(人教版+朗文)初二Unit2 What are we going to do?


一. 本周教学内容:

Unit two What are we going to do?

二. 重点、难点:

1. The simple future tense 一般将来时态归纳与总结

2. 交际用语:

What are you going to do tomorrow?

Where are you going?

Why don’t we go + doing……?

Let’s do…….

I agree!

三. 具体内容:

1. key words & expressions 重点词汇与短语


n. short journey field trip

v. fall , make a false step trip over

(2)discuss v.

talk together about discuss sth with sb

(3)hometown n.

town or city where one was born

(4)fish v.

try to catch fish go fishing

(5)east n. & adj.

the direction where the sun rises in the east

(6)maybe adv.


(7)mountain n.

very high hill on the top of /at the foot of….

(8)hike v.& n.

walking tour, long walk go hiking

(9)agree v.

say “ yes” agree with sb

(10)picnic n.

have a meal in the open air have a picnic

(11)top n.

the highest point or part at/ on the top of….

(12)problem n.

question to be worked out have a problem doing sth

(13)hurry v.

move quickly hurry up

(14)tie v. & n.

fasten tie sth to sw

(15)die v.

come to the end of the life

(16)take v.

spend , use up It takes sb some time to do ….

(17)far adj. & adv.

a long way off far from

(18)feel v.(link)

know by the senses feel +adj.

2. The simple future tense 一般将来时态归纳与总结



shall + do / will + do / be going to do….


tomorrow, next(week , month….), in(a month, five minutes….), this(week , year), in the future, from now on…

(4)Be going to do 表示打算或准备某事;也可表示肯定要发生的事情。

Where are we going to meet this Friday?

I am going to call on an old friend of mine next week.

We are going to have a field trip the day after tomorrow.

It is going to snow heavily tonight.

(5)go, come , leave , fly , start , finish , stay 等词的进行时态表示将来。

He is starting for Dalian .

I am finishing my work in five minutes.

We are going hiking tomorrow.

(6)There be 句型的将来时态

用 There is/are going to be 或者There will be 表示

There is going to be a basketball match in our school next Monday.

There are going to be many concerts in our hometown in the coming festival.

There will be many changes in the west of China in the future.

3. Next Friday we’re going on our first field trip to study about our hometown.

(1)go on our first field trip 进行第一次野外郊游也可以说have our first field trip

再如,go on a picnic =have a picnic

(2)此句中就用了go 的进行时态表示将来

(3)study(do a piece of work very carefully)研究,学习 about prep 关于……

study sth under sb

4. Are we all going ? 我们都要去吗?

all adj. all the things , all my friends, all the water, all these people

all pron. all of them , all of us

all adv. 位置要注意

5. Why don’t we go fishing at East Lake ? 我们为什么不去东湖钓鱼呢?

(1)此句中Why don’t we +do …..表示提建议还可以用

How about …..? Why not……? Shall we…..? Let’s ……… 等代替

(2)East Lake 前用介词at

6. I agree. =I agree with you.(I have the same opinion as yours.)

agree with sb agree to sth.

7. Now let’s discuss how we are going to get there.

此句中 how we are going to get there.是宾语从句, 这样一来就要求从句的语序是特殊疑问词+主语+谓语

I know how old the boy is.

Can you tell me how I can get there?

Do you know why he is often late for school?

8. But they have some problems getting there. 但是他们在到那的途中遇到一些问题。

getting there 为现在分词做宾语补足语

I found my mother sitting in the room.

He saw her playing the piano in her room.

Problem与question 的用法有别.

9. Is Mr Li going to get his class to the top ? 李老师打算让他的学生到达山顶吗?

get意为 使(人或物)以某种方式做某事

I can’t get the TV to work.

I’m not going to get her to give a talk.

10. It takes too long.


How long does it take? It takes me half an hour to finish it.

(2)too 修饰 adj. “太,实在..” 常用 too…. to

It’s too expensive.

It’s too expensive to buy.

I am too tired. I am not going to walk so fast.

I am too tired to walk so fast.

11. They want to take some fruit with them. 他们想带一些水果.

此句中take“携带,拿走某物”常与介词with 搭配。

Take these thing home .

He takes her daughter to his hometown every year.

You must take the food with you.

Do you remember to take the money with you?


[例1] Lucy with lily ______ to the shops this afternoon.

A. go B. goes C. are going D. is going


解析:时间状语是this afternoon 要用将来时,排除A,B wih lily 修饰主语Lucy但不是真正的主语,所以选D。

[例2] Do the children feel_______?

A. happily B. happy C. happier D. more happy


解析:feel 感觉是系动词后面用adj。

[例3] There _______ an English evening next week.

A. is B. is going to have C. is going to be D. will have


解析:There be句型的将来时态 B,D 都是易错选项。

[例4] Would you like some bananas ? _________ .

A. Yes, I’d love B. No, I don’t

C. No, thanks D. Yes, I like


解析:考察交际用语,Would you like sth…?请吃一些…..吗?肯定回答 Yes, please./Yes, just a little. 否定回答 No , thanks. / I’m full. thanks

[例5] _______ stop to have a rest?

A. What about B. How about C. Why not to D. Would you like to


解析:A、B 选项 what/ how about 表示 提建议,用法是 what/ how about+doing sth,C选项 Why not也表示提建议 Why not do sth。

[例6] They often ask him __________.

A. where he is from B. Where is he from

C. Where does he come from D. Where he comes of


解析:这句话是宾语从句, 这样一来就要求从句的语序是特殊疑问词+主语+谓语。

[例7] Be careful. Don’t trip______ the desk.

A. by B. to C. at D. over


解析:trip over…. 被…绊倒,是固定搭配。

[例8] There is a lot of _______ today.

A. wind B. winds C. windy D. rains


解析:wind 风是不可数名词 windy adj.

[例9] Jim is going to ________ football match tomorrow.

A. see B. watch C. look at D. read


解析:A选项 see 看见(无意识);C选项look at 去看(有意识);B选项watch 全神贯注的看(比赛,表演)

[例10] I want to be ______ one to the top of the mountain.

A. first B. the first C. the D. x


解析:be the first one to do sth 第一个做某事的人。


一. Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of given words.

1. This kind of animal has only two_________(foot)

2. We are going to help some _________(farm)with their work.

3. Today you’re late, but you must come __________(early)tomorrow.

4. Please read the _________(nine)lesson.

5. When are they going __________(buy)oranges?

6. It’s much better than __________(have)classes.

7. Are you helping your mother __________(clean)the house?

8. The little boy _________(like)flying kites.

9. Look! Some ________ teachers are over there.(woman).

10. Tom is _________(run)to school. He is late for class .

二. Choose the best answer.

1. We ________ hiking quickly.

A. all are B. all be C. are all D. be all

2. Why don’t we go fishing _______East Lake.

A. on B. at C. for D. with

3. Do you know where he is going ________ week?

A. in next B. next C. to next D. on next

4. Sam _________ a swim this evening .

A. is going to B. is going to have C. has D. is going to do

5. It takes us an hour _____ this work.

A. do B. to do C. does D. doing

6. It’s going to be ______ fun.

A. much B. many C. more D. most

7. I’d like you _______ an English song.

A. to sing us B. sing us C. singing our D. to sing our

8. It’s six o’clock now. It’s time _________.

A. get up B. got up C. to get up D. getting up

9. They often ask him _______.

A. where he is from B. where is he from

C. where does he come from D. where he comes of

10. That’s a good idea. I quite agree _____ you.

A. for B. with C. to D. in

三. Finish off the sentences.

1. Mr. Brown is going to talk with us.(划线部分提问)

________ _________ Mr. Brown going to talk_______?

2. The Greens are going on a picnic this Sunday.(同义句)

The Greens are going to_______ ________ _________ this Sunday.

3. Why don’t you come and play with me?(同义句)

How about________ and _______ with me?

4. We usually go shopping on Sundays.(同义句)

We usually_____ _______ ________ on Sundays.

5. The teacher tells us how we can use the computer.(同义句)

The teacher tells us ______ _____ _______ the computer.



1. feet 2. farmers 3. earlier 4. ninth 5. to buy

6. having 7.(to)clean 8. likes 9. women 10. running


1-5 CBBBB 6-10 CACAB


1. Who/Whom;is;with 2. have a picnic

3. coming;playing 4. do some shopping

5. how to use