(湘教版)初二英语Topic 2 I’m sure there are no UFOs


Section C

1. We can use the Internet for finding a job.


use sth for sth / doing sth 利用某物来做某事。for为介词,后面接名词、代词或动名词结构,在此表目的,for也经常表示原因。

如:Thanks for helping me.


We use the knife for cutting things.


2. We shouldn’t spend too much time on the Internet.



即:主语+spend+time/ money+on sth/(in)doing sth

如:I spent 5 yuan on the book.


I spent 10 minutes (in)drawing a dog.


3. We can do shopping at home.


do shopping=do some shopping=shop“购物,买东西”类似结构。

do reading=do some reading=read“看书,阅读”

do washing=do some washing=wash“洗一洗,洗衣服”

do cleaning=do some cleaning=clean“打扫卫生”

do running=do some running=run“跑步”

4. I’m glad to tell you I learned how to use the English-Chinese dictionary.


how to do sth如何去做某事,怎样去做某事,动词不定式短语由特殊疑问词与动词不定式构成。

如:Can you tell me how to cook?


I don’t know whom to ask.


They don’t know where to go.


5. The words in dictionaries are listed in alphabetical order.



如:Can you list your favourite food?


(2)in alphabetical order按照字母顺序

6. When you look up a word in the dictionary, pay attention to the first letter of the word.


(1)look up查询……,查找……

look up a word in the dictionary“查字典”

(2)pay attention to...“注意……,留意……,当心……”

You must pay attention to the teacher.


Pay attention to what you are doing.


7. When two words begin with the same letter, you have to look at the second letter to find the word.


begin with...=start with...“以……开始”

如:The concert began with a piano solo.


The day began with rain.


8. You should buy a good dictionary and give it a try.


give it a try是美国英语,试试看=have a try

Section D

1. I pressed the “On”switch but nothing happened.



happen=take place动词,发生

happen to sb/ sth……发生……

如:How did the accident happen?


What happened to you?你发生什么了?

If anything happens to him, let me know.


2. You’d better ask our computer teacher for help.


ask(sb)for sth向……要……

如:She asked me for a phone card.


You can ask your parents for money.


Grammar focus:


1. 英语中大多数形容词有原级、比较级和最高级的形式,表示三种不同的程度。如:tall高,taller更高,tallest最高。

2. 形容词比较级、最高级的规则形式


如:high-higher-highest clever-cleverer-cleverest


如:nice-nicer-nicest large-larger-largest


busy-busier-busiest heavy-heavier-heaviest


如:thin-thinner-thinnest wet-wetter-wettest

big-bigger-biggest hot-hotter-hottest


如:famous-more famous-most famous

beautiful-more beautiful-most beautiful

serious-more serious-most serious


3. 有一部分的形容词比较级和最高级形式是不规则的。


如:free, clear, glad, shy, pretty, lively


4. 形容词比较级的句型


如:He is as old as I. 他和我一样大。

I am as tall as you. 我和你一样高。

(2)甲不如乙,用“not so / as+原级+as...”

如:You are not so/ as clever as your brother.


He isn’t so/ as tall as you.



如:He runs faster than you. 他比你跑得快。

He is earlier than you. 他比你早。

5. 形容词的最高级,三者或三者以上相比较时用最高级形式,形容词最高级前面通常用定冠词the+最高级形式+in(或of,among)介词词组,如:

She is the best student in our class.


He is the tallest among the boys.


He is the busiest of the three.


6. 形容词的比较级可以用much或a lot“……得多”

a little“一点儿”,even“甚至,更”等副词修饰表示

He is much taller than I. 他比我高得多。

Yesterday it was cold, but today it is even colder.


7. 形容词比较级表示“越来越……”,用“形容词比较级+and+形容词比较级”和“more and more+原级”表示

如:Days are getting longer and longer.白天越来越长。

It’s more and more important to protect our environment.


8. 表示越……越……用the+比较级,the+比较级表示。

如:The more, the better.越多越好。

The more you eat, the fatter you’ll be.



I. 单项选择

1. We spent the whole day ____________ trees on the hill.

A. planted B. to plant C. plant D. planting

2. Jack likes to make people ____________ and play jokes ________ his friends.

A. laugh, on B. to laugh, to C. laugh, with D. to laugh, with

3. Are you __________ your answer?

A. sure B. sure to C. sure for D. sure of

4. I’d like to read books __________ by Bill Gates.

A. writes B. written C. wrote D. writing

5. I was drawing a cat __________ the teacher came in.

A. when B. while C. but D. what time

6. It’s too dark. Let’s __________ the lights.

A. switch off B. switch on

C. turn out D. turn down

7. People often _________ some objects _________ a UFO.

A. mistake, as B. mistake, for

C. mistakes, as D. mistakes, for

8. Which would you like, coffee or tea?

________________ is OK.

A. Both B. Any C. Either D. None

9. He ______________ very well that day.

A. was feel B. did felt C. wasn’t feeling D. feels

10. I used to __________ school when I was young.

A. walk B. walk to C. walk in D. walk for

II. 完形填空

I think the best place to go on Sunday 1 the zoo. When you are 2 , you can go there with your family 3 the zoo, there are many animals: elephants, pandas, 4 , tigers and other animals. Elephants are the 5 animal on land. I 6 there is a baby elephant in our zoo. So I want to 7 at it. Linda wants to go with me. She says. “ 8 we go there together? ”“Sure!”I say. “We will have a good time there. But let’s make 9 half past four. I have 10 homework to do.”

( )1. A. does B. are C. is D. is going to

( )2. A. busy B. free C. young D. clean

( )3. A. In B. On C. For D. Near

( )4. A. monkeys B. monkies C. liones D. peacock

( )5. A. youngest B. heaviest C. biggest D. tallest

( )6. A. listen B. listen to C. hear of D. hear

( )7. A. looks B. have a look C. see D. watch

( )8. A. Can B. Could C. Shall D. Would

( )9. A. us B. it C. them D. you

( )10. A. a few B. little C. much D. many

III. 用括号内所给词的适当形式填空

1. People loves animals because they can bring us __________(happy)

2. I teach ___________(my)English.

3. He likes rock music ____________(well)of all.

4. Shanghai is one of the _________(famous)cities in China.

5. He thinks ____________(play)the drum is exciting.

6. What a ____________ (wonder)movie!

7. This was the _______________(begin)of the weekend.

8. He felt too tired _____________(work)on Mondays.

9. Were you doing some ____________(wash)at 8:00 yesterday?

10. In spring, it returns to the fresh water stream ___________ (lay)eggs.



1. D 2. A 3. D 4. B 5. A

6. B 7. B 8. C 9. C 10. B

II. 1. C 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. C

6. D 7. B 8. C 9. B 10. C

III. 1. happiness 2. myself 3. best 4. most famous 5. playing

6. wonderful 7. beginning 8. to work 9. washing

10. to lay