(湘教版)初二英语Unit 2 Playing Sports


一. 本周教学内容:

Unit 2 Playing Sports

Topic 1 I like playing soccer

二. 教学过程:

Section A

1. I saw you play basketball almost every day during the summer holidays.


see sb. do sth. 看见某人做某事,这个做某事是经常性、习惯性、事实性动作,要用动词原形,也就是省略to的不定式,如:

I see you go to school early every morning.


see sb. doing sth. 看见某人正在做某事,doing强调的动作正在做。

His father saw him sitting on some eggs.




(1)感官动词:see,hear,feel,watch,listen to,look at等。

如:I heard you say so. 我听你这样说的。


Let me help you. 让我帮助你。

It makes me smile. 它使我笑起来。

2. Will you come and cheer us on?


cheer sb. on 激励某人,为……喝彩,向……欢呼

如:I’ll cheer you on.

3. Which sport do you prefer, skating or skiing?




Which book is yours, this one or that one?


4. I prefer skating. 我更喜欢滑冰。

prefer doing sth. 更喜欢,宁愿做某事

如:We prefer listening to music. 我们更喜欢听音乐。

prefer ... to ... 比起……更喜欢……

如:She prefers fish to meat. 比起肉她更喜欢鱼。

5. We’re planning to have a skating club.


plan to do sth. 计划做某事

如:They are planning to go to Beijing. 他们正计划去北京。

6. Will you join us? 你将加入到我们中来吗?

join sb. 加入到某些人当中

如:Why don’t you join us? 为什么你不加入到我们中来呢?


join the party 入党

join the army 参军

join与take part in的区别

(1)take part in 指参加某种活动。


如: I want to take part in the high jump. 我想参加跳高。

Do you want to join the basketball team? 你想参加篮球队吗?

Section B

1. What else do you know about him / her? 你知道关于他/她别的什么事吗?

else “别的,其他的”,放在被修饰词的后面,可以与疑问词连用。如:who else 别的什么人,where else 别的什么地方,when else 别的什么时候。

else还可以与不定代词连用,如:something else 别的什么事,somebody else 别的什么人。

如: Who else do you know here? 在这儿你还认识谁?

What else can you see? 你能看见别的什么东西?

Do you know anybody else in the room? 在房间里你还认识其他人吗?


else 与 other:


We must ask somebody else to do it.


What else can you see in the picture?



What other things can you see? 你能看见别的什么?


What else can you see?

2. The team will play against China’s National Team.


play against ... 跟……比赛

如:Would you like to play against us?


3. It’s too bad that they won’t stay in Beijing for long.


It’s too bad that ... 很遗憾……,这是一个含主语从句的复合句。其中that they won’t stay in Beijing for long 是主语从句。如:

It’s too bad that I can’t help you. 很遗憾我不能帮助你。

It’s too bad that they won’t come here. 非常遗憾他们不来这里。

4. They are leaving for Japan the day after tomorrow.


leave for ... 离开去某地,for 接地点名词,指要去的地方而不是离开的地方。

Are you leaving for Shanghai tomorrow?


另外,如果想表达离开某地去某地可以说leave 某地 for 某地。如:

我将离开北京去上海。 I’m leaving Beijing for Shanghai.

Section C

1. She spends at least half an hour in the gym every day.





(1)Sb. pay ... for ... 某人买某物花了……钱。

(3)Sth. cost (sb.) money. 某物花了某人多少钱。

(4)It takes sb. time to do sth.. 做某事花了某人多少时间。


①I paid 100 yuan for this sweater.

③This sweater cost me 100 yuan.


It took me an hour to finish my homework.

2. They are sure that she will win. 他们确信她会赢。

be sure that ... 确信……


We are sure that we can do it well.

3. It’s a good way to keep fit.


way有“道路”之意,the way to + 地点,表示通向某地的路。此句中是其引申意义“方法,途径”,介词仍然用“to”。



如:The pants fit me well. 这条裤子很合我身。

4. How long will you play? 你将打(乒乓球)多长时间?

How long 表示多久,多长时间

如:How long did he stay at home? 他在家呆了多长时间?


(1)how often:多长时间一次,表示频率

How often do you play basketball? - Once a week.

你多长时间打一次篮球? --一周一次。

(2)how many +可数名词 多少……

How many people are there in your family?


(3)how much + 不可数名词 多少……

How much meat do you want? 你想要多少肉?

(4)how old 多大(岁数)

How old is the boy? 这个男孩多大了?

(5)how much 多少钱

How much is the fish? 鱼多少钱?

(6)how tall 多高(人,树)

how far 多远(距离)

how high 多高(山、楼)

how deep 多深(深度)

Grammar Focus


(1)一般将来时由助动词will + 动词原形构成,在英国英语中当主语为第一人称I或we时,可用shall加动词原形构成一般将来时,即shall + 动词原形。

如:I shall be free tomorrow. 明天我有空。

(2)一般将来时表示将要发生的动作或状态,往往和表示将来时间的状语连用。如:tomorrow 明天,the day after tomorrow 后天,next week 下星期。


如:They will not / won’t stay in Beijing for long.

Will they stay in Beijing?

Yes, they will.

No, they won’t.


I. 用所给词的适当形式填空。

1. I prefer __________ (play) basketball.

2. Do you like __________ (do) sports?

3. I see you __________ (run) almost every day.

4. I hope she will __________ (be) well soon.

5. I’d like __________ (skate) today.

6. I’m sorry __________ (trouble) you.

7. I don’t want __________ (be) late for school.

8. Will you __________ (join) us?

II. 选择题。

( )1. -________ do you play basketball?

- Three times a week.

A. How long B. How many C. How often D. How much

( )2. -__________ does he often play soccer?

- In the gym.

A. What B. When C. Where D. Why

( )3. Swimming is good _________ you. Are you good _________ it?

A. at , at B. for , for C. at , for D. for , at

( )4. Next week, we will _________ the basketball game. Will you _________ us?

A. take part in , join B. join , take part in

C. take part in , take part in D. join , join

( )5. Let’s go to the zoo, shall we?


A. That’s all right. B. All right.

C. You’re welcome. D. Yes, we shall.

( )6. You should find _________ to do it.

A. somebody else B. else somebody

C. somebody other D. other somebody

( )7. Doing exercise everyday _________ me pretty healthy.

A. makes B. make C. to make D. making

( )8. There _________ an English film next week.

A. will have B. is going to have C. is going to be D. is going

( )9. Swimming is a good way to _________.

A. keep fit B. keep health C. kept fit D. keeping healthy

( )10. Which sport do you prefer, _________?

A. skate or ski B. skating or skiing

C. skates or ski D. to skate or to ski

III. 阅读理解。


Jim is a basketball fan. Michael Jordan is his favorite basketball player. Jim is very good at playing basketball, too. He is on his school basketball team. The team practice playing basketball after school every day. On Saturday or Sunday, they play a game with another school team. They often win because they are a very good team in the city. They wish to win the first this summer. Mike, Jim’s friend, is a basketball fan, too. But he can’t play it. He likes watching it, so he often goes with Jim’s team. He is always happy to see them win.

( )1. Jim and Mike like basketball very much.

( )2. Michael Jordan is the best on Jim’s school Team.

( )3. Jim plays basketball well.

( )4. There is a good basketball team in Mike’s school.

( )5. Basketball is a team sport.



1. playing 2. doing 3. run 4. be

5. to skate 6. to trouble 7. to be 8. join


1. C 2. C 3. D 4. A 5. B

6. A 7. A 8. C 9. A 10. B


1. T 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. T