人教版 高三非谓语动词复习要点


一、 不定式的用法小结:

1、 在句中所担当的句子成分:主语、表语、宾语(动词后的宾语和介词后的宾语)、定语、补语(尤其是不带to的动词原形)、状语

2、 不定式在句中担当各成分时的难点及重点


①在It is adj. for sb. to do sth. 和 It is adj. of sb. to do sth. 句型中。

在前一句型中形容词是表示事物特征的客观性形容词。如:difficult, hard, easy, necessary, rare, possible, important, dangerous 等。在后一句型中,形容词是表示人的品质特征的主观性形容词。如:kind, careful, nice, polite, honest, clever, foolish, wise, lazy等。常可以把这类句型进行改变,因为逻辑主语既是不定式的主语,又与句子的形容词存在着主表关系。

e.g. It is kind of you to come to see me = you are kind to come to see me.

②有三个形容词good, wrong, right 的逻辑主语既可以用of 又可以用for, 但表达的意义不同。

e.g. It is good for you to talk a walk after super. (good 为“对……有好处,益处”)

It is good of you to be always ready to help others. ( good 为“善心,好意)


① 只接不定式的动词:agree, fail, arrange, decide, hope, expect, refuse, manage, promise, pretend, wish, afford, attempt, plan 等。

② 不定式可用在介词but, except, besides, than之后做宾语。在but, except, besides 前有行为动词do时,跟不带to的动词不定式;无行为动词do时,带to的不定式,但在than之后的不定式常无to。

e.g. I have no choice but/except to accept the fact.

Little Tom had nothing to do except wander about in the street.

What do you like to do besides swim.

They thought that there was no way out than climb the cliff.


③ 不定式在下列动词后常作真正宾语:

make/find/feel/consider/think/believe +it +adj./n.+ to do sth.


① 名词受the last, the very, the only, 序数词或形容词的最高级修饰时, 一定用不定式做后置定语。 e.g. He is always the first person to come.

② 在名词之后做定语表动作时,用不定式。这些名词有:effort, failure, promise, desire, attempt 。

e.g. Please make an effort to arrive early.

They had little desire to get rich.

His failure to enter the college made him quite disappointed.

③ 不定式作定语用主动表被动的情况:


e.g. I have a lot of work to do./ I’ll give you something to read.

Ⅱ.在某些形容词之后的状语,又与主语是动宾关系,用不定式的主动表被动。这些形容词有:heavy, light, hard/difficult, easy, fit, convenient, comfortable, good, dangerous, safe.

e.g. The question is easy to answer.

The room is comfortable to live in.

Ⅲ. 在there be 句型中,不定式的主动和被动都可以,意义基本一致。

There is a lot of work to do/ to be done.

但:There is nothing to do. (译为:没事可做)

There is nothing to be done. (译为:没有办法)


① 跟不定式作宾补的动词:get, ask, tell, allow, permit, want, force, invite, persuade, advise, order, cause, encourage, forbid, wish, drive等。

② 不带to 的动词不定式作宾补的动词:五看两听一感觉,外加三个使役词。如:see, watch, observe, notice, look at, hear, listen to, feel, let, make, have。而help是可有可无to 的动词。

二、 动名词:

1、 在句中的作用:主语、表语、宾语、定语

2、 动名词在句中担当各成分时的难点及重点:


It’s no good/ no use doing sth..

There is no doing…. (……是不行的,做……是不可能的)

It’s worthwhile doing sth. (做……是值得的)

e.g. There is no joking about their belief. 拿他们的信仰来开玩笑是不行的。

It’s worthwhile taking the trouble to explain a job fully to new employees.



① 作介词的宾语

② 只接动名词作宾语的动词:enjoy, finish, mind, miss, suggest, advise, appreciate, avoid, imagine, admit, consider, delay, practise, forbid, deny, allow, permit, require, risk, excuse, prevent, complete, resist(抵抗)

③ 只接动名词的短语动词:give up, feel like, be worth, be/become/get used to, lead to, look forward to, object to, stick to, be fond of, pay attention to, be engaged in, put off, keep on, prevent/ keep/ stop…from, set about, can’t stand, get through(完成)等。

④ 在可省略的介词in 之后做宾语:

have difficulty/ trouble/ problem/ fun/ pleasure (in) doing sth.

have a good time/ a hard time (in) doing sth.

spend/waste time/ money (in) doing sth.

be busy (in) doing sth.

There is no use/ no harm/ no hurry/ no point (in) doing sth.

There is no harm in staying up a little later.


有时为了说明动名词的动作是由谁来执行的,通常用名词的所有格或形容词性的物主代词来做动名词的逻辑主语。在口语中,动名词复合结构的逻辑主语也可以用宾格或普通格来做。 如:

Their coming to help us was a great encouragement.

The mother’s worry is her son’s going to bed too late.

Do you mind me opening the door?


① 逻辑主语是无生命的名词时,如:Is there any hope of your team winning the game?

② 逻辑主语是不定代词,指示代词时,如:

Last night he was waked by someone knocking at the door.

③ 逻辑主语是两个或两个以上的单位时:

I still remember you and your father coming to see me many years ago.

三、 分词:




e.g. The film is interesting / moving.

He is well educated.

75% of the surface of the earth is covered with water.

使役动词所转变而成的形容词也常被认为是分词作表语。现在分词形式表某人或某物给别人的感觉;过去分词形式表说话者的主观感受。这些使役动词常有:interest, surprise, frighten, excite, astonish, bore, tire, annoy, encourage, discourage, satisfy, disappoint, inspire, move, please, confuse, amuse, shock, worry, puzzle等。


⑴ 动词的现在分词在句中作前置定语,都表示动作的进行及主动,现在分词短语作后置定语,相当于一个主动的定语从句。如:

a sleeping boy / the changing world / the rising sun

The teacher talking with the students will give us a report.

Most of the assistants working in this shop are young people.


a cleaning woman ( 一位女清洁工)

a woman cleaning (一位正在打扫的妇女)

a dancing girl 一位舞女(永久性)

a girl dancing 一位正在跳舞的女孩 (暂时性)


vi. a returned soldier/ retired teachers/ the risen sun/ a sunken ship

vt. the murdered man/ a finished article/ the stolen bike.


He is the man loved by all.

Your letter dated March 10 has been received.



⑴现在分词通常在句中做以下动词的宾补,表主动及动作的正在进行或持续。如:see, watch, observe, notice, look at, hear, listen to, feel, find, want, catch, smell及这些有“使……”的词,send, leave, set, get, keep, have 等。

e.g. I could smell trouble / danger coming./ His words set me thinking.

He left me lying there alone. / The earthquake sent the glass flying everywhere.

I don’t want people coming in and out all day. ( want一般用于否定句中)

⑵过去分词通常在句中做以下动词的宾补,表被动。如:see, watch, observe, hear, listen to, look at, notice, feel, find, make, have, want, leave, get, wish等。

e.g. I want that letter typed by tomorrow.

I must get the work finished before Sunday.

Who left the door unlocked?

注意:现在分词的完成式和完成被动式及being done结构不在句中作宾补。



The weather being fine, we decided to go for an outing.

`Winter coming, the mountain is covered by snow.

There being no bus, we had to go home on foot.

The telephone number given, we called him at once.

Everything considered, the plan is practical.

⑵现在分词在句中作状语,表主动;过去分词表被动。being done 结构通常不在句中作状语。



e.g.. Having a written examination, I am forced to study hard.

The visiting Minister expressed his satisfaction with the talks, adding that he had enjoyed his stay here.

Seen from a spaceship, the earth looks just like a big blue water ball.

Not having seen her for years, we could hardly recognize her.

Having been hit by the big boy on the nose, the little boy began to cry.

⑸分词的独立形式,即分词作状语,没有逻辑主语,而是修饰整个句子。如:generally/ frankly/strictly/ honestly speaking, judging from/by, compared to/with.

e.g. Generally speaking, he is fit for the position.

Judging from his accent, he is from the south.

Compared with other companies, our staff turnover(人员流动率) is low.

四、 不定式、动名词和分词用法的比较:

1、 不定式与动名词作主语的区别:



e.g. To do this work is very difficult./ Teaching English is my job.

To see is to believe. / Seeing is believing.(这两个句子的主表位置不能交换)

2、 不定式与动名词作宾语的区别:

⑴ like/ love/ continue/ begin/ start 后接to do 和 doing的区别不大,但在以下几种情况时多用不定式(to do ).

① would like / would love + to do sth.

② start/ begin 的主语为it 或物质名词时,用不定式。

e.g. It began to rain./ The ice began to melt.

③ start/ begin 本身为进行时, 用不定式。

e.g.. I’m beginning to talk about it.

④ 当start/ begin后接某些表感觉或心理活动的动词时,用不定式。如:understand, see, realize, feel, find, know,believe等。

e.g. I began to understand the meaning which begins to be clear.

⑵有一些动词接to do 与doing 有明显的区别。

to do 要去做的事

forget/ remember 忘记/记住

doing 已做了的事

to do 遗憾未做的事 to do 设法去做,努力地去做

regret try

doing 后悔做了的事 doing 试着做

to do 打算去做 to do 学会做(已会做)

mean learn

doing工意味着 doing 学习做(不一定会)

to do 继续做另一件事 to do 不能帮助去做

go on can’t help

doing 继续做同一件事 doing禁不住,忍不住做

to do sth. 害怕而不敢做

be afraid

of doing sth. 担心……,害怕做……

to do 停下来做另一事 to do 离开去做另一件事

stop leave off

doing 停止正在做的事 doing 停止正在做的事

to do

need/want/ deserve 需要/ 值得去做

require/ be worth +doing (主动表被动)


⑴ 不定式与动名词在句中作表语的异同。

不定式与动名词作表语都是为了说明主语的内容。它们作表语时,都能与主语换位,其逻辑意义不变。但不定式侧重表示具体的动作或表未发生的动作,动名词则表习惯性、经常性动作。回答 what的提问。

e.g. Our plan is to train the students’ speaking ability.

His wish is to become a famous teacher.

Its full-time job is laying eggs.

⑵现在分词作表语表主语的性质、特征。回答how 的问题;过去分词表状态或已完成动作的状态。

e.g. The problem is puzzling./ The joke is amusing.

The sun is set in the west./ Her necklace was gone.



e.g. Do you have anything to do tonight? 你今晚有什么事要做吗?

I am going to Shanghai tomorrow. Do you have anything to be taken there? 明天我要去上海。你有什么东西要捎去的吗?

I have no pen to write with.我没有钢笔写字。

Please tell me the subjects to be discussed at the next meeting.

Have you read any short stories written by Luxun?

The professor being talked will come here tomorrow.



a sleeping boy = a boy who is sleeping

a sleeping car = a car for sleeping

a dancing girl = a girl who is dancing

a dancing hall = a hall for dancing

⑶既能用不定式又能用of +动名词来修饰的名词:

of + doing


to do

e.g I have no chance of speaking to him/ to speak to him.


现在分词作宾补:宾语和补语之间是主谓关系。其动作正在进行或持续也可使动作具有描写色彩。过去分词作宾补:宾语和补语之间是被动的关系。不定式作宾补: 表一个已完成的动作的全过程或一次性动作也可表事实。

e.g: I saw him open the window. /I saw him opening the window. / I saw the window opened.

I heard the song sung in English. / I heard her sing the song in English.

We saw the sun rise./ We saw the sun rising behind the trees.




e.g. We laughed to see the new book.

We are proud to be young people of New China.

She look happy to hear the good news.

Being ill, he was unable to go to school.

Not knowing her address, we couldn′t find her.

Having seen the film before, I didn′t go to see it last week.



e.g. He lifted a rock only to drop it on his own feet.

He arrived at the station to be told the train had gone.

Tom fell from a tree, breaking his arm.

They open the fire , killing one of our villages.


五、 动名词、现在分词和进行时的区别:


e.g. His purpose is serving the people.= Serving the people is his purpose.

He is serving the people.

“The Internationale”(国际歌) is inspiring.

“The Internationale” is inspiring the workers of the whole world.

六、 过去分词与被动语态的区别:


e.g.. The window was broken by his brother. (被动语态)

The window was broken. (系表关系)

He is well educated. (系表关系)

He has been educated in this college for three years. (被动语态)