(牛津译林版)初二Unit5 Birdwatchers


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market roast seagull long-winged sparrow northern golden eagle broad hooked nature north-east wildlife provide shelter stay rare red-crowned farm government endangered tourist importance wet state manners irregular dishonest unnecessary impossible unfriendly unwelcome unable incorrect uncommon protected fish litter entrance sandwich gentle gently angry angrily noisy nicely softly


1. birdwatch 是个复合动词,bird和watch存在逻辑上的动宾关系,又如:

booksell 售书 wolfhunt捕狼

go birdwatching 去观鸟

go boating/ fishing/sightseeing/climbing/fox-hunting

2. web-footed 是个复合形容词,类似的有:

a white-haired girl a three-legged table a one-eyed man

a left-handed boy a warm-hearted woman

3. pointed 尖的

a pointed pencil 削尖的铅笔 a pointed article尖锐的文章


a forked road岔道 a forked tail叉状的尾巴

4. golden 金(黄)色的; 镀金的

She has golden hair.

gold 金子;黄金

I have a gold coin.

She has a heart of gold.

I have a voice of gold.


He has a gold watch.

He has a golden watch.

5. broad 宽的, 指道路、河流等时与wide通用,如:

a wide/broad road/ river

形容眼睛、嘴巴时用wide; 在引申用法时也用wide, 如:

Open your mouth wide.

He is a man with wide interests.


His father is a man with a broad heart.

6. brownish 带棕色的

girlish 女孩子气的,reddish 带红色的,childish 孩子气的,foolish傻的

7. provide sth. for sb.= provide sb. with sth.为…提供…

We provided food and shelter for the people in poor areas.

Our school provide us with textbooks.

He has no worries, only himself to provide for.

8. all (the) year round= the whole year 一年到头;终年

I am busy all the year round.

all day/ night long整天/夜 all summer long整个夏天

9. stay n.逗留

Did you enjoy your stay there?

I will go there for a long stay.

v. 逗留,停留

Stay here until we come back.

link v.

I hope the fish will stay alive.

10. alive/ living 活着的,作表语时两者通用

The old man is still alive/ living.

living作前置定语, 也可用于比喻意义;alive作补语或后置定语。

They caught the fox alive.

At last we found three living sheep/ three sheep alive.

11. rare 罕见的 ,稀少的,珍贵的

This kind of bird is becoming rare.

It’s very rare for him to be late.= He is rarely late.

rarely =seldom不常地,属否定副词。

12. make space /room for …为…让出地方/腾出空间

We should make space for the old when we are on the bus.

The table takes up too much room.

It is great fun to travel in space.

13. less and less 越来越少, 修饰不可数名词

There is less and less water on the earth.

fewer and fewer越来越少, 修饰可数名词。

There are fewer and fewer leaves on the trees.

反义词为 more and more

less and less 后接形容词或副词原形,表示“越来越不…”。

The lake is becoming less and less beautiful because of pollution.

14. 使用前缀un-,in-, im-, dis-, ir-来构成形容词的反义词:

a. 大多数形容词前面加un构成反义词,如:

happy- unhappy kind- unkind true- untrue able- unable comfortable- uncomfortable friendly- unfriendly

b. 以c开头的形容词用前缀in-构成反义词, 如:

correct- incorrect

c. 以p开头的形容词用前缀im-构成反义词, 如:

possible- impossible polite- impolite

d. 以r开头的形容词用前缀ir-构成反义词, 如:

regular- irregular

e. 有些形容词用前缀dis-构成反义词, 如:

honest- dishonest agreeable- disagreeable

15. 方式副词的构成

a. 大多数形容词加ly构成副词, 如:

quiet- quietly fluent- fluently

b. 形容词去e加y构成副词,如:

gentle- gently possible- possibly

c. 以y结尾的形容词去 y加ily构成副词,如:

easy- easily happy- happily angry- angrily friendly- friendlily

d. 特殊情况:true- truly shy- shyly whole- wholly good- well

形容词与副词同形,如: fast, early, ill, late, back, straight,alone



1. He didn’t pass the exam. He looks ________(不高兴).

2. “Gardon” is an ______(不正确) spelling. It must be “garden”

3. It’s not good to be an ______(不诚实) boy.

4. He broke his leg yesterday. He is ______(不能) to take part in the sports meeting.

5. Nothing is ________ (不可能) if we put our hearts into it.

6. He thinks it _______(没有必要) to brush the teeth twice a day.

(1. unhappy 2. incorrect 3. dishonest 4. unable 5. impossible 6. unnecessary)



1. 东北

2. 终年

3. 为…腾出空间

4. 长尾巴的海鸥

5. 促使他们采取行动来保护天鹅

6. 进行鸟类统计

7. 越来越贵

8. 自然保护区


1. Look at the sun , it is shining _______(bright).

2. On our way home, it rained _____(heavy).

3. He does everything _____(careful).

4. His father is shouting ______(angry).

5. _______(lucky), he wasn’t hurt badly.

6. You should take more exercise and eat _____(healthy)

7. He is ______(true) sorry about it.

8. The children are playing ________(noisy).


1. 李先生是我们学校最受欢迎的老师之一。

2. 越来越多的鸟类因没有足够的空间而濒临绝迹。

3. 这是许多种鱼类理想的栖息地。

4. 观鸟俱乐部的成员正在研究鸟类数量上的变化。

5. 这条河为我们提供了很多鱼。


一、1. north east 2. all the year round 3. make space for…

4. long-winged seagull 5. make them take actions to protect swans

6. do a bird count 7. more and more expensive 8. a nature reserve

二、1. brightly 2. heavily 3. carefully 4. angrily

5. Luckily 6. healthily 7. truly 8. noisily

三、1. Mr Li is one of the most favourite teachers in our school.

2. More and more bird sare in danger because they do not have enough space.

3. It is the ideal home for many kinds of fish.

4. Members of the Birdwatching Club are studying the change in their numbers.

5.T he river provides many fish for us.