英语一轮复习讲稿The Ninth Period(Units 17&18, Book I)



I. 词汇

A. 单词:inspire; admire; generous; cheerful; mean; tense; dull; dishonest; champion; mile; stormy; threaten; bottom; optimistic; workday; somehow; shelter; regret; extreme; extremely; climate; value; pianist; bother; fame; promise; kindergarten; hardship; bear; scholarship; graduation; fisherman; great-grandfather; northeastern; central; coast; surround; mild; bay; harbour; volcano; spring; heat; surface; rat; settle; settler; mainly; voyage; possession; bold; paragraph; grassland; mountainous; surprising; secretary; percent; wedding; conference; relation; agricultural; cattle; export; lamb; ship; sail; cottage; seaside; camp

B. 短语:around the corner; die down; come to terms with; make up; take possession of; turn to; go sailing; go camping; blow away; be in good health; struggle to one’s knees; take up; be made up of; lead to; so far; in relation to; sign an agreement with; refer to; be on the rise; apply for; come true; hand over; deal with; burst out; come up; get tired of; fall asleep; wake up; try one’s luck

II. 重点精讲

A. 重点单词

1. admire:用作及物动词,主要义项有:赞赏;佩服;称赞等。

Eg. I admire him for his sincerity. 我钦佩他的诚实。

Don’t forget to admire the baby.不要忘了夸奖那婴儿。

其名词为admirer赞美者; admiration感叹;钦佩;赞美


2. mean:用作动词,主要义项有:意思是;意味着;打算;想让某人做某事。

注意:mean to do表示“打算做某事”,mean doing表示“意味着……”的意思。

3. regret:可以用作动词和名词。主要义项有:对……惋惜,遗憾,抱歉,后悔,失望。

Eg. I regret being unable to come today.= I regret that I can’t come today.

I regret to say that I can’t help you.

注意:后跟动词不定式作宾语,表示“对要做的某事感到遗憾”,这时的动词不定式一般用to say, to tell you, to inform you;后跟动名词作宾语,表示对已经做过的事感到后悔。后跟宾语从句时无此意思上的区别。

4. inspire:用着及物动词,主要义项有:鼓舞;激励;引发;赋予……灵感。主要用法有:(1)inspire sb. (2)inspire sb. to sth.(3)inspire sb. to do sth.(4)inspire sth. in sb.(5)inspire sb. with sth.

Eg. His friend’s words inspired him to try again.

The father inspired his son with confidence.


注意:inspire sb. to do sth.相当于encourage sb. to do sth.。

B. 重点短语

1. die down:变弱, 逐渐停止, 渐渐消失

相关归纳:(1)die away逐渐消失、平息

Eg. The sound has died away.

(2)die from由于……而死,后常接灾祸、衰弱、负伤等外因

Eg. He died from a chest wound.

(3)die of因(患)……而死,后常接年老、疾病、情感、贫寒等内因

Eg. The old woman died of grief soon after her husband’s death.

(4)die out熄灭;绝种(迹)

Eg. Many old customs are gradually dying out.

(5)die off先后死去;一一死去

Eg. The leaves of this plant are dying off.

2. turn to:转向, 变成, 求助于, 致力于, 开始行动

相关归纳:(1)turn on/off开/关(电器、煤气等)(2)turn up开大;调高(音量、煤气等);露面

Eg. He hasn’t turned up yet.

(3)turn down关小;调低(音量、煤气等);拒绝

Eg. Our request for a pay rise was turned down again.

(4)turn out关掉;熄灭;证明;生产

Eg. It turned out that he had never been there.

The factory can turn out 1,000 cars a day.

(5)turn over翻地;翻身;翻倒;仔细考虑

Eg. He turned it over in his mind.

(6)turn against背叛;反抗

Eg. For this many of his former friends turned against him.

注意:turn to短语中的to为介词,后面不能使用动词原形。相似的还有:devote…to…;pay attention to;refer to等。但是,He turned to go out.的意思为“他转身走了出去。

3. fall asleep:入睡, 长眠, 懈怠, 静止不动

相关归纳:(1)fall ill生病(终止性动词)(2)fall behind落在……后面(3)fall off从……掉落(4)fall down从……落下;(计划)失败

Eg. His plan has fallen down.

比较:fall (drop) asleep“入睡”的同义词为go to sleep,都为终止性动词,不能和表示一段时间的时间状语连用,表示延续应使用be asleep.

4. burst out:闯出来, 大声喊, 突发

相关归纳:(1)burst into突然闯入;突然开始;突然发生

Eg. He bust into the room.

She burst into laughter/ tears.

(2)burst in (on)打扰

Eg. It was very rude of you to burst in on Father while he was working.

(3)burst on突然出现

Eg. The view burst on our sight.那景象突然出现在我们面前。

注意:burst out后跟v-ing形式;bust into后跟名词形式。

C. 必背句型

1. be doing sth. when sth. happened:该句型中的连词when不能换成as, while等其他连词。

Eg. I was working in the garden when I suddenly felt a pain in my stomach.

2. find oneself+宾补:该句型结构中宾补可以用v-ing、过去分词(表示被动)、介词短语、形容词、副词等。

Eg. When he woke up, he found himself tied to a tall tree.

He found himself lying in a hospital bed.

He found himself alone with a strange woman.

3. It is said/ reported/ believed/ thought that-clause句型结构:该结构可以转换成sb. is said/ reported/ believed/ reported to do/ to be doing/ to have done…句型结构。

Eg. It is hoped that you will be able to attend the meeting.= You are hoped to attend…

He is said to have finished the work.

III. 疑难突破

1. make up, be made up of, make up for

make up的意思比较多,常用的有“化妆、编造、组成、占……(比例)”。这时要注意,make up为主动形式,表示“部分组成一个整体”的意思。另外,take up也有“占……”的意思,但指的是“某样东西占据空间”。

be made up of…“由……组成”,这里为被动形式,表示“一个整体是由几个部分组成的”之意。注意比较:consist of也有“……由……组成”的意思,但要使用主动形式。

make up for弥补


(1). She took over 30 minutes to _____ herself _____.

(2). Is she telling the truth, or _____ it all _____?

(3). We need one more player to _____ a team.

(4). They _____ about six percent of the total population.

(5). The committee _____ seven members.

(6). He drove faster to _____ lost time.

2. so far, as far as, so far as

so far“到目前为止”,常跟现在完成时连用。可置于句首,句中或句末。

As far as=so far as“直到;同样运的距离”,as far as既可用于肯定句,亦可用于不定句,而so far as仅用于肯定句,也可表示“就……而言,至于”,两者可互换。


(1). _____ we have learned English for six years.

(2). Your work has been good _____ this year.

(3). We didn’t go _____ the others.

(4). _____ I know he will be away for three months.

(5). He will help you _____ he can.

3. deal with, do with, do without

do with为及物动词短语。用于特殊疑问句时一般用what引导。含有“处理;处置”“对待(不用被动语态)”“以……将就(不用被动语态)”“放置(常用过去时或完成时态,不用被动语态)”“忍受(与cannot连用,不用被动语态)”等意思。

do without的意思为“没有……也行;将就”“用不着”。

deal with为及物动词短语。用于特殊疑问句时一般用how引导。主要义项有:对付;处理;论及……(和do with同义,主要区别在于特殊疑问词);相处;与……交易(不用于被动语态)。


(1). Your clothes are worn out. What did you _____ them?

(2). He didn’t know what to _____ the property his father had left.

(3). The new teacher didn’t know what to _____ the class.

(4). Butter was so expensive that we had to _____ margarine(人造奶油) in those days.

(5). What have you _____ papers for the meeting?

(6). I cannot _____ the loud noise.

(7). We cannot _____ a telephone in our business.

(8). There wasn’t any coffee left, so we had to _____.

(9). He knows well how to _____ children.

(10). I think the problem should be _____ quickly.

(11). This book _____ ancient history of China.