高一上Unit 7 Cultural relics 复习教案



Period 1 Listening and speaking

Teaching aims:

1. To train the Ss’ listening ability.

2. To improve the Ss’ speaking ability.

3. To know something about some famous places.

4. To talk about the ways of how to protect cultural relics.

Important points:

Learn to talk about cultural relics

Difficult point: How to improve the Ss’ listening ability

Teaching methods:

1. Listening and answering activity to help the Ss get the meaning of the listening.

2. Pair work to practice speaking.

Teaching aids : Computer & recorder

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Revision

Students’ activities Teacher’s activities

Do the revision together with the teacher 1. Using pictures to revise

2. Revise the words

Step 2 Lead in

Discuss about the pictures

Show some pictures to lead in the text

Step 3 Listening1.

1. Listen to the tape

2. Do the exercises Help the Ss to do the exercises

Step 4 Retelling

1. Using the information to form a text

2. Do the retelling.1. Do an example for the Ss

Help the Ss to do the retelling

Step 5 Speaking

1. Talk about the pictures Show some pictures on the screen

2. Prpare the dialogue

3.Show their dialogues1.

Help the Ss to talk about them

Step 6 Summary

1. Look at the screen.

2. Recall the main points. 1.Summarize the main points

2. Summarize the grammar

Step 7 Homework1.

Find more information about the topic

3. Prepare the reading text

4. Show the homework

Period 2 Reading

Teaching Aims:

1. To master the key phrases and sentences.

2. To experience the civilization of human beings.

3. To improve their awareness of protecting cultural relics.

4. To train the Ss the ability of watching carefully and effective learning during reading.

Teaching Difficulties:

1. To grasp the main idea of the passage

2. Find out the topic sentence of each paragraph.

Teaching Focus:

1. Some useful expressions about cultural relics.

2. Some important sentences in the unit.

Teaching Time: one period

Teaching methods: By discussing, watching, discussing , pair work and group work.

Teaching Aids: Common aids

Teaching steps:

Step 1 Revision

Dictate the following sentences.

1. Complete the map of each site based on what you hear on the tape.

2. It will be sent into space so that anyone who finds it will understand who we are.

3. Where there is a will, there is a way.

4. It was under attack for 900 days, but the people of the city never gave in.

5. Restoring the city seemed impossible, but the people would not gave up. We will do everything we can to make our city beautiful.

6. After years of hard work, modern Chinese artists have successfully brought the palace back to life.

7. Strong, proud and united, the people of St. Petersburg are the modern heroes of Russia.

8. I think one way to solve the problem is to put glass walls in front of the paintings.

9. The Aswan High Dam controls the waters of the Nile so that they now run regularly all through the year.

10. As a result of the dam, the water level of the lake was going to rise by 63 metres.

11. Today you can either fly to Abu Simbel or you can take a boat from across the lake.

Step 2 Reading 1

1. Ask the Ss some questions based on the text one.


What makes a great city?

A great city has a long history.

A great city is usually the capital of a country and has a large population.

A great city will produce many great people.

A city will become great if something important one took place there.

A great city will produce many great people.

Question2: What are cultural relics?

They tell us our ancestors were and what their life was like.

Show the development of human civilization.

Help us better understand who we are and where we are from.

Ask the Ss to do exercises on page 46.

Deal with some language points.

Step 3 Reading 2

Ask the Ss to read text 2, answer some questions

Q1: where do you live?

Q2: What worried you most? How do you feel about it?

Q3: Does the pollution come from cars or factories?

Q4: What’s the best solution do you think to solve the problem?

Step 4 Reading 3

(Since all the Ss have learned the text before. Allow them some time to go over it, ask the teacher some questions if they have any.)(Omitted)


Finish off the workbook.

Try to recite on e of the reading passage.


the Germans---under attack---never gave in ---almost in ruins

300 hundred years

Peter the Great

Near the Neva River

Seemed impossible

Used old paintings and old pictures

Make something impossible possible

Rebuild the city without destroying its beauty

Hard work/patience/devotion/love for their country

Design on the Bb:

The building of the city

The destroy of the city

The restoring of the city

The heroes of the city