高一第七单元Cultural relics要点综述


Unit 7 Cutural Relics

I.Teaching aims and demands


1>Talk about cultural relics

2>talk about ways to protect cultural relics

3>giving advice and make suggestions


提出意见和建议(Giving adcice and making suggestions)

What shall we...? Maybe we could...?

Shall we...? I d like to...

Can t we...? What/How about...?

Should we...? Why don t you...?

Let s... Why not...?





give in;in ruins;bring...back to life;pull down;set up




II.Key points

1.listening and speaking

1>Complete the map of each site based on what you hear on the tape.



[举例]Darwin ~d his ideas on scientific experiments.

The teaching plan is ~d on the interests of the students.

2>This compsule will be sent into space.


[用法]作 太空 讲,通常没有冠词

[举例]I wonder how astronauts live in space.

3>You can select five things that represent Chinese culture.


[用法]vt 代表

[举例]The Party must always represent the requirements of the development of China s advanced productive forces, the orientation of the development of China s advanced culture, and the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people in China

4>You may also include a short message in any language in the capsule.


[用法]vt 包括;把...列入

[举例]Your name is ~d in the list.

The price ~s three meals.


1>Where there is a river,there is a city.



[举例]有志者事竟成. Where there is a will,there is a way.

2>St. Petersburg has been the centre of many important events in history.

in history


[举例]At that time he was a great general fighting against the invaders.

But all this is distant ~.

Jack knows a lot about the ~ of China.

3>It may under attack for 900 days,but the people in the city never give in.


[用法]vt/vi/n. 进攻;攻击

[举例]How dared Charles Darwin ~ beliefs and ideas which had been held for centuries?

give in


[举例]Please give in your exercise books tomorrow.

Both sides argued with reason,and neither would give in.

4>St. Petersburg was almost in ruins.

in ruins




[举例]We visited the ruins of the temple.

The heavy rain ruined our holiday.

5>Paintings and statues lay in pieces on the ground.




[联想]lie 撒谎;过去式,过去分词为lied;lied

lay 摆放;产卵;下蛋;过去式.过去分词为laid;laid

6>We ll not let our history and culture be destroyed and

we ll do everything we can to save our city.

do everything we can to save


[联想]do all I can to do

7>Pieces of the palaces could now be used to rebuild the city and its culture.

a second serving


[举例]I need a second day to finish my work.

He has already tried for three times, and he still wants to try a fourth.

8>The people were able to bring back the beauty of their culture and history.

bring back


[举例]The dress I bought here the other daydoesn t fit. May I bring it back tomorrow?

Wei Mingzhi determined to bring back the boy who had run away from school.

10>Old paitings,including a portrait of Peter the Great which was found in the snow.

a portrait of Peter


[比较]a picture of Peter s 彼得的一幅照片(不一定是他本人)

11>The people have shown that their dreams can come true.

come true


12>Strong,proud and united,the people of St Petersberg are the modern heroes of Russia.

Strong,proud and united


[举例]Confident,selfless and honest,she is my good role model.


3.integrating skills

1>To make your voice heard,you can write a letter to a newspaper aditor.

make your voice heard


[举例]Please speak slowly so that you can make yourself understood.

Wandering in the street,I heard my name called.

2>The number of visitors should be limited.


[用法]n./vt. 范围;限定;限制

[举例]I have resched the ~ of my ability.

There is a ~ to my patience.

He will ~ himself to a discussion of these two things.


1>Why was it difficult to find out how people lived in the ancient times?

in the ancient times



[举例]The times are different now.Women can also do what men can do.

2>Listen and write down the reasons they give for protecting the temple.

they give for protecting the temple

[用法]此为定语从句修饰the reasons,因关系词在从句中做宾语,故省略了.

3>Long ago some travellers went to North America and then settled down there.

settle down


[举例]The chairman tries to settle down the audience by reading the newspaper.

At present he cannot settle down to anything.

4>In China 700 million yuan has been spent on the protection of cultural relics since 1990.

700 million yuan


the protection of cultural relics


since 1990

[用法]since;ever since;since...等做时间状语,(主)句常用完成时态.

[举例]He has been to many other countries since he became a pilot.

5>As the result of the dam,the water level was going to rise by 63 metres.

rise by 63 metres

[用法]by 至...程度

[举例]The bullet missed him by two inches.

It needs to be longer by two feet.

6>The old temples date from about 1250 BC.

date from


[举例]Their friendship dates from primary school days.

7>Many of the temples would be covered by the waters of the new lake.



8>The project lasted four years.


[用法]vi 持续 vt 经受住

[举例]How long will the meeting ~ ?

The food in the canoe was enough to ~ him a week.

9>Each stone was marked with a number.

be marked with


[举例]The old man brought out a package marked with name and date.

10>Today you can either fly to Abu Simbel or you can take a boat from across the lake.

from across the lake


[举例]from under the table

11>What do we need to think about when we make decisions about cultural relics?

make decisions about


12>Make sure that you explain what the problem is...

make sure


[举例]Make sure that the windows are closed before you leave.

Before writing your report,you d better make sure of all your facts.