高一第十单元The world around us要点综述


Unit 10 The World Around Us

I.Teaching aims and demands


1>Talk about ways to protect the environment

2>Talk about wildlife endangerment

3>Talk about causes and effects


原因和结果(Causes and effects)

Why...? Because/As/Since...

Because of...,I... If...,then...

As a result of... It follows that...

It will use... It will lead to...





in danger;die out;as a result of;lead to;take measures;adapt to;

make a difference;devote...to;at present;set free;in the wild;throw away


Review Direct and Indirect Speech

1.Reporting statements

2.Reporting yes-no questions

3.Reporting wh-questions

4.Reporting commands and requests

5.Reporting general truth

II.Key points

1.listening and speaking

1>When farmers cut down trees,tigers no longer hide and hunt.

no longer

[用法]不再,可与not...any longer换用.

[举例]She no longer feels afraid.

He s no longer at school.

No longer are they staying with us.


2>There are few areas left where pandas can live.




1.leave sb to do 让某人去做某事

2.leave sb doing 使某人处于某种状态

3.leave the window open 让窗户开着

3>Many of the world s animals and plants are in danger.

in danger



[举例]Get an ambulance---her life is in danger.

The fire is dangerous to us as it is so near.

4>Why is it so important to make sure that animals do not die out?

die out


[联想]die away 逐渐消失;逐渐停止

[举例]The sound of conversation died away as soon as the curtain rose.


In the struggle for life,the species,which had not been successful,died out.


5>Work together with your partner and try to think of some solutions to the problems.

together with

[用法]意同as well as;along with


6>It will lead to...

lead to


[举例]The development of national economy has led to a life of happiness.


Careless driving will lead to the loss of life.


7>Student A will act as the reporter and Student B will act as the animal.

act as


[比较]act vt. 扮演...角色; vi. 行动;做事;表演

8>Take turns asking and answering questions.

Take turns (in) doing


[联想]take one s turn 依次轮流

by turns 交替;轮流

[举例]1.When people are waiting for the bus,he takes his turn.

2.The two boys took turns in driving to the faraway village.

3.She was happy and angry by turns.


1>Jones is an environmental expert who tries to keep animals and plants from becoming endangered.

keep...from doing


[联想]stop...from doing; prevent...from doing 意思基本相同

2>We human beings could not survive without all plants and animals around us.


[用法]本句为虚拟语气用法,could表示反现实的含义.without短语相当于一个隐藏的条件:if there were no plants and animals around us.

[举例]If you needed assistance,I could do something.


In the USA,for example,75% of the grains is used to feed animals.This grain could be used to feed humans,rather than animals.

3>He takes us on a tour of Green Park in Birmingham.


[用法]n. 1. 旅行,旅游,游览 2. 巡视;巡回演出;巡回比赛

[举例]Mr. Adams made a tour around East Asia last year.


Their troupe is on tour in the South.


4>We must learn to act in ways that do not harm other living things.

that do not harm other living things


[比较]I don t like the way that you laugh at her.

本句中way在定语从句中做状语,关系词用that或in which或省略.

[举例]1.I was impressed by the way in which she did it.

5>...,we may be able to take measures before it is too late.

take measures


[举例]Measures must be taken to fulfil the task in time.

6>A species can become endangered for different reasons.


[用法]n. 种类;【生】种;人类[the S]


[举例]There are many species of chrysanthemum.


7>They are all used to their environment;that is,they have learnt how to live successfully in their habitat.

that is


[举例]John is a New Yorker;that is,he lives in New York.

8>...,the animal or plant has to adapt to the change or find a new home.


[用法]vt.1. 使适应,使适合 2. 改编,改写 vi. 适应[(+to)]

[举例]He tried hard to adapt himself to the new conditions.


10>The good news is that there is a lot we can do to help.

that there is a lot we can do to help


[举例]The trouble is that we don t have the computer.

11>Even small things can make a big difference.

make a difference


[联想]make no difference 无甚差别;不要紧

[举例]Your good score on the coming test will make the difference between your passing or failing the course.

12>Professor Stevenson,who has devoted himself to protecting the milu deer,gave a talk to Chinese college students.

devoted ... to ...


[举例]We must devote every effort to helping those homeless children.

Einstein devoted himself to abstract research.

13>How many centers are there at present for the milu deer in China?

at present


[联想]present的其他用法: n.礼物 a.在场的;出席的;现在的 vt.赠送,给予

presently adv. 一会儿;不久

[举例]You may still keep the book for another week because I am very busy at present.

What he said made all the people present at the meeting moved a great deal.

Don t worry.The doctor will come to see you presently.

3.integrating skills

1>Without air,water and sunlight there would be no living things.

there would be

[用法]would仍是虚拟语气用法,全句意为 (假如)没有空气,水和阳光,就不会有生命. (而实际上,现在不可能没有空气,水和阳光)

[举例]If I were you,I would take his advice.


2>Human beings often throw away things they have used only once.

throw away


[举例]I never had the habit of saving the match boxes.I just threw them away.

[联想]throw off 扔掉;摆脱;匆匆脱掉(衣服)

[举例]I wanted very much to throw off my old clothes so I went into a tailor s shop.

3>In fact,nature is much better at recycling than we humans are.

is much better at

[用法]可理解为be good at的比较级形式

4>May be we should learn from nature and become better recyclers.

learn from


[举例]We should learn from the advanced workers.


Why don t you learn from my mistakes?


5>We can respond by thinking about nature and telling other people about environmental problems.


[用法]vi. 1. 作答,回答[+to] 2. 作出反应;响应[+to/by/with]

[举例]Has she responded to your letter?


The government has responded to pressure and dropped the proposal.


6>A poster should be attractive and easy to understand.

easy to understand


[举例]Jack is easy to fool.

He is difficult to deal with.

The man is hard to work with.


1>Try to persuade the other group members that you are the most useful animal.


[用法]persuade sb that/to do/into doing 意为说服+成功;

而try to persuade意为 试图说服,但不一定成功 ,相当于advise

2>They have spent a large amount of money protecting wild animals.

a large amount of

[用法]同large amounts of,后接不可数名词,做主语时谓语动词的数取决于amount的数

[举例]The number of letters we receive is increasing.

I have a large number of books on the subject.

We must often memorize large amounts of material.

3>Up to a hundred species become extinct every day.

Up to

[用法]此处意为 高达...

[联想]What are you up to? 你在忙些什么?

It s up to you!(由你做主)

I m up to my ears[忙得不可开交;深陷于某事物中] in work.(我忙死了)


[用法]a.1. (火等)熄灭了的 2. 消亡了的;破灭了的 3. 绝种的,灭绝的

[举例]The volcano is extinct.


My hope of getting some employment was extinct.


The passenger pigeon is extinct.


4>The Malayan sun bear is among the animals that need our help.



[举例]A giraffe is the tallest among (or of) all animals.

5>The bears can t find enough food,so they have to go look for food on farms.

go look for


[举例]Let s go look for some food. 让我们去找点吃的.

6>There are also people who like to keep Malayan sun bearts as pets.

keep ... as ...


[联想]keep…as it is按原样保留

[举例] The experts suggested we keep the ancient house as it is.

7>Now that the basic conditions are set,it is time to think how your world will work .

Now that


[举例]Now (that) you are well again,you can travel.