(人教版+汤姆森)初二Unit4 How do you get to school?


一. 本周教学内容:

Unit 4 How do you get to school?

二. 教学目标:

1. 学会谈论交通工具和距离。

2. 学会合理安排行程,并合理利用交通工具。

3. 学习设计实践调查报告中的问题,并提出解决问题的简单方案。

三. 重点词汇及短语:

get to, how far; take a / the bus / subway / train / boat / car, walk, ride a bicycle; bus stop, train / bus / subway /station; minute, kilometer, mile, transportation, calendar; North America, depend on, worry

四. 重点句型:

1. How do you get to school? I ride my bike.

How does he get to school? He takes the bus.

2. How long does it take? It takes about forty minutes.

3. Lin Fei’s home is about 10 kilometers from school.

4. Most students take trains to school, although others also walk or ride their bikes.

5. It depends on where you are.

6. Don’t worry.

五. 语法:

1. 对于“how”提问,询问交通方式,及描述不同的交通方式。

2. 对于“how long”提问询问时间长短,及用固定句型“It takes sb. some time to do sth”回答或陈述。

3. 对于“how far”提问,询问距离长短,及相应回答。

4. 了解表让步的连词“although”意思及用法。

5. 阅读理解中对出现的定语从句及宾语从句的理解。

6. 阅读理解中理解形容词的比较级的含义。

六. 重点、难点讲解:

1. How do you get to school?

I ride my bike. / I walk to school.

(1)“how”提问,意为“如何”、“怎样”。此处询问交通方式。表示不同交通方式可用本课出现一系列动词短语,如:ride a bike, take a bus, drive a car, fly to, take the subway, take a train, take a plane, take a boat / ship, walk to 等。也可用介词短语,如:by bus / bike / car / train / plane (air)/ ship, on foot 等,注:此用法在介词短语前需用动词作句子主语,如go / come / get to 等,且by后表交通工具的名词前无任何限定词,如冠词the , a/ an 或代词my / his / this / that 等。


He takes the bus to school. = He goes / gets to school by bus.

We decided to go there on feet. = We decided to walk there.

-How will you go to England?

-By air, or maybe by train. I’m not quite sure.


How far (询问距离)多远;How long(问时间或长度)多久,多长;How many(问数量,后跟可数名词复数形式)多少;How much (问不可数名词数量,也可问价格)多少;How often(问频率)多久一次;How soon(指将来时间,时间长短)多久;How about …? (问同上话题,另一情景如何、怎样后跟名词、代词或动名词,等于What about …? )征求对方意见…怎样?How do you like…? = What do you think of …? (征求对方对某事物的看法)你认为…怎样?

此外“how”可以引导感叹句,如:How delicious Chinese dishes are! How nice your new scarf is! How fast he runs!

注:引导感叹句时语序为:How + adj. / adv. +主语+谓语!

(3)get to 表“到达”,同意短语“arrive in / at ”, reach.

注:在副词home, here, there前不使用介词to / in / at 等。

到家:get (back)home, 到那儿:get there

2. It takes about 25 minutes to walk and 10 minutes by bus.

(1)固定句型:It took / takes / will take sb. some time to do sth.


例:It took the builders about 15 years go finish that big project.

It takes me half an hour to get to my office from home every day.

Doing homework takes us most of our spare time on schooldays.


take sb. to …带某人去某处

例:The early bus takes him to school.

(3)短语:take a walk / shower / seat / rest take one’s temperature, take medicine

3. Lin Fei’s home is about 10 kilometers from school.

be +距离+(away)+from…“距离…多远”。

4. He has a quick breakfast, then he leaves for school.


have breakfast /lunch /supper 注:三餐饭前无限定词。

(2)leave for +目的地,指“离开去往某处”

The scientists will leave for Antarctic (南极)next Wednesday.

5. The bus ride takes about 25 minutes.

“ride”此处的名词,意为“车程”。ride用作动词短语:ride a bike / horse骑自行车(骑马),ride in a bus / ship乘公共汽车(船)

6. In other parts of the world, things are different.

other: 后常限可数名词复数,意为“其他的,其余的”

other: (形容词)“其它的”,后跟可数名词复数

others: (代词)泛指“他人(物)”

the others: (一定范围中)“其他人(物)”,相当于代词

the other: 用于固定短语“one …, the other…”“(两者中)一个…另一个…”

another: (形容词)“另一个”“另一”,后跟可数名词单数,也可能跟复数,(代词)“另一个”



Although / Though he is the youngest, he is the most hard-working student in his class.

8. depend on / upon “依靠,依赖”,后跟名词、代词或宾语从句,不定式。

例:In China, it depends on where you are.

It depends on how to think about it.

对于提问,不能一概回答时,可以用“It depends”来回答,意为“得因情况而论”。例:

-Do you like reading books or reading on the Internet?

-It depends. Sometimes I like reading books, sometimes I prefer reading on the Internet.

9. In places where there are rivers and lakes, like Hongshanhu and Kaishandao, students usually go to school by beat.


例:She is the girl who played guitar at the party.

He showed us an English story book which is bought in the United States.

Kate is talking with her art teacher whose painting is on show in the city hall.

(2)“like”此处为介词,意为“例如,像…”。注意区分like在文中的词性。sound like / be like / look, like 短语中“like”为介词。

10. That must be a lot more fun than taking a bus!



11. Don’t worry.

(1)祈使句否定形式为:Don’t + 动词原形。


例:Don’t be late / careless next time.

Don’t be nervous. Take it easy.


一. 词组翻译。

1. 骑车去上学__________ 2. 坐地铁去上班__________

3. 步行去公园__________ 4. 乘公共汽车回家__________

5. 吃一顿快捷的早餐__________ 6. 出发前往学校__________

7. 在北美__________ 8. 依靠,依赖__________

二. 单项选择。

( )1. How are they going to the countryside tomorrow, ______ bike or ____ foot?

A. by, by B. on, on

C. by, on D. on, by

( )2. It ______ about two hours to get to the top of the mountain from the foot of the mountain.

A. take B. takes

C. get D. gets

( )3. How ______ is it _______ your school to the Children’s Palace?

A. long, to B. for, to

C. long, from D. far, from

( )4. -______ do you think of my new hair style?

-It’s very nice.

A. What B. How

C. What about D. How about

( )5. I have two pen pals. One is from Canada and goes to school by school bus and ______ is from Britain and gets to school by car.

A. other B. another

C. the other D. others

( )6. -Are you going camping this weekend with your family?

-That all _____.

A. depend B. depend on

C. depends D. depends on

( )7. ____ I didn’t like maths at first, I still tried my best to learn it.

A. Until B. When

C. If D. Although

( )8. Too much ______ made her look like an old lady.

A. worry B. worried

C. worries D. be worried

( )9. -What time did you _______ there last night?

-At about eight.

A. get to B. got to

C. get D. getting

( )10. _____ is it from New York to San Francisco?

A. How far B. How long

C. How often D. How soon

( )11. The little girl sometimes goes home _______ her father’s car.

A. by B. in

C. at D. for

( )12. -I’m sorry. I _______ my textbook at home.

-It doesn’t matter. Remember ______ it to school tomorrow.

A. forget, to take B. forget, to bring

C. left, to take D. left, to bring

( )13. -Excuse me, where is the nearest post office?

-Take No. 5 bus and _______ at the third bus stop.

A. get on B. get off

C. get up D. get to

( )14. The new amusement park is about five kilometers ______.

A. far B. far away

C. away from D. away

( )15. I’m sad _______ tell you the sad news.

A. for B. about

C. with D. to

三. 完成句子,一空一词。

1. 我们班大多数学生乘校车上学。

In our class _____ ______ the students go to school ______ school bus.

2. 他们都骑车回家吗?不,一些人骑车回家。

______they all ______ bikes to go home?

No, ______of them go home ______bike.

3. 你觉得北京的交通怎样?

______do you ______ ______ the transportation in Beijing?

4. 在世界上的其它地方,人们骑自行车锻炼。

______other ______ of the world, people go bicycling to exercise.

5. 每天写作业大约花去我两个多小时。

______ ______ me about two hours ______ do the homework.

四. 完形填空:

It’s the last week of the holidays. Bill wants to take a trip. His uncle 1 at the seashore. Bill wants to visit him.

“It will be my 2 chance(机会)to go swimming in the ocean (海洋)this year, ”Bill says to his 3 . “Next month it will be too cold. ”

“I don’t know, Bill. ”His mother says. “It’s a long 4 . ”She looks at her husband. “What do you 5 , Harry? ”

“Oh, let him go, Alice, ”Mr White says. “He is fifteen years old. He’s not a 6 , you know. ”

“I know he’s not a baby, ”says Mrs White. “But there are 7 many connections (倒车)to make. He has to take a bus and a train and then another bus. ”

“ 8 , Mother, ”says Bill. “I’ve made the trip with you and Dad a lot of times. I know the 9 . I won’t have any trouble (麻烦). ”

“Let him go, Alice, ”says Mr White again. “ 10 will be a good experience (体验)for him. He won’t get lost(迷路). ”

1. A. lives B. stands C. holds D. stops

2. A. good B. last C. first D. late

3. A. friends B. parents C. teachers D. classmates

4. A. time B. call C. line D. way

5. A. plan B. say C. think D. do

6. A. child B. man C. baby D. boy

7. A. too B. a C. very D. just

8. A. Please B. Sorry C. Hurry up D. Wait

9. A. stations B. way C. bus D. weather

10. A. It B. He C. You D. They

五. 阅读理解:


Traffic is a big problem in many cities around the world. Traffic is especially bad during rush hour-the time when people go to work or school and the time when they go home. Many people take buses, subways, or trains to work, but many other people drive their cars. As a result, the streets are very busy, and traffic is very bad.

Many cities are trying to solve their traffic problems. Some cities are building more roads. Other cities are expanding their bus and subway systems.

Many cities are trying to reduce the number of cars on their roads. Some highways have carpool lanes-special lanes for cars with two, three, or more people. In some cities, people drive their cars only on certain days of the week. For example, in Athens, people with license plate numbers ending in 0 through 4 drive on some days, and people with numbers ending in 5 through 9 drive on other days.

Every day around the world, more and more people drive to and from work in more and more cars. As a result, traffic is a global problem.


Please write down the solutions(解决方法)of traffic problems according to the passage.

1. _______________________________

2. _______________________________

3. _______________________________




Everybody in Portland is talking about the city’s new shopping mall. The mall is outside the city, next to the Portland airport. There are more than one hundred stores in the mall.

There are two big department stores. There are many clothing stores for men, women, and children. There are a bookstore, and a video store. There are two drugstores, and four restaurants. There’s even a large movie theater.

Almost all the people in Portland are happy that their city’s new shopping mall is open. But some people aren’t happy. The owners of the small stores in the old center of town are very upset. They’re upset because many people aren’t shopping in the stores in the center of town. They’re shopping at the new mall.


1. mall大型商场 2. department store百货商店

3. drugstore杂货店 4. owner拥有者

5. upset不安的


1. The new shopping mall is ______.

A. at the airport B. in the city

C. in the centre of town D. outside the city

2. In the mall, there are _____.

A. two video stores B. two drugstores

C. two restaurants D. two bookstores

3. In the mall, there are _______.

A. bookstores and games rooms

B. restaurants and drugstores

C. clothing stores and video stores

D. large movie theaters and bookstores

4. The store owners in the center of town are upset because _______.

A. people aren’t shopping in their stores

B. people aren’t shopping at the mall

C. their stores are very old

D. their stores are very small


Juan was the first to see the bus. He shouted and waved (挥手)his hands. The other people in the village came running. Everyone shouted and waved. It was the school bus. This bus did not take children to school. In this village in Mexico (墨西哥), there were not schools. The bus was the school! The driver of the bus was the teacher. The bus would stay in the village for three months.

In the morning, the teacher gave lessons to the small children. In the afternoon, the big children came. First they worked in the fields. Then they came to school. At night, the fathers and mothers went to the school. They wanted to learn, too.

Someday the village will have a real school. But now, the school on wheels is the only school the people have. Why do you think these people are so glad to see the school on wheels?

1. When the bus came to the village, the people ______.

A. told stories B. cried and left

C. ran away D. shouted and waved

2. Which of the following does this story lead you to believe?

A. In Mexico, bus drivers are good teachers.

B. The people do not want to build a real school.

C. The school bus goes from one village to another.

D. The school bus opens in the daytime.

3. How long would the bus stay in the village?

A. The bus would stay in the fields for many months.

B. The bus would stay in the village for three months.

C. The bus would stay as long as the people wanted it to stay.

D. The bus would stay in the village for only one day.

4. The main idea of the story is that _______.

A. people want to learn to read and write

B. people in Mexico shout a lot

C. small children do not really need lessons

D. there isn’t any school in Mexico



1. go to school by bike

2. go to work by subway

3. go to the park on foot / walk to the park

4. go home by bus

5. have a quick breakfast

6. leave for school

7. in North America

8. depend on


三. 1. most, of, by 2. Do, ride, some, by

3. What, think of 4. In, parts

5. It, takes, to


五. (A)

1. To build more roads.

2. To expand the bus and subway systems.

3. To reduce the number of cars on the roads.

(1)Some highways have corpool lanes.

(2)People drive their cars only on certain days of the week.