(教育科学版)初二Unit10 Study Habits



Lesson 1 Let’s get started

第一课 让我们开始吧

一. 大声读单词:(词汇表P71)

1. concentrate 2. wrong

二. 重点及难点:


1. concentrate v. 集中(注意力)

concentration n.

拓展: concentrate on sth. 注意力集中在……上面。


1. take off Take off your clothes; they're very wet. 脱掉你的衣服,衣服湿透了。

I should take off my shoes before going into the room. 我应该在进入房间前脱鞋。


put on It’s cold outside. You’d better put on your coat. 外边很冷,你最好穿上你的外衣。

2. speech contest 演讲比赛

I want to join a speech contest. 我想参加一个演讲比赛。

3. an hour 一个小时

We have an hour to finish our homework. 我们有一个小时的时间完成作业。

4. turn off 关上

Why don’t you turn off the TV? 你为什么不关上电视呢?


1. tell sb. sth. 告诉某人某事

I should tell my parents about my grade.


tell sb. to do sth. 让某人去做某事

I told you not to do it. 我早告诉过你不要做这件事。

2. Are you ready for the test tomorrow? 你准备好明天的考试了吗?

be ready for sth. / be ready for doing sth. 为某事做准备

I’m ready for my school. 我准备好去上学了。

be ready to do sth. 准备去做某事

I’m ready to go to school.

be ready for doing sth.

I’m ready for going to school. 我准备好去上学了。

3. What’s wrong with listening to the radio? 听收音机怎么了?

What’s wrong with doing sth? 做某事……怎么了?

What’s wrong with speaking in the class? 上课说话怎么了?

4. It’s hard for you to concentrate. 对于你来说很难集中注意力。

be hard for sb. to do sth. 对某人来说,做某事很难。

It’s hard for me to sing this song. 对我来说唱这首歌很难。


1. Are you ready for…?

Are you ready for the English test tomorrow? 你准备好明天的英语测试了吗?

Yes, I am. 是的,我准备好了。

Are you ready for the speech contest next week? 你准备好了下周的演讲比赛了吗?

Well, not yet. 嗯,还没有。

2. Do you think …?

Do you think I should tell my parents? 你认为我应该告诉我的父母吗?

No, I don’t. 不,我不这么认为。

Do you think I should take off my shoes? 你认为我应该脱鞋吗?

Yes, I do. 是的,我这么认为。

3. Don’t worry. You will….

I’m worried about the math test tomorrow. 我很担心明天的数学测试。

Don’t worry. You will do fine. 别担心。你会做得很好的。

The soccer match is tomorrow. 明天有足球比赛。

I’m nervous. 我紧张。

Don’t worry. You’ll be great. 别担心。你会很棒的。

Lesson 2

一. 大声读单词:(词汇表P72 ~P73 )

1. effort 2. remember 3. discover 4. efficient 5. set up

6. avoid 7. lamp 8. enough 9. light 10. review

11. find

二. 重点及难点:


1. discover v. discovery n.

2. efficient adj. efficiently adv.

more efficient

most efficient

3. avoid sth. /sb. 避开某事或某人

Are you trying to avoid me?


avoid doing sth. 避免做某事

I avoid meeting that man. He always bored me. 我避开见到那个男人。他总是烦我。

4. enough

enough money, nice enough , quickly enough



I don’t have enough money.

I don’t have money enough.

5. find 找到的(结果)

look for 寻找(的动作和过程)

I looked for my book yesterday. At last I found it under my chair.



1. study habits 学习习惯

We should keep our good study habits. 我们应该保持我们良好的学习习惯。

2. study area 学习区域

3. save time 节约时间

4. take good notes 记好笔记

5. in good health 处在健康状态之中


1. Here are some tips to help you keep good study habits.

They will help you remember the important things.

It’ll help you to remember.

★ help sb. (to) do sth.

2. It is important to discover your most efficient time.发现你效率最高的时间是一件很重要的事情。

★ be important to do sth. 做某事情很重要

It’s important to study hard. 努力学习是一件很重要的事情。

3. Listen carefully to your teacher. Careful listening in class means less work later.




A. Fill in the missing letters. Write the missing word. (填写空缺的字母,填写空缺的单词。)

If you have good study habits, you can save time and effort.


The missing word is __ff__ __t.


B. Choose T(true) or F(false). (选择对、错)

①Early morning is the best time to study for everybody. F


②Careful listening in class means less work later. T


③Reviewing the day’s lessons helps you to remember. T


C. Read the passage again and complete the paragraph.(再读文章,完成短文。)

You can concentrate better when you are in good 1health, and when you concentrate better, you 2study better. You should 3review that day’s notes and lessons after school. It’ll help you to 4remember.


Lesson 3

一. 大声读单词:(词汇表P74 ~ P75 )

1. heel 2. hot 3. horse 4. hike 5. helpful 6. clear

二. 重点及难点:


h /h/ heel horse hot

How about help me clean the house? 帮我打扫房子怎么样?


1. hike v.

go hiking 去远足

We will go hiking next Sunday. 我们下个周日去远足。

2. help – helpful

thank – thankful

use – useful

3. clear明朗的, 清晰的

I’m sure it’ll clear up soon. 我保证天很快就会放晴。

It’s nice to walk on a clear day. 晴朗的天气出去走走是件非常美好的事情。


1. take a walk 去散步

go for a walk 去散步

2. keep a diary 记日记

I keep a diary every day. 我每天都记日记。


1. 不定式做主语一般表示具体的某次动作。

To see you every day is very important. 每天见到你是很重要的事情。

主 系 表


2. It做形式主语、不定式放在谓语动词之后常用于下列结构中:

It is+形容词(easy, important, difficult, right, wrong...)+不定式

It is+形容词(easy, important, difficult, right, wrong...)+( for/of sb.) +不定式


It is easy to do it. 做这件事情很容易。

It is important to review lessons. 复习功课是很重要的事情。

It is difficult to study math. 学习数学很难。

It is right to help the poor man. 帮助这个穷人是正确的事情。

Lesson 4

一. 大声读单词:(词汇表P76 ~P 77)

1. fall asleep 2. guide book 3. impossible 4. return

二. 重点及难点:


1. Chinese-Korean dictionary 汉韩词典

Chinese-English dictionary 汉英词典

English-Chinese dictionary 英汉词典

English- English dictionary 英英词典

2. sit straight 坐直

We should sit straight when we are studying. 当我们学习的时候,我们应该坐直。

3. return to the past 回到过去


1. Do you think you should listen to music when you are studying?


两个动作几乎同时发生,when 引导的时间状语从句用的是现在进行时。


一. 单项选择

1. --_______ you _______ for the test tomorrow?


A. Are, ready B. Do, ready C. Were, ready

2. --The radio is too loud.

--Do you think I should _______.

A. turn down it B. turn off it C. turn it off

3. Here are some tips _______ you ________ good study habits.

A. to help, keeping B. help, to keep C. to help, keep

4. It is important _______ your most efficient time.

A. discover B. to discover C. to discovering

5. Pandas _______ people because they are afraid of them.

A. have to avoid B. has to avoid C. have to avoiding

6. If there is not enough light, your eyes will get tired _______.

A. easy B. easily C. more easy

7. I’m very glad to see you are _______.

A. in good health B. on good health C. in good healthy

8. Reviewing the ________ lessons helps your memory.

A. days B. day C. day’s

9. If you have good study habits, you can _______ time and effort.

A. save B. safe C. saved

10. Early morning is the best time to study _______ me.

A. for B. to C. with

二. 句型转换

1. Both John and Jack like football. (改为否定句)

_______ John ________ Jack like football.

2. We have fine weather today. (改为感叹句)

_______ _______ ________ we have today!

3. Don’t smoke in the meeting room. (改为反意疑问句)

Don’t smoke in the meeting room, ________ ________?

4. The text is so difficult that I can’t read it.(改为简单句)

The text isn’t _______ _________ for me ________ read.


一. 单项选择

1. A 2. C 3. C 4. B 5. A 6. B 7. A 8. C 9. A 10. A

二. 句型转换

1. Neither, nor 2. What, fine, weather 3. will, you 4. easy, enough, to


一. 单项选择

1. When we concentrate better, we study _______.

A. well B. better C. good

2. Today, many trees are still _________ in the world.

A. cutting down B. cut down C. being cut down

3. ________ is fun.

A. Go hiking B. To go hiking C. Going hike

4. --I’m nervous because there’s a math test tomorrow.

--Don’t be nervous. _____________.

A. Take easy B. Take it easily C. Take it easy

5. It is my first time _______ to Beijing . I’m very excited.

A. come B. to coming C. to come

6. It’s not easy for us to answer ________ difficult question.

A. so a B. such a C. such

7. Lucy wasn’t ________ yesterday. She cut herself.

A. enough careful B. careful enough C. carefully enough

8. I think an English-Chinese dictionary will be very _______ in my study.

A. useful B. impossible C. help

9. These pictures ________ me remember the wonderful trip for ever.

A. will help B. help C. is going to help

10. Having good class habits ________ very important.

A. are B. is C. be

二. 完形填空

Johnny Starrstuck is one of the __1__ famous actors in Hollywood today. Recently, Johnny __2__ seven Oscars and he now __3__ over 6 million every film. However, Johnny hasn’t always been __4__ rich. He was born __5__ Siberia where his father worked as a carpenter. Johnny’s family __6__ to America when Johnny was five __7__ old. He went to school in America and __8__ he left school he worked as salesman. A Hollywood director saw Johnny __9__. Since then Johnny __10__ 15 films.

( )1.A. most B. more C. much

( )2.A. wins B. has won C. won

( )3.A. makes B. gives C. catching

( )4.A. so B. such C. such a

( )5.A. on B. at C. in

( )6.A. moved B. moves C. was moving

( )7.A. year B. years C. year’s

( )8.A. until B. before C. when

( )9.A. surfed B. surfs C. surfing

( )10.A. has made B. made C. will make

三. 阅读理解


Time is important to Americans. In their language, there are many sayings about time: Time is money. Time flies. To save time is to lengthen life, etc. Americans think that life is so short; time cannot be called back again. They value (珍惜) time very much. They say, “Every minute counts.” Because they value time, they don’t like to waste time. They want to make the best use of their time. If they find that time is past but they have done nothing, they are not happy. Most Americans have a lot of engagements (约会) on their timetable. They seem to hear the tick, tick of the clock. Sometimes they think they are the slaves of the clock.

1. Time is _______ to Americans.

A. important B. no use C. nothing

2. What’s the meaning of “saying”?

A. 谚语 B. 故事 C. 典故

3. “Every minute counts” means ________.

A. 数每一分钟 B. 时间就是金钱 C. 分秒必争

4. Americans want to do things ________.

A. hurry B. quickly C. slowly

5. Most Americans have lots of ________ every day.

A. money B. time C. engagements


Where do some animals go in the winter? In the fall, bears eat as much food as they can. So do chipmunks (迁徙路径) and some other animals. They all grow very fat. Then these animals look for a warm place away from the cold. They sleep there all winter. They do not have to wake up to eat. They use their own fat for food. At last, spring comes. The animals leave their winter beds. Their long sleep is over.

Most birds go where there is food in the winter. They fly south in the fall. They stay there until spring. Then they fly back north again. Birds follow flyways on these trips. Flyways are like roads in the sky. People cannot see them. But the birds know where the roads are. Birds have used flyways for a long, long time.

1. Animals that sleep all winter use their own ________ for food.

A. fur B. homes C. fat

2. In the fall, the animals grow fat because they ________ a lot.

A. sleep B. eat C. run

3. The animals that sleep all winter like the spring because ________.

A. it is colder than fall B. it is longer than winter

C. it is warmer than winter

4. Most birds fly south in the fall because _________

A. they can find more roads B. they can find more food

C. they can meet more birds

5. According to the passage, which is not true about the flyways?

A. Human beings can not see the flyways.

B. The birds follow the flyways to fly back north.

C. It is the shortest way to fly back north.

四. 任务性阅读

(A) 用长方框内所给词的适当形式填空。

careful little habit we take

Do you have good class __1__? They are helpful in our study. Listen to the teacher __2__. It means __3__ work later at home. __4__ good notes is also important. The notes will help __5__ remember the important things.

1._________2.__________3.__________4.___________ 5.___________

(B) 阅读短文,按要求完成下列各项。

Keeping healthy is very important to you in any way. It is important for your study, too. You can concentrate better when you are in good health, and when you concentrate better, you study better. You should review that day’s notes and lessons after school. It’ll help your memory.

1. 单词释义:

r _ _ _ _ _ to look again at something quickly, such as school work, notes of lessons.

2. 同义句转换:

Keeping healthy is very important to you.

_______ ________ _________ is very important to you.

3. Why should you review that day’s notes and lessons after school?



一. 单项选择

1. B 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. C 6. B 7. B 8. A 9. A 10. B

二. 完形填空

1. A 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. C 6. A 7. B 8. C 9. C 10. A

三. 阅读理解

A. 1. A 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. C

B. 1. C 2. B 3. C 4. B 5. C

四. 任务性阅读

A. 1. habits 2. carefully 3. less 4. Taking 5. us

B. 1. review 2. To keep healthy 3. Because it will help our memory.