you prepare for your

trip. Prepare the role cards below.

Period 2 and 3 Reading

Step1 Pre-reading

(1) What do you know about Australia?

Australia was discovered about 53 000 years ago. It is possible that the first people crossed into Australia from Asia on great land bridge when the water above of the oceans was lower.

(2) Look at the map of Australia. Australia is surrounded by many oceans: the Indian ocean in the west, the Southern Ocean in the south and the Pacific Ocean in the northeast.

(3) Show more pictures about Australia to the students.

Which questions will be answered in the passage and tick them.

1. How large is Australia?

2. When was Australia founded?

3. Who lives in Australia?

4. What is the capital of Australia?

5. What animals are native to Australia?

6. What is Australia famous for?

7. What does the Australia flag look like?

8. How many people live in Australia?

9. How is Australian English different from British and American English?

Step2 Fast reading

How many parts can the passage be divided into? Five

What’s the main idea of each paragraph?

Para1: The portrait of a nation

Para2: The first Australians

Para3: A nation of prisoners

Para4: Another new world: The birth of a nation

Para5: Speak Australian? No worries!

Step3 Careful reading

1.The Australian flag shows________.

A. the UK flag and seven stars

B. the USA flag and a large star with seven points

C. the UK flag and six large stars with seven points

D. the UK flag, a large star and a group of small stars

2. Who were the first people to arrive in Australia?

A. Spanish, Portuguese and Dutch.

B. Prisoners and criminals from England.

C. Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders.

D. Asian explorers.

3.According to the text, Asian countries have _________ on Australia culture.

A. great influence B. little influence

C. no influence D. no effect

4.In 1770, Captain James Cook claimed the east coast of the continent for the_______ Crown.

A. British B. Spanish

C. Portuguese D. American

5.What does the word ‘‘claim’’ mean in Paragraph 3 of ‘‘A nation of prisoners? ’’

Australia A. need B. demand C. believe D. buy

6 It was ________ that made the original Australians suffer.

A. the American War of Independence

B. Captain James Cook

C. the English prisoners

D. the first fleet of 11 ships

7.After the Second World War, Australia began to_______

A. form the commonwealth

B. transform itself into the modern country as it is today

C. change its attitude towards immigration

D. suffer from the Depression of the 1930s

8. The last part of the text tells us __________.

A. Australian English is the same as British English

B. there are no differences between Australia English and British English

C. all the words in Australian English have a different meaning from British words

D. "down under" means the country of Australia to Australians

9. From the national flag of Australia, we can know________.

A. there are 5 states altogether in Australia

B. people of Australia like American society

C. people of Australia think they have something to do with the English people

D. Australia suffered from immigration

10 From the text we can infer Australia came into being ________ the continent began to exist.

A. long before B. long after

C. at .the same time when D. shortly after

Step4 Post-reading

Answer the following questions.

1) What do the symbols on the Australian flag represent?

Six of the points represent the original states (Western Australia, South Australia, Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania) and the seventh stands for all the territories. The other stars on the flag represent the Southern Cross.

2) Who were the first people to arrive in Australia?

The Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders.

3) Why were prisoners sent to Australia after 1788? Where were they from?

The American War of Independence made it possible for England to send prisoners to North America. They were from America.

4) What happened to the original Australians when the European newcomers arrived?

The newcomers changed the way land was managed and introduced new plants and animals that were harmful to the Australian ecosystems. As a consequence, the original Australians suffered.

5) What was the problem with Australia's Constitution?

The Constitution governing six states stated that men were free and equal, explained their base civil rights and described the new government.

6) How did the two World Wars change Australia?

After the First World War, the country experienced social and economic unrest and suffered from the Depression of the 1930s. After the Second World War, Australia began to transform itself into the modern country as it is today.

7) How does Australian English differ from British English?

Australian English differs from British English in pronunciation and some of the vocabulary.

Step5. Language Points

Modern Australia is made up of six states and two territories.( 由…组成)

e.g. The solar system is made up of a star and nine plants.

make up 和解,和好;虚构,编造;化妆;补偿,弥补;凑钱

e.g. It is very hard to make up the quarrel between the couple.

Don’t make up any excuse to cheat me.

I find no time to make myself up every day.

Hard work can make up for a lack of intelligence.

Have you made up the money for your class?

2. Australia is surrounded by many oceans.


e.g. The house was surrounded by high walls.

3. claim vt(根据权利)要求,认领,索赔; 自称;主张

e.g. Did you claim on the insurance after your car


e.g. She claims that she is related to the Queen.

e.g. She claims to be related to the Queen.

4. as a consequence 结果,后果

as a consequence= in consequence/as a result

e.g. After graduation, he became quite lazy. As a consequence, he lost what he owned.

in consequence of =as a result of/because of/due to/owing to

In consequence of his rudeness, he was fired by his boss

e.g. As a consequence, she lost everything she


5. have an influence on/upon 对…有影响

have an influence on/upon=have an effect on/upon

influence sb./sth. affect sb./sth.

I don’t think this kind of system will have a great influence on our school.

e.g. SARS has a strong influence on human


6. transform vt. 转换, 改变, 改造, 使...变形 [(+into)]

e.g. The Greens have transformed their garage into a guest house

7. resemble vt. 相似, 像,类似 [(+in)]

e.g. He strongly resembles his father in appearance

8. differ vi. 不同;不像;相异[(+from)] =be different from

①不同,相异 A differ from B in…

e.g. We differ from each other in tastes.


We differ from/with him on that problem.

e.g. She differs from me in many ways.

9.make it + n./adj.+ (for sb.) + to do sth. / that clause

e.g. She made it clear that she objected to the


10.represent 代表,象征; 表现; 描绘,塑造; 声称

e.g. The moon represents my heart.

I’d like to thank you representing my whole family.

=I’d like to thank you on behalf of my whole family.

He represented himself as a wealthy man, but in fact he was as poor as a church mouse.

representation n.

representative adj.

11.stand for 象征,代表; 支持;

e.g. What does WTO stand for?

It stand for World Trade Organization.

Before we elect him, we want to know what he stands for.

Period 4 Integrating ski!ls

Step 1. Fast-Reqding: fill in the table

Information about Australia

Animals:__ kangaroo, koala bear, parrot, snake, digo, sheep, cattle _

Distance 3220 km from north to south 3860 km from east to west

Size:_ the same as the USA( without Alaska__

Population:_ 18 million__

Agriculture:_ wheat, fruit, vegetables, meat, wines_

Natural resources:___ metals, precious stones, coal, iron

Climate:_ cool and wet winters, warm and dry summers in the south; warm and dry winters, hot and wet summers in the north dry or desert in two thirds of the country

Sports:_____ tennis, sailing, swimming

Step 2. Careful-Reading: answer the questions

(1) Why does Australia have so many plants and animals that can not be found anywhere else in the world?

Because Australia has been separated from other Continents for millions of years.

(2)Why do kangaroos carry their young in a pocket of skin on their stomach?

Kangaroos give birth to very small and weak young. They are carried in a pocket of skin for several months while they feed on the Mother's Milk and grow stronger.

(3)In what way is Australia different from all the other countries in the world?

Australia is the only country in the world which covers an entire continent.

(4)Compare the Climate in different areas of Australia with that found in different parts of China. Does the climate in your area affect the way you live?

The climate in Australia is different depending on the area. The south has cool, wet winters and warm, dry summers. The north has warm, dry winters and hot wet summers. The south of China has warm winters and wet, hot summers. The north of China has cold, dry winters and hot summers.

Two periods for Revision and Exercise

Unit 4 Green world

The First Period Speaking

Teaching goals 教学目标

1. Target language目标语言

a. 重点词汇和短语

tulip, rose, peony, strawberry, bunch,

b. 重点句子

Can you tell something about each flower?

Where does it come from?

What is it used for?

Which flower is your favorite?

Explain how to grow and take care of the soybean plant.

Describe what to do and how to take care of the flowers you have been given.

2. Ability goals 能力目标

Enable students to talk about “botany” (including the names, the properties, the usage of certain plants, how to grow and take care of them, etc) and to say something about it.

3. Learning ability goals学能目标

Learn how to describe plants (properties; places of birth; what they are used for; how to grow and take care of them, etc).

Teaching important points 教学重点

Help students learn to describe plants and how to grow and take care of them.

Teaching difficult points 教学难点

How to help students learn more about “botany”, and then give descriptions.

Teaching methods 教学方法


Pairwork/ Groupwork

Teaching aids 教具准备

Pictures, slides, a PC and a projector.

Teaching procedures & ways 教学过程与方式

Step I Revision

T: In the last unit, we’ve learned a lot about Australia. Now who’d like to make a general speech on the country?

S: Let me try. Australia is the only country in the world which covers an entire continent. It is a wealthy country, which produces metals, precious stones, coal, grain, meat and wines, and has the biggest iron mines in the world. Australia has about one-sixth of the world’s sheep and produces almost one-third of its wool. The climate in Australia varies from north to south.

T: Anything else?

S: Modern Australia is made up of six states and two territories. The first Australians were the aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders. The two world wars had a strong influence on Australia. The official language is English, which are quite different from British and American English.

Step II Warming Up

T: Good. You really did a great job. Do you know what is the national flower of Australia?

S: Golden Wattle (Acacia pycnantha)(金合欢,又称相思树).

Show the picture to students.

T: Very good. As shown in the picture, the species is certainly attractive with its showy, large, bright golden flower heads. Now look at the pictures on Page 28 in our textbooks. These are four flowers commonly seen in our daily life. First, match each flower with its correct name, please.

T: There seems no difficulty for you to do this, right? OK, the answer is…

S: ①-rose; ②-tulip; ③-peony; ④-sunflower

T: Well done. Susan, what is your favorite? Why?

S: I love sunflower best of all. There are, I think, three reasons,: first, I love eating the seeds of sunflowers, they are delicious; second, their stems can be used to build fences by farmers; third, sunflower oil is very popular in daily life.

T: Great. Lily, can you tell us something about the other three flowers?

S: OK. Tulips are native to Central and Western Asia, and parts of the Middle East, roughly in the region near Afghanistan. Tulips are mainly used for decoration. Tree peony, the Chinese National Flower, native to China, is called as the "King of flowers", which is widely used in Chinese medicine. Rose is native to Southwest Asia, and it is often used as present with the meaning of “love”. Also, rose flower is a kind of important Chinese medicine.

T: Good. As we all know, flowers are only one of the most important parts of plants. Plants are very important to human beings. They provide us food, medicine, decoration, etc. Without them, our world would be dull, lifeless… And growing plants can be both fun and a useful experience. Do you have such experiences? Do you know how to grow certain plants? And how to take care of them? The pictures on Page 29 is an example of planting soybeans. Now everyone, look at the pictures first, then try to explain the stages of growing soybean and how to take of them by describing each picture, you may write down your ideas on the paper.

Move around the class and check their work. Offer language help if needed.

Step III Speaking about procedures

T: Kate, would you like to show us your ideas?

S: Glad to. First, put some soft soil in the pot or box; second, put the seeds of soybeans on a wet cloth or put them in the water; then, put the seeds into the soil. After several days, the seeds come into bud and out of the soil. Later on, water them every two days till the green leaves grow.

For this step, the teacher can (or ask the students to ) make a short film to present the stages of growing soybeans.

Step IV Discussion

T: Well done, Kate. Soybeans are easy to grow. Now imagine you want to plant something else in your garden plot, work in groups and decide which plants, vegetables or flowers your group would grow, how to plant them, how to take care of them, when to harvest or pick them.

Step V Oral-presentation

Ask several students to show their answers to the class.

Sample answers:

Carrots are loaded with vitamins, and are nutritious. On top of being good for you, carrots taste good, too. So our choice is carrot.

(1) Before planting, work the soil deeply.

(2) Sow them very thinly, about 1/4 inch deep. Cover them with a fine garden soil. Or sprinkle them on top of the soil, and lightly water them into the soil.

(3) Keep carrots well weeded early in the season. They are easily overcrowded, with any competing weeds usually winning out.

(4) Begin to harvest carrots as “baby” size, thinning the row as you harvest. Once you begin picking, you can harvest as needed.

Step VI Talking

T: Really interesting. But how do the plants grow?

Read the instruction on Page 170 in the WORKBOOK to the students, then ask the students to work in pairs to describe “the process of photosynthesis of plants” in their own language.

A description of basic photosynthesis:

Photosynthes is the process by which green plants and certain other organisms transform light energy into chemical energy. During photosynthesis in green plants, light energy is captured and used to convert water, carbon dioxide, and minerals into oxygen and energy-rich organic compounds.

Step VII Assignment

T: In this class, we’ve learned a lot about plants and planting. Ask your parents or others to teach you more about planting, if you are interested in. And please do Exercise 3 on Page 30 in the textbooks

Period 2 and 3 Reading

Warming up

In SB1(下) Unit19, we have learned some knowledge about agriculture. And we have known about one of the greatest scientists in our history-Jia Sixie.

Did you remember? How do we plant crops?

We should plant rice in a field one year and wheat in the field next year.

How do we plough?

Plough deep the first time and less deep the second time.

In this unit, we will learn about scientists who are important to the history of botany and agriculture.

This word “botany”植物学,is a word about plants. As we all know, there are many plants around us, such as wheat, corn, tomato, apple trees etc. Without these plants, we can’t live. But how much do you know about them? Who can tell us something about them.

Student A Wheat is a kind of plant that can be make into bread, some delicious cakes which can make us full.

Student B Apple trees can produce apples that can provide us vitamins which can keep our bodies fit.

Yes, these plants are very useful, but how do we plant them? Where are they from?

It is a kind of very careful work to plant the crops and trees.


Now let’s look at the text-The birth of a science.

Why was Carl Linnaeus important to the history of botany as a science?

(His system of grouping plants in families was unique, which based on the arrangement of the male and female organs in the flowers.)


Fast reading

How many people are mentioned in the passage?

Carl Linnaeus Daniel Solander Joseph Banks Captain Cook

Careful reading

Keys:1D 2D 3B 4A?D 5C


1. How did scientists classify plants before Linnaeus?

Some scientists classified plants into herbs and trees, or according to the shape of the fruit, or whether they had flowers or not.

2. What were the goals of James Cook’s first voyage around the world?

To study the passing of the planet Venus across the sun; to record, classify and describe all plant and animal life observed during the trip; to search for an unknown southern continent.

3. Why did Joseph Banks have to supply his own money to equip part of the expedition?

Because the government would not pay for such a new field of science as botany.

4. What could be a possible explanation for the name “strawberry”?

When people plant strawberry, they spread straw under the fruit to reduce the necessary amount of watering./ berries like straw.

Language Points

1. Despite his wealth, he worked to make a career in science.

wealth意为“财富”,多用作不可数名 词。

He gained his ____ by printing ____of famous writers. (NMET 1995)

A. wealth; work B. wealths; works C. wealths; work D. wealth; works


2. Secondly, the purpose of the expedi-tion was to record, classify and describe all plant and animal life observed during the trip. 动词不定式可用作表语,表示主语的具体内容,尤其可用于指未发生的情况。

The purpose of new technology is tomake life easier, _____ it more difficult. (上海2005春)

A. not making B. not make C. not to make D. nor to make


(P1. L2) Attempts had been made by others to classify plant species into groups…

Others had made efforts for the classification of plant species.

Others had been trying to group plant species.

Others had attempted to classify plant species.

(P1. L3) Showing how plants were related was a complex and strange thing before Linnaeus developed his system.

Linnaeus’ system made it simple and common to show how plants were related.

Before Linnaeus developed his system, it was complex and strange to show how plants were related

(P1. L6) … Linnaeus’ idea of grouping plants in families was unique.

It is very special that he classified plants into families.

His idea that plants should be grouped in families was unique.

(P1. L9) …although they are different at first sight.

Take the first look at them.

(P3. L1) Born into a life of privilege,…

When he was born, he enjoyed a life of privilege.

(P3. L2) Many young men in his position would lead a cosy/cozy life, but young Banks had an appetite for knowledge.

1) in his position= in a higher social position like him

2) Lead a cosy life = live a comfortable life

3) have an appetite for = have a desire for =long for

. (P3. L3) Despite his wealth, he worked to make a career in science.

because he was wealthy

even though he was wealthy

apart from his wealth

despite = in spite of; 尽管,不论

despite his wealth = even though he was wealthy.

2)make a career 向上爬,谋求发迹

He worked to make a career in science means He worked hard for the cause of science.

8. (P4.L1),…the Royal Navy appointed James Cook as the commander of the Endeavour to take the members of Royal Society on an expedition to Tahiti.

appoint … as… 任命

take the members … 带领皇家学会成员

(P6. L5) …one continent to another on a large scale.

Any public demonstrations on a large scale without the permission of the city authorities is antisocial.


(P7. L2) Wonderful discoveries had been made of strange new lands, …

make a discovery of…

He made discoveries of 300 uses for peanuts and 200 uses for sweet potatoes.


Wonderful discoveries included new lands, …

(P7. L5) From behind his desk, however, he was involved in enterprises…

1) From behind the desk = behind the curtain 幕后

2) be involved in, get involved in 参与,卷入,涉及

Don't involve other people in your trouble.


All the children were involved in the school play. 所有的孩子都参加了学校排练的剧。

Kew: A district of western Greater London in southeast England. The famed Royal Botanic Gardens were