(人教版+朗文)初二Unit5 Shall we go to the zoo?



Unit five Shall we go to the zoo?

二. 重点、难点

1. Making suggestion 提建议的表达方式

Shall we go at ten?

Let’s go for a walk after supper?

What about a drink?

Why not meet at the school gate at eight?

Would you like a cup of tea?

You’d better do as your mother said.

2. 交际用语:

What’s up?

Why not meet a little ealier?

Let’s make it half past nine.

May I speak to sb?

I don’t know what to do.

三. 具体内容

1. Making suggestion 提建议的表达方式


Shall we go swimming this afternoon?

Shall he come tomorrow?

(2)Let’s ….表示提建议征求意见

Let’s go for a walk after supper?

Let’s go and say hello to Mr Smith, shall we?

(3)What about/How about … ? About后接名词或动名词

What about a drink?

What about writing back to him about it?

(4)Why not+do 或者Why don’t you …? 表示 “何不…… ? ”

Why don’t we stay here another day?

Why not wear your new coat?

(5)Would you like … ?

Would you like a cup of tea?

Would you like me to help you with it?

(6)had better do “最好…”

You’d better do it at once.

(7)would /do you mind doing 表示“你介意……吗?”

Would you mind opening the door?

Would you mind going by car?

2. What’s up?有什么事?

还可以用What’s happening?What’s going on?What’s the matter?What’s wrong?

回答可以用 Nothing much.

It’s up to you.你说的算。

It’s up to me to help them with maths.帮他们学数学是我的责任。

Tim is up.时间到。

3. I hear there’s a dolphin show there.

hear意为 “听说”

show名词 “展览、演出、景象”

a travel show a talk show a flower show on show

show 还是一个及物动词表示出示,拿….给某人看show sb sth=show sth to sb

Please show your new watch to me.

Please show me your photo.

4. Let’s make it half past nine 我们把时间定为9点半吧。

Let’s make it half past one.

Let’s make it thirty people in the room.

Make it 还用来表示成功地做某事

Work hard, and you’ll make it.

The train leaves at 6:10, so we’ll make it.

Make it two pieces of bread and a cup of tea.

5. Which is the biggest animal on land?

Land 用作“陆地、土地” 是不可数名词。

by land on land rich land bare land waste land

land 也用作动词 “着陆、降落”

The plane takes off in Guangzhou and lands in Beijing.

6. Do you think it is good for animals to live in a zoo?

be good for … 意为“有益于……”

Milk is good for you.

It isn’t good for children to give them everything they want.

be good to意为“对….亲切”=be kind to / be friendly to

She is always very good to me.

7. I feel sorry for them.

(1)feel 与名词或代词作宾语连用, 意为“感觉到;触摸”

I can feel something on my face.

(2)feel 后跟复合宾语“觉得”

She feels him to be the best player.

(3)feel 作为系动词 后跟形容词

I feel very cold .

Do you feel cold?

(4)feel sorry for 为……感到遗憾

You’ll be sorry for it.

8. I like watching them swim and jump.

Watch sb do sth 意为“观看某人做某事”

I watched them play football.

9. If you fall into the water and can’t swim, they may come up to help you.

fall into “掉进…” fall off…“从……上掉下来”

He fell into the lake.

They fall in love with each other.

Young boys are easy to fall into bad hahit.

The man fell off the ladder suddenly.

10. A baby monkey is on the back of its mother, and the mother monkey is eating a banana.

A baby monkey 小猴 a mother monkey 猴妈妈

On the back of the mother back “后背”

The mother often carries her baby on her back.

He is lying on his back.

There are two maps on the back wall.

Don’t open the back door.

11. Don’t feed the animals!

feed on“以吃……为生” feed sth to sb “把食物喂给” feed sb with sth

The mother feeds milk to the baby.

The mother feeds the baby with milk.

What does the tiger feed on?

12. But I don’t know what to do.

What+ to do 作know 的宾语

I don’t know whether to laugh or cry.

No one would like to tell me where to get the book.

I hope you’ll advise me what to do.


[例1] I hear Lucy_____ a nice watch.

A. has B. have C. to have D. having


解析: hear意为 “听说” 后面用宾语从句,从句的主语是Lucy 谓语用第三人称单数。[例2 ] Lily’s picture is very nice. She shows_____.

A. it to us B. us it C. us to it D. it us


解析:show及物动词表示出示,拿….给某人看show sb sth=show sth to sb但是当用代词代替某物时只能用 show sth to sb

[例3] Let’s make it _____.

A. at a quarter three B. a quarter to three

C. half to three D. half of three


解析:make it + time 句型不能加 at; 表示半点用 half past …/ …thirty

[例4] I don’t think he _____ free this afternoon.

A. can is B. be C. can to D. can be


解析:我认为他今天下午不会有时间 can 表示 “可能” be free “用空”

[例5] Two ______ are on their mother’s back.

A. baby monkeys B. baby monkey C. babies monkeys D. babies monkey


解析:小猴子 名词 baby 修饰 monkey , 变复数时只变主要名词。 Woman, man , sport


[例6] Look! The little monkey _____ a man.

A. looks B. likes C. is liking D. looks like


解析:look 可作不及物动词或者系动词。Look like “看上去象……” like 在此是介词。

[例7] There is _____orange in my glass. Will you please give me____?

A. little , some B. few, any C. few, some D. little, any


解析:杯里只有一点桔子汁了,请给我点好吗?Orange “桔子汁”不可数名词 否定

用little修饰, will you please… ? 希望得到肯定回答,用some。

[例8] What _____ interesting work it is !

A. a B. an C. x D. the


解析:work不可数名词 感叹句中不加冠词

[例9] Do you think it is good____ animals to live_____ a zoo?

A. for, for B. to, in C. for, in D. at, in


解析:be good for 对…有益。 Be good for sb to do sth 做某事对于某人来说是有益的

[例10] That is ______ they have to stay in cages.

A. what B. where C. that D. why




一. Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of given words.

1. He is always _____ to others.(friend)

2. There are a lot of _____ in the forest.(deer)

3. I like watching them _____ football.(play)

4. This story is ______ of all.(interest)

5. That monkey is ______ a man .(like)

6. I hear one of the monkeys _____ a baby. (have)

7. Let’s go to the _____ house first. (elephants)

8. The lion is ______(danger). You must be careful.

9. Would you like ______(come)?

10. Tom lives in a place ______Tyler.(call)

二. Choose the best answer.

1. It is very hard _____ me _____ answer the question.

A. to, to B. for, to C. of, to D. to, for

2. _______ are going to Shanghai by air.

A. The Reads B. The Read C. Mr Reads D. Reads

3. He must finish ______ the classroom after class.

A. to clean B. clean C. cleans D. cleaning

4. Who is washing the clothes?

A. Lucy does B. Lucy is C. Lucy do D. Lucy was

5. Please keep the window _____ when you leave.

A. close B. closing C. to close D. closed

6. Li Lei is _____ than me ______ football.

A. better, with B. the better, at C. the best, on D. better ,at

7. My watch is different from _____. But it’s the same _____ Kate’s.

A. Jim’s , as B. Jim, as C. Jim’s like D. Jim’s, to

8. She was more careful than ______ students last year.

A. any other B. anyone C. the other D. another

9. There’re a lot of people there. What’s ______?

A. down B. happen C. up D. matter

10. Let’s count the monkey, _____?

A. will you B. won’t you C. shall we D. don’t you

三. Finish off the sentences.

1. We are going to meet outside the school gate. (划线部分提问)

______ _____ you ______ to _______?

2. Let’s meet at about half past one.(同义句)

______ _____ meeting at about _____ _____?

3. Lily is the tallest of the three.(同义句)

Lily is taller_____ _____ _____.

4. He has to do a lot of housework.(否定句)

He ______ ______ ______ much housework.

5. I’m free tomorrow. What are you going to do?(同义句)

______ much tomorrow. ______ do you ______?



1. friendly 2. deer 3. play 4. interesting 5. like

6. has 7. elephants’ 8. dangerous 9. to come 10. called


1-5 BADBD 6-10 DACCC


1. Where ; are ; going ; meet 2. How ; about ; one thirty

3. than ; the ; other ; two 4. doesn’t ; have ; to ; do

5. Nothing ; what ; think