高三复习Book1 Unit21-22重点词组与重难点整理


高三复习Book 1 Unit 21-22


ahead of/give sb a hand/get through/tear down/make a face/be sure/in a hurry/disagree with/communicate with sb/hold up/in order/bungee jumping/an amusement park/be based on/be divided into/become popular around the world/across the world/risk injury/race against/thrill rides/focus on/through darkness/be in danger/free-fall ride/a theme park/combine sth with sth/take the shuttle/step into/scary rides/a variety of/be creative/make up/prevent…from/cut off electricity/have great fun


1. minority少数,少数民族

  the majority of 大多数后接复数谓语动词或单数谓语动词,根据of后的名词

  the majority作主语(谓语动词用单复数均可)

the majority of people=most of the people

eg. ①A/The majority of people seem to prefer TV to radio.

②The majority was /were in favour of the proposal.

典题 ①Don’t worry about the present situation in the world.___of people prefer peace to war.

A.The most B.The great part

C.The majority D.The number

②The next day a minority of the students___late for school.

A.are B.is C.were D.was


1)  remember/forget to do sth记住/忘记要做的某事

 remember/forget doing sth记住/忘记做过某事

eg. I shall remember to go and see him tomorrow.

She forgot telling him about it.

2) regret to do sth因要做或要说什么而抱歉或遗憾

regret doing sth因做了或说了什么而遗憾或后悔

I regret to say I can’t attend your English evening.

I regret having interrupted you.

3)mean to do sth.打算/有意要/企图/意欲做某事

Mean doing sth.意味着,需要做某事

Do you mean to stop working now?

Success means working very hard.

4)try to do sth.试图或努力去做某事

try doing sth.试着做某事

5)go on to do sth.做完一件事后,继续做另一件事

go on doing sth.继续做同一件事

After reviewing the new words, he went on to explain the text.

Let’s go on reading Lesson One.

6)stop to do sth.停下来以便做另一件事

stop doing sth.停止做某事

Class begins. Let’s stop talking.

Class is over. Let’s stop to have a talk.

3.would rather宁愿

would rather(not)do…宁愿(不)做……

would rather+that-clause(其宾语从句中的谓语动词应用过去时)表示现在或将来的愿望,过去完成时表示对过去愿望。

eg.①I’d rather not make money.我宁愿不赚钱。

②I’d rather you remained here.我倒宁愿你留在这儿。

③I’d rather I had not gone to the cinema last night.


典题 I____the Science Museum.

A. would like visiting B.feel like to visit

C.am planning visiting D.would rather visit

4.congratulate sb on(doing) sth祝贺某人某事

注意:congratulate oneself庆幸,感到幸运


eg.①We congratulated him on having passed the examination.


②We sent them a telegram,congratulating them on their success.


③Congratulations on your success! 祝贺你成功!

典题We offered him our congratulations _____his passing the college entrance exams.

A. at B. on C. for D. of

5.risk vt.冒…之险,明知…也要做…,后跟动名词作宾语。

run a risk冒险

take a risk冒险

at risk处在危险中

at the risk of冒着…的危险

at any risk不顾一切

eg.①I don’t want to risk failure.我不想冒失败的危险。

②I am willing to risk losing my job.我愿意冒失去工作的危险。

③He risked his life in trying to save the child.

④We mustn’t risk getting caught in a storm.

⑤There is no risk of your catching cold if you wear warm clothes.

⑥Buying land that you’ve never seen is a risk.

6.1)agree to do sth.答应做某事

2)agree to +计划 同意某事(办法、安排、建议)

3)agree with sth非计划、办法、安排、建议的事

4)sth agree with sth sth 和sth 保持一致

5)天气或食物+agree with sb 天气(食物)适合某人

6)sb agree with sb.同意对方的话

7)两个以上的人+agree on/upon sth人们一致同意某事

8)agree +that从句

eg.①He agreed to help us.

②He agreed with my words.

③They agreed to the plan.

④The verb must agree with the subject.

⑤What you said doesn’t agree with the fact.

⑥Mutton doesn’t agree with me.

⑦He agreed with us.

⑧They agree on/upon the time of the concert.

⑨He agreed that he would come.

典题 1.We agreed ____here but so far she hasn’t turned up yet.

A. having met B. meeting C. to meet D. to have met

2.(上海1999)The manager has ____to improve the working conditions in the company.

A. accepted B. allowed C. permitted D. agreed

7.get through to room112 接112房间

I can’t get through接不通

get through  the work 完成工作

the exams通过考试

the book看完这本书

go through浏览,翻阅

look through翻阅,看一遍

典题  John____the examination , which made his parents happy.

A. got through B. carried on C. stuck to D. kept on


注意:achieve表经过努力实现目标、取得胜利/成功等,后接much,a lot, a great deal, little, nothing, anything.表取得多少成就。

eg. ①He went back to London without having achieved any success.


②They have achieved a great deal in their work.他们工作很有成绩。

典题 The case of Professor Stephen Hawking is one example of the many disabled people____success in their chosen field of work.

A.have achieved B.have completed

C.who have achieved D.who have completely

9.focus v.聚集,对准,把…集中于


the focus of interest兴趣的中心


eg. ①She was the focus of everyone’s attention at the party.


② International attention has focused on the crisis.


③He focused the telescope on the moon.


④I focus the camera on her.我把照相机对准她。

⑤We must focus our attention on urgent problems.


⑥His eyes were focused on the girl.他的眼光集中在那女孩身上。

10.divide v 把…分成…,分割…,分配…,分切,分开

divide an apple in half/in two把苹果分成两半


divide n分水岭

eg①Let’s divide the cake into three.我将蛋糕分成3份吧。

②We divide a bag of cookies between/among us.


③She divided her spare time between reading books and walking.


④A low wall divides our garden from our neighbor’s .


⑤Eight divded by two is four. 8除以2等于4。

The Great Divide(落基山脉)大分水岭

11.ahead 在前;向前

ahead of 在…前;提前…

look straight ahead

(finish one’s homework)ahead of time

go ahead (with your plan)

go ahead用吧,干吧

典题 He is ___others in English.

A. ahead B. far ahead C. far ahead of D. ahead far

12.stop sb (from)doing sth阻止某人做某事

prevent sb (from)doing sth

keep sb. from doing sth

keep sb doing sth使某人一直做某事

eg①I only wanted to sleep to stop/prevent/keep myself from thinking.


②We’d better keep the fire burning.


典题 When asked why he was absent at yesterday’s meeting, he said he had been____coming by the storm.

A.stopped from B. prevented C. kept D. stopped

13.go without不吃/用,没有…而勉强对付

Eg. Sometimes they went for days without washing their faces.


典题 The climbers had to____hot food in the snowcovered mountain area for three days.

A. eat B.go without C.go with D.bring

14.a variety of +pl. 各种各样的


The variety of +pl. 作主语时,谓语动词用单数。

eg.①A variety of toys are on show in the shop.


② The variety of books he has is astonishing .


典题 There is____furniture in that old house ,which was built in the 17th century.

A.a variety of B. a large number of

C. large numbers of D.a lot of