(人教版+朗文)初二Unit3 Autumn festival



Unit three Autumn festival

二. 重点、难点:

1. 形容词、副词的比较级与最高级

2. 交际用语: Are you free tomorrow evening?

We call it Mid-autumn Festival.

Would you and Lily like to come over my home for Mid-autumn Festival?

How about another one?

I’m glad you can come.

May I have a taste?

Thanks for asking us.

3. 表示时间介词 in , on , at 的用法

三. 具体内容:

1. 比较级与最高级的构成


(1)small smaller smallest clever cleverer cleverest

(2)nice nicer nicest fine finer finest

(3)hot hotter hottest big bigger biggest

(4)happy happier happiest early earlier earliest

(5)careful more careful the most careful

delicious more delicious the most delicious


good better best well better best bad(badly) worse worst ill worse worst

many more most much more most little less least far farther farthest

2. 比较级与最高级的用法


This book is much easier than that one.

A turkey is much bigger than a chicken.

I’m feeling much better.

The boy is the taller of the two.


He is the tallest of the three.

Of all the books, this book is the best.

What’s the best season in a year?

Jack is the tallest in his class.

Jack is taller than any other student in his class.

Jack is taller than any of the other students in his class.

This box is the heaviest among all the boxes.

3. 比较级与最高级常用句型

(1)as…..as/ not so…..as 和……一样/和……不一样

She is as clever as her sister.

I run as fast as he (does).

This river is three times as long as that one.

Chinese isn’t as easy as English.

The book isn’t so interesting as that one.

I haven’t as many book as you.

(2)one of + the +最高级+名词复数 最……之一

Shanghai is one of the biggest cities in the world.

Fast food is one of the most popular food .

He is one of the richest men in China.

(3)the +比较级, the +比较级 越…… 越……

The more, the better.

The harder you study , the cleverer you will be.

The more exercise you take , the thinner you will be.

(4)比较级and 比较级,表示越来越……

The days are getting longer and longer.

It’s getting colder and colder.

Foreign languages are more and more important.

4. 表示时间介词 in , on , at 的用法


in 1990, in summer , in May, in the morning, in six years , in an hour


on Sunday on July 22, 1996 on Monday afternoon

on the morning of July 22 on a cold winter day


at seven o’clock at noon at the weekend

at the moment at the beginning at this time of year

5. They are small round cakes with meat , eggs, nuts or something sweet inside.

(1)with 表示 “具有、含有”

I like tea with sugar and milk.

The girl with long hair is Lucy.

That’s room with two big windows.

(2)Something, anything, nothing , everything成为不定代词形容词修饰不定代词要后置.

Is there anything wrong with my bike?

There is nothing important in today’s newspaper.

Let’s give her something different to eat.

(3)small round 位置不能颠倒

a small round wooden house

the beautiful little Japanese girl

(4)inside outside

The house needs inside repairs.

They play football inside the school.

Let’s go inside.

Don’t judge a man from the outside.

6. Oh, so that’s what they are selling at the store.

噢, 这么说那就是商店所卖的那些东西了.


This is what I want to say.

That’s what you want.

That’s why he is late for class.

(2)sell sb sth / sell sth to sb

buy sb sth / buy sth for sb

7. I’m glad you can come. 常用句型还有I’m sure that…./ I’m afraid that

I’m glad that you can understand me.

I’m very glad that you can accept my gift.

I’m afraid that I can’t go with you.

I’m sure that he will be back soon.

8. Would you like another one?

(1)another表示 “再一个,另一个” 通常指三者以上或不确定数量中的任何一个, 如果只有两者则不可用another。

I have an apple. Can you give me another one?

This glass is broken. Please give me another.

There are another three boys under the tree.

I don’t like the red shirt. Could you show another?

(2)the other 指的是 “ (两者中的) 另一个”

One of the twins is a girl, the other is a boy.

One student comes from Japanese, the other comes from South Korea.

9. May I have a taste?

(1)taste vt. Let me taste the cake.

(Link)vt. The cake tastes good. The soup tastes delicious.

n. The cake has a sweet taste. The beef has a hot taste.

(2)have a +n.

have a look have a try have a walk have a talk have a swim

10. What do you want to buy that for? 你买那个干什么?

“ What…for?”问做某事的目的,介词for 也可以放在句首

What do you want paper for?

For what is he here?

What do you want to do so for?

11. So we each have an autumn festival.

句中each 是we 的同位语,动词用复数;each 做主语,动词用单数。

Each of us has a mooncake.

We each have our duty.

Each one of us has his duty.


[例1] The apples on this tree is redder than ________ on that one.

A. ones B. those C. them D. apples


解析:英语中如果后面出现前面的名词,则单数用one代替;复数用ones, those代替;that用来代替不可数名词。

[例2] ________ of the two women is our English teacher.

A. Younger B. The young C. The younger D. The youngest


解析:比较级后面如果没有 than, 而是紧跟of the two, of the twins 等结构, 则要加the

[例3] This watch is dear. That watch is ______.

A. more dear B. more dearer C. much dear D. much dearer


解析:dear是单音节形容词, 比较级dearer; 比较级前用much修饰. 修饰比较级的副词还有 a little, a bit , even, still

[例4] Would you cook me ________ for supper please, Mum?

A. anything nice B. nice anything

C. something nice D. nice something


解析:Would you….? 表示请求, 因此用something而不用anything。形容词修饰不定代词要后置。

[例5] Would you like_______ cup of tea?

A. other B. another C. the another D. the other


解析:another cup of tea 再一杯,具有已喝了一杯或几杯用another。

[例6] Do you often drink tea______ milk?

A. to B. at C. with D. of


解析:你经常喝加牛奶的茶吗? With表示含有。

[例7] Please come ____ my home tomorrow.

A. over B. over to C. to over D. on


解析:come over to“顺便拜访某地,是固定搭配”

[例8] It tastes sweet ________ sugar.

A. likes B. like C. to like D. liking


解析:taste like 尝起来象….. sound like , feel like , look like

[例9] The watch is good. I’ll _______ it.

A. buy B. get C. like D. take


解析:购物时表示要买下某物时用 take

[例10] Li Lei’s table is newer than ________.

A. his sister B. his sisters C. his sister’s D. she




一. Fill in the blanks with the words you have learned.

1. Are you f_______ next Friday?

2. On Mid-autumn Festival families eat____ big d________.

3. T______ for having us to your party.

4. It’s delicious. May I have a t__________.

5. I’m a little h________. Would you please give me something to eat.

6. The weather here in winter is colder than t______ in Beijing.

7. Mrs Smith is w________ her children at home.

8. Who’s older, you o_______ your sister?

9. The shop s_______ all kinds of food.

10. Don’t go out. Just stay i______.

二. Choose the best answer.

1. I have ______money with me.

A. any more B. no more C. no longer D. any longer

2. Thank you for coming _____ us.

A. and see B. and seeing C. seeing D. to see

3. I’d like you _______ an English song.

A. to sing us B. sing us C. singing our D. to sing our

4. Lesson one is not difficult .There are ________ new words in it.

A. a few B. a little C. little D. few

5. Which subject is _________, physics, history or Chinese?

A. important B. more important

C. much important D. the most important

6. I don’t like winter because it’s _____ cold.

A. too much B. much too C. many too D. too many

7. The maths problem is ______ and I can do it ______.

A. easy, easy B. easily, easily C. easy, easily D. easily, easy

8. My bike is newer than_______.

A. he B. him C. her D. his

9. Please read this e-mail ________Lily ________ me.

A. to, from B. from, to

C. from , for D. of, with

10. ______ he spoke, ______ excited he was.

A. The more, the more B. The many, the better

C. The many, the good D. The more , the better

三. Finish off the sentences.

1. Tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day.(划线部分提问)

________ _________ is tomorrow?

2. Today is March 10th.(划线部分提问)

_______ ________ is today?

3. I want to buy them for Thanksgiving dinner.(划线部分提问)

______ do you want to buy them ________?

4. Wu peng is ten years old . Wang lin is thirty years old.(合并句子)

Wang lin is _______ _________ _________ _________ Wu peng.

5. Jim is the tallest in our class.(同义句)

Jim is ______ _____ _______ _______ student in our class.



1. free 2. a, dinner 3. Thanks 4. taste 5. hungry

6. that 7. with 8.or 9. sells 10. inside


1-5 BDADD 6-10 BCDBA


1. What day

2. What date

3. What for

4. twenty years older than

5. taller than any other