(人教版+朗文)初二Unit4 On the farm



Unit four On the farm

二. 重点、难点

1. 复习与巩固比较级和最高级

2. 词语辨析: have to 与must

arrive , reach 与get

job 与work

grow 与plant

until 与 not until

三. 具体内容

1. 复习比较级和最高级

(1)The box is much heavier than that one.

(2)Living in the country is more exciting than living in the city.

(3)Of all the basketball players in China, he is the tallest.

(4)English is one of the most important languages in the world.

(5)Chocolate is my favorite food. I think it’s more delicious than any other food.

(6)He is taller than any of the other boys in his class.

(7)The boy is the taller of the two.

(8)My bike is as nice as yours.

(9)He didn’t do as well as his brother.

(10)China is three times as large as Australia.

(11)The more we get together, the better we can understand.

(12)The city is getting more and more beautiful.

2. Let me walk with you. 让我和你一起走。

这是个祈使句,let是使役动词,除此以外还有 make , have , get.

let sb. do sth. have sb. do sth.

get sb. to do sth. make sb. do sth.

Let’s go to the farm by bike, shall we?

Don’t make the baby cry.

He has me feed the animals.

The teacher gets me to find some chalk for her.

3. I have to get home to do my work.

have to 与must的区别:

have to must

说话人的主观意图和要求 由于外部环境、情况、习惯等客观需要

不得不 必须

有时态、人称、数量的变化 没有时态、人称、数量的变化

I must take him to hospital to see the doctor.(主观意愿)

You must treat him as your brother.(要求)

My mother is ill, so I have to stay at home and take care of her.

He has to stay up late because he will take an exam next week.

If you want to be thinner, you will have to take more exercise.

Does he have to finish it in two hours?

He doesn’t have to pay back all the money.


reach 是及物动词,后边直接跟宾语,而且后边必须有宾语;arrive和get都是不及物动词。arrive at(小地方)arrive in(大地方),get to .

When will he reach Dalian?

When will he arrive in Dalian ?

When will he get to Dalian?

She gets home early.= She reaches home early.= She arrives home early.

I will phone you if she arrives.

5. His parents grow rice and wheat.他父母种稻子和小麦。

Grow作及物动词,意为 “种植、栽培”


We grow many flowers in our garden.

The farmer grows corn on his farm.

Grow作不及物动词, 意为 “生长、发育”


She grows into a beautiful girl.

The crops are growing fast after a heavy rain.

Grow作系动词, 意为 “变得”


It’s growing dark.

She’s growing fatter and fatter.

grow 与plant 区别

grow 指从播种、育苗到田间管理等整个过程,强调人在此期间付出的劳动。

He grows vegetables.

plant 指种子、小苗等植入土中,不强调人的照料。

They plant many trees every year.

6. In the country, he can hear birds singing and sheep bleating.


hear 的几种用法

(1)hear sb. doing sth./ hear sb. do sth.

I can hear him reading English.

I often hear him reading English.


I see the boys playing basketball.

I often see the boys play basketball.

(2)hear of “听说、耳闻”

I hear of him, but I never see him.

(3)hear from =get a letter from

I hear from my parents every month.

7. When they stop, he stops.

Stop doing sth. 停止做某事, 指停止正在做的事

The students stop talking when the teacher comes in.

The baby stops crying and smiling.

Stop to do sth.指停止原来做的事去做另外的事

She was too tired, so she stopped to have a rest.

Jim stopped to pick up the wallet.

8. My job is to feed the animals, too.

job是可数名词a job 一份工作;work 不可数名词a piece of work一份工作

It’s not easy to find a full-time job.

I have a lot of work to do today. Would you please choose another one?

句中的 to feed the animals 是动词不定式短语,在这里作表语.

My wish is to be a teacher.

To see is to believe.

9. Often Katy reads until late last night.

Until 与not … until的用法

Until 可作介词也可作连词,until 用在肯定句中,与持续性动词连用,表示某动作持续到某时


He waits until I finish school.

We’d better wait until the rain stops.

Not …until与非延续性动词连用,指直到…才

The shop doesn’t open until eight o’clock.

I don’t go to bed until the sun rises.

10. Ji Wei is now with John in America for the summer.

Be with sb. 和某人在一起.

I will be with you again in half a year.

Be with sb. 还表示支持某人

The whole country is with the president.


[例1] I ______ go to school ______ 9:00 every day.

A. will, until B. don’t, until C. won’t, after D. will, before


解析:go to school 非延续性动词短语,与not…until连用.every day时间状语要用一般现在时态

[例2] I have a friend _______ me with my lessons.

A. help B. helps C. helping D. to help


解析:用不定式作定语. I have a pen to write with. He has a toy to play with.

[例3] Can you hear Lucy ________ aloud in the next room?

A. read B. to read C. reading D. reads


解析:当hear和can 连用时表示“正听到”因此宾语补足语要用doing 形式.

[例4] It’s _________ colder outside now.

A. so B. more C. very D. much


解析:修饰比较级colder 只能用much; So, very, quite 都修饰原级; more +原级构成多音节比较级

[例5] The old man is _______ the radio, but he can’t _______ anything.

A. listening to, hear B. hearing, listening to

C. listening, to hear D. hearing, hear


解析:listen表示听的动作,hear表示听的结果。 Listen 是不及物动词,带宾语是要加to。

[例6] They live ______ farm______ town.

A. on, in B. in the , in C. on the, in D. on the, in the


解析:考察介词用法on the farm ; in town 中间无定冠词。

[例7] Could you _______ something about how_______ English well.

A. tell, study B. say, to learn C. speak, to learn D. talk, learning


解析:tell sb. sth. / tell sth. to sb. 告诉某人某事; speak to sb. 对某人说; talk to/with sb. about sth. 与某人谈论某事 ; speak, talk 在此都是不及物动词, say sth. about=talk about sth. Learn 初学, study 研究


一. Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of given words.

1. Jim gets to school ______( early) in his class.

2. That word is in the _______(twelve) line.

3. I’d like Mr Wu _________( help) me with my English.

4. They have some _______( sheep) and some chicken.

5. I have something _______( say). Let me ______( go) home.

6. My job is ________( teach) you English.

7. New York is one of the _______( busy city) in the USA.

8. What about ________( have) a swim at East Lake.

9. The traffic is too _________( heavy) on Mondays.

10. She is __________( careful) student of all.

二. Choose the best answer.

1. What _______ on Sundays?

A. do your parents do usually B. does usually your father do

C. usually does your father do D. do your parents usually do

2. Here _____ a letter and two books for you.

A. is B. are C. have D. has

3. A horse runs______ than a donkey.

A. more faster B. much fast

C. much more fast D. much faster

4. This picture of mine is _______than that of yours.

A. more better B. much better C. very better D. a lot of better

5. It takes us an hour _____ this work.

A. do B. to do C. does D. doing

6. Our factory is _____ farther than his.

A. much B. quite C. more D. too

7. Each of the children ______ a new book.

A. have B. has C. like D. has to

8. They use animals _______ farm work.

A. do B. does C. doing D. to do

9. It’s ________ thing for me _______ in the country.

A. a exciting, to live B. an exciting, to live

C. the most exciting, living D. a very exciting , live

10. That’s a good idea. I quite agree _____ you.

A. for B. with C. to D. in

三. Finish off the sentences.

1. Mine has an egg inside.(划线部分提问)

What _______ _________ ___________ inside.

2. Jim’s family lives there.(同义句)

Jim’s family_______ _________ there.

3. Katy has two books. Jill has seven books.(同义句)

Jill has _____ ______ than Katy.

4. He has to do a lot of housework.(否定句)

He ____ ______ _______ ________ much housework.

5. I think the car goes faster than the bus.(否定句)

I ____ think the bus _____ ______ quickly ______ the car.



1.earliest 2. twelfth 3. to help 4. sheep 5. to say; go

6. to teach 7. busiest cities 8. having 9. heavy 10. the most careful


1-5 DADBB 6-10 ABDBB


1. does yours have 2. also lives

3. more books 4. doesn’t have to do

5. don’t goes more than